Transformed Into a Wild Female Anchor

Chapter 1676

Chapter 1666 I hate it, hate it… [Subscribe here]

“I don’t believe it! You are slanderous!”

Jia Longtiantian’s voice is very loud.

But this high-pitched sound still sounds like a sweet huang warbler, which is very unscientific.

“You said that Xu Wei didn’t want to see the war between humans and your red-eyed people. You also said that because you are worried that the war will consume a lot of humans in the future, this new world tower was not built to convert a large number of humans at once? If the new world tower After the completion, most of the human beings have been successfully transformed. Xu Wei’s concept has not been achieved, and there is no need to worry about excessive deaths and injuries. Why does he want to unite with us to prevent this new world behavior?!”

Jia Long was like a cat stepped on its tail, almost impatient.

Because it’s too unreasonable.

As far as she understood Xinshita, it should be something that spread a large amount of red-eye virus in one breath, and projected it in all directions.

Although it was built here, it is still not as high as Xili Peak, but because it is located in the hilly area of ​​the Southern Continent, after the rain ceases, due to the unique topography, there will be wind to blow the virus spread by the Pagoda to Xili. The mountain range floats upwards on the mountain terrain, like a springboard, it flies high in the sky, then flies out of the South Continent, and spreads towards the rest of the world.

This is already meteorological experts, geography experts and other people. After researching, they learned the most efficient mode of transmission of the New World Tower.

And if it succeeds, Xu Wei would still worry about the deaths and injuries, and spread it all at once. The vast majority of mankind will become red-eyed people, but there are very few deaths and injuries.

Facing Jia Long’s doubts, the red-eyed woman who looked back at Jia Long looked at her coldly.

Then he showed a look of idiot.

“What are you doing so excited? You can suddenly think of the doubts. With so many people in your human coalition, there must have been more than you thought? They all agreed to join forces. Isn’t it enough to explain? Sure enough… no brains !”

The red-eyed woman seemed to see Jia Long through, looked at Jia Long’s chest, chuckled in disdain, looked back at the road, and refused to answer.


Jia Long also found that he seemed too excited. If she were to yell at such a basic doubt, the group of people the coalition agreed to join forces, I am afraid they are all pigs.

Fortunately, Qian Chen next to Jia Long answered her questions and resolved her embarrassment.

“Major Jia, it is like this. If this new world tower is the kind of new world tower that the red-eyed man himself said, Deputy Marshal Xu Wei will probably not be like this. The problem is that this new world tower cannot serve the purpose of the new world. Effect.”

“Can’t get the desired effect? ​​Why.”

Jia Long sat back in the chair again, with doubts all over his face.

“The reason is very simple. The rush to work and the internal forces of their red-eyed people are caused by each other. It is not only the red-eyed people who know it, some of our staff… once dressed as red-eyed people, risking their deaths to sneak into the vicinity of the new world tower for testing. , Knowing that this building may not achieve the effect that the new world wants.”

Qian Chen finished answering, and the female red-eyed man sitting in the front row seemed to pass by randomly.

“In order to achieve quick start efficiency, the faction that led this matter used many radical methods, which made our blood of God too effective. According to the current indicators, start the new world tower, maybe you old humans will kill and wound four points. Third! And how much of the remaining quarter is enough to transform into our new humans is still unknown, so understand? The deputy marshal commander is pitying your old humans.”

The blood of God in her mouth is the red-eye virus called by humans, and the name red-eye virus is the name given by Jia Long, the first opponent to fight it. As a result, the whole world called it like this.


After hearing this, Jia Long fell silent.

Since even Qian Chen didn’t refute, the data in this must not be the nonsense of red-eyed women.

It may even be possible that the coalition has long been in contact with Xu Wei and sent a research sampling team. Under Xu Wei’s cover, they went to the New World Tower to conduct a quiet study and verified the issue of the New World Tower before deciding to formally contact with Xu Wei. Xu Wei joined forces.

Otherwise, how could the war that determines the destiny of all mankind be decided so hastily.

Don’t look at the people who executed the final battle, they are super master elites, but before that, the amount of blood and lives paid for this matter, I am afraid that Jia Long will be shuddering when he hears it.

There was no speech in the car for a while.

Looking at the different world-like scenery outside the car window, the red-eyed people walking around in the heavy rain, one after another in a robot style, with blood red eyes, have a sense of unreality for a time.


Jia Long picked up Maomao, took out the towel, and wiped it off the dirt that he had contaminated when he marched.

At the same time she also observed the outside of the car.

After a long time, she suddenly gave a wry smile.

What is this called!

It feels too weird. It’s obvious that I’ve been identified all around by myself as being the existence of “inhuman” monsters. After watching for a long time, Jia Long has risen. The red-eyed man may indeed form a person far surpassing the present human beings in the future. Civilization, but also the idea of ​​continuation of human civilization.

This is too abnormal. Hasn’t she been hostile to red-eyed people and never agree with this idea?

