Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 24 Planning 5

I found two pig teammates in World War II Germany in the original time and space.

When Germany was going smoothly, it waved the flag and cheered from behind, and often fell behind. In the later stage, seeing Germany's defeat gradually becoming apparent, Italy immediately changed its flag and joined the anti-Japanese camp. I will not go into details.

Japan, which was stronger than Italy and performed better, was able to dominate Asia because there was no strong country in Asia at that time.

After the outbreak of World War II, Japan was invincible and rampant in Asia, and its popularity was not much worse than that of Germany.

However, as an ally, direct support to Germany is minimal, and the greatest support is mainly reflected in strategy.

Japan contained the Soviet Union's troops in the Far East and formed a strategic deterrent to Britain and France. Even the United States did not dare to act rashly. But that's all. It was not until the outbreak of the Pacific War that Japan played a real (limited) role in helping Germany militarily, that is, Japan attacked the colonies of Western countries such as Britain and the Netherlands.

Although Japan's behavior caused the United Kingdom, the United States, the Netherlands and other countries to lose some colonies and colonial troops, its behavior was undoubtedly very stupid. In other words, the Japanese were simply trying to kill themselves.

Britain, France and the United States also formed a pincer attack on Japan in Asia. As Japan's main trading country, the United States has frozen all trade in military industrial resources with Japan.

Japan is a "small country" lacking resources. When the US freeze came, oil, the blood of the war, immediately ran out of oil. Japan's domestic reserves were only enough for half a year. If it is not resolved in time, the vast majority of Japan's warships, tanks, and cars will be "paralyzed" and fall into a desperate situation of defeat without a fight.

How to get out of a desperate situation? At that time, there were only two options before Japan: Either listen to the United States, be its little brother, and strive for an unfreeze on trade by the United States. Otherwise, we should break up with the United States. Since the United States will not sell it, Japan will "steal" it on its own.

Of course, we all know that Japan chose the second path in the end. As for why it chose this path, in addition to subjective reasons, it is largely due to the "gambler mentality" of the Japanese.

You must know that Japan relied on two wars to become a world power (the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1894, which made Japan the leader in Asia; the Russo-Japanese War, which made Japan a world power. Both of these wars were a gamble on Japan's national destiny). This time they couldn't help but have some thoughts again. If it launches a powerful attack on the United States and makes a big move, it may really become the hegemon in the Pacific all of a sudden.

Now that the fight is ready, the next step is to choose a target.

At that time, they had three targets to choose from: the mainland of the United States; Wake Island or Guam; and Hawaii.

But after all, the mainland of the United States is far away and has a large area. It is impossible for Japan to occupy it quickly. Although Wake Island and Guam are also important bases of the United States in the Pacific and are both close to Japan, these two places are too The two islands are small. On average, the two islands are only a few hundred square kilometers, and there are only a few hundred soldiers stationed there. If the two islands are captured, not only will there not be much benefit, but it may also arouse the anger of the Americans. The war will still break out. Instead of doing this It would be better to choose Pearl Harbor, the location of the largest fleet of the United States in the Pacific, for attack.

Japan believes that since Japan has no possibility of occupying the United States, attacking Pearl Harbor and starting a war with the United States is the best option. Because a raid on Pearl Harbor would prevent the U.S. Pacific Fleet from recovering and participating in the war in a short period of time. It would not only seize sea and air supremacy in the early stages of the war, ensure the security of Japan's southward flank, but also dampen the morale of the U.S. Navy and the American people. Eliminate the possibility of a surprise attack by the United States on Japanese soil.

Isoroku Yamamoto, the planner of the pre-war surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, believed that a successful attack should bring Japan a strategic advantage for about a year. By the time the United States recovered, Japan's wars in East and Southeast Asia would have ended. , it will be much easier to negotiate with the Americans.

Just like that, Japan slapped the tiger hard and pulled out a few beards, causing the tiger to grit its teeth in pain, revealing its ferocious fangs and claws.

Since Germany and Japan are allies, everyone is already tied together. Now Germany can only bite the bullet and declare war on the United States. He is simply a textbook example of a pig teammate!

If Japan can also slap the face of the United States in this time and space, Yannick would not mind bringing a piece of business to Japan. But he always felt that those idiots would definitely challenge Daming in the future. After all, in order to contain Ming Dynasty, the United States, Britain and Japan had already reached an alliance. The material aid provided by the United States and Britain to Japan made the Japanese national state at this time stronger than Japan in the original time and space when it received compensation from the Qing Dynasty.

However, if Japan really dares to overestimate its capabilities, its failure is certain. Yannick is already looking forward to the situation where the Eurasian and African coalition forces besiege the American continent.

And he also knew what these weapons independently developed by the Japanese were like. It would be better to learn from them than from Italy next door.

Except for the Zero fighter, 50 grenade launchers, oxygen-powered torpedoes and incendiary bombs carried by large hydrogen balloons, the rest can only be called dregs.

Even the Zero, (the Axis powers are more interesting, the piston fighter jets were basically just modified during the war to rest on their laurels, of course Naz's jet rockets are not counted, the Allies continued to add excellent models), in fact, in the early days of this kind of aircraft, Much of the advantage was due to excellent pilots. Of all the countries in World War II, Japanese soldiers had the highest status in the country. Just like today's financial and civil servants, there is naturally no shortage of talents. Of course, the legacy of the samurai must also be taken into consideration. The design of the Zero is very extreme. Once the enemy understands the structure of the aircraft, it will be very miserable. For example, the Zero can hardly turn right when flying at high speed. The United States relies on this to offset the Japanese's maneuverability advantage; the Polar Bear model There are too many. If it hadn't been blitzed by Mustache, it is estimated that the R\u0026D and manufacturing would be much stronger. There are many excellent and classic famous aircraft. The pilots are formal and professional, and the training system is also very powerful. Unlike the Japanese, experienced old FF died. Little FF can only commit kamikaze suicide. As for bombers and attack aircraft, there are few that the Japanese can produce.

The grenade is a unique infantry weapon of the Japanese Army, and is even regarded by the US military as "the only Japanese infantry weapon worthy of evaluation." From the perspective of design features and combat performance, the Japanese grenade is more like a light mortar that omits the bracket and aiming device and uses visual aiming and manual launch. The shooting angle and direction of the grenade completely rely on manpower. Adjustment, so this weapon has very high requirements for shooters, and it can only be used proficiently through long-term training. Therefore, grenade launchers are usually the most experienced veterans, and it is difficult for other soldiers to replace them once they are injured or killed.

As for oxygen-powered torpedoes and large hydrogen balloons, we will discuss them in detail later.

Various reasons led Yannick to decide that Daming was the final stop of his trip. He returned the same way, first to Moscow, and took Guderian and others who stayed there with him to board the train back home.

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