Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 2: The Mysterious Noble(?)

The central square of the commoners area was filled with bustling activity. Different stalls that offer various services lined the roads in an orderly fashion, kids could be seen frolicking about without a care in the world, their parents either chasing after them or too busy bartering with the merchants.

For the Princess currently in disguise, this was a welcomed sight. Far from the politics and scheming of the royal palace that loomed over her like a noxious gas, she could breathe freely.

"Ahh, how relaxing"

With her crimson hair neatly hidden under her hood, the Princess spread her arms as a bird would it's wings after a long rest.

In any other setting, this would've been seen as peculiar, or even downright strange, especially in high gatherings. But amongst the bustling crowd and playing children, the particular action of the hooded princess blended perfectly.



Before the maid could complete her sentence, the Princess interrupted her with a cold voice.

"Uh, I mean, Mistress. Please refrain from doing anything too conspicuous, I feel really uncomfortable walking around without any guards"

Tilma nervously glanced around as she further fixed her hood.

"Would ya calm down, Tilma? Nothing'll happen. Trust me, yea?"

The Princess answered so in a weird accent.

"Uhhh pri--, Mistress, Please don't talk like that! Even among normal commoners you'll hardly ever hear anyone talk like that!"

"Hahaha sorry sorry, I was just pulling your leg, Tilma. You're too cute when you're like that"

She laughed at her groaning and clearly uncomfortable handmaiden.

"Still though." She remarked as she looked up to the castle in the distance.

"Compared to the stiff atmosphere of the royal palace, I far enjoy this."

The Princess had always been quite adventurous. Compared to being cooped up in the palace akin to a caged bird, she wanted to go out and spread her wings.

Much like her siblings, Claudia was also fairly unusual for royalty. 

Because she was the second princess, the possibility of her inheriting the throne was very unlikely, neigh almost non-existent.

The most that she could expect was to be engaged to a young, spoiled heir of a prominent house to boost the political power of the Belmont royal family. Or worse, she could be sent to the holy kingdom to serve as a priestess. Both of which she hated.

Most girls dreamed of one day marrying a man they truly loved. She would take care of him, make his home, bear him children, raise them to be splendid lords and ladies.

Even the Princess was not exempted from this fantasy. Unfortunately, her status as a royalty limited her chances of achieving such things.

What are the odds of her getting engaged to someone she truly loved and not one picked by her father the king.

The Princess looked up, her face clearly showing a sad, somewhat exhausted expression.

Tilma could only look at her as a mother would her troubled children.

"Mistress.." Quietly mumbled Tilma.

The Princess noticing this, quickly tried to reassure her.

"Hm? Oh, I'm fine, Tilma. No need to worry" She said in a nonchalantly way while waving her hand.

"I'm just a little tired. What with elder brother's birthday coming up, coupled with the talks about his engagement, and uhm.. my own.. there had been a constant unease in the palace"

The birthday of the crown Prince of the Kingdom was fast approaching, because of this, there were an enormous amount of hustle and bustle going around the castle. Being the sibling of the Prince, it was only natural for the Princess to also get caught up in the atmosphere.

Since her older sister, Camilla, had already been engaged, Claudia was the one who got dragged along various gatherings for their brother. Most of which were geared for young ladies to appeal to the Prince. 

Calling the amount of marriage proposals for the Prince numerous was a huge understatement.

The prospect of marrying the future King of the Kingdom, even as a concubine, was extremely enticing to young ladies. Of course there were also no shortages of young lords trying to appeal to the Princess, most of which, she found undesirable. This was the main cause of her fatigue.

"That's why this breather is important, do you see now, Tilma?"

"I do, Mistress. I will no longer voice any complaints"

The Princess smiled as she heard her maid's response.

"Atta' girl"

"Uhhh, Princess Claudia please refrain from talking like that!"

In response to Tilma's slip of the tongue, groan, and complaint, Claudia only smiled wryly. Fortunately for her, with the bustling noise around them, her maid's slip up went unnoticed.


Having finished her fitting, Lady Juliette quietly sat down on the sofa and took a sip of the tea served.

"What do you think about my choice, Larc? Do you think it's suitable?"

Juliette asked her butler with a fleeting glance.

"It suits you well, my Lady. I'm sure that any man who sees you would have their hearts stolen all the same."