“Do I really disagree?”

Ask yourself, Jia Long doesn’t know what mentality he is.

In fact, she had asked and answered many times for similar problems, and in general, she knew that the red-eye virus had been integrated into the whole world through the natural system a long time ago, Jia Long understood at that time, The so-called new mankind in this world will surely replace the old mankind.

Because this is the general trend, it is irreversible.

But Jia Long wants to make the process more natural, as if all human beings have “evolved” on their own. It is best to have medicine or scientific research to make the process of transforming new humans painless and retain memory. Red eye symptoms are eliminated.

That is Jia Long’s private dream.

“Things are coming, think about it carefully, my philosophy seems to coincide with this Xu Wei a little bit? It is impossible, he still tends to use force, but I want to be more peaceful. It’s also more long-term.”

Jia Long just didn’t want to be in a fight with the red-eyed people like Xu Weizhi.

The previous inherent impression was too deep, and Xu Wei had killed many ordinary humans, including Han Xuewei, the common comrade-in-arms of Jia Long and Xu Wei.

This is something Jia Long cannot forgive.


A cold light flashed in Jia Long’s beautiful eyes.

“This Xu Wei has a betrayal experience. Who can guarantee that he won’t betray again this time?”

In fact, there are other things that Jia Long has to think about. For example, behind the new world, or behind the entire red-eye virus global crisis, there is also another problem that Jia Long has been reluctant to face.

That is the so-called alien.

The original rhetoric, as the situation progresses step by step, it seems that Jia Long has gradually believed that there are really aliens, and there are really alien civilizations that will invade the earth of this world.

“Forget it, alien civilization or something is not something I need to take care of. I will finish this new world tower mission first.”

Maybe something about alien civilization…

It will be another story.

Jia Long only needs to face the immediate crisis and try to resolve it.

“Rake, hairy tube!”

Mao Mao suddenly stretched out his fluffy little head, a pair of watery bear eyes, exuding the brilliance that he wanted to praise.

“Why, our little Maomao knows how to take care of it, then dad don’t worry, Maomao is so sensible.”

“Yeah! Fluffy knows how to tie it, it’s greasy and bad.”

Maomao was enjoying Jia Long’s whirling, and then his little head pressed harder.

The vocabulary that the speaker has no intention of and the listener intends, but the vocabulary that the parents say casually, may have a great impact on the child.

Anyway, the little white bear cub made up his mind at this moment, and will help rake and take care of things in the future!

“Hit! Maomao bite, hee hee, the fur is greasy!”

Maomao Nai Xiu scratched the air and took another bite, as if expressing how powerful she was.

Jia Long couldn’t help laughing too, and wrapped the towel on the little guy’s forehead, and played the ‘head rubbing game’ with him.

For a while, the little milk bear’s milky voice, and Jia Long’s occasional chuckle, gave the whole vehicle a stern look at the armored personnel carrier, which brought a little relief. .

“Such a person… is the Marshal’s heart? Huh…”

The red-eyed woman sitting in the front row seemed full of sarcasm.

Of course, besides her, the other super masters of the coalition forces present here are not so surprised.

They have probably watched Jia Long’s live broadcast, because she is so famous, especially in the expert group, there are almost no people who say that they have not watched her live broadcast or video.

So Jia Long and Maomao’s temperament and personality, this group actually knows.

Just because Jia Long was in a mess during the live broadcast, interacting with Maomao from time to time inexplicably, and now she is inexplicably funny with Maomao in a tense situation, which is normal.

If Jia Long knew that these guys, including a large number of fans on the Internet, would regard their telepathic conversation with Maomao as if they were neurotic, I am afraid she would have skipped her feet.

Is there such a bully?

“I saw the New World Tower!”

The vehicles moved slowly through the levels one by one, approaching the tall and towering buildings that were gradually approaching in the enveloping climate, Qian Chen, who was looking at the probe from the window, said solemnly.

Jia Long hurriedly put Maomao, who was scratching his head, on the chair next to him, and then stretched his head over to watch the New World Pagoda mentioned by Qian Chen.

Sure enough, among the surrounding buildings that are generally less than 20 stories high, there is a towering building, standing out from four kilometers away.

The whole body is like the chimney, but it is many times higher than the chimney.

In fact, the building is not very real, but the size and height can already be seen roughly.

“The New World Tower, 857 meters, is still a bit shorter than the tallest building of your old man.”

The red-eyed woman has already seen no surprises, and the voice of Gujing does not waver.

“How long did it take you to build this new world tower? What technology did you use?”

Jia Long suddenly turned around and asked.

The armored vehicle swaying on the uneven road seemed to tremble after passing a bad road.

However, under such a sparse infrastructure, the answer given by the female-eyed woman caused Jia Long and the few super masters around him who had not heard about the time when the New World Tower was built, their faces changed a little. .

