Transformed Into a Wild Female Anchor

Chapter 1666

Chapter 1656 Pick up airdrops and big equipment updat

“There will be freshness in the energy!” (Humanity will win)

“Come on!”

“Duck oil!”

Jia Long said something, Maomao Nai said, “Aoao” followed by a phrase.

In the live broadcast room, listening to this girl and the little white bear, jokingly human bear dialogue, the scene is quite funny, but because of the place they are in, the ubiquitous sense of tension, sense of mission, there is something that only belongs to Almost no one laughed at the tragic feelings of’Long Ye’.

Faced with a girl like this one step by step, smiling to the camera every day, but walking to the most dangerous area, who can sneer and ridicule?

“Wow, there is another monster over there, the cow has ivory, and there is a hare in its mouth? Can’t be offended!”

Jia Long hiked in the jungle and found that not far away, there were many more monsters wandering, even hunting.

She quickly avoided most of the others. Fortunately, the sharp nose of the bear was still working. After several reminders, she avoided most of the encounters with these monsters.


This good luck came to an end until Jia Long met a ‘monster’ in the depths of the jungle.

And after seeing this monster, Jia Long was startled at first, and then an indescribable anger surged in his heart!


Jia Long raised the silk-filled pistol and pulled the trigger one second before the monster attacked him.

The monster fell to the ground.

“…” Jia Long looked at the monster’s corpse silently, then walked around his body without saying a word, and strode forward again.

The reason for her anger is simple, because this is a monster with a human baby’s head on its head and spider-like legs. The obvious stitched wounds indicate that it is a first-generation monster.

That is, the factories of the New World Kingdom, assembled with real human baby heads and spider corpses…

Too cruel, cruel to the point that Jia Long is disgusting.

She couldn’t say anything, trembling all over, walking step by step, and almost had to forcefully restrain herself in order to restrain her rushing towards the new world city.

“All this must be over.”

Jia Long shook his head.

She knew that the drone probably didn’t capture the face of the monster just now, otherwise it would have been fried in the live broadcast room.

But it’s okay if you haven’t seen it, some things are clear.

This step of the exaggerated mode of action lasted for about half an hour, when Jia Long suddenly received a call from satellite communications.


He pinched a viper with blood-colored eyes in his hand and chopped off its head with a dagger. Jia Long threw away the two parts of the red-eyed viper.

Flip the hand from the military carrying device and flip out the satellite phone.

“Crook! Oh, are you guys here? Okay, my coordinates are at A2XXX, 2OEE8. I will immediately find an open area and throw smoke bombs. It shouldn’t be difficult to find me.”

It turned out that the caller was from the coalition headquarters. They said that the plane to transport Jia Long’s airdrop was about to arrive.

Jia Long retracted the satellite phone and then smiled at the drone camera.

“They said that my airdrop is coming, and they don’t know what level of equipment they will bring to me. I hope they don’t give me bad things.”


The rain is still there, but in a small piece of jungle, most of the rain is blocked by the lush woods, except for the louder sound, people are not exposed to much rain.

But after Jia Long trudged a few steps further, she walked out of this jungle area, and she didn’t even want to look back.

There are too many monsters in it, and some of them are creepy to recall.

The new world is really not a good thing.

“It’s not good to go to the open space, because it will attract the attention of the surrounding enemies, so just stay here. There are trees on three sides, and the other side is still a high slope. Generally speaking, you can’t find it here.”

Jia Long stopped on a small piece of flat ground outside the woods.

Then she looked around and took out an oval-shaped grenade-like object from the tattered carrying gear.

“This is a smoke bomb. In fact, smoke bombs are extremely useful in the military. They can not only create an opportunity to break the deadlock when fighting a deadlock, but they can also be used as a signal, get out of trouble, and have high value in surprise attacks. It can be described as a wide range of uses. I will now use this smoke bomb to signal the coming of our military aircraft.”


After removing the safety ring, Jia Long casually threw the smoke bomb near her feet.


A plume of red smoke emerged from the smoke bomb, and it didn’t take long for the smoke to gradually disperse, even in heavy rain.

A smoke bomb is enough to sustain smoke and dust for several minutes, even if the current environment is a relatively short rainy day with a relatively short smoke generation time.

