Transformed Into a Wild Female Anchor

Chapter 1529

Chapter 1520 Learn to ride a motorcycle in an instant


A man in military uniform with fierce eyes shining fiercely rushed toward the young girl in the road.

Under normal circumstances, a young girl is attacked by a strong red-eyed person, or attacked by a red-eyed person with certain military skills. Death or obedient **** is the only ending for her.

But this seemingly weak girl is completely different.

“Go to hell!”

The girl’s long legs kicked fiercely, and the red-eyed man in the military uniform who charged up, kicked his chin directly by the iron-clad jungle boots, the whole head was shocked, and the rain splashed out for half a day.


As the red-eyed man fell softly to the ground, he also overwhelmed the motorcycle on the side of the road.

“Unexpectedly, these red-eyed people who crashed and left behind became obstacles to me! I was mad at me!”

The girl’s face was ugly, and her breath was panting.

If someone could watch from a high altitude, they would be surprised to find that within a long distance of this road, at least five or six red-eyed soldiers were killed by her like this.

This long-legged girl is naturally Jia Long who hurried back.

It is almost impossible to catch up with the extremely fast motorcycle team with human power. What is even more uncomfortable is that when Jia Long is moving to switch the Valkyrie, speed up, and help one idea, the roadside actually There has been an enemy sneak attack!

It should not be said to be a sneak attack.

Because these are all the red-eyed soldiers who fell on the side of the road because of the slippery road in the fast-moving motorcycle squad.

Don’t look at them as they fell, but their combat effectiveness was still good. Two of them even knew that they would find a cover and shoot at the first time.

Jia Long fell into a passive state for an instant.

Switching to the Valkyrie seems too abrupt, and if they delay the time, the Valkyrie mode may not be able to catch up.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also filled with countless sighs.

Netizens are also depressed for Jia Long.

That team of motorcycles probably went to the depths of the dense forest near the Xiri Mountain Range.

Although I don’t know whether the target is that small village, since it is found that there are ordinary people there, whether they will do anything is unknown.

Jia Long just wanted to intercept them, but the problem was she was too late!

It is difficult for ordinary people to ride a motorcycle quickly in this slippery mountain road with heavy rain.

The red-eyed people are different. They don’t care about their own safety. They have to rush to more than 60 kilometers per hour to die. Although there are members who fall on the side of the road along the way, they will restart the car as long as there is no dead or the vehicle can’t move. Catch up with the big forces.

This is difficult to track down.


Another red-eyed man rushed up from the grass on the side of the road, roaring and charging towards Jia Long.


Jia Long finally couldn’t help it. He pulled out the silk-filled pistol, aimed at the red-eyed soldier man, and hit his forehead with a punch.

“Huh…there is no way. I can’t just keep slowly using my fists to solve the fight in order not to make a fuss. This is too slow. Or should I say that the gunshots can attract them back again, which is what I hope to see. thing.”

Jia Long breathed out gently, then filled the pistol with the tie silk, and retracted her waist again.

She hesitated, looked at the red-eyed soldier, slipped down the motorcycle in the grass on the side of the road, and finally stepped forward.

“I can’t catch up with them on foot, I can only learn to chase them on a motorcycle…”


After putting down his heavy backpack on the roadside, Jia Long used brute force to support the motorcycle from the ground.

“It’s so heavy. Are motorcycles so heavy? Then how can they maintain balance…”

The girl swallowed, especially when she remembered that the red-eyed soldier who had slipped in front of her eyes just now had a large blood on her head. If you change it to herself…

It hurts to think about it!

Of course these are not the key points. If she can catch up and fall down once or twice, she doesn’t care.

The key problem is that she can’t ride a motorcycle at all!

Haven’t bought this skill or touched a motorcycle, is it too late to catch a duck on the shelf?


After Jia Long picked up the motorcycle, he also picked up the dirty safety helmet at his feet. Regardless of the stench of red-eyed people inside, he buttoned it on his head.

“Maomao, you are here waiting for Dad, and Dad will go back as soon as he goes.”

“Big, Maomao go too!”

Reluctant to give up.

“You can’t go. Dad can’t ride it himself, so I definitely can’t ride with you.”

Jia Long barely said that they would be miserable if they fell together.

Maomao is still sensible, knowing that he can’t play a child’s temper with this kind of knotty eyes. He just snorted and climbed to the side of the road to turn his back to Jia Long, expressing that he was angry.

“Maomao, dad can be telepathic with you. If you have nothing to do here, wash your body in the rain, and then dad will come back. But if you don’t do it, dad won’t come back, you know?”

“Um…Mao Mao Dan Jing, rake Hui Nai…”

Maomao said, almost crying out loud.

It also thought that Jia Long was telling the truth, and his whole body trembled with fright.


Jia Long sighed, but said nothing.

The situation is too urgent, so comfort Maomao and wait until the problem is solved.

Sorry to Mao Mao from the bottom of my heart, Jia Long stepped onto the heavy men’s motorcycle.

“I remember the last time I carefully observed how pedestrians on the side of the road ride motorcycles, first…press the electric start button…wow!!”