“Two months, this also includes the time to debug the signal transmitter after it is built. As for the technology, do you think I understand? It only took me a month to convert into a new human. By the way, I used to be the same as you. Long Xia female soldier, she is very good at close combat, so I have time to learn from each other.”

As the Valkyrie, Jia Long directly ignored the two provocative words in the study. Otherwise, the female red-eyed person who retained the memory before the conversion would cry and scold himself for bullying.

She was just shocked. The Red Eyes took just two months to build such a tall and majestic New World Tower, a building over 800 meters high…

This is still under the circumstances that the New World State started its inception, and then under pressure from all countries in the world, and then chaotic war everywhere.

“A proper black technology, I just don’t know if the company has such capabilities now.”

Jia Long stayed for a while, and then didn’t pretend to belittle himself.

On the human side, anyhow, there is a company that is a company that is the pro-son of the system, and all kinds of black technologies have sprung up, and even Jia Long doesn’t know whether the company will have such capabilities.

“You are all ready, because there have been precedents of your coalition spies being discovered before, so in the past few days when the New World Tower is preparing to exert its strength, within three kilometers of its surroundings, any unrelated creatures have been banned from entering and exiting, even the red-eyed people. Soldiers are no exception, so I have to send you to join some of your coalition masters later, and others will discuss with you how to fight afterwards.”

The red-eyed woman asked, and then began to prepare her equipment.

The super masters here did not have the slightest surprise, even Jia Long didn’t think much about it, because this was the course of action set at the beginning.

She took back the towel that Mao Mao was playing with, stuffed it into a tactical backpack, and then let Mao Mao, who was used to riding in the car and started to roll, sit down, and told him not to run around for a while, otherwise he would be caught and plucked all his hair in an accident.

Maomao was really frightened, and didn’t dare to move.


“Seeing that the barracks in front is not there. Keep your head down and walk straight in. Don’t let other soldiers see your eyes. Normally they won’t look at it. There is also this white bear. Tuck it in my backpack and hide it. , Otherwise no one can keep you.”

The red-eyed woman pointed to the front of the road where the armored car was parked, and talked to all the coalition masters about what to do.

There, there is a barracks area intercepted by barbed wire and grid fences.

This neighborhood has already been completely replaced by Xu Wei’s red-eyed soldiers, but before he enters the barracks under his control, it is still possible to be found, so make sure that you can’t make mistakes in the last part of the journey.

A group of super masters did not speak, relying on the opening of the car door, and then one by one put on a mechanical appearance and filed out.

After they entered the New World City site last night, they found a place to put on the red-eyed military uniforms.

Don’t be too agile at this time. Although red-eyed people with high IQ can behave like ordinary humans, ordinary red-eyed soldiers are still very stiff. The entire team is flexible and too eye-catching.

“Maomao, work hard, don’t move.”

“Well, Maomao is more moving, than plucking Maomao.”

Maomao was stuffed into a large tactical backpack by Jia Long, weighing tens of kilograms, for the current Jia Long, it was easy to put it on his back.

This group of people pretended to act like red-eyed people. They looked a little disciplined and not so disciplined. All of them walked stiffly towards the barracks.

“Jia Long, I hate you very much.”

The last voice of the female red-eyed man sounded behind him, Jia Long staggered and fell into a smashing gourd.

Fortunately, she has strong control, even though she was shocked, she barely managed to keep herself out of the situation.

However, the surface is very flat, and my heart is about to bloom.

What a…

I didn’t even say that I hate you, you say I hate you, **** your grandma!

Jia Long really wants to turn around and scold her, but think about it, good men don’t fight women, I’m a man and a man, fight a ghost.

Of course, otherwise, at such a tense moment, Jia Long would really turn his head and use his three-inch tongue to make the red-eyed woman scolded.

Who? Who said Lao Zi Niang? Nothing!

“I hate you, I hate you! I hate, hate, hate…”

Accompanied by Jia Long’s whisper to himself, the group of them, finally surprised, silently stepped into the front barracks.

When entering, the leader He, the old man, also showed something to the red-eyed soldier guarding the door, and the red-eyed man let him go normally.

Unexpectedly, even the red-eyed soldiers would act. I underestimated them.

Puff puff.

A team of sixteen people plus a bear man and horse, stepping mechanically and bluntly, entered the barracks in front of them.

The buildings inside should have been rebuilt in the old housing area, and a large number of houses were also flattened to give a clear view.

Farther away, the looming New World Tower was closer, and looking so close, it was like stabbing into the sky, and people’s necks were sore.

“Turn into the house over there, and the connector is over there.” The latest chapter address of Transformed into a Wilderness Female Anchor: https :// /book/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor to read the full text address: https: // /read/12226/Transformed into the wilderness female anchor txt download address: https:// /down/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor mobile phone reading: https://m. /read/12226/For the convenience of reading next time, you can click on the “favorite” record below This time (Chapter 1666 Hate, Hate, Hate… [Subscribe to the starting point]) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like “Transformed into the Wild Female Anchor”, please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! ( )

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