Transformed into the DC World

Chapter 57 Killer Crocodile

The two girls are agile heroes. They can walk like flying when they have long legs. They don’t want to be able to run past the Flash, as long as they can run faster than the customers in the restaurant. The two ladies performed a live version of running for everyone. ,sisters.

They ran out of the restaurant to find a place with an open view, and the two joined the strong crowd of onlookers.

Since she didn't know what happened, Catwoman, as the host, was duty-bound, and she was also a little curious. Under Thea's watchful eyes, she found a gangster who had been in the back kitchen before, pulled him to the corner, punched and kicked, and returned to Thea's side.

It's the killer crocodile. It seems to have jumped out of the sewer. It killed two people on the spot...I didn't expect him to be released as well.

Thea didn't ask who it was, anyway, she knew that the Batman team had dealt with him, so it was easy to handle. Soy sauce is replaced by new villains, the key point here is that the heroes have strategies!

The same trick won’t work for the Saint Seiya the second time. There are similar settings here. Many villains have mutated abilities. The first time they don’t understand the situation, they fight very hard. The second time, they can hit casually Take the head.

Ability is temporary, technology is forever! Thea became more and more sure of her technological enhancement route, that's it, but she couldn't do otherwise, it was all forced by the situation. If I had Kryptonian blood, I would have gone to a beach to bask in the sun, who would practice martial arts with all my might? Isn't there no choice?

When I was about to let Catwoman explain the strategy, I saw that the outer load-bearing wall of the Chinese restaurant not far away was instantly shattered, and the entire house was slowly toppled, and finally reduced to rubble under the gaze of everyone.

It's a pity, the fish in this store is really good... Listening to Catwoman's murmur, Thea could only express her admiration for the strong psychological qualities of the Gotham people.

Let's go. Catwoman took Thea and walked out. Are you leaving now? What about the good friend of justice, city defender? It's not good for us to go away like this. After all, we ate a lot and haven't been paid yet. If we can help, let's help. Didn't you see that the restaurant owner has fainted in the toilet?

Catwoman seemed to understand the doubts in her heart, and patiently explained, Based on Killer Crocodile's past habits, he doesn't go on land when the crowd is crowded. He often moves around sewers and places with water. Let's go back and change clothes and get equipment. He won't run too far, there is a small artificial lake not far from here, he will probably go there.

Thea was scratching her head when she heard that there was still a water battle, and her equipment would be completely useless if she went into the water, because she hadn't tested it underwater at all, and I hadn't heard that the hero could shoot arrows underwater. The body is also very resistant. If they all want to go into the water, I can only support them mentally!

While the two were rushing back, Thea's cell phone rang.

Felicity's voice came from the phone, Thea, are you still there? Listen to me, that killer crocodile is in an artificial lake not far from you... Their naming skills are really bad ... whispered, Robin has already rushed over, Barbara is a little worried, you go and help him.

For this taciturn Robin, Thea still has a bit of value. After all, he is Batman's first disciple, that is, if Batman has no daughter, he will definitely recruit him as his son-in-law. Although Felicity did not say that the situation is serious, but It is somewhat dangerous to think about it.

It's too late to get the equipment, let's just go there? Thea hung up the phone and turned to ask Catwoman for advice. Catwoman cared more about her teammates, not to mention Robin, even Barbara who didn't get along with her. She would not refuse to save her, so she led the way, and the two ran towards the artificial lake.

The two walked more and more remote, the surrounding trees increased significantly, and the traces of pedestrians gradually decreased.

When walking through a stretch of sand, Thea finally saw the so-called artificial lake,

This seems to be a playground with a large area, but it has been completely abandoned in disrepair. The dilapidated wooden horse and the incomplete Ferris wheel add a bit of gloom to this place that used to bring laughter.

The artificial lake is located at the northerly corner of the playground, and when the two of them got close, they found that Robin had already fought the killer crocodile with a short stick.

This guy is really ugly. This is Thea's first impression. I can only tell from the appearance that it is a suspected humanoid monster walking upright. The upper body is not wearing clothes, and the whole body is covered with dense dark gray scales. The head is huge and the mouth is full. fangs.

This guy is more than 2.2 meters tall. Judging by his thick arms and thick legs, he must weigh more than 500 catties. Thea shook her head repeatedly. How much food does this guy have to eat a day.

How did this guy become like this? Is it a vicious experiment or a biochemical transformation? Seeing that Robin and the big guy were fighting vigorously without showing signs of defeat, Thea turned to ask Catwoman, wanting to know more information. In fact, it was to satisfy her curiosity.

This guy who is tentatively called Human looks so weird, look at his fangs and look at his big claws, look like this, you Gotham can still let him live happily to this day, No dissection or sectioning, your love torch relay is well done.

Catwoman pondered for a while, Bruce has collected his cells. Judging from the current clues, he has not been tested or transformed. He is just an ordinary human being with a little atavism.

Looking at the killer crocodile that is punching and kicking Robin in the distance, and can nimbly bite Robin with its big mouth, is this a little? This guy is so long that his own mother can't recognize him, you tell me he's an ordinary human? are you kidding me? If this guy was an ordinary human being, I would be Superman's seventh uncle and grandma!

Catwoman glanced over from the corner of her eye and saw Thea frowned and raised her eyebrows, knowing that she didn't believe it, she decided not to take the blame herself, This conclusion is all analyzed by Bruce, if you have any questions, wait for him to come back and ask him.

After finishing this topic, the two watched Robin and the killer crocodile fight intently.

It didn't take long for Thea to understand that this killer crocodile had no training at all, and he didn't know any punches or legs at all. He only knew how to punch horizontally and vertically. From this perspective, it is not too much for Batman to say that he is an ordinary person. .

I paid more attention to Robin's combat power. This suitor of Barbara gave Thea the impression of being taciturn, but I didn't expect his fighting style to be bloody. Come to his hearty shouting and the slap sound brought by the short stick hitting the killer crocodile...

The strength is really good. It is true that the years of training Batman have not been wasted. Thea prides herself that if she does not use technological equipment, she should be better than him, but there is also a bit of luck here, and it is not a sure win. Big mistakes are possible to beat.

Now the scene is very much like a martial artist beating a strong ordinary person. Although every punch and every kick of this ordinary person is deadly, it is meaningless if the powerful strength cannot hit the opponent. Robin has already won.

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