Jia Long just pressed the electric start button, only to feel that the whole motorcycle rushed forward!

It turned out that when the red-eyed soldier fell, the car was in gear. After the flame was turned off, the ignition was still in gear. If the clutch and the accelerator were squeezed indiscriminately, they immediately rushed out without discussing it.

Jia Long is in this way, the electronic ignition is on, the clutch is directly released, and the throttle is kept by her as soon as she gets in the car. Who is not rushing?

Boom boom boom –

Maomao saw that her own rake swept forward, and the wheels slid up and down on the muddy ground. However, she has super reaction ability and balance ability, and she really won’t fall when twisted and twisted.

“Wow! Maomao, Maomao obediently wait… Dad, Dad will be back soon—”

Having said the above, the twisting motorcycle made a turn and ran out of sight.


Five or six seconds later, the UAV was just like an afterthought, and then turned around the bend, and was thrown off by Jia Long for a long way.

“Huh, where’s the rake, there’s a rake for Maomaomi, Maomao is crying! Aw, oh…”

Maomao glanced at the direction where Jia Long disappeared instantly, squatting down on the side of the road, and the more he thought about it, the more sad he became, and he burst into tears.

Little Bear is a child, and only Jia Long is in his world. No matter what the situation is, he only knows that he has been abandoned by his father and is very sad.

“Ah, don’t fall!”

On this end, Jia Long, relying on his earth-shattering reflexes and terrifying balance ability, was glaring and full of anger along the way, and the whole person was gnawing his teeth and concentrating on driving the motorcycle.

The car had been skidding on the muddy road, her hand holding the accelerator turned blue and white, but she didn’t know how to loosen the oil.




Twisting here, slippery there, the horrible thing is that I didn’t fall.

After all, Jia Long can ride bicycles, motorcycles, and people who can ride bicycles. At least, they can grasp the sense of balance.

In fact, when she really rides a motorcycle, she finds that the control of the motorcycle is much easier than she imagined. The focus is on avoiding risks and balancing the ability to grasp. Of course, adding and subtracting gears and fueling are the key, but now she still Did not comprehend.

“Hahaha, I can ride a motorcycle! What a refreshing feeling!”

After an instant, the girl fell in love with this sense of speed in the wind.

This is completely different from the feeling of driving a car.

The drone followed the girl and shot forward. Jia Long quickly tried to hold the accelerator in his hand and tried to find the key to increase or decrease the fuel. After that, he tried to get the clutch tight. And the way of semi-clutch riding.

“Puff ha ha ha, I’m really good, and riding a motorcycle is even more fun than driving!”

She was happy. After all, girls are different from other people. The safety problem of riding a motorcycle is almost overcome here, so the riding experience comes up.

With the accelerator, it is much faster than a car on this kind of mountain road, and it is small and flexible. Motorcycles can rush in many places where vehicles can’t get in.

For a while, Jia Long, who was caught in the joy of riding, didn’t pay attention to Xiao Maomao’s sadness at all.

In fact, it proved that Jia Long’s talent for transportation is still excellent.

Just like when she was learning to drive, although she had driving skills, she still learned a variety of driving points on her own. Although there is no special skills in motorcycle driving now, after mastering the driving method in a superficial way, a kind of well-conceived control ability emerged in Jia Long’s heart. She is directly on this rugged and difficult, wet and slippery mountain road in rainy days. , The speed has been increased to more than 70 kilometers per hour!

“I want to catch up with them quickly!”

In order to reduce wind resistance, the girl hung her head down, her curvy figure, like an S-line, crawling on the car body, with wet hair flowing behind her, she felt like a handsome female rider.

In the whole live broadcast room, because of Jia Long’s behavior and instant grasp of the essence of riding, he expressed amazement and praise.


“Cow breaking! This is called a genius.”

“I might have ridden a fake bike. I haven’t gotten a license for ten years than Xiao Menglong can ride in one minute.”

“Oh my God, is she really learning motorcycles for the first time? Why do I feel so fake?”

“Hahaha, Longye is awesome 666!”

“You must not be the female driver I know!”

“So handsome, this hair rippling in the wind, this curve…tsk.”

“I don’t believe she is a novice, this posture is too beautiful, she is slobbering.”

“Longye, a true man of iron-blooded man, Xin Longye learns to ride a motorcycle in one minute!”

The barrage was praised like crazy, but Jia Long concentrated on riding the bike, not paying attention at all.

She called forcing her to go to Liangshan. If it weren’t for the purpose of going to the small village to see the situation, she wouldn’t force herself to get on the red-eye rider’s motorcycle.


Jia Long quickly rushed to the side of a red-eyed soldier who was riding a car and fell down on the side of the road.

She didn’t care about the opponent at all, hitting the accelerator, the motorcycle with an estimated displacement of 200 cc under her feet, speeding up in an instant, leaped over the road where the red-eyed man was.

Only gunshots rang out behind him, making Jia Long shrunk his neck in fright.

Fortunately, although the red-eyed man’s marksmanship is accurate, the ordinary red-eyed soldier can’t hit the motorcycle in the speed of the speed.

Less than a hundred meters away, she went around a small mountain road again, and the muzzle of the red-eyed man behind her could no longer threaten her.

