Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 51 Judah 2

During World War I, the Jewish people in the rear either engaged in speculation or engaged in Marxist red riots. They also incited the German troops heading to the front not to be scapegoats, not to be cannon fodder, but to be deserters, which undermined the fighting spirit of the German army, and many Judas People also deliberately contracted sexually transmitted diseases in order to avoid military service and go to fight on the front lines. In addition to causing trouble in the rear and speculating, the Jews harmed the German working people, plotted against the German capitalists, poached Germany, disintegrated the German army, and contributed to the defeat of the German army. , and didn’t do any other good and useful things.

These Judahites were so desperate, evil, vicious and possessed by demons that they were our malaria, plague and all misfortune for 1400 years and still have been. …First, their Jewish churches and schools were set on fire, and everything that could not be burned was buried in the ground, so that no one could ever see a brick of it again. We should do this by dedicating ourselves to our Lord and the entire Christian community, so that God can see that we are Christians. Secondly, destroy and destroy their houses also... Thirdly, confiscate all their books and scriptures, for in these they spread idolatry, lies, curses and slander against God... Do you think the above words come from Mustache What? No, its author was Martin Luther.

Yannick walked to the bench and sat down, picked up a cup of tea and took a sip. "But this is not something that is incomprehensible. After all, due to religious and historical reasons, the fate of you Jewish people has always been in turmoil. In order to ensure your basic rights to survive, you have used money, the most effective weapon. When you were excluded by aliens, , when facing the bloody killings of anti-Semites, you have offered 'money' more than once. Perhaps this is the real reason why you Jewish people are working hard to make money by any means. In the eyes of some people, making money is just for games or enjoyment, but you, But it’s for survival.”

The people of Judah discovered the fact very early that money is the source of all life. The people of Judah were destroyed several times in history, and they were forced to live in all corners of the world. But no matter where they go, the Jewish people must pay various high taxes and inexplicable taxes if they want to survive there. Almost every move in their daily life is inseparable from the shackles of taxes. People who believe in the same religion have to pay taxes when they pray together, they have to pay taxes when they get married, they have to pay taxes when they have children, and they even have to pay taxes when they hold funerals for the deceased. If they hesitate for a moment, they will be called misers by others, and if they do not pay enough taxes, they will be expelled and massacred immediately.

The rulers of the country where the people of Judah lived were always keeping an eye on the money in their hands. Rulers built luxurious palaces, maintained the luxurious lives of their nobles, showed the majesty of the empire, and fought wars with other countries. These all required a lot of money, and the Judahs were able to meet their needs. As a result, such ridiculous things happened. They often looked down on the greed of the Jews to make money and disliked their stinginess, so they expelled the Jews from the country, but it would not take long before they would call them back. Because for them, the people of Judah are simply their moneybags: when they need them, they call them back, treat them with great favor, and try their best to fawn over them; when they don't need them, they leave them aside, and then drive them away and massacre.

The Jewish people had money, but they were jealous of many people, and "anti-Semitic" movements were launched in many parts of the world. Although there are many causes of anti-Semitism, a Frenchman in the 19th century said the truth: "Anti-Semitism is an economic war. The Jewish people know very well that they cannot afford to lose in this war. Once they lose, When they became financially dominant, that was when they were dismissed, expelled and killed. Therefore, achieving success for their own survival has become an unshirkable responsibility for the Judahs.

Several Jewish people looked at each other, and Elder Bloom bowed slightly. "Your Highness is wise."

Yannick waved his hand. "What was I talking about before? Oh, a few years ago, there were only about six or seven million Jews in Germany. But it has grown a bit in recent years. Now there are almost one million Jews in Germany, right? I want you to join the army too. ."

"I want those Jewish young men who become soldiers to abandon the miscellaneous rules and regulations of the Jewish religion. They eat what the German soldiers eat in the military camp and train the same whenever they want. There is no need for any taboos."

Elder Broome was shocked. "This is impossible."

Yannick smiled disapprovingly. "You just said that you are an enlightened sect, but it seems that you are not enlightened enough. If you have time, you can study the Ming Dynasty's allusions such as 'sacrifice yourself to become a benevolent person' and 'wine and meat pass through the intestines, but remain in the heart of the Buddha'."

"All soldiers who join the army can own their own private land. Of course it will not be unlimited. But I can guarantee that they have private land whose rights are guaranteed by imperial laws and have the same rights as Germans. They can also engage in handicrafts, subject to conditions. You can also open your own factory. If no one in the German factory hires them, then I will take the lead in hiring them. If no one cooperates with the factory you run, I can cooperate. In short, those who contribute to the empire will be accepted by the empire. "The people of Judah did not know how to farm for two thousand years, because every country they moved to felt that you were not from our country and could not own land. The Jews could only do business, but the Jews actually survived in this kind of wandering situation. I have to admire their ability to survive.

"If you think those ancient rules are more important than survival, then I have nothing to say."

"But I can tell you what will happen. You also know that the current situation in Germany is not very optimistic, and the people are in dire straits."

"Germany now is like a volcano about to erupt. If we don't find something to vent the people's anger, once it erupts, it will be a destructive energy. I can't say that it was the United Kingdom that brought Germany to this point. France, the Soviet Union, and the United States, right? The only ones who are unlucky are you Jewish people. I will transfer all my hatred to you Jewish people.

I would vigorously promote the "Stab in the Back Legend" and then order restrictions that would deprive the Jewish people of their civil rights. Jewish people are prohibited from being civil servants, judges, lawyers, doctors, etc.; Jewish people are not allowed to enter public entertainment venues; and they are not allowed to buy goods from Jewish stores. The implementation of this policy restricted the rights of Jewish people in many aspects of economic, political, and social life, reducing the social status of German-born Jews to "second-class citizens."

This is just the first step. I will announce a new law to deprive the people of Judah of their citizenship, reducing you from "second-class citizens" to residents without the right to vote or be elected. From then on, you will lose the rights and all legal protections you should have as citizens. Then I will issue new laws to force these residents out of the country and immigrate to other countries and regions. "

"How about it? Elder Bloom. Although it is not what I want, for the sake of Germany, I have no other choice. Maybe Britain and France will take a liking to me because of my move and reduce the compensation."

"Oh, one more thing. You don't have to think about leaving. From the beginning of yesterday's purge plan, I ordered that no Jewish people leave the country. Maybe you think you can buy it with money. But I also ordered that no one dares to take money. If he does something, his whole family will be sent to a concentration camp. And there will be huge rewards for whistleblowers."

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