The young lady had chosen a platinum silver dress that clearly complimented her silky silver blonde hair and her deep sapphire blue eyes. The dress was also sequenced with beautiful small sparkling gemstones, giving it a sense of innocence and appeal that were not too strong on the eyes.

In response to her butler's remark, Lady Juliette furrowed her brows and pouted.

"hmph.. I didn't choose it for other men, you know?"


[Wait, now's not the time for that!]

Seeing his charge sulk like that, Larc couldn't help but once again acknowledge the strength of the young lady's cuteness.

[Haaa.. I have to say something good now, or else Lady Juliette will continue sulking until we get back to the estate]

Larc racked his brains trying to figure out the response that would please Juliette.

"Uhmm, that's not the only thing though, it really does suit you, my lady. I barely only kept my jaw from dropping to the ground when I saw you"

"?!.. such a thing!.. is not bad, I think.. "

Juliette was visibly flustered at Larc's remark, she started fidgeting around while playing with her hair. With her face slowly dying in red, she looked away from him.

"I really did mean it, my lady."

Larc nonchalantly said so as he quietly poured more tea, he failed to notice Juliette's ears turning even redder.

"Mhmm.. that is, uhmm.. thank you, Larc"

Still looking away, she quietly mumbled as she played with her hair.

"I was merely stating a fact, My lady. There is no need to thank me, you are truly a lady fit to be called the rose of house Carmine. "

Juliette was now as red as a whole tomato from the neck down.

Larc, still unaware of just how much damage his words were causing Juliette, went about his business.


Milin's clearly fake cough broke the flowery atmosphere that was developing in the room.

"My lady, I believe that we have other businesses that we must attend today, like the tea party hosted by his Majesty the king, with the mistress and the master."

Milin's words were like a bucket of cold water poured on Juliette's burning face.

"Ahh right! I almost forgot about that! Mama said that we had something very important to talk about"

"Indeed, my lady. So I implore that we leave post haste"

Juliette, having regained her composure, stood up and faced Larc.

"That's right, Larc we have to hurry back"

"You can't, my lady."

Milin responded coldly to Juliette's request, she moved to her side and whispered.

"My lady, the mistress and the master explicitly told me to only bring you and you alone, I would believe that whatever the topic you're going to talk about, it is of the utmost confidentiality"

In response, Juliette looked at Milin with wide eyes.

"Even Larc? But he's my personal butler!"

"Yes, my lady. Even Larc, his grace the duke said so himself."

Sending a side long glance at Larc, Juliette groaned and faced her servant.

"Uuhh.. I guess it's hard to argue about that. Then, Larc, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to leave you for the time being."

"No need to worry about me, my lady. I'll take care of the business around here then await your return at the estate"


Lady Juliette seemed a little sad as she agreed with Larc.


As Lady Juliette boarded she turned towards Larc one more time.

"Then, wait for my return, okay, Larc?"

"I hear and obey, my lady"

With that, the carriage bearing the dove over a golden rose rode away.

"Sir Larc"

A voice called out to him as he watched the carriage become smaller by the second.

As he turned around he saw the origin of the voice, a young boy, maybe around the same age as him, he had striking blonde hair and was wearing the standard clothes of the employees of the tailor shop.

"Miss Brenda has called for you, sir. It seems that she needs your signature for the finalization of the transaction"

The boy explained to him in a calm and collected manner.

"Oh, of course. Sorry for the wait"

"No need to apologize, sir. Now, if you would"

The boy gestured for Larc to follow him back inside.


Tilma walked behind me as we trailed down the long walkway. Although I didn't really have an actual destination, I just wanted to stretch my legs a bit.. and to get away from the suffocating feel of the Palace.

When I looked around I saw numerous people leisurely walking about, seemingly without any responsibilities, although I know that not to be true.

I'm sure that these people also have their own problems. I was born as a royal, so I have never had to worry about making ends meet or anything. Everything was handed to me from a silver platter.

Although that life is comfortable, I still can't help but yearn for the same freedom as the common people have.

Unlike them who could go outside anytime they want, I always had to have escorts surrounding me. Unlike them who could marry for love, my father and mother had always presented me with potential marriage candidates.

If I could become a commoner, I think I'd genuinely find happiness.

Just as I was thinking about these things, a commotion suddenly erupted from one of the stalls lined up on the road.

Not even a minute has passed and yet people were already gathered around it.

"Tilma, come quickly! Let's see what the fuss is about" I called out to my handmaiden and rushed to the scene.

