Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 120 The Tragedy of the Czech Republic 1

One month after the coronation of the British King, British Prime Minister Chamberlain, French Prime Minister Daladier, Italian Prime Minister Mussolini and the German Crown Prince gathered again in Munich.

Two Czech representatives were also invited to the Regent Palace Hotel, the venue of the meeting.

"Who are you?!" The tall doorman stopped two people, one tall and one short, who were about to enter the hotel, and asked coldly.

"Blinded your dog eyes! Didn't you see the Czech flag on our chests?!" This was of course just a curse in his heart. After all, they came to attend an important meeting about the fate of the country, not to compete with a watchdog. . The tall man took out the meeting invitation from his arms, handed it to the doorman, and said coldly. "We are Czechoslovak representatives invited to attend the meeting by His Excellency the Crown Prince of your country."

"Oh, you two are representatives from the Czech Republic." A strange smile appeared on the doorman's face. "I have been waiting for a long time. His Highness told us not to neglect you two. Please come with me."

The two Czech representatives couldn't help but look at each other, somewhat confused as to what medicine the Germans were selling. Now the relationship between the two countries is extremely tense, but the German Crown Prince is uncharacteristically so polite. Is there some conspiracy?

But how could we back down when we came? Soon the two of them were taken into a room in the hotel, but as soon as they entered the room, they realized something was wrong. This room is too small, not to mention a conference table, not even a larger table. In addition to the coffee table, there are only a few sofas in the whole room. "Where is this place? Isn't it the conference room?"

"Just wait here, you two. I will notify you when the time comes." The guard who brought them said coldly and turned around.

"Wait a minute..." The short man was about to step forward to ask clearly, when he suddenly realized that two burly men had arrived at the door at some point, guarding both sides. The short man was so frightened that he subconsciously took a few steps back when he was glared at fiercely by the big man.

"Bang!" Looking at the door that was slammed shut, the two Czech representatives looked at you and me, and I saw that you were a little at a loss. "What is this, house arrest?"

The tall man snorted disdainfully. "They can only use such childish methods to save themselves face. What other tricks can they play?!"

The short man couldn't help laughing when he heard this. "That's right, when I get back I'm going to make fun of the Germans' vanity in the newspaper!"

There were guards at the door and they couldn't get out, so the two simply sat leisurely on the sofa, drinking tea and chatting about the current situation. They don't have much to worry about, because Czechoslovakia's military power is currently stronger than Germany's, with 35 army divisions deployed on the border to resist Germany. The German troops assembled at the border are only more than 20 divisions. This is what the Germans themselves claim. Who knows how much water is in it.

After more than two hours, there was a knock on the door again, and a strange waiter opened the door. "Come on, you two, His Highness wants to see you."

"..." Yannick looked at the two Czech representatives who walked into the conference room with their faces red and their heads held high, and he muttered in his heart that soon your smiling faces would turn into sad faces. "You two have been waiting for a long time. Now I officially inform you that this crisis has finally been successfully resolved through the unremitting efforts of all parties. It can be said that everyone is happy."

The tall man replied in a neither humble nor arrogant tone. "That's great. When will your country plan to withdraw its troops from the border so that our soldiers can spend Christmas Eve in peace?"

Although Yannick wanted to continue playing tricks, time was precious, so he stopped playing. Ask the secretary to hand over the documents on the desk to these two people. "Then it depends on your government's attitude."

After taking the document, the words "Agreement Concerning the Cession of Sudetenland Territory from Czechoslovakia to Germany" on the cover came into view.

The two people's hearts trembled inexplicably and they hurriedly opened the document.

This agreement includes 8 main articles, 1 annex and 3 statements.

The main contents are:

Czechoslovakia ceded the Sudetenland to Germany. Germany will complete the occupation of the above-mentioned areas and other areas where Germans account for the majority of the population in stages within a month. Any equipment existing in these areas must be handed over to Germany intact;

Other areas in the Czech Republic where it is still unclear whether the German ethnic group constitutes the majority of the residents should be temporarily occupied by an international committee composed of representatives from Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic. A referendum will be held before the end of November to determine their ownership and demarcate the area. final frontier;

The Czech government should release Sudeten political prisoners serving their sentences within four weeks;

The relevant governments must resolve the issue of the Polish and Hungarian minorities in Czechoslovakia within three months. Otherwise, the leaders of Germany, Britain, France and Italy will meet again to discuss;

Britain and France guarantee that the Czech-New Zealand border will not be invaded;

When the issue of ethnic minorities in the Czech Republic has been resolved, Germany will also provide guarantees to the Czech Republic.

"This, this..." As Yannick expected, the reaction of the two people was quite interesting.

The tall man froze on the spot, while the short man wondered if he was dazzled and rubbed his eyes hard. When he looked at it again, there were still those black and white words, unchanged.

The tall man who recovered first trembled and dropped the documents in his hands on the table. "No, we will never agree to such a humiliating agreement!!"

Yannick clicked his tongue and shook his head. "You don't agree? You two take yourselves too seriously. We don't need you to disagree. You have also seen that our four countries have signed the document. In other words, we invite you here just to inform you of the results of the meeting and to Take the document back to your Mr. Prime Minister."

"Then war!!" At this time, the short man also reacted and shouted with a red face. Czechoslovakia was not afraid of German force.

"War? Then let's have war." This time it was not Yannick who responded to him, but their Czech protectorate, French Prime Minister Daladier. After saying these words, he stood up and nodded slightly to Yannick. Without even looking at the two Czech representatives who looked shocked, he walked out of the conference room and walked away.

"Why is this happening? Why is this happening!" Seeing British Prime Minister Chamberlain and Italian Prime Minister Mussolini leaving one after another, the unwillingness on the faces of the two Czech representatives finally turned into despair.

Can you not despair? There may be hope for dealing with a single Germany, but if France, Britain, Germany, and Italy join forces to punish them, will they still be able to get up and running?

Yannick shook his head regretfully. "Why? It can only be said that you have not kept up with the world situation. In today's society, problems cannot be solved by force. Well, aren't you in a hurry to prepare for Christmas? Go back and inform your President Benes to let him know Let’s leave the Sudetenland so that everyone can have a good holiday in comfort.”

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