Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

A New Predicament: Part 1

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a high wooden ceiling decorated with a simple magic stone for lighting.

Suddenly, the faint smell of freshly baked bread entered by nose and enticed my stomach. For some reason, I found myself lying on the softest most comfortable bed in the world, or at least my world.

This being the first time this body had felt this kind of comfort, I was tempted to just lay there and sleep again. But I couldn't do that, how could I when I didn't even know where I was? I had to know first, to make sure that I wasn't in any danger.

As I sat up I realized that most of my body, as well as my right eye, had been covered in bandages. There was also a faint cooling feeling beneath them that, even though my wounds still throbbed, felt unusually pleasant. They weren't at the level as they were before, In fact I felt considerably better.

I then surveyed my surroundings.

The room itself was quite simple, most of the furniture were made of wood, there were shelves filled with books, chairs were neatly arranged, no speck of dust could be seen anywhere. One would clearly notice that the place was well kept. 

Beside the bed was a small wooden table, upon it were a bowl of porridge, a piece of bread, and a glass of water. The mere sight of the food alone was enough to make my mouth water.

The continued grumbling of my stomach further pushed me to move closer to the food, but just as I did, the door suddenly opened.

The woman, who looked very much like a high class maid from one of those maid cafes in my previous world, entered and looked at me with wide eyes.

".. I see that you're awake"

I could feel coldness between her words, almost as if making sure that I knew she was displeased.

She moved to the side of the bed and picked up the tray of food and placed it on my lap.

"Try not to squirm too much." She said as she helped me sit up. "Your wounds have not fully healed yet."

Though she phrased it as if she was concerned, I could clearly feel her contempt and displeasure towards me.

The maid was a young woman, probably in her early twenties. She wore a beautiful maid's uniform, like I said, very much like the uniform in maid cafes in my previous world. Upon her bossom she wore a beautiful golden pin that bore the image of a dove over a rose, just one look at it and I could figure out that it was real gold.

[Perhaps she's employed by a rich family] I thought to myself.

As I continued to stare at the trinket, the maid suddenly placed her hand over her chest and scowled.

"I see now that you're not just without manners, but also a pervert. Hmph"

I couldn't understand her disdain, what did I even do to warrant her attitude towards me.

As she was about to walk away, I suddenly remembered that I had something to ask her.

"Wait!" I unintentionally cried out.

The sound that escaped my mouth was louder than usual, so much so that even I was surprised.

"W-what is it? Is something the matter?"

The maid was quite visibly shaken by my sudden outburst. I straightened myself up and asked.

"Where am I? How did I end up here?"

The maid shook her head before answering,

"You dared touch the young lady without even knowing who she was? How impertinent"

Her displeasure could clearly be seen from her face.

"You are now in the household of Duke Jules Von Sera Carmine, one of the three great nobles of the Kingdom." She proudly answered as she puffed out her chest.

"Well, in the worker's lodging at least. Still, you ought to be grateful" She continued as she looked down on my confused face.

I genuinely did not know what she was talking about, or maybe I just didn't want to know.

But there was an uncomfortable feeling building up at the back of my mind. Like I was remembering something.

[Huh? Duke? What? How---!!!!]

Then it hit me.

As if getting struck by a brick, the sudden realization of just how grave the statement of the maid was caused an extreme pain that made me hold my head with my arms.

[I remember now ] I thought to myself as I rubbed my forehead.

[Duke Carmine is one of the most prominent men in the Kingdom, second only to the King himself! and now, I'm in his home, how the hell did this happen?]

The maid, seeing my flustered reaction, chuckled as she spoke.

"So you realize it, huh? Be honoured, you are in the home of that great man"

I looked at her and saw nothing but the smugness on her face.

"... How did I end up here?"

I timidly asked the maid the question that had been bothering me all this time.

"So you don't remember? Well, I think it's better if you hear it from the ones who found you, in the meantime, why don't you eat first, the porridge is getting cold"

As if on que, my stomach growled again.

She was right, I still hadn't eaten.

Though I was still confused, my hunger was starting to take control of me. I picked up the spoon and started to eat.

The sensation of the warm porridge sliding down my throat and into my stomach was heavenly. How long has it been since I had a proper meal, I couldn't even tell. Tears started to uncontrollably trickle down my cheeks.

"Hey slow down, you'll choke if you stuff them all down like that, you can take your time, I'll come back once you finish"

The maid turned away as she said that and exited the room. Though there was still displeasure in her face, her tone was somewhat warmer than before.

All of a sudden, all the memories of the boy from the slums came pouring inside my head again. I remembered all his pain, suffering, hunger, everything.

I couldn't hold my bottled up emotions anymore.

I started sobbing uncontrollably as I broke the bread and stuffed it into my mouth. 

With an unbecoming look on my face I scarfed down the food like there was no tomorrow, even as my snot got mixed into the porridge, I didn't care. I was just so happy to put something in my stomach again.


It took me about twenty minutes to finish my food. For the first time in my life, my stomach was full, and not with refuse, but with actual good, clean food. I was happy and satisfied. I rubbed my belly as I laid there on the bed.