In fact, during the journey, Jia Long seemed to remember some important key points that he had forgotten.

But those were just flashing thoughts. Soon these thoughts were caused by the thrill of the motorcycle almost slipping, or crushing a small stone, or a red-eyed soldier in the grass rushed out and broke it up.

Until Jia Long felt that the mountain road had become more difficult, and it was all uphill, she understood that she had entered the last difficult zone.

In fact, thinking about it made her amazed herself. After a while, she actually rode a motorcycle and walked out of the road for more than half an hour. It seems that motorcycle riding can also be on the agenda.


A puddle on the ground was crushed by motorcycle tires.

But the puddle caused the tire to be slippery. It happened that there was a big rock with moss in front of it.


At this moment, no matter how hard Jia Long used and balance skills, he was unable to recover.

I saw the handsome **** the men’s motorcycle, and the man rolled off the motorcycle.

She hugged her small head in mid-air and tried to make herself fall in a position that was not injured. Then she felt her body shook violently, and then heard a sound of rustling grass and trees, she actually rolled to the depths of the grass.

The motorcycle also flew into the mountains and forests, overwhelming a few small trees, the front of the car was deformed, and the fuel tank was broken. It was obviously impossible to drive anymore.

“It hurts! It hurts me!”

On the bottom screen of the drone, a lot of worrying barrage appeared in an instant. Fortunately, the girl struggled to get up from the grass and panted with a blushing face, less than ten seconds later.

Of course, there are also a lot of barrage, saying, “The female driver is showing her stuff,” this kind of irritating rhetoric.

Jia Long didn’t care what they said.

All she knows is that falling down on a motorcycle is really scary.

And it’s super dangerous.

She pulled off the sleeves of the poncho and looked at her elbow, only to see a blood stain on it.

The blood gurgled down.

“Woo, it hurts me so much, the car is gone, alas.”

Under all eyes, Jia Long untied the gauze that was still wrapping his head and wrapped it around his arm.

What is even more puzzling is that her forehead, which she claimed to be ‘wounded’ at Xilifeng, was wrapped in gauze for several days in front of the camera. It was as clean as a mirror, white and tender enough to be touched.

What about the injury? Where is the wound?

“Uh… Did you mean the wound on my forehead? Didn’t I tell you about it a long time ago, I have the master Valkyrie taught me the practice techniques, and the wound medicine in the sect. It is easy to treat with internal force. This kind of injury.”

She touched her forehead and smiled awkwardly.

But she was still smart and quickly changed the subject.

“Don’t talk about this kind of trivial matter, now I have to think about what to do. After such a chase just now, I think I am already close to them, but now that I fall, I may draw a lot of distance.”

Jia Long was a little uncomfortable. Seeing that he finally had to catch up with the enemy, he didn’t expect that a turning point would happen because of his mistake.

There are no vehicles that have fallen down in the vicinity. The red-eyed people must be here, and they will slow down as much as possible to ensure that there will be no group-style slips.

So Jia Long wanted to chase it, not so easy.

“No! Try to change your mind… these are red-eyed people. They are moving in this type of terrain. They are either patrolling or… Who are they arresting?”

Jia Long was startled suddenly, as if grasping the key point.

Yes, someone should be arrested!

Even if the red-eyed people would patrol on a motorcycle on a rainy day, they would never be so fast. They are not stupid.

So the possibility will only be the second one. Then the question is, in this area, they are dispatched on a large scale, who will be the people who want to arrest?

Although it is possible for the people in these villages, according to the male owner, there are so many similar villages nearby, and so many red-eyed people are dispatched, just to arrest them in this ordinary disaster-avoidance village?

The Red Eyes troops are now under-stretched, so they are fed up?


The only possibility is to catch a person worthy of their wasted manpower. The value of this person is not too low.

And in this area, who knows their location clearly and is worthy of a large-scale arrest of important people? Who will be?

“Is it me?!”

Jia Long stared blankly.

Immediately, she smiled bitterly again.

In fact, it should have been thought of just now.

I have been broadcasting live, although when I arrive at the village at night, no one can tell what kind of small village is, but it is different during the day.

Walking a few steps during the day and passing through the live studio, it is easy to see where she is from the road and the surrounding mountains and wild environment.

Then came a small group of red-eyed men on motorcycles…

“Well, I know, you are here to find me, the blame is that I shouldn’t hide.”

Jia Long sighed, refilled the pistol with the silk thread, and untied it from his waist.

Then raise the gun at the sky…

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Fired five shots in a row!

The gunfire resounded across the mountains and covered up the heavy rain.

She believed that there should be red-eyed people who could hear the sound of the enemy motorcycle team close at hand. The latest chapter address of Transformed into the Wild Female Anchor: https:// /book/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor to read the full text address: https:// /read/12226/Transformed into the wilderness female anchor txt download address: https:// /down/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor mobile phone reading: https://m. /read/12226/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the “Collection” below to record this time (Chapter 1520 Learn to ride a motorcycle instantly! [Subscribe to the starting point Yeah]) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like “Transformed into the Wild Female Anchor”, please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! ( )

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