Transmigrated Into a Big Boss to Snatch Away the Cannon Fodder

Chapter 154 - One hundred and fifty-fourth

By the time Rong got off the plane, things had already been calmed down by Gao Ning with his public relations team and fans. +++ Cartino Novel Network

He was suddenly stunned.

I missed such a great opportunity!

He Qian frowned and followed the flight, and he wasn’t too good on the plane (sleeping Shui).

He quickly flipped the phone and He Qian walked over.

“Mr. Rong, now things are only temporarily suppressed. According to the current situation, Mr. Lin still needs to make a clear statement, otherwise things will not end so simple.

Now the fans are consuming their trust in Linji. Once this trust is not supplemented by new sources, these fans are not far away.


what do you mean?

Rongqing threw a puzzled look.

He Qian quickly and succinctly analyzed the situation with him, and analyzed the possible consequences.

“This matter is big or small, but if Mr. Lin does not express his opinion, things may snowball now and become more and more serious in the future.”

The glory understood now.

Contrary to what He Qian thought, Rongqing had to explain it when he heard it, and his eyebrows gradually rose.

“You mean, we are more suitable for public now?”

He Qian was shocked.

How did Rong Qing get this answer? ? ?

Rong Qing gave him a glance and pinched his fingers.

“You think about it, if we made it public, it didn’t lie to fans, and completely blocked the marketing account and the army’s mouth, perfect.”

He Qian was even more shocked.

Because of this, it seems to have an eight point truth.

He was actually convinced!

“And, don’t we still have you?”

Rong Qing looked at He Qian, and suddenly he grinned slowly.

As the so-called “raising a soldier for a thousand days to use a soldier!”

He Qian, who broke into the inside, is the time to use it!

He Qian paused, and his mood was delicate.


If he came to control, then this time, maybe …

He thought about it, the phone suddenly shook wildly, and he looked down at the phone inexplicably.

It is a group reminder.

After a while, He Qian’s expression was also subtle.

He raised his head slowly, with a trace of disbelief in a little surprise.

“… It seems that the fans have all guessed.”

And they don’t cover up, (gan) simply opened the cp group? ? ?

The small group he was lurking before has become a large group of nearly a thousand people in just a few minutes!

The group name has been changed, and the solvent is called to melt my heart!

Honor: …? ? ?

No, what’s going on with your fans this time? ? ?

If you all guessed, how did Dad do things?

You can’t pretend not to know, let dad be refreshed!

In the group, while several group managers are reviewing, Aite has the avatar finally lit up.

Ahref = “/ cdn-cgi / l / email-protection ” class = “__ cf_email __ ” data-cfemail = “374277 “> [emailprotected] The wreckage of Shensha iron has not been sold, you finally come! You quickly make up the melon! Our group will start to carry forward! “

He Qian followed Rongqing in the car, applied for free time, and responded quickly.

“Simple talk, give you a minute.”

“⺪! You are a devil, have you learned exploitation from your boss? How can you finish it in a minute?”

“? You have wasted fifty seconds.”

“⺪ ⺪ ⺪, okay. That is to say that Brother Linji is suspected of marrying Rong Ba Ba abroad. The fleet is all Rong Ba Ba cars. The brother is sitting in the Maybach wedding car. Anyway, everyone now guess What’s going on, our solvent girl really got it real! Ahhhhhhhhhh! “

“…, you can omit extra words. But, I know.”

He Qian read the record again and again, and his heart was strange.

These fans really are more flamboyant than one.

They could actually recognize that the team is a glorious car, and they could accurately guess the truth of the matter!

The most terrible thing is!

He Qian glanced at a large group of newcomers, who had already seen several familiar avatars.

He was silent for a second.

So, these are solvent girls?

Do you usually shout pure powder in your mouth?

When did the rebellion turn into cp fan?

and also……

He Qian silently looked at various resources in the group that were crazy uploaded by the group members, and remained silent for ten seconds.

He recognized these uploaded names.

These are not the first ones that say they want to cut their legs (meat rou)?

Now this is to find a space to survive?

But do you really like solvents? Is this two legs down one by one? ? ?

He Qianjian raised his head and looked at Rongqing.

He spoke slowly.

“Raising soldiers will soon become a general. Rong, you guys, let it be announced soon.”

If not, it would be too shameful for fans to say such things than the official predecessor.

Honor: …?

He slowly put out a question mark, why do I need my father as soon as possible?

Was n’t you still an honest analysis?

He Qian was congested.

Where does he know that the fans of the Linji family are so, so powerful?

Rong Qing despised him, and then began to ponder with excitement.

Oops, what kind of official announcement is needed to be shocked!

What he didn’t expect was that he hadn’t thought of a way. Linji, who was abroad, gave him a big surprise first!

Lin Ji participated in a very popular (off tuo) mouth show in China!