“General smoke bombs have a design that takes more than three minutes to smoke. The specific smoke generation time depends on the situation. For example, now, the smoke is relatively short. We hope that before the smoke dissipates, our military will find out. Here.”

Jia Long was guarded by the smoke, but did not stand stupidly nearby, because the smoke was so full that it might attract the red-eyed troops around him.

Probably the place she chose was quite good, so in the next few minutes, no red-eyed troops or individuals would come to the door.

The red smoke has filled a large area, and it may slowly dissipate in the air in two minutes.

Even Jia Long became a little anxious.

But when the smoke and dust faded, her eyes were joyful and she looked at the distant sky.

“Come on! Hahaha, you should find me here.”

In the direction of the sky Jia Long looked at, there was indeed a shadow of a fighter plane flying at an ultra-low altitude, soaring above the earth in the hazy rain.

Probably from the area of ​​Jia Long, it was only ten or twenty kilometers away, and the appearance of flying straight here must have come according to the coordinates Jia Long said.

“Wow, you see, this is really an assault aircraft, and it was specially designed to give me airdrops. It’s too much for me, hahaha.”

Seeing the iron and steel machinery flying in the sky like a giant bird, Jia Long felt both proud and a heavy burden in his heart.

The coalition forces gave her too much face, and Jia Long felt a little pressure in her heart.

You have to know that this is a fighter plane. Let’s not say anything else. From any base, the fuel cost to fly here is tens of thousands of yuan. Not to mention that in the core theater, it also faces the risk of being shot down anytime and anywhere.

“It’s getting closer, getting closer and closer, are there any military enthusiasts in the live broadcast room? I have seen its model, have you seen it?”

Seeing this fighter plane soaring at an ultra-low altitude, Jia Long repeatedly explained the fighter model.

“It is an A10 attack aircraft from the Stars and Stripes. It can be said that it is the most mature specialized attack aircraft in the entire world. No wonder the coalition forces dared to send airdrops in the rain. It turned out to be this attack aircraft.”

While Jia Long was talking, the fighter jet that was flying at a far ultra-low altitude was getting bigger and bigger, and then flew above her head.

The speed slowed down slightly, and then on the hanger under the body, a half-person tall box that was obviously temporarily installed on top was discarded.

The 16.26-meter-long fuselage of the A10 attack aircraft resembled a winged roc, roaring high into the sky, causing a large sound wave shock wave, as if using this kind of sound to greet Jia Long.

However, Jia Long has given up looking at it, instead staring at his’airdrop box’.

Just after the box was dropped, the parachute opened, carrying the box and drifting, from the airdrop height of more than two hundred meters, slowly falling to the ground with the wind.

“It’s down, but it’s a bit crooked. Let’s take a few more steps and pick up our airdrops. It’s like playing a game of Jedi.”

The ‘airdrop box’ was thrown crookedly, probably in a small depression 100 meters in front. It can’t be said that the fighter pilot had technical problems. It should be said that the typhoon was blowing too much.

Jia Long didn’t worry, and trot over there slowly.

There should be no enemy troops around, so she doesn’t worry at all that she will be ruined.

He trot to the spot where he fell visually, and as expected, an army-green box with a large parachute cloth hung over a small piece of jungle just like that.

“Wow, Maomao, our airdrop is here.”

“Wow, Gutou!”

Jia Long took a piece of Maomao and walked closer.

This airdrop box is different from the one in the game. It’s not that big. It’s not that the actual airdrop box is not as big. It’s because the attack aircraft is not a transport plane. It’s okay to bring some gadgets temporarily. The airdrop box for a large amount of materials should still be transported Right.

Besides, Jia Long only needs something. The transport plane is too wasteful, and the transport plane is the target. Flying in this area of ​​war is at risk of being shot down by the enemy.


Jia Long quickly drew out a universal tool wrench, unscrewed the screw on the army green airdrop box, and then pryed the solid wooden board. Underneath was an iron sheet metal box wrapped in foam.

When I brought up the suitcase, it was quite heavy. It was about half a meter long and forty centimeters wide, like a large suitcase.

Unlock the buckle, and the contents of this box are revealed in front of you.

Sure enough, it was divided into categories, packed full of weapons and equipment.

“The bulletproof vest! It’s so thick and heavy. It’s about the level of the star-shaped national standard six-level bulletproof vest. I really thank them for sending this. Aren’t you afraid I can’t wear it?”

