Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 90 Air Combat 3

After easily shooting down an I-16, Frank controlled the fighter and began to climb, preparing to climb to a higher attack position.

"Frank, you're followed by two tails!" Bach reminded him loudly on the radio.

The Bf109's poor rear visibility prevented Frank from even bothering to look back. But Bach's words aroused his vigilance. There were only two chasing him? There were four planes that ambushed them, and he shot down one. Where did the remaining one go? "Bach, be careful, there is another one that may be following you!"

The overload force during the climb of the aircraft made his body stick tightly to the flight seat, but he could still flexibly control the aircraft joystick in his hand, which gave him great confidence.

"Then I'll start to dive, kill the enemy plane behind you, and get rid of the one behind me at the same time!" Bach replied loudly.

"No problem." Before he finished speaking, he saw Bach swooping down from above not far away, but he did not see the other I-16 that should be following Bach.

"What's going on?" Before I could figure out what was going on, the earphones exploded. "Wow hahaha, I hit him!" Bach's tone could hear his excitement and surprise. He achieved results in his first battle, which was very happy news for him.

Listening to Bach's excited shouting on the radio, Frank looked around to find the missing I-16. "Climb, Bach! I can't see the other I-16. Maybe it is hiding somewhere and preparing for a sneak attack. You rise to 5,500 meters." The I-16 has an open cockpit, so it is difficult to climb too high.

"Copy that. There's another I-16 on the way."

Want to run? Frank couldn't help but sneer. This guy is quite self-aware. He knew that 2vs2 was no match for him, so he simply ran away? "I'll deal with him while you stay on guard at high altitude."

After giving a warning, he turned around and chased the escaping I-16.

Soon he saw his prey. This guy seemed to be scared out of his wits. He didn't even make the most basic evasive movements and rushed forward.

It's a pity that the flying speed of bf109 is much higher than that of I-16, so how could it be escaped?

Frank chased him to the extreme distance before pulling the machine gun lever. The bullets ejected from the four machine guns were shot at the I-16 almost without missing a single bullet. Frank even saw the blood rising in the opponent's cabin. Judging from the amount of blood, the pilot would definitely die.

Immediately afterwards, the I-16 suddenly exploded into a ball of fireworks, and pieces of the plane flew all over the sky.

Frank suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and jerked the control stick to one side. Kankan dodged a piece of wing debris that was coming towards him.

He breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear, it seems that he can't get so close next time. "Bach, where are you? Have you found the I-16?"

Bach replied. "I'm above you. I didn't see the enemy plane. It might have escaped long ago."

Already ran away? What a bunch of cowards. Curling his lips in disdain, Frank saw that the fuel gauge showed that there was very little oil left, and he prepared to return. "Old Bird No. 5 calls the control tower." After Frank and Bach merged, they circled over the battlefield again. After confirming that there was no trace of the enemy plane, they contacted the command center behind. "The enemy planes here have been cleared. It's another ambush, warning other teams to be wary of these traps. We shot down three I-16s, and one escaped." As for the two old-fashioned biplanes used as decoys , fled long ago.

"Lao Niao No. 5, you can return now." The tower officer asked again after the return was approved. "Frank, you shot down two more? It's already nine, right? One more is missing and you'll be the ace. It's really impressive."

On August 31, 1915, French pilot Adolphe Pegoud died after shooting down the fifth German aircraft. French newspapers mourned him as "our ace pilot" (many people called Frenchman Roland Roland Garros regarded him as the first ace. In fact, of Garros's five records at that time, only 3 were shot down in the air, and the other 2 were forced landings). The term "ace pilot" came from this, and since then other countries have awarded "ace pilots" based on this standard (it seems that the standard of several British and German countries is to shoot down ten? I can't remember clearly, just think it is five).

However, Yannick stipulated that German pilots would be awarded "Ace Pilots" only after shooting down ten enemy planes. This was just a bad taste on his part, as he felt that this was of high value.

The aviation flight academy is called the Bird's Nest, and the students inside are called eggs. After graduation, they are called chicks. Those who have shot down more than one are called rookies, those who have shot down more than five are called veterans, and those who have shot down more than ten are called ace pilots. Those with more than 20 aircraft are double aces, and those with more than 50 aircraft are super aces. As for a monster ace like Hartman, Yannick hasn’t thought of a cool and shocking name for him yet.

A smile appeared on the corner of Frank's mouth, but he said disapprovingly. "That also depends on luck." It does depend on luck, just like the I-16 that just escaped. If that guy had not escaped, he would probably become an ace pilot today.

But it's just a little regretful, and it won't make me angry or angry. After all, these negative emotions can become a fatal weakness in a fierce air battle. Moreover, the lecturers in the health courses they have attended also mentioned that negative emotions will integrate and transmit information through the brain, causing neuroendocrine changes, leading to neurological disorders and hormonal abnormalities, which may have an impact on various systems of the body. These years of training have already taught him how to regulate his emotions.

Frank and Bach returned to the airport and landed on the runway. The ground crew rushed up to set up ladders to check the engines and refuel and ammunition the plane.

Now it can be said that there are more monks than meat. There are only ten bf109s at this airstrip, but there are thirty pilots. Coupled with the limitation of fuel capacity, each pilot's flight time will not exceed two hours, so these aircraft have to take off an average of four or five times a day, which requires the rapid efforts of aircraft technicians to repair, refuel and refuel the aircraft. Reloading ammunition is required to complete.

After getting off the plane and saying hello to the ground staff, Frank saw several unfamiliar planes not far away as he left the runway.

Not only was it strange, but it was also ugly. This was the first time Frank had seen such an ugly aircraft. Huge and thick inverted gull-shaped wings, equally huge fixed landing gear and wheel fairings, towering cockpit and tall vertical tail, especially the huge engine radiator that looks like a bathtub , if you want him to sit in and drive such an ugly thing, he won’t do it!

"What's going on with those ugly planes?" He grabbed a ground staff member and pointed to the ugly planes.

"That's called a Ju87 dive bomber." the ground crew replied casually. "They transferred here an hour ago and should be stationed here permanently. Don't worry, they belong to the Army Aviation and are only responsible for ground attacks. They will not compete with you for their lives."

"Then I'm relieved." Frank smiled, returned to the dormitory, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

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