Transformed Into a Wild Female Anchor

Chapter 1687

Chapter 1677 The new world tower turned out to be a â

“Of course the ground personnel can.”

The Longxia soldier who was talking to Jia Long nodded.

“According to the intelligence of our coalition intelligence personnel who paid several lives to bring back the intelligence of the coalition forces, it can be seen that this new world tower… is very likely to be’living’.”

“Of course it is not living in the traditional sense, but something with a certain nature of living things. This involves the field of biology and will be unclear for a while.”

Jia Long was dumbfounded, her beautiful eyes rounded up.

Look up at the towering new world tower, and then at the Longxia soldier in front of him. If the opponent is not wearing a coalition uniform and is currently in a fierce battlefield, she may feel that this guy is teasing herself.

Is it possible that such a tall new world tower is alive?

“Uh… red eye virus?!”

Suddenly, Jia Long thought of something and blurted out.

The other nodded.

“Yes, red-eye virus. After many studies, this new world tower contains red-eye virus. Even in the structure of the tower, most of it is inseparable from red-eye virus. You say it is simply a living red-eye virus. There is no big problem with biology.”

“Ah, the whole new world tower is a living red-eye virus creature? My God.”

Jia Long was almost speechless after listening.

The veteran elders, they didn’t tell Jia Long about this information before, either because they didn’t feel it was time yet, or they thought Jia Long already knew it.

In fact, Jia Long just knew about it.

“Yes, of course it can’t move. Even if it can move, the New World Nation can’t let it move, because if this terrible thing is really able to move, I’m afraid the New World Nation can’t control it.”

If you think about it, if the huge monsters that are more than 800 meters high and capable of defensive nuclear power move, then there is nothing useful on the earth, and they must be flattened by this tower.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

If it becomes an animal, what will it eat and how to maintain the energy for its huge body to move?

These are not problems that can be easily solved.

“The crux of the problem lies in the biological characteristics of this new world tower. According to the information Xu Wei gave us, it must open several gaps like’breathing’ at intervals, and breathe in the new world to give it. The large amount of red eye virus liquid and gas transported, otherwise it will fall into weakness. Then it is our chance to enter it and destroy it!”

“Go in…, can you not get out when you go in?”

Jia Long felt flustered.

The New World Tower is alive, and then they super masters want to enter it and destroy it? How to listen to it is not reliable.

“Major Jia, this mission is not a mission with a high survival rate. If you are afraid, you can choose to quit now.”

“I, I’m not afraid! Every time I fight the red-eyed man, okay? Who of you has me fighting more often? Wow, I’m scared, and I’m so angry.”

Jia Long was agitated by the method, his face flushed instantly, and he wanted to jump up and rub his fingers in the middle-aged soldier’s nostrils.

She was furious.

As she said, which super master was there who fought with red-eyed people more often? It is almost impossible, because she started fighting with the red-eyed people from the beginning of the island mission.

But she was annoyed, but the soldiers who explained to Jia Long were not.

He is not only a more stable middle-aged man, but also a well-informed super master. He has little knowledge with Jia Long, and he is said to be a big star, but in fact, he is in the deep mountains and forests every day, and he may not see much in a few months. Compared with the human Jia Long, it is directly the crushing of the way of communication.

In minutes, the little girl was angry and annoyed, and wanted to jump her feet.

“Hmph, wait, I must have knocked down this tower! But I want more information.”

Jia Long was not stupid, and knew that more specific information was needed.

It was another short paper material, thrown in front of Jia Long, and it happened that the whole piece of paper was covered with waterproof membrane, which made it easy for Jia Long to refer to it.

The girl pouted, the cat went to a ruin, turned on the lowest brightness tactical flashlight, and turned it over.

Gunshots continued to be heard all around. The middle-aged soldier who was talking to Jia Long did not know when he went to perform other tasks. After Bai Wurong looked at Jia Long again, he went to do what he should do.

The two sides didn’t talk about the old and the old, because it was not the time.

Maomao finally caught the opportunity. Before Jia Long had time to take care of it, he first crawled into a pool of relatively clean puddles, drank enough rain, and then carefully put the backpack he was carrying aside, then puffed, and stepped into the puddle. play.

Rain of bullets all around?

I’m sorry, since Maomao has been a war favorite, he has been used to hearing this sound a long time ago. It’s like the sound of firecrackers heard by bear children in the city. It’s too common.

Jia Long didn’t have time to care about it, just flipping through the information materials.

In the process, she found that the battle line had advanced a lot towards the New World Tower.

The battle echelon composed of ten super masters is too powerful. Even if the red-eyes reacted and sent more troops to support it, it would not have much effect.

Moreover, on the outer edge of this new world tower, there are the red-eyed troops affiliated to Xu Wei. They are blocking the other red-eyed factions that are pouring in everywhere. He doesn’t even have to fight a lot. He only needs to block the road and detect intelligence as an excuse to be able to do so. It is difficult for the enemy to enter the battle circle temporarily because of the reinforcement of the enemy.