Jia Long picked up an extremely heavy body armor inside and knocked on the front of his chest and abdomen, only to hear a sound of knocking hard, and he couldn’t help grinning.

“Level six body armor, this is twice the level of the three-level body armor in the game. It contains not only ordinary materials, but also porcelain plates. The total weight is nearly four kilograms. However, its protective ability is also very good. It’s amazing. It can protect the armor-piercing projectile fired by the M1 gun. You must know that the muzzle velocity can be 850 meters per second!”

Jia Long replaced the tattered body armor he was wearing.

In fact, the body armor she was wearing had long been shot, and she still remembered that when she had a problem with her abdomen, she didn’t dare to move because of the pain. Fortunately, there was a way to switch the mode of healing, so she didn’t seem to be seriously injured.

This old body armor has long been useless, so it’s not a pity to replace it.

“There is also a tactical helmet, do I want it or not…”

Jia Long saw a camouflage skull still lying in the airdrop box, hesitated, but after thinking about it, he picked up the tactical helmet.

“It’s so heavy… this kind of tactical helmet is called aramid helmet. It is a modern helmet used by Longxia Kingdom and many countries in the world. Its weight is about 1.45 kilograms.”

Jia Long stroked her hair, then put the aramid helmet on her head.

She is familiar with this kind of helmet. She had worn it for two days when she was shooting a documentary about military experience in Longxia.

“Finally it’s the ammunition turn, the ammunition for the threaded pistol! There are more than a thousand rounds again, haha, you can squander it.”

The ammunition Jia Long wanted to see the most finally appeared in the box, and there were more than a thousand rounds.

“Hey, is this… a special warhead? It looks like an armor-piercing bullet. Could it be that it has an armor-piercing effect?”

Jia Long noticed that there were several different appearances in more than 1,000 bullets, so he couldn’t help but look twice.

Of course, no one is helping her answer. If you are interested, you will know the true face after a few shots.

So Jia Long condensed his thoughts of exploration again, and continued to put his gaze in the box.

“Rifle and ammunition? I have a rifle… Damn it! This is a rifle made with thread charging? Haha, it must be a good thing… It feels like a CQ rifle, is it an improvement based on the CQ rifle? That’s great , It saves the time I am familiar with.”

Jia Long took out another gun that was very similar to the CQ rifle from the airdrop box, but this gun was printed with an extremely eye-catching ‘Silk Charger’ group mark.

Aside from other things, seeing this sign, Jia Long knew it must be a good thing, and couldn’t wait to take off the CQ rifle he was carrying, bid farewell to it, and put it on the ground.

The equipment is still being continuously updated.

There were also some other military supplies in the airdrop box, such as high-explosive grenades, shock bombs, anti-infantry mines… and even the poncho was sent a few more.

Other things, such as military food, are definitely indispensable. They can be said to be what Jia Long wants, and they are all prepared.

It was impossible for Jia Long to pick all of them. She didn’t even change the spare military backpacks, because she felt that the large-capacity outdoor backpack she was carrying was good enough to use and more convenient.

The tents are not bad, not to mention the military ones are too heavy.

However, she changed the poncho. The one she used was in tatters, and the fluffy one was worn on her body because it was used to digging around in the grass, and it was missing a few pieces.

“Self-heating bento, haha, it’s still in Longxia style, good stuff, take it.”

“Maomao, there are fish you love to eat.”

“Wow, it’s stuffed, there’s a lot of stuff suddenly, I can’t put it down anymore.”

In the end, Jia Long got a lot of good equipment in this airdrop box, and packed his two backpacks again.

In this way, she must not give up irrelevant equipment such as sun protection clothing, high-concentration alcohol, and sniper gloves.

The girl who had been squatting for nearly twenty minutes, stood up from the ground.

She has changed a lot.

The camouflage uniform he was wearing also changed, and he put on a heavy body armor, his military carrying equipment was full of ammunition, and a gun similar to a CQ rifle hung behind him…

Even the kettle was changed, because Jia Long felt that the one he used before was not professional enough, and it was a bit dirty.

Anyway, if you don’t take it, you will also throw it here. It’s better to change the one that can be changed.

“Alright! Maomao, are you all right?”

“Okay, the fur is greasy!”

“Then go ahead!”

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