"Mistress! Please don't be rash, it maybe dangerous"

Tilma firmly rejected my proposal, but I paid her no mind, I strode fort the mass of people gathering and slowly inched my way in, losing Tilma in the process.

What met my eyes were a couple of children, a boy and a girl, on the ground and an angry merchant shouting at them. The boy who looked to be the older of two was shielding the girl with his relatively small body.

"You damn brats! Coming in here trying to steal from me?! I ought'a cut yer hands to teach you a lesson!"

The voice of the man was thunderous.

But against such threats, the boy stood tall and unfazed.

"Just try, Old man! I'll beat you up!"

He spat back at the man.

"You son of a bitch! Is that what your whore of a mother been teachin' you?!"

The boy's face suddenly dyed red in anger, he dashed towards the man at full speed and clenched his fist.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!" Roared the boy as he charged at the man.

Of course, it didn't end well.

The merchant quite easily evaded it then threw him off of his feet.

"Now you've done it, not only did you steal from me, but you even tried to attack me. I'll have to turn you over to the guards as well as cut off one of yer hands!" Said the merchant while scowling at the two.

The man stood tall over the boy on the ground with a hatchet on his hand. He tightened his grip of it and moved to grab the boy.

Suddenly, a small figure appeared between the two.

"Nooo! Don't hurt oni-chan!" Cried out the young girl as she tried to shield her brother from the man.

"He only stole because I told him I was hungry! He didn't mean it! I'm sorry! Please don't hurt him anymore!"

It seems that the two were siblings.
The young girl clung to her brother as she sobbed and pleaded to the man.

The man looked at the two in scorn and disgust.

"Ohh, so you're the one who orchestrated this! You're the ring leader eh?"

He then raised his hatchet and appeared ready to strike the two.

Seeing the two siblings caused a pain in my heart. I instinctively ran to the two's defense.

I stood in front of the man and spread my arms.

"Stop this at once! Who are you to hurt these unfortunate children?!" I shouted at the man as I glared at him

He took a few step back and lowered his weapon, clearly showing his surprise at my sudden outburst.

"Wha?! Who're you?! Don't meddle in this!"

He shouted back at me in a loud domineering voice, but I stood my ground against him.

"You won't hurt these children anymore, do you understand?"

I told him in a cold low voice.

"What?! Who do you think you are, bitch?! Trying to boss me around?!"

The man was seething with anger, it was as if smoke would fume out of his head at any moment.

"Who am I?! Why I a---"

"Damn it! I don't care who you are!"

Before I could even introduce myself, the man dashed forward in a sprint and swung his fist at me.

Seeing this, I quickly tried to activate my magic. Unfortunately, he closed the distance between us before I could even chant my incantation.

My magic would take a second before activating, a second that I didn't have. I shut my eyes and raised my arms as I braced myself for the incoming attack.

I clenched my fist and tightened my guard. I expected a strong impact to hit me, so you could understand my surprise when a light gust of wind passed by me.

"I would implore you not to use violence, sir."

A cold, stern voice reverberated from the front.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw the broad back of a young man in an exquisite suit holding the merchant's arm.

"Wha?! Let go of my hand! AH! Wait! Don't! It hurts!"

He groaned in pain as the suited man slightly twisted his arm.

"I'll let it go once you've calmed down, and please don't think of using that weapon of yours, I'd hate for this to grow into an even bigger problem."

Although he said that, I could clearly see him tightening his grip on the man's arm meaning that it was a threat. As could be seen from the merchant's facial expression turning deathly pale, and the sweat dripping from his face.

"T-those brats stole from me and tried to attack me! Then that girl over there insulted me!!"

Against the merchant's accusations, the two children could only look down. So I took it upon myself to defend us.

"That's a lie--"

"Ho? Is that all?"

The young man slightly glanced at us as he cut me off. I wanted to protest, but under his gaze, words wouldn't leave my mouth. He looked at me as if to say "please be quiet for a while."

[Just who is this man?!] I couldn't help but think to myself.

He once again faced the man and produced a small pouch from his pocket.

"Then wouldn't it be fine if I just pay you in their stead? Would a gold coin compensate for it?"


The man reeled back in disbelief as the young man took a gold coin out of the pouch.

To a royalty such as myself, and probably to other high lords as well, a gold coin is nothing much, we see it almost everyday. But for a commoner, I can assume that it's a rare sight.