“The front line has advanced more than a hundred meters, about six hundred meters above and below the Xinshi Tower, and the red-eye troops have almost been beaten down.

Jia Long discovered that the surrounding wars began to advance.

The red-eyed man had no chance to fight at all.

But a little bit different from the beginning is that the red-eyed people began to use powerful weapons, such as the heavy-fire machine guns placed around the bottom of the new world tower, and about ten heavy machine guns, began to shoot indiscriminately at the outer area. .

The red-eyes caused more casualties, and the coalition masters may have few casualties.

Because most of the super masters have the ability to sense danger similar to Jia Long, unless there are various accidental factors and there is no cover around, they may be shot and killed.

But another kind of threat posed a huge threat to the masters of the coalition forces.

That is artillery bombing.

The Red Eye troops also have extremely violent saturation bombing capabilities.

And they do not count the deaths or injuries of their own family members at all.

At other times, the New World Kingdom may be a little bit restrained considering the difficulty of the source of troops.

But now, all of them have been assaulted to the New World Tower by the elite of the coalition forces, how can they manage so much.

Bang! ——

Bang bang! ——

“Um…wow, the cannon is coming! Maomao go!”


Jia Long packed up the information that he had read and ran away.

There were no red-eyed people all around, and they were completely cleaned up by the front team.

It was another ten minutes later, Jia Long looked at the time, it was about ten o’clock in the evening local time, and in another half an hour, she could start the Valkyrie mode.

“If I didn’t see this information, I just started the Valkyrie mode. But now that I read the information, the time of the Valkyrie mode, I really have to stay in the New World Tower…”

Jia Long thought while leading Maomao to fly.

The information content in his hand is really a bit shocking.

However, the authenticity of the content, even in the aspect of sending out intelligence to the coalition forces, also indicated a lot of suspicious points.

The reason is too simple. It is Xu Wei who gave intelligence to the coalition forces.

This “traitor of the new humanity”, I don’t know if he has a big brain. It is said that in the new world tower, there are actually many layers built, and in each layer, there is a core of the blood of God that’protects’ the top layer of the new world tower. ‘, that is, the environment of things similar to the brain, as well as powerful creatures.

These layers of environment, because of the “blood of God”, which is the magic of the red eye virus, plus the relics of aliens that have existed since ancient times in the South Continent, the combination of the two, with very black technology Ability, built a lot of bad scenarios, coupled with many red-eyed creatures, outsiders want to force to the top floor, it is almost as difficult as the sky.

But if it does not go to the top floor and destroy the ‘core’ of the New World Tower, then when the time comes, it will begin to spray a large number of red-eye viruses that have been brewing for a long time into the whole world, leading the world to enter the era of a real ‘red-eye virus frenzy’.

This is also the reason why so many human super masters are gathered here.

“The coalition estimated that Xinshita had already prepared a similar red-eye virus. The problem is that this typhoon prevented its virus from spreading.”

“So the new world and humans are both concerned about the climate problem. The difference is that we humans hope that the rain will continue to fall, while the new world hopes that the rain will clear up as soon as possible, so that the new world tower can emit It’s virus.”

In this way, Jia Long straightened out everything.

At the same time, she also understood the reason why the system allowed herself to go to the New World Tower alone.

The personal combat power inside will be amplified, because the information given by Xu Wei explained that the interior of the New World Tower is filled with a huge amount of red-eye virus, and gunpowder weapons cannot be used, probably because of the red-eye virus’ self-preservation instinct. The weapon entered into it will soon be corroded by the red eye virus.

Of course, the same is true for creatures. People with weak resistance will gradually become infected after entering, or turn into red-eyed people, or die.

But the red eye virus is just a virus after all, and it hasn’t the ability to exterminate all living things, such as super masters, who are more or less resistant to it.

Jia Long is even more invulnerable.

“As long as I enter the New World Tower, unless a group of powerful super red-eyed fighters come to besiege me, under cold weapons, I am really invincible.”

In fact, according to the intelligence, it is impossible for a red-eyed person to use a human sea tactic.

But Xu Wei did not specify why.

“If you say a thousand words and ten thousand, no one can guarantee that the information given by Xu Wei is true. If it is false, we will be killed by him.”

Jia Long was skeptical.

But at least so far, Xu Wei, who has never been seen, behaved normally along the way, as if he was sincerely making a temporary alliance with the coalition forces.

“So believe him in half, anyway, I was about to attack the New World Tower. My time is running out. It’s better to let me go in Valkyrie mode first. If there is any ambush, or bomb, etc., Just let me bear it.”

“By the way, since the New World Tower may not be able to use firearms, what good is it for me to leave so many ammunition? It’s better to use it up as soon as possible.”

Jia Long still has a lot of ammunition in his hand, as well as a few grenades, anti-material mines, shock bombs and the like.

