Transformed into a girl: a song that made the whole network burst into tears

Chapter 697 Can You Tell Me About Your Storyline And Melody Concept?

Zhang is expected to stare out the window for a moment.

"I used to think I knew a lot about music, but when I heard you play I realized there were so many different possibilities."

He Yu took a sip of tea.

"Music has no boundaries and can be expressed in various ways.

"As long as you can create with your heart and convey your emotions, you can touch people's hearts."

Their eyes met, and each saw the spark of passion in the other's eyes.

This tacit cooperation made the two people infected with each other, and each other's musical paths seemed to have found a clearer direction at this moment.

“Would you be interested in collaborating with me on a new song or album?”

Zhang You asked.

She flipped through each page intently, pausing from time to time to think and record some inspiration.

"Thank you for your suggestion, I think this will bring more layers to my work.".

"Miss, do you need something to drink?"

She described a story about love and persistence, showing people's yearning and efforts for a better future in the rhythm of music.

From time to time, she raised her head and looked at the customers and waiters around her.

"Of course!"

"sounds good!"

An older writer approached He Yu and said with a smile.

He Yu nodded.

the waiter asked with slight curiosity.

“I just need a cup of tea and a quiet environment to think about my music making.”

“I’d love to hear what you create.

"Thank you for your concern."

"What are you creating?"

He Yu immediately became excited and passionately shared his creative ideas with the waiter.

The waiter's eyes flashed and he said enthusiastically. (bjdj)

"Still need help with anything?"

He Yu was sitting in a corner of Mingyue Tea House, and the sunlight shone on her through the window, making her look even more brilliant and charming.

“I wanted to convey a sense of power and emotion through this song.”

"Can you tell me a little bit about your storyline and melody ideas?"

They inspired each other and decided to blend their independent and unique styles to create a wonderful and unforgettable musical journey.

Writers and scholars surrounded her, some observed quietly, and some stopped to communicate with her.

"Miss, I noticed that you have been studying these books very intently."

A waiter came over and asked with a smile.

After the waiter listened carefully, he smiled and nodded in appreciation. In the quiet of Jiangnan City's quiet library, He Yu immersed himself in a large number of books on drama, music and literature.

They began to discuss possible future cooperation plans and share each other's views on music, art, and life philosophy.

They have their own unique insights into the construction of characters and plots in He Yu's musicals.

She focused on flipping through the scripts and melody manuscripts she had prepared in her hand, thinking about how to make her music richer and more deeply rooted in people's hearts.

She hopes to hear more opinions and suggestions on the script concept and melody.

“Perhaps you can learn from the character development and plotting methods of classic plays and incorporate them into your musical.”

There is a cup of fragrant tea on the table not far away, exuding an alluring aroma.

He Yu closed the script and said with some anticipation.

He Yu blinked.

“I was trying to create a song that was a blend of storyline and melody.

He Yu turned his head and thought for a moment before nodding.

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