Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 122 Czech Tragedy 3

Berlin Palace.

Yannick, who was in a good mood, specially entertained Reinhard, Rundstedt, Speer and several others for breakfast.

"Your Highness, Prime Minister Chamberlain received a hero's welcome at the airport."

Listening to Reinhard's report, Yannick nodded. "Of course, that's what he deserves. Not to mention the people of London, I'm afraid people all over Europe think Chamberlain is a great man. The Swedish government should give him a Nobel Peace Prize."

Everyone present was amused by his words.

Rundstedt had some misgivings. "As far as I know, Benes is a very tough person. How could he accept this treaty so cowardly? Is there any fraud in it?"

Yannick said disapprovingly. "Even the Czech protectorate doesn't protect him, what kind of temper can they have? I hope it's deceitful. In that case, we will have an excuse to bulldoze the entire Czechoslovakia." There is no need to break the agreement and make him break his promise. To people. "Our next goal is to completely divide the Czech Republic. Reinhard, have you found the person I asked you to find?"

Reinhard put down the knife and fork in his hand and said respectfully. "Yes, Your Highness, I was about to report this to you. We have secretly contacted Representative Joseph Tisso. He is very interested in your proposal to make Slovakia independent and expressed his hope to meet with you to discuss it in detail."

After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after the last world war, the Czech Republic and Slovakia united to form the Czechoslovak Republic.

However, not everyone is willing to accept this combination, because the Czech region was already an important industrial center during the Austro-Hungarian Empire (implementing 100% industrialization), while Slovakia is still an undeveloped agricultural area, and the development between the two regions Not balanced.

In fact, as long as the Czech government does more and the workers and farmers in the two regions combine and complement each other, Czechoslovakia may become a powerful country. Unfortunately, Slovakia has remained poor and backward for quite some time, and the Czech government has not taken many measures to improve Slovakia's poor economic situation. In addition, the global economic crisis a few years ago made Slovakia's already poor economic situation even worse!

Slovakia should not join the Czech Republic. This is a Czech conspiracy!

This argument began to take root and even spread. Some careerists are ready to turn their ideals into reality, such as Joseph Tisso, a member of the Czechoslovak National Assembly.

Jozef Tiso (1887~1947) was the first president of Slovakia and one of the most controversial figures in the history of Slovakia in the 20th century.

Born in Trencin, Slovakia on October 13, 1887, he grew up in an environment with a strong religious atmosphere. In 1902, he went to Nitra to attend middle school. After graduating with honors, he went to Vienna Theological Seminary for further study. In 1910, after graduating from university, he was ordained a priest by the bishop. After the outbreak of World War I, he joined the army and became a field army chaplain and witnessed the cruelty of war with his own eyes. After leaving the army due to health reasons, he began to write war memoirs and published them in various local magazines.

After the founding of the Czechoslovak state in 1918, Tissot became interested in politics. At a youth organization rally, he gave a public speech as a member of the Slovak People's Party, pointing out the injustice and incorrectness of Prague statism to the Slovak nation.

Therefore, he was accused of using anti-Czech remarks. The court sentenced him to 2 months in prison and a certain amount of fines. He was later released from prison early due to amnesty. After being released from prison, he became more actively involved in political activities and was elected as a member of Parliament in the subsequent parliamentary elections.

The ideal flame in his heart had never been extinguished. The German's proposal seemed to be poured on the flame like gasoline, and it turned into a raging fire in an instant. He agreed without hesitation.

"welcome any time."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Rundstedt couldn't help but wonder. "Let Slovakia become independent? Aren't we going to annex the whole of Czechoslovakia?"

Yannick picked up the chunk of steak on the plate with his fork. "General Rundstedt, can you eat this steak in one bite?"

"Of course not." Rundstedt shook his head. He couldn't fit such a big piece of steak into his mouth, let alone eat it in one bite. But he almost understood what His Highness meant.

Yannick continued. "Czechoslovakia is like this steak. If we insist on swallowing it, we may choke. So we have to cut it into small pieces with a knife and fork and eat it in our stomachs bite by bite." Waiting for Slovakia to announce. After independence, Yannik will ask the Czech government to cede Bohemia and Moravia. When the time comes, Poland and Hungary will also take the opportunity to take a bite, and then Germany can annex the entire Czech Republic under the banner of protecting the Czech Republic.

Yannick looked at Speer aside. "Professor Speer, you must be prepared to integrate the Czech industry as quickly as possible when the time comes, especially the Skoda Arsenal and the Czech Brno Arsenal."

As mentioned earlier, before the outbreak of World War II, the comprehensive national power ranking of the world's countries was the United States, the Soviet Union, Germany, Britain, France, and Italy, with Czechoslovakia occupying the seventh position. Czechoslovakia inherited the military industry and local economic zones of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and its military production was quite excellent.

It is a pity that Germany in the original time and space did not completely integrate these military-industrial enterprises. The Czech-made LT-38 light tank, which was renamed the 38t tank, was actually produced until 1942. But considering that the No. 2 tank, which has worse performance than the 38t tank, was produced until the end of 1942, it’s hard to say anything.

It's different now. Yannick simply didn't like the little bean tanks like the No. 1 and No. 2, and directly produced an improved version of the No. 4 tank, the Jackal tank. Therefore, the Czech military factories no longer need to continue to produce light tanks such as the LT-38. They must quickly complete the transformation and produce German Jackal tanks on the assembly line!

As long as the Czech military industry is completely integrated, the German armored forces can increase at least ten integrated divisions.

Speer nodded gracefully. "As you wish, Your Highness."

At this time, Czech President Edvard Beneš, who had turned gray after a night of worry, was sitting in his office sighing and writing his resignation letter.

Yes, it’s a resignation letter.

Years of experience in political struggle told him that Germany's ambitions would not be satisfied only with the Sudetenland.

But the Sudetenland is a natural barrier for the Czech Republic. Now, under the power of Britain and France, these barriers can only be handed over to others. How can the Czech army rely on to resist German armored forces?

Unable to bear the pain of his motherland being shattered in his own hands, he decided to resign to escape this cruel reality.

"I'm sorry for my motherland, but I've tried my best." After leaving these words, Benes staggered out of the office. He did try his best and even carried out general mobilization for war, preparing to fight the Germans to the death. But he never expected that the one who defeated him was not Germany, which was eyeing him, but Britain and France, which had always been regarded as allies! !

Edvard Benes resigned, and no one could keep him who was determined to leave, because he knew that the Czech Republic was hopeless.

The Czech Republic needs new leaders. As a result, the weaker or more "mainstream" and more "realistic" members of the Czech ruling class chose Judge Emil Hacha as the new president in the National Assembly.

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