No need to be a pity.

Anyway, she counts time, and even if everything goes well, she is likely to run out of mission time in the New World Tower and can’t get out.

That being the case, just use it up outside.

In Wilderness mode, it’s not so cool.

Thinking of this, Jia Long rushed to catch up with the team in front of him in a few steps.

They are fighting with a group of red-eyed teams in an anxious battle.

The enemy’s firepower was quite fierce. With the help of heavy machine guns from a few hundred meters away, they fired bazookas here from time to time. The ammunition was free of money. They poured out desperately, wounding all four or five super masters.

That’s right, the super master is also a human being, blindly in a hurry, getting hit by a bullet will hurt and die.

Since the era of hot weapons in the world, their greatest role in the battlefield has never been a frontal attack, but an assassination, intelligence reconnaissance transmission, execution of special operations plans, and so on.


Using the inertial force of the forward thrust, Jia Long tried to avoid the light and heavy rifle bullets that were like life-threatening messengers, braving the rain of guns and bullets, pulling out the safety clasp of a grenade.

Aiming at the enemy trenches about a hundred meters away, she tried her best to throw this grenade.

You know, this is a distance of one hundred meters.

For ordinary soldiers, it is impossible to throw a grenade so far empty-handed, let alone maintain accuracy. I am afraid that few super masters present can do it.

If you can’t achieve precise projecting, it will be difficult for the enemy forces hiding in the trench sandbag bunkers to attack.

But Jia Long was able to do it.

In the Wilderness Mode, her fine control over her own power is no worse than in the Valkyrie Mode.

With the help of various skills such as Jiuyin Scripture and Sunflower Treasure, his strength barely passed.

As a result, under the gaze of several super masters who discovered that she was throwing a grenade against the rain of guns and bullets, this black and autumnal egg-sized thing flew over a distance of one hundred meters, and then fell into their place. Inside the enemy trenches where teams are opposing…

boom! ! !

In that trench, a group of shocking fire suddenly burst out, and a large number of stumps and arms were thrown out.

“Niu batch.”

Watching Jia Long throw this grenade, Jia Long, who fell to the ground, and her young master under a sloping bunker gave thumbs up.

“Don’t be 6.”

Jia Long curled his lips.

Is the drone photographed so much?

Jia Long took a sneak peek again, and the drone was photographing fierce battles all the way in the sky.

Then he smiled contentedly.

Because the drone camera is facing her.

The performance just now must have entered the picture.

She could already imagine the scene where countless people shouted 666 in the live broadcast room.


Jia Long’s eyes dimmed again.

After entering the New World Tower, the drone may not be able to follow up. Even if it does, the red-eye virus may corrode the drone.

Why do you think so much?

Jia Long put aside the messy thoughts and cheered on himself.

Boom boom boom –

Probably it was Jia Long’s pioneering work, which inspired the other master members to learn from each other. From time to time, one of them jumped up on this end, throwing out grenades, and one person on the other end smashed high-explosive grenades.

Not to mention, although most of them lost, they really had a one-fifth hit rate.

After all, everyone is a master of the army, and the projectile of grenades needs to be practiced from the time of enlistment.

“Very well, we are about to open a breakthrough, break through here, except for the heavy machine gun position, there are almost no enemies in front…”

Jia Long was behind a slope, and after observing the battle, his face was full of joy.

But without finishing talking to Maomao, her face changed drastically.

“Damn! Bazooka! Fuzzy blast!”

“Mao Mao is very handsome.”


Maomao reacted quickly. After watching such a fierce battle, he had already been eager to try it. If it hadn’t been for Jia Long to pull it several times, it would have an undifferentiated “Xiong’s roar” around.

Now it can be regarded as the command, it is contained in the throat, and the eager roar can finally be issued.

I saw the sound waves visible to the naked eye, breaking the noisy battlefield, and even suppressing the gunfire, creating a rippling shock wave.

The impact Boeing shot away quickly, and then collided with the fire-bearing objects shot by Jia Long and the others in a hidden trench from not far away.

Then, the swift thing with a tail of fire burst out with a shocking sound.

Bang! !

“Yeah, the fur is beautiful and dry!”

“Yeah, maomao bleaching!”

Jia Long praised him greatly, and Mao Mao also shook his head and praised himself. The latest chapter address of Transformed into the Wild Female Anchor: https:// /book/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor to read the full text address: https:// /read/12226/Transformed into the wilderness female anchor txt download address: https:// /down/12226.htmlTransformed into a wild female anchor mobile phone reading: https://m. /read/12226/In order to facilitate the next reading, you can click on the “Collection” below to record this time (Chapter 1677 The New World Tower turned out to be a’creature’? ! [Come to the starting point to subscribe]) Read the record, you can see it next time you open the bookshelf! If you like “Transformed into the Wild Female Anchor”, please recommend this book to your friends (QQ, blog, WeChat, etc.) ,Thank you for your support! ! ( )

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