Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 138: Battle of Poland (1)

That morning, the Deutsche Zeitung published a horrifying news headline: "Polish border guards cross the border and massacre German civilians!"

The Polish army brazenly crossed the border, invaded a small village on the German border, and massacred innocent people!

The newspaper also included several photos. This was provided by a photographer who was photographing birds from a nearby rooftop at the time. From the photo, you can see a group of Polish cavalry menacingly crossing the creek that serves as the border between the two countries and rushing towards the not far away village.

Photographers who felt something was wrong quickly ran to a nearby military camp for help, but by the time they returned to the village, the tragedy had already occurred. A fierce exchange of fire ensued, and the Polish soldiers were finally subdued. The newspaper finally attached the corpses of civilians on the ground and several Polish soldiers who were photographed holding up their documents.

This newspaper was sold out as soon as it was put on the stall. Three more copies were urgently printed and the supply still exceeded the demand.

In less than half a day, the whole of Germany was completely boiling. The indignant people spontaneously gathered in front of the local authorities and called for severe punishment of the murderers; some radicals even shouted to declare war on Poland and teach these beasts a lesson. The area around the Berlin Palace was even more crowded, and shouts for revenge resounded throughout the sky.

Finally, at nine o'clock sharp, Yannick appeared on the balcony of the palace. "When Germany was seeking peace externally and reunification internally, the massacre in Oles Village occurred. Not only did the people of our country remain in grief and indignation, but the world's public opinion was also extremely shocked. The outcome of this incident is not only a question of Germany's survival, but will also It is the source of misfortune and blessing for mankind in the world..." He slightly modified the famous Anti-Japanese War declaration of a certain principal and used it.

At the end of the story, he gave an extremely stern warning. "On behalf of the entire Germany, I hereby solemnly warn the Polish government that blood debts can only be repaid with blood! You are limited to hand over the mastermind within 20 hours!! If not, we will use all means to protect the innocent sons of the empire. The people demand justice!! Including war!!"

Regardless of any era or country, there is no shortage of fan culture.

Zhang Ji was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, and his representative works include "Autumn Thoughts" and "Ode to a Chaste Woman". Because Zhang Ji was obsessed with Du Fu's poems, he burned Du Fu's famous poems one by one. He mixed the ashes with honey and ate three spoonfuls of them every morning. When a friend asked him why he wanted to eat, Zhang Ji said: "After eating Du Fu's poems, I can write as good poems as Du Fu!"

From ancient times to the present, there are many people who admire Zhuge Liang, such as Du Fu and Lu You, but Zuo Zongtang is the most special one among the "Zhuge fans". Because he not only admires Zhuge Liang, but also thinks that he surpasses Zhuge Liang. Zuo Zongtang called Zhuge Liang "Gu Liang" and himself "Jin Liang" and "Xiao Liang". He often said: "Today's glory may not be as good as the ancient glory." However, looking at Zuo Gong's life, he made great achievements, became generals and became prime ministers, and he was worthy of his idol in his youth, Zhuge Wuhou.

Pablo Neruda was a huge fan of Stalin and worshiped him to death. He wrote a large number of lyric poems praising Stalin and the Soviet Union, such as "The Vineyard and the Wind". The most straightforward ones are the two "love poems" he wrote to Stalingrad. The names of the poems are "Love Song to Stalingrad" and "New Love Song to Stalingrad".

Monet said that Jungkind's use of color gave him an "eye lesson"; Maupassant's attitude towards his master Flaubert was almost like an illegitimate child; Melville's praise of Hawthorne looked like adultery from a distance; Cutting off from Uncle Fentuo, he was cast into "The Master of Petersburg" as the protagonist; Picasso said, "Cézanne is the father of our generation!"...

There are also various fan groups in later generations, and some are even seriously labeled as "brainless fans".

But when the other identity of a national idol is the crown prince of the empire or the future emperor, the effect of this kind of brain-dead fan may be expanded to hundreds or even tens of millions of times.

When they heard the threat of war against Poland on the radio, the marching crowd burst into cheers.

Looking at these people, Yannick even felt a little incredible. It has just been twenty years since the last war. Now when I hear about the war, I am so excited. Is it because Goebbels' brainwashing has had an effect over the years, or are these people born with warlike genes?

Maybe it really is a genetic problem. After all, in ancient times, the Teutons lived in the arid northern part of Germany, living in the primeval forests. The cold climate and barren land made the Teutons the strongest nation, and they were ambitious and wanted to Conquer areas that are wealthier than your own. Therefore "warlikeness" became one of the barbaric traits of the Teutons. Not only has this character never disappeared, but it has intensified.

However, he was not interested in conducting in-depth research on these. He was now concerned about the upcoming war.

At No. 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister Chamberlain's hand shook as he just picked up the teacup, and the teacup that had just been brewed fell to the ground. A few drops of hot tea splashed on his ankles, but he didn't react at all, staring blankly at the radio in the corner.

What did that German boy just say?

war? !

Damn it! !

Kicking away the teacup that rolled to his feet, Chamberlain hurriedly picked up the phone and contacted the British Embassy in Germany.

After learning the details of the "Oles Village Massacre" from the ambassador, he almost dropped the phone in his hand.

Are these Poles crazy? Are they border guards or bandits? ! Even the most barbaric country can't do such a crazy thing, right? No wonder the Germans were so angry that they even threatened war!

In recent years, Germany's development has exceeded Britain's expectations. Whether in terms of economy or armaments, it has re-emerged as a European power. Coupled with the fact that it had just annexed the Czech military industry two years ago, Germany today is no longer the defeated country that everyone bullied ten years ago!

It's good now. When the Germans are gearing up, these damn Poles actually do such a death-seeking thing?

The Prime Minister glanced at the clock subconsciously. It was now a little after eight in the morning. The German Crown Prince's speech was at nine o'clock German time. Why only 20 hours were given? Is it possible that Germany is ready for war and will launch an attack at five o'clock tomorrow morning?

This is too ridiculous. Germany knows that Britain, France and Poland have signed a mutual aid treaty, and declaring war on Poland is equivalent to declaring war on Britain and France.

Do the Germans not know the stakes involved?

But if Poland does not hand over the mastermind tomorrow morning, what will Germany do?

Sitting on the plane to Paris, questions that he couldn't figure out the answers flashed through Chamberlain's mind. After discussing with his staff for a long time, he still couldn't figure out the reason. He was going to France to meet with the French Prime Minister to discuss the matter.

No matter what, he must stop this dispute, otherwise it will probably turn into the trigger of World War II! !

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