Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 74

As the quarter finals began, the intensity had also risen from the matches.

Since losing meant elimination, all of the participants used everything in their arsenals--- all but one lazy white haired man.

From the usage of complex magic to one's personification of aura, the spectators were filled with awe from all the unique arts and magic.

Especially at that moment where Namiku and Rinca's bout had finally begun.

In fact, when the line up was posted, the particular duel caused uproars from students, guests, and teachers alike.

Afterall, who would have even thought that the daughters of two named martial artists would compete for the first round.

It brought forth huge expectations, and truly both of them didn't disappoint; the match between the princess, and the so-called "duchess of ice" was entirely unprecedented.

Rinca as early as the fight began, immediately felt the difficulty of clashing head on with Namiku.

The princess' martial arts were so advanced, she would incorporate different techniques with ease.

If it weren't for her rapier, Rinca's body wouldn't be able to take the full blow of her punches, much more Namiku's deadly kicks.

Yet it was Namiku's overwhelming aura that really put a burden on her.

As the black and pinkish hues continued clashing, it seemed that Rinca's genuine aura was outclassed by Namiku's chaotic aura.

It was an overbearing spectacle as the lighter color dwindled within the dark. Some of the spectators then couldn't help but say,

[ Well, I guess even the 10th swordsman would lose to the King's gambit. ]

[ Fair to say, his daughter is just stronger. ]

Those murmurs and whispers were scorned at by Andrew and his friends. It was not wrong to say that they felt perplexed from seeing two of their friends fight.

Yet what irritated them the most was how onlookers couldn't see that neither really outclassed the other.

Instead, they were both giving it their all. That then soon became evident as Rinca's disadvantages soon became her strength.

If one would compare Namiku's martial arts to a fiery blaze that specialized in obliteration, Rinca's martial arts were like water and wind; flexible yet filled with the ever intention of attacking one's weakest points.

That was why instead of just attacking to the fullest, Namiku had to adjust her style and fully coat herself with aura.

Not only that, exchanging with her bare attacks was Rinca's rapier. The piercing techniques from the young miss of Arigare, restricted her from taking the lead.

Yet what surprised Namiku the most was how the flow of Rinca's attacks were mostly able to deflect her.

By the time the audience realised how foolish they were, both of their martial arts were deemed to be on par with each other.

As the battle continued, cheers and roars loudly echoed throughout the arena.

Rinca would sometimes pierce Namiku's aura, thus halting her attacks.

In return, Namiku would occasionally turn the tide in her favor, with kicks that in an instant could overpower Rinca.

One could say that the combination of Namiku's flurry of kicks and bulldozing punches were like a series of riddles; wherein upon every question, more difficult one's would arise for her opponent.

On the other hand, Rinca with her elegant movements paired with her rapier, was like an eagle; possessing keen eyes that would find the exact moment of when to strike.

The match was so intense that it lasted for over an hour, and was still ongoing even at that point.

However, it was visible how both were already exhausted yet neither dared to even think of surrendering.

Namiku knew she was about to reach her limit. The power she just used had managed to almost change the field's structure completely.

Some of the barriers were even in the middle of being fixed and upgraded on the spot.

Just from that alone, she knew she was already overexerting herself.

All of that had resulted in her using an excessive amount of aura. Her eyes were now blurry and her body ached from an attack she just received.

Still it was hard not to say the same towards Rinca, who was staggering from trying her best to clash head.

After persevering for so long and keeping her eyes peeled for mistakes, Rinca had finally gotten overwhelmed.

Her reaction to Namiku's new stance had lagged just enough to cause a kick to her left shoulder.

Pain followed after the hit, and made her unable to be as flexible as she was in the beginning of the match.

Not only that, but her body, especially her hands were numb from all the power she just deflected.

For a while both had been cautious of each other's actions, regardless of the looming fatigue.

Namiku knew if she hesitated just one bit, the young miss of Arigare would find an opening like in their earlier exchanges.

Rinca knew if she lost a second of alertness, the fierce chaotic aura would retaliate once more in full force.

Yet as both of them had reached the point where they could barely stand, smiles had formed on their faces.

"I never thought, out of all of them, you'd be the most passionate one Rinca." Said Namiku trying to catch her breath.

Rinca was a bit startled yet she sighed as she replied.

"It would have been unfair of me to let you win, although if that is what you wanted--"

Her body was stiff as she was trying to bluff her way out of the pain.