Of course, he was invited as the star of Mr. Wilson.

The host had just thought that this was just an ordinary Oriental actor. Until ten minutes after the start of their show, she was told that the ratings of the show kept rising, and she was surprised to find that this Oriental actor was not ordinary at all!

He has a huge influence in the East!

Even in order to gain more exposure, their program team temporarily signed a live broadcast agreement with the online platform coming to the East!

This live broadcast was soon noticed by Linji fans, who rushed to the live broadcast platform and enjoyed Linji which had not been seen for a long time.

The host quickly understood the matter in the midfield and then took a deep breath.

You know, she also wanted to try to point the spear at this Eastern actor on why he could play the role of Mr. Wilson.

Now it seems that fortunately she didn’t do it!

In the following time, the host tried to exude goodwill, still humorous and yet respectful, and the atmosphere at the scene felt very beautiful.

When the netizens waited for the last ten minutes to ask questions, she thought it would be able to end successfully. Unexpectedly, after reading several questions, her expression gradually solidified.


Lin Ji reminded her politely, but this was a live broadcast.

The host had a trace of tangle in her eyes, and she stared inconspicuously with the director, who compared her mouth to her.

“The subject is all this.”

The host took a deep breath, and since that was the case, she would have no choice.

She squeezed a smile and spoke a little carefully.

“It seems that many netizens like you very much. They all asked the same question. Is this you?”

The director timely released a picture on the big screen behind them.

It was a screenshot of Linbach sitting Maybach.

The host was a little nervous.

She was a little worried that this oriental actor would feel offended!

Orientals don’t seem to like to expose their private life to the eyes of the media, especially such a popular star!

She was like a deer bumping into her heart, but she saw that the oriental boy in front of her with a faint smile suddenly (exposed) a very gentle smile.

Like when she was a child, when she went to her grandmother’s house in the spring, the grandmother’s little garden butterfly was the most beautiful white butterfly, with the gentle breath of spring.

Lin Ji: “It’s me. I was also surprised at the time. I didn’t have time to tell everyone that I was going to get married.”

He said, lowering his head slightly, taking a necklace from his neck, removing the ring above, and putting it on his ring finger in front of everyone.


The host can hardly believe it!

How old is this oriental boy? He is actually married?

More importantly, she recognized this photo as being in her country!

Why would an Oriental get married in her country? Could it be that……

She swears that no brain in her career has changed so fast!

Almost instantly, she asked.

“If I read correctly, this photo should have been taken in this city?”

Lin Qi was surprised by her keenness, but also thanked her for her keenness.

He smiled slightly, like the summer sea breeze blowing over the white sand on the beach, lowering his eyes softly and glaringly, and lovingly (kiss wen) his ring.

“Yes, although my country has temporarily passed the marriage law, it does not prevent the person I like from being an excellent man. I will spend a long life with him in the future.”


The director and other staff had no time to send blessings to the oriental actor, and the backstage screamed madly in the headphones.

“Rise up! God! This is the highest rating I have ever seen in my life! Damn it! This oriental actor has such high popularity!”

The live webcast platform also exploded, and the picture was almost slammed by the dense barrage at the moment Lin Ji said this sentence, and the picture stopped at this scene.

“?????? What’s going on? Linji came out? Really fake?”

“Ahhhhhh! Don’thhhhhhh! Mother Linji loves you! You’re still young! Don’t fall in love early! Ohhhhhh!”

“No, Linji is so bold? Going abroad and taking a horn (color) and floating? Marrying a man? Foreign marriage law is only acceptable, but the domestic is invalid, he is not afraid of being deceived?”

Everyone was shocked, except for the fans of Linji.

“Qaq finally waited until the official announcement! Finally finally waited!”

“Ahhhhh! Brother Linji smiled so sweet, must be very happy, right!”

“Every bowl of dog food is stuffed into my mouth. I did not expect that all the official postures of my brain supplements in advance are wrong. Brother Linji is indeed the person I like! Even Guan Xuan is so domineering! Handsome!

“Ahhhhhh ~! I can’t help crying, sisters! I’m really crying! What kind of fairy love is this! Come and see the official blog of the industry under Rongba, this The two really contracted all my dog ​​food for ten years! It ’s too sweet and too sweet! The solvent girl is going to call them! ”

The official blog of the industry under Rongqing?

Everyone rushed over and were choked on by billions of dog food.

In the last minute, all the official Bo Qiqi with the prefix of Rong sent a new micro-blog-congratulations to Mr. Rong and Mr. Lin Ji for their knot!

All the official blogs even brought a trend of forwarding lottery! Draw their star products!

The hearts of netizens have suddenly stopped!

What a big deal!

The glorious Weibo is so proud!

Rongqing v: Stealing your favorite brother, the halberd, as a compensation, draw 5201314 little cute share 9999999! Draw request: Bless us!

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