Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 106 Czech Rebellion 1

After World War I, the ancient order also collapsed. Europe began to plan its country according to modern concepts and build its country based on the principle of national self-determination. As a result, the famous unsolvable equation emerged: "Is a country a piece of land or a group of the same species?" Peoples of the same origin? If they are peoples of the same origin, which common factor should take precedence, race, religion or language?”

The Sudetenland has become one of the focuses of conflicts. According to statistics in 1921, Czechoslovakia has a German population of 3.12 million, accounting for 4% of the total population. It is the third largest ethnic group after the Czechs and Slovaks; and in the Sudetenland , Germans are the absolute majority.

The Germans in the Czech Republic have been in conflict with the Czechs since ancient times. They have always been hostile and oppressed, and have lived in dire straits for a long time. Therefore, they cannot fully integrate into the mainstream of the Czech Republic. Instead, they are in the Cao camp and their hearts are in the Han Dynasty, and they have a strong desire to return to their previous lives. The German-Austrian family. However, the newly established Czechoslovak government strived for territorial integrity and hoped that the Germans could be fully integrated into mainstream Czech society.

If the Czech government could treat these Germans well, the Czech Republic would be able to stabilize. Unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

At this time, the Czechs finally got rid of hundreds of years of Habsburg rule, but they went from one extreme to another. The air was filled with contempt and insults towards the Germans, and even barbaric and vicious incidents occurred from time to time.

On this day, Yannick summoned senior military and political officials to discuss some matters, and the angry Foreign Minister Ribbentrop hurried in. "Your Highness, something happened in the Sudetenland!"

When they heard about the Sudetenland, other people's faces darkened.

Yannick asked. "What's up?"

Ribbentrop took a breath and reported. "This morning the German workers of the Sudetenland launched a strike march."

Prime Minister Schwartz on the side also realized the seriousness of the matter and hurriedly asked. "Then what?"

"The Czech government sent local troops to suppress them. The army used heavy weapons and there were many casualties among the workers."

"This is really unreasonable. We must solemnly protest and strongly condemn this behavior of the Czech government!!"

Yannick glanced at Prime Minister Schwarz, who was filled with indignation and spitting foam at his mouth. Prime Minister Schwartz was appointed by William II. Although his loyalty was reliable, his ability could only be considered mediocre. However, Yannick failed to find a suitable candidate, so the prime minister has remained in office.

After Prime Minister Schwartz finished spraying, Yannick said coldly. "Blind protest and condemnation can only be done by those countries and governments that have no bones. Now we have tanks and planes, which can not only defend our country, but also protect each of our Germans from being persecuted by others. Since the Czech Republic The government is exploiting the German compatriots there, then we have an obligation to rescue our compatriots!”

Prime Minister Schwartz immediately agreed. "Your Highness is wise, we must solve the problem in the Sudetenland as soon as possible and rescue our compatriots from the sea of ​​misery. We must let Benes know that there is a price to pay for bullying us Germans!!"

"..." If the topic we were talking about wasn't too serious, Yannick would definitely laugh out loud. This may be one of the reasons why the Prime Minister was not slapped down. This guy is really good at flattering others. He is like a god-like yes-man!

After Austria has been successfully annexed, Yannick's next target is Czechoslovakia!

And what happened today was really a nightmare.

"Mr. Ribbentrop, write a warning for me. Warn the Czech government that it must either cede the Sudetenland to us and let the Germans there return to normal life, or wait for the destruction of the entire Czech Republic! Lunde General Stetter, immediately mobilize troops to the Czech border."

Yannick's prompt decision stunned everyone present.

If the Czech Republic does not cede territory, then destroy the Czech Republic?

Even the sycophant Prime Minister Schwartz thinks this decision is too hasty and even crazy. Although he is mediocre, he is not an idiot. Czechoslovakia, is that a French protectorate?

Once they attack Czechoslovakia, it might be another world war. Germany is not ready to launch a second war.

The last world war changed the world structure. The war caused the once huge Austro-Hungarian Empire to fall apart and disintegrate into countries such as Austria, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Because it relied on Britain and France to gain independence, Czechoslovakia belonged to the British and French camp in diplomacy. Because France was very afraid of Germany, in order to maintain its number one position on the European continent, it formed a Triple Alliance with Poland and Czechoslovakia in 1923. So that if there is any trouble in Germany, the three countries can attack Germany from three directions.

At that time, France could be said to have a good hand, but this advantage only lasted for 10 years. Ten years later, Poland first withdrew from the Triple Alliance for its own interests, which directly led to the disintegration of the Triple Alliance, but France and Czechoslovakia were still allies!

The most important thing is that even without the French protectorate, Czechoslovakia is not a soft persimmon, it can even be said to be a hard rock!

Before the outbreak of World War II in the original time and space, the ranking of the comprehensive national power of the world's countries was as follows: the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, Britain and France were the top five powers in the world. This level was difficult to surpass. The sixth place was Italy, which has been soy sauce for thousands of years. The seventh place is Czechoslovakia, which is ranked behind even Japan in terms of comprehensive national strength.

Therefore, the sycophant Prime Minister Schwartz put forward his own suggestion for the first time. "Your Highness, I have no intention of offending you. I hope you will think twice about the Sudetenland issue. After all, it is different from Austria. The Czech Republic and France have signed a treaty. Once we go to war with the Czech Republic, France will attack us." Declaration of war. Your Excellency General Rundstedt, can our army cope with the Czechs and France at the same time?"

"Your Highness, I'm afraid our troops are still somewhat lacking." General Rundstedt also felt that Yannick's order was inappropriate. He considered the issue from a military perspective.

Because Czechoslovakia inherited the military industry and local economic zones of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, it was a truly powerful industrial country. Among other things, the famous machine gun on the Chinese battlefield in the original time and space was made in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic is now the second largest arms factory in the world.

Czechoslovakia is not a weak and weak shrimp that can be slaughtered by others. On the contrary, it has a powerful army, with forty divisions of well-equipped combat troops!

Moreover, as mentioned before, the Sudetenland region is located in the Sudeten Mountains in northern Czechoslovakia. These vast mountainous areas will seriously hinder the progress of German mechanized forces.

What's more important is that they want to attack Czechoslovakia, which is destined to deploy troops to defend against the French.

As a result, Germany's military strength was stretched thin. If they really wanted to do it, the Sudetenland mountainous area alone would be enough to keep them busy for several months.

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