Before finishing her sentence, Rinca smiled once more. It was warm and teaseful, which surprised Namiku and the audience alike.

"You better earn it by defeating me!"

Upon saying those words, Namiku laughed. She then shook her head as she returned Rinca's gaze with her own.

"I'm glad."




As a child, Namiku often wondered why most people felt suffocated in her presence. She was annoyed with that and often casted them away. That was why she only had a few friends even when she was a kid.

However, even her so-called friendship at times, felt artificial. She knew it was because of her status, that they would often just agree with her on a whim.

She disliked their insincerity, yet since they were her friends, she thought in time that would all change.

Yet her expectation was far from reality. Overtime she had finally accepted that deep inside there was no authenticity to her alleged friends.

"She's annoying! Just because she's the king's daughter, she can do anything!"

"I don't even want to talk to her... but we can't disrespect the king."

"Ha! It's my mother that wants to get along with her... if she wasn't the princess I wouldn't bother."

In a way, her chaotic aura truly was sensitive to intense emotions, thus she had already sensed their true feelings long before.

Yet hearing and seeing it only solidified what she felt, all of which had crushed her.

It was from that point on that the young Namiku learned that people just befriended her due to her lineage.

In their eyes, not even an ounce of care was present. Thus, she created a shell for herself, a shield that would eventually prevent her from feeling the disappointment of friendship again.

This farther down the line led to her becoming the carefree princess she was known for; with all of her interactions void of genuineness, and an emotion of frustration hiding beneath her fake laugh.

"What kind of smile is that? It's kinda ugly to be honest."


Those were the bold words Note had first said to her, yet that small interaction alone managed to break her out.

She immediately requested for a duel, and in turn surprised her parents. Not because of the fight itself, but how she looked as they sparred.

"I'll erase that smug look on your face!"

That time, she practically hissed at Note with persistence and eyes of hurt.

Yet because Note was a genius, Namiku eventually lost and was entirely defeated.

After that, she began pestering Note for battle after battle with a desire to prove herself to the carefree boy.

Over time, it was as if the young master of Raal had mended her heart, as not one ounce of him ever was disingenuous towards Namiku, and a bond had formed between the two.

This allowed her to later on meet the protagonist's party, all of whom managed to leave her surprised with how they graciously accepted her without any problem.

As she could see and feel it with her aura, she knew they were good people.

Yet as she was once betrayed by nobles, she had a hard time accepting Rinca as a genuine friend.

Still, she could not deny how truly glad she was to find people that loved her for not being the princess, but for being Namiku herself.




Droplets of sweat from both sides had been falling on the sand.

Both Namiku and Rinca paused to regain any remnants of energy they could somehow muster up, when Namiku then grinned and started to form her aura one last time.

"You really are a genuine friend."

Rinca's eyes got teary as she stared blankly at Namiku, hearing the tenderness in her friend's exasperated voice.

The audience was so bewildered that even Namiku panicked from her friend's unusual expression.

Seeing she made a blunder, she immediately wiped off the tears from her eyes and said with a flustered look,

"S---sand! It's the sand!"

Because of that, Namiku was the one who turned with a motion of relief. She then positioned herself ready to lunge for an attack.

Upon seeing that, Rinca smiled, grateful that Namiku didn't pry any further. She knew she would not hear the end of it if the young miss of Asuna knew the reason why she cried.

Rinca then began positioning her body also. All the aura she could muster was then put onto her rapier.

As she breathed in deeply, before a violent rush of aura speeded forward from her direction.

The sudden wind almost made her fall. Yet Rinca stood her ground as she trusted her rapier.

The loud sound of vibrations was heard, as smoke covered the arena only for a couple of seconds.


For a while the onlookers stood or sat at the edge of their seats.

It was then when the smoke finally receded, with the standing victor coming into view. The one left standing was Namiku.

Cheers boomed in the arena where even the one who lost was praised for the spectacular battle they had all just witnessed.

Rinca was lying on the field, yet instead of being sad from losing, she was actually quite pleased.

Namiku then offered her a hand, which Rinca grabbed with no hesitation. The crowd hollered wildly at the two even more for their sportsmanship.

"I thought you'd be disappointed Rinca."

Yet the young miss of Arigare just smiled.

They had a similar situation, and so Rinca understood why Namiku may have sometimes been wary of her.

Yet finally, she felt that those shackles were already gone, finally they could treat each other as real friends.

"This is far more satisfying than winning." She said with a smile.

Namiku then smiled back as she replied with her upbeat voice,


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