[Perhaps this boy is from a noble house?] I thought to myself.

He had lustrous black hair and slightly slanted almond colored eyes. He was significantly taller than, even almost taller than the merchant that threatened us. His face was also nothing to scoff at, and his body was well built.

After eyeing the coin and the young man, the merchant showed, albeit for a fleeting second, a small grin.

"T-that would be fine! But what of their assault on me?!"

He probably thought that he could squeeze a couple more coins from this noble, although his arm, that was still being held by the mysterious man, was now slowly losing it's color.

The young man looked at him with cold eyes.

"Surely a man like you couldn't have possibly been in any danger from these two children and girl. But what if I pay you two gold coins, would that suffice?"

I could clearly see him tighten his grip on the merchant's arm.

Having his arm almost turning purple, and the allure of two gold coins, the merchant finally gave in.

"W-well, if you're willing to go that far, then I might just forget about the assault altogether"

"Very well"

The suited man's face clearly showed displeasure, but he let go of the arm nevertheless.

"I'm glad we came to an understanding"

He said so as he threw two gold coins at the direction of the merchant.

The man caught it with his visibly reddened arm,

"Tsk, I better not catch you two stealing again! I won't be as forgiving next time!"

I wanted to introduce myself here and there and punish the insolent man, but I realized that it would be bad if the palace learned that I snuck out, so I bit my lip and desperately tried to restrain myself.

*Sob* *sob* "oni-chan uohh.."
the little girl cried as she clung to her brother.

The mysterious man then faced us,

Looking at him closely, I confirmed that this man was indeed of a high stature. He stood tall, not wavering even in the slightest. He carried around a sense of dignity and pride as he walked towards us.

His well toned body clearly showed that he didn't lack any training. That would explain his ability to stop the attack of a full grown man with one hand. His facial features, that could be said as slightly effeminate, was also easy on the eyes. To put it simply, he was quite a handsome man.

He slowly approached the children and crouched down.

Seeing that the ordeal had passed, the crowd that gathered around us started to slowly disperse. My attention was then taken by a Tilma running to me at full force, her face clearly showing her worry.

"Pri--,  Mistress! Mistress! Please don't do that again! You had me so worried! Doing something so Reckless!!"

The nearly crying face of Tilma was quite cute and amusing to be honest.

She ran up to me and hugged me with all her might.

"Uuuhh, princess, you had me so worried"

"I'm fine, Tilma. Calm down for now and let me go!"

I squirmed vigorously to shake her off of me. she was reluctant at first, but after a few more wriggles, she finally gave in. I turned my attention towards the man that had helped us.

I saw him crouching down and looking at the two.

*Sob* *hic* "Uouhh.. oni-chan.. s..sorry, because of you almost.. got.. hurt.." *hic*

"It's not your fault, Lily. That man was just a jerk"

The boy stroked the hair of his sister as he tried to comfort her.

"Nii-san, thank you for your help.. you too Nee-san"

The boy looked at the man then at me as he said so. Strangely enough, he looked mature for his age.

Then, he looked down, dejected.

"..I'm so sorry for all the troubles I caused the two of you, both of you almost got hurt because of me. And you lost a lot of money, Nii-san.. but I promise I'll pay you back! It's just been hard for us since mother died"

"Oh, I only did what I thought was right, pay it no mind"

I quickly waved my hands. In reality, I really didn't do anything noteworthy, so I felt that his words of gratitude were wasted on me.

At the boy's promise, the man only smiled, his faced looked so warm and loving, like a father would his children when they make a mistake.



Strangely enough, I felt my heartbeat rise and my chest tighten.

[What is this feeling??]

This was the first time I felt like this towards a boy, or anyone for that matter.

I continued to quietly watch the three of them,

The man then pat the heads of both the boy and the girl.

"Don't worry about it, I know you only did it for your sister, but you have to promise me not to do that again, okay?"

"Yes, Nii-san. I promise"

The boy's earnestness was clearly felt from his words,

"Good, you too now, dry your tears already, here."

The man handed a folded handkerchief to the young girl, along with two silver coins hidden inside.

The girls face became flustered at the sight of the two coins.

"Y-youre giving this to us, Nii-san?!"

The boy couldn't control his voice as he held the handkerchief close to him.

