Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 64: Recruiting Talents 3

Arriving in the living room, Yannick asked everyone else to leave and poured Tesla a cup of tea with his own hands. "There is a saying in later generations that the two men closest to God in the world are Leonardo da Vinci and you."

His ideas and inventions will play a vital role even in the future era of interstellar navigation. He obtained about 1,000 patented inventions in his life. He is the father of alternating current, the father of radio, the father of free energy, the father of modern physics, the father of radar, the father of computers, the father of the Internet, the father of X-ray photography, Titles such as the father of solar energy, the father of dead light, the father of flying saucers, the father of artificial satellites, etc. These inventions have had an extremely profound impact on mankind and changed the entire world.

"I'll tell you a secret, I traveled from the future."

Seeing a trace of surprise flash across Tesla's face, Yannick shrugged. "Sounds like a fantasy, doesn't it? I have been here for almost five years, and I have always wanted to find someone to tell this secret. You may not believe it, but if you want to hear it, I can tell you about your character's life.

1856 - You were born in the middle of the night between July 9 and 10 to a Serbian family in Simi Bay, Lika Province.


1882 - You discovered the rotating magnetic field while walking in a park in Budapest (the capital of Hungary).


1888 - May 16, you gave a report entitled "Alternating Current Transmission and Alternating Current Motor System".


1897 - You registered 20 invention patents in the field of radio engineering technology.


1909~1922 - You registered mechanical patents (pumps, flowmeters, bladeless turbines).


1931 - On your 75th birthday, you received letters from several Nobel Prize winners including Robert Andrew Millikan, Arthur H. Compton, Albert Einstein, William Henry Bragg and others. Congratulatory letter.


1935 - You announce that your invention "death ray" is not a death ray, but a charged particle beam.


1943 - On the evening of January 7, you died of heart failure at the New Yorker Hotel at the age of 86. "

Yannick was so excited that he told a brief introduction to Tesla's life in one breath.

The expression on Tesla's face has become extremely exciting, surprised, shocked, and even inexplicable. "this……"

Yannick smiled. "In that era, there was a machine called a computer. There was a network that connected hundreds of millions of computers. All human knowledge was stored in the network. You could easily access it by just inputting the name of a celebrity into the computer. Look up all or most of this person’s information.”

It should be said that he is indeed a genius. Tesla quickly recovered from the shock. "You just said I would die in 1943?"

Yannick scratched his head in embarrassment. In the excitement he just said, he even mentioned what would happen in the future. He hoped it would not cause any adverse effects. "Well, it was like that in my time and space. But at that time, your death was mostly due to poverty. According to the information I found, you still owed the New Yorker Hotel owner several months of room rent when you died. Now since you When you come here, you don't have to worry about money."

Ignoring the strange look on Tesla's face, Yannick straightened his body and said extremely seriously. "Stop talking about this, Mr. Tesla, what I want to say next is the point."

Seeing Yannick's expression suddenly become so serious, Tesla also put down the tea cup in his hand.

“Almost a hundred years from now, the world will break out into World War III.

The cause of war is population. Now the total population of the world is only around 2 billion. I am afraid you cannot imagine that the population will increase fivefold in less than a hundred years.

Our earth is so big and there are only so many resources. The result is a threat to humankind's own safety. At this time, politics can no longer solve any problems, and people's willingness to solve problems through war will become stronger.

Then naturally a world war broke out. Those superpowers threw atomic bombs and hydrogen bombs at each other, directly bringing the earth into a nuclear winter, leading to the destruction of mankind. "

Tesla quickly stretched out his hand to signal to stop. "Uh, Your Highness, I don't quite understand what you're talking about about atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and nuclear winter. Also, you said it was World War III? Did World War II also happen in the middle?"

Yannick briefly introduced the principles of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs and nuclear winter information. "The result is that less than 1% of the original population of nearly 10 billion is left, which is simply a catastrophe for mankind." Of course, there was no nuclear war when Yannick traveled through time, and the population was not that large, but he still felt that it was a threat to scare these people. Mr. Tesla will be better soon.

"Even if most of the people who were lucky enough to survive were exposed to nuclear radiation, I remember an expert at the time said that humanity would be completely extinct within three years. I was also exposed to radiation and fell into a coma. When I woke up, I found that I had changed I became the Crown Prince of Germany. In other words, my soul traveled through space and time and possessed this Yannick. As for the Second World War, to tell you the truth, it will break out in less than ten years."

"It's unbelievable!" After hearing the whole story, Tesla was still very surprised. After trying hard to digest what Yannick said, he spoke after a while. "Then what does Your Highness need me to do? Make weapons for the next war?"

"Of course not. As I said just now, I know the principles of hydrogen bombs and nuclear bombs. As long as I teach these scientists this knowledge, they will be able to build them sooner or later." Yannick shook his head. "What I want you to study is the anti-gravity engine. If I remember correctly, you registered a patent in 1928, patent number 1,655,144."

The main manuscript of this patented technology is a UFO-shaped spacecraft, which combines the aircraft engine and the helicopter into one and uses anti-gravity technology to take off. At that time, Tesla proposed his concept at the U.S. Congress, but it was stopped due to various reasons and was secretly monitored by the FBI. In the end, the project failed.

Tesla's anti-gravity technology is also called gravitational dynamics, which acknowledges the existence of "ether" (a hypothetical electromagnetic wave propagation medium), which fills our living space everywhere. However, "ether" has long been excluded from the theory of physics and replaced by other abstract models. In addition, the dynamic theory of gravity also believes that any matter itself does not have energy, and energy comes from the surrounding environment, which is completely contrary to Einstein's E=mc2.

In his later years, Tesla summarized his theory and believed that the ultra-high-speed rotation of the electromagnetic field could drive the rotation of the ether, thereby changing the magnitude and direction of gravity. To be more specific, Tesla's anti-gravity technology is to use a million-volt Tesla coil to create an electromagnetic field. In this electromagnetic field, high-speed rotation will cause the rotation of the ether, changing the direction and magnitude of the gravitational force on the object. In this way, matter can achieve anti-gravity lift-off.

Yannick showed a look of helplessness. "You can't imagine that since humans launched the first satellite with a rocket in 1957 until the demise of mankind, the tools for exploring space are still inefficient chemical rockets. We can't even build an outpost on the moon, let alone Don’t talk about Mars and Saturn.”

"This time, I want humans to break out of the earth, colonize the solar system, and explore more distant outer space. Only in this way can humans avoid the tragedy of trapping the earth. I hope Mr. Tesla can help me." Yannick stood up and said Silla bowed deeply.

Tesla stood up and supported Yannick. "Your Highness is too polite. Since I still have ten years left in my life, how can I waste a minute and a second? Please prepare a laboratory for me."

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