[But still, to have wandered into the house of a Duke]

My memory was still a bit hazy, I sat there trying to recall just what had happened.

[Let's see, I remember passing out, but what happened before that.. wait, there was a girl, don't tell m---]

My train of thought was disrupted by the small steps I heard coming from the outside, followed by the distressed voice of a woman.

"Young miss! Please don't go in there! We still haven't verified who that person is!"

I could recognize that the voice came from the maid before. As I straightened myself, the door suddenly burst open.

"Hey boy! I heard you were awake!"

The one who entered was the young girl from before. She now wore a pretty red dress, embroidered with flowers, her silky silver blonde hair that curled as if they were drills was now clearly visible, her beautiful blue eyes that shined like sapphires gave off an aura of royalty.

She puffed up her chest, and proudly strode forth,

"I heard from Milin that you had woken up, so I immediately went to visit you! You better be grateful"

"Young miss, please! You shouldn't!"

The maid finally caught up to her and held her arm, the young girl glared at the maid and spoke in an imposing manner, similar to how she tried to speak to me when we first met.

"Milin, if you keep on pestering me, I'll have my Papa fire you"

"Hngg... as you wish, my lady"

The maid's face visibly turned pale because of the young girl's threat, It seems that her name was Milin. She let go of the young girl's arm and backed off.

The young girl puffed up her chest once more as she positioned her self beside the bed, she looked at me as if she was expecting something.

"Hey hey, aren't you going to say anything?"

I looked at the young girl's face, her beautiful blue eyes captivating me even more,

".. what were you expecting me to say?" I asked the girl as I tilted my head,

"Oooh, so you can talk huh, wait.. Hah?! What are you supposed to say?? Uhhh, maybe a 'thank you' or 'I'm extremely grateful to you' perhaps?? I did save your life you know??"

"This impertinent brat!"

The girl and the maid were visibly displeased with the indifference of my attitude,

[.. this is gonna be a handful] I thought to myself as I faced the girl.

"Uhm.. I'm sorry, if I offended you, but I still haven't had my bearings yet, so please.. could you explain to me what happened? Who are you? And please, miss maid, could you stop glaring daggers at me?"


the maid only scoffed at me

"Well, it can't be helped, you did pass out. Alrighty! I'll tell you how I saved you!"

The girl proudly pat her chest and grinned at me, frankly, her actions were kind of cute.

"My name is Juliette Fou Sera Carmine!"

The girl introduced herself enthusiastically.

[I knew it]

She confirmed my suspicions, she was the daughter of the Duke.

[Why did I get entangled with such a person!] I quietly cursed my own luck.

"You see, after you collapsed on the ground, I began cr-- I mean, I called for help! Yes.."

The girl said so while holding her chin and nodding

"One of the guards that had been looking for the young miss heard her.. uhmm, call for help, and came to her rescue"

"Yes, and then I, uhmm.. ordered him to carry you as well! You would have died if it wasn't for me, so be grateful!"

The girl pointed a finger at while proudly claiming that she saved me.

[Wasn't I the one who saved you first though? Isn't it only natural that you save me in return?]

I wanted to voice out my thoughts, but I chose not to. It'd be bad if I offended this girl, considering that she's the daughter of the second most powerful man in the kingdom.

"I see.. so you saved me. Then, allow me to offer my most sincere gratitude"

I bowed my head as low as I could in my current state,

"T-that.. well, it seems that you are grateful after all! Very well, I shall f-forgive your blunder earlier!"

The girl was flustered by my sudden curtsey. Her face was tinged with a faint red, and her fingers were fidgeting. She was quite cute to be honest.

"Hey hey! Raise your head already! I want to talk some more!"

[Ahh, I guess she regained her composure]

I raised my head and faced her once more, but I was still too tired. My eyes, or atleast the visible one, was drooping as I wanted to sleep some more.

"Uhmm, listen, can that wait for later, my body is still hurting, so I kind of want to rest for a bit"

"You Disrespectful brat! How dare you address the young miss so lightly!"

The maid suddenly raised her voice as she glared at me.

"You are talking to the daughter of the great Duke Carmine! Mind your manners!"

The maid looked as if she wanted to strangle me. In order to appease her, I once again bowed my head.

I racked my brains for any memory that might help me in this situation. And then, I remembered a novel I had once read in my other life, it talked about how the nobles of the past used to talk to one another.

"Forgive me, young miss. This one had grown in the slums, and therefore lacks the proper decorum when talking to nobles such as yourselves, I pray that you forgive this transgression of mine"

The maid and the girl were stunned by the sudden change of my speech, they stared at me with eyes and jaws wide open.

"Wha.. how.. where did you learn to speak like that? I thought you grew in the slums??"

"Enough of that! So you can speak respectfully huuh! That's good! That'll help me convince Papa to let me keep you!"

The maid was bewildered, but the young miss was ecstatic at my sudden change-- huh? Wait.

"Uhm.. keep me? What do you mean by that, young miss?"

Confused by the girl's sudden declaration, I asked her to clarify.

The girl merely looked at me straight in the eyes with big smile on her face.

"Hmm? Oh, I'm gonna keep you as my pet!"




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