Transmigrated into a Noble’s beaten son

Chapter 82


[ Andrew!!! ]

Their collective shouts echoed throughout the hall. None could have predicted Andrew would be the first to fall to his knees.

Nevertheless, his prideful foe was impressed as in a last minute effort, Andrew had managed to solidify his defenses, lessening the damage he took.

"How skilled of you." Pierd said in a mocking tone.

In response, Andrew being the protagonist he was, laughed while trying his best to stand up.

Barely he managed to do so, when he was attacked once more and sent flying.

Seeing this, Viola tried to cast a spell to heal and aid him. Yet just the slightest movement of her wand was noticed, causing her wrathful adversary to focus on her even more.

All of Andrew’s friends could only grit their teeth. They were all too busy to lend him a helping hand.

As to mock them even more, Pierd just casually walked with his two blades, both of which hovered by his sides; his golden eyes glowing akin to a beast hunting his prey.

Deep inside Andrew was relieved. With that he was given a short amount of leeway. This enabled him to briefly catch his breath.

Carefully, he stood up once more, not giving Pierd any openings.

[ Andrew are you okay? ] Shouted Viola and the rest of his friends.

In response, he waved his left hand while firmly holding the sword on the other.

He actually almost lost consciousness during the simultaneous attack Pierd did, yet somehow was able to hide it under his reassuring smile.

"Well done, oh-Magic Swordsman." Said Pierd with a deprecating smile.

"With that softness? Please." Andrew replied. To top it all off, he raised his sword and pointed it at him, taunting him even more.

That seemed to have been super effective as Pierd immediately dashed and aimed his blade towards Andrew's heart.

Yet what happened next truly surprised the prideful villain. Andrew didn't just parry his attack, he maneuvered himself up to connect his kick onto his chest.

To counter, Pierd raised his arm in an attempt to block the attack, yet Andrew was still able to send him flying, inciting his revenge.

As that small exchange brought forth an aura inducing shockwave, it solidified the fact that currently, there was an ongoing battle of two high ranking martial artists somewhere in the school.

Meanwhile, seeing and feeling that aura made things complicated for Namiku and Rinca.

Sult, the one they were battling and whose eyes lusted for a clash of strength, began feeling more enthusiastic knowing a fierce fight was beside him. All his blows had become filled with more monstrous strength and aura.

That itself would have been manageable if Namiku was in her normal condition. Yet because she wasn't really in the right shape to fight, she struggled to maintain their exchanges.

As for Rinca, her pinkish aura was almost unnoticeable in the fight; every hit she tried to send was being completely erased before it could even land.

That had really upset her, yet to the point where she gained a better understanding of her aura.

As such, Rinca’s pinkish aura finally penetrated Sult’s defenses, a moment that Namiku didn't miss.

After seeing the small crack in his defense, both of them immediately increased their aura input and struck him towards the small opening.

Sult was then pushed back. He at first, was surprised upon feeling the surge of pain coursing through his veins.

Yet instead of being dejected about it, Sult trembled in excitement.


“Tsk. I hope they’re fine.”

The subtle shockwave between two powerful fighters had reached Professor Suna and the others.

Unfortunately, with it, came a feeling of helplessness. No matter how much they wanted to help, they themselves were facing a predicament.

It was noticeable that after they had lost communication with Andrew and his friends, all the monsters revolving around EDSD became more organized with their attacks.

"It looks like these monsters don't really want us to follow them."

Said Suna as he slashed the head of an awakened Hydra.

As all of them were currently engaged with the monsters, magic knights of Taglagas were stationed by the barrier, waiting for their go signal to interfere. It was headed by none other than the esteemed Anti Witch, Sarah Star.

Meanwhile, trying to mitigate the citizens’ worries was the King, who announced to his nation not to panic and simply stay indoors. He also then commanded the closing of the Kingdom's gate so none could leave nor enter.

Other nobles then began assembling their soldiers to form a rescue team against the monsters who were roaming outside the school. Successfully making progress in subjugating and easing the Kingdom folk’s worries.

Yet as their ease began to grow, no one outside the school barrier truly knew just how dire the situation was within EDSD; no one except for the Adventurer’s guild and the high nobles.

Both Loknar and Tahina had been conveying messages and communicating with Earlteria, Mony, and April, all with the use of a wide range of telepathy.

The trio, even as they spoke with the guild, were engaged in battle with Suna fulfilling the role of vanguard.

Most would probably think it would be easy for the four to advance yet in that moment, the awakened Hydra was giving them some trouble.

Before they arrived at the scene, several adventurers had already tried to conventionally kill the beast multiple times, and because of that, it begot more heads.

"You mortals underestimate me! I am U'los, son of Hydran- the loyal Castle of Lucile!"

As it roared, U'los the Hydra used another one of his skills, [ Petrify ]

"Watch out!"

Those who were unlucky enough to gaze into its eyes and even scales, turned to stone immediately, to which not even Mony's warning was able to save them.

The Hydra then proceeded to charge, using his massive heads to target those who were turned into stone.

That one attack would have resulted in a massacre if Earlteria Gem, Alchemist of Philosophy and the named Stone Witch was not with them.

Instantly she raised a wall of reinforced steel that halted the awakened monster’s attack.

She then used a skill called [ Fairy-Dust ] which dispelled U'los’ petrification spell.

Wasting no time, Suna, Mony and April then bombarded the hydra with their skills.

[ Auratic Slash ]

[ Flash of the Phoenix ]

[ Magma drill ]

As each skill connected to U'los, the monster only smiled and mockingly summoned more heads at its disposal.

"Damn it! That would’ve managed to kill another awakened monster!' Angrily shouted Suna.