The young man smiled and pat his head once again,

"It's not much, but I think it can last you till tomorrow, I'll head back to the estate later and see if I can find you guys a place to stay, and some work as well, comeback here tomorrow and wait for me, okay?"

I was stunned at his words,

A noble willing to go so far, even risk his life and honour for two orphans? Such a thing is unprecedented. Normally nobles would not even bat an eye towards common people, but this one is compassionate enough to not only help the two, but also offer them a place to stay.

The two children nod vigorously with teary eyes at the man's words.

With those words he helped the siblings stand up, and  brushed his trousers clean of dust.

"Run along now, and remember, comeback here tomorrow at the same time as today"

""Yes Nii-san! Thank you!""

The siblings answered in unison as they walked back towards an alley. Then they suddenly turned towards me,

"Thank you too, Nee-san"

A smile broke from my face as I waved them goodbye,

[I wonder if I'll ever see them again]

All the while this was happening, Tilma was still busy sniffling while clinging to me.

The man then started to walk away,



I unconsciously called out to him, or, rather, it was more akin to a cry.

The man, startled, slowly turned to my direction.

"Uhm, yes? Do you have some business with me?" He answered.

Seeing his deep eyes directly stare at my own for the first time, I felt my throat clogging up.

I felt as though I was being drawn in by his gaze, and that if I got carried away, I would drown.


Tilma's voice pulled me from my trance,

"Is something the matter? Who is that man?"

At Tilma's questions, I regained my composure,

"T-that's what I would like to know ashwell. M-might I know what your name is, sir?"

[..I bit my tongue]

In my nervousness, I accidentally bit my tongue. I could feel my ears heating up from the embarrassment, but I held strong.

The man straightened his back and Lightly bowed,

"This one is called Larc, young mistress"

His movements and manner of speaking was graceful.

[A noble of such caliber, and with a kind heart as well!]

I was excited at the prospect of knowing such a man,

"Might I ask for your name as well, young mistress?"

He asked me as he showed me a dazzling smile.


[?! There it is again!]

I felt my chest tighten once more under his gaze. My heartbeat was now beating so loudly I feared that it may burst out from my chest at any moment.

"M-my name is Cl--"


Before I could finish my introduction, Tilma interrupted me with a yell, then she drew close to me and whispered,

"You can't introduce yourself here, princess! If the king were to find out about this, both of us would be in deep trouble, even more so for me!" Tilma pleaded to me with moist eyes

[That's right! I almost made a blunder there!]

"Thank you, Tilma." I whispered back to her.

I then fixed my posture and faced Larc once more,

"Apologies for the delay, sir. My name is Clarisse, this here is my cousin, Tina. pleasure to make your acquaintance" I did a slight curtsey along with Tilma,

"Clarisse, eh? What a beautiful name you have, young mistress"


[There it is again!! What is that??]

I couldn't figure out why my chest kept on getting tighter and my heartbeat getting faster.

"Then, I should take my leave now. Mistress Clarisse, Tina, farewell"

Snapping back from my thought, I watched as the man called Larc walked away from us.

I could only watch as his back gradually became smaller and smaller.

After a few minutes of just staring into the distance, I realized that I had made a grave mistake.


"I didn't get his last name!!"

I cried out as I held Tilma's collar. I was to engrossed with him that I had forgotten to take his family name.

[How will I ever find him again??]

I hated myself for forgetting such a crucial point. Although I was sure that he was a noble's son, I didn't know which house he belonged to. There at the very least, hundreds of noble houses in the kingdom.

I hurriedly turned to my maid and asked,

"Tilma! Do you know which house that man belongs to?"

At my sudden question, Tilma cupped her chin and thought hard,

"Please, Tilma! Think."


She was clearly having a hard time, but I could only wait for her answer in anticipation.

But her answer was like a cold water poured on me,

"I can't seem to remember any noble from the Kingdom having black hair, princess, perhaps he's a visiting noble from Ferahim? Black hair is more common there I believe? I'm sorry"

Tilma hung her head down as she apologize,

"No, no need to apologize, that was my blunder"

[But still, he couldn't have been a visiting noble from Ferahim, right? Although we're at peace with them right now, historically Ferahim and Seraphim had always been enemies..]

I thought to myself as I bit my lip. There was a big chance that I would never meet that man again, and that sent yet another stinging pain on my chest, this one though, I know the cause.

I hung my head down in defeat as we walked back towards the palace.

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