As U'los heard that, he became enraged and attacked Suna ferociously, with the impact managing to throw him off to the ground as the large beast growled,

“Don't lump me in with those arrogant immatu---”

[ Suna! ]

Shouted his team who got immediate relief when they saw him standing back up.

"I'm fine." He replied with a smirk on his face.

Still it was noticeable how he coughed up some blood, proving that the attack was strong enough to penetrate his aura.

"I said, don't lump me in with those arrogant immature infants. I, am U'los!"




The fierce battle between Andrew and Pierd had begun to slow down. Their trades were one sided as Andrew slowly felt greater fatigue looming over his bruised body. Viola could no longer cast long lasting spells, as the windows of opportunity Awthra gave her, were close to none.

“...Gah!” One hit managed to cause Andrew to stagger, ultimately losing balance as he aimed to the ground with his hand, trying to cast light magic that would force him to stand upright.

For a moment the glimmer of light magic that would have shot him up, sparked, yet it failed to come into fruition as he fell to his side.

“Your mana must be waning.” Pierd said as his blades began to shine and frighteningly coat in aura.

Andrew reached for his blade and held it up like a shield, yet he suddenly coughed up blood and dropped his guard completely.

Pierd scoffed at Andrew when he spoke,

“...Your vigor will be remembered, young swordsman.”

Not wanting to prolong the battle, Pierd charged, aiming both his blades unto Andrew’s neck.

“NO!” The rest of them could only watch and block the incoming attacks from the merciless duo, neither of which even gave any time for the protagonist’s party to run to their friend.

Parallel to Andrew was Viola who was also backed into a corner and about to be shot with Awthra’s magic.

It was then when a flash of silver rays shot towards Sult, Awthra and even Pierd’s direction.

Sult ducked away, yet in return took hits from the two girls. While Pierd who could not react in time took the full force of the silver aura.

Not only was his attack towards Andrew parried, it also neutralized the golden tamer’s ever so fierce aura, and momentarily, it restricted his movement.

That one silver hue had saved them and changed the tide of their battle. The source was their friend Note Raal, who in the far end was standing and catching his breath.

His armor was severely dented, yet it was no longer noticed when all of them saw how he was surrounded by the three awakened monsters he was fighting--- all of which were now merely corpses oozing a silver hue.

“You brat…” Awthra said with a gruff voice upon glancing at Note. Yet her attention immediately shifted to Viola.

A while ago, as Awthra dodged the silver attack and fell backwards, she tripped on Rizaul’s quick strings, getting ensnared and giving Viola a small window to try and incantate [ Revitalizing Flare ].

It was a known area of effect healing spell that eases mild injuries and fatigue. The drawback would be its long casting time, not to mention its caster would need a lot of concentration to make sure they didn’t heal their enemy.

Going back, the enraged mage who knew what Viola was trying to do, immediately raised her hand and summoned mana to stop her.

Yet Rizaul quickly pulled her hand away with his aura coated strings.

Even Sult tried to charge at Viola yet Rinca and Namiku blocked his path and threw a flurry of attacks to distract him.

Finally with no time to waste, Viola closed her eyes as she clasped her wand in a prayer-like pose. Her whole vicinity began to glow as she called out while gathering mana,

“Rejuvenate my brethren with light! ---

[ Revitalizing Flare ]

In an instant, a large wave of light magic rushed to Andrew’s weakened body. Upon hitting him, a strong glow permeated his skin, as he regained enough strength to grab his sword.

He then coated it with his chaotic aura and attacked Pierd in full force.

“Kuh… Thanks Viola."

As [ Revitalizing Flare ] was strong, it was also a highly complex support spell, known to be capable of healing excruciating wounds and even repairing magic shields.

It was something Viola had picked up upon observing Andrea Sunheart, who at times was providing assistance in the emergency room.

Still, as Viola’s mana was limited, its efficacy that time was by no means able to heal everyone completely.

Not to mention that was only the second time she had ever casted it, as a result Andrew still stood, huffing in fatigue.

“Andrew, you’re still in no condition to fight.” Rizaul called out, as he and Viola rushed to help him fight Pierd.

“...N-None of us are...” Andrew said weakly, and upon his friends’ arrival, Viola supported him by the arm.

Sult’s eyes had followed Rizaul and Viola with irritation. Truly he despised acts of cowardice like what the half-elf did to Awthra, laying out traps of string.

Yet his attention only faltered for a moment when the angry voice of a knight reached his ears,

“Try this on for size!”

It was then when the aura coated slash of Note’s sword fully hit the burly man’s back.

Sult snarled in pain as his aura strengthened. His attention snapped as he turned to Note.

“Why you, that actually hurt---” He said gruffly yet with joy, unable to even notice the young princess' swift disappearance.

“You idiot! The brawler girl!” Yelled out Awthra, who finally broke loose from Rizaul’s many strings.

Yet it was all too late as Namiku too stood by Andrew’s side.

“Wah...Tough time, huh?”

The princess’ orange hair was disheveled as she spoke to her friends and gave a meek smile.

Yet the smile didn’t last as all of them noticed Awthra’s mana strengthened exponentially.

“...I’ll kill all of you.” She muttered, as a horrifying orange blaze of mana began encircling her fiercely. It then rose to the air like a beacon of bright fire, catching the attention of several within a few meter radius from where they stood.

Seeing this, Rinca quickly hit a vital point in Sult’s body, causing him to fall backwards, and finally, allowing her and Note to run to their other friends.

“Awthra, they're mine!” Sult said sternly as he glared in her direction. Yet it was too late, as she had already pointed both her hands in anger, firing a storm like blaze at them.

“Guys!” Note shouted with fear.

“Get back!!” Rinca cried out.

Swiftfully they both gathered neutral aura, standing in front of their friends with their blades, and completely facing the full blow of the scorching blaze upon them.




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