Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 23: The Butler’s Gift.


Inside a relatively well known craftsmith shop in the Carmine territories, the cries of a certain red haired young woman could be heard echoing.

The shop had an extremely varied array of jewelry and trinkets. Varying from something a commoner could easily purchase, to an ornate piece that only the wealthiest of nobles could afford.

"These are so well made! Don't you think so, sir Larc?" She enthusiastically exclaimed while picking up a golden bracelet decorated with beautiful stones. "I can say that these are on par with the jewelry sold in the capital!"

"Indeed so, your high---, miss Claudia." Answered a certain tall young man with black hair. "This shop is well known here in Carmine for it's quality work."

At this moment, Larc and the princess were in the middle of their "date" around the territory.

However, as per the princess' request, they took a detour in order to collect the gift Larc had commissioned for lady Juliette.

While waiting for the craftsmith, the two decided to look around the shop for a while, viewing the inventory and other works of the owner.

Besides jewelry and ornaments, the shop also dabbled in the smithing of weapons, though they were moreso for decoration rather than practical combat.

One such item that caught Larc's eyes was a fairly long single edged sword propped up on a corner near the counter. It had a deep blue leather wrapped handle tied tightly and carefully, while it's blade was concealed by a dark brown scabbard that seemed to have been made from Veerwood, an unusually strong and sturdy tree that naturally grows in Veerwood Lake, the ancestral home of the Ducal family.

After examining it carefully, Larc noticed that the sword looked a lot like the sword he used when they were fighting the collector. The difference however was the handle of that sword was red, in comparison to this one which was blue.

[Longer than a katana, yet shorter than a nodachi.. just like the one I used.] He silently thought to himself while admiring it.

Thinking about it now, Larc, who's past life was a history major university student, wondered why a sword used in ancient Japan would appear in this world. After all, almost all of the weapons he's encountered so far could be attributed to European history.

Bastard swords, long swords, lances, maces, war axes, war hammers, all were weapons used in the west during the middle ages, even the class system used in this world is nearly identical to the class system used in middle ages Europe.

This and the one he used before were the first traces of Japanese culture that he encountered in this world. Add to the fact that katanas, odachis and other Japanese swords were far more difficult to create than the standard double edged swords used in Europe since they required specific steps and procedures, the appearance of the two swords in this world was somewhat worrying.

[Is it possible that I'm not the first person from Japan to have travelled to this world?] He quietly asked himself while looking at the sword.

[Could it be that----]

"Sir Larc?"


Before he could finish his thought, the sweet voice of princess Claudia suddenly called out to him, drawing his attention.

"Uhmm, I would just like what jewelry would you recommend for me?" The crimson haired Princess asked while looking at Larc with upturned eyes. "Which do you think would you like to see me wear? Just for reference."

Suddenly drawing near him, the sweet and innocent aura of the princess stirred Larc's base instincts of wanting to protect and care for the young lady.

[What strong power!] He thought to himself as he looked away and scratched his cheeks. [Perhaps this the reason why my lady isn't too fond of the princess.]

[Although I don't want to get too involved with the princess I can't just ignore her either.]

"Er-- uhmm.. I don't think I'm the best person to offer my opinion about those things, miss Claudia."

Larc chose the safe answer of simply feigning ignorance with regards to accessories. Unfortunately, the princess would not be beaten so easily.

"Ehhh? But didn't you pick something for lady Juliette?" She nonchalantly answered as she tilted her head.

[Cute-- wait, no! Kuh.. She caught me. But I've got an answer for that!]

"Err.. t-that's because I've known my lady since we were children, that's why I think I have a bit of knowledge regarding her preferences."

[Now to finish this conversation!] He thought to himself while figuratively doing a guts pose inside his head.

"We only recently just met, your high--- miss Claudia, so I think it would be impertinent of me to tell you which of which would suit you."

"I think it would be better to choose something which you think would suit you, miss Claudia." He continued as he slowly turned around.

Only to be greeted by the pouting face of the red haired princess.

"E- uhmm- did I offend you, miss Claudia?" He stammered as he waved is hands in front of him. "Uhm.. I apologize if thats--"

"No, there's nothing of the sort." Claudia answered as she simply turned around and started walking.

Larc could've sworn that he heard a "hmph" come from the princess as she turned away, but it could've just been the wind, so he paid it no mind.

"I'd rather have something you chose for me though..." She whispered under her breath while sighing.

"Hm? Did you say something, miss Claudia?"


"Eh? I thought I heard y--"

"Nothing." Repeated the princess.

"I-if you say so."

Realizing that Claudia was somewhat displeased, Larc decided to let it go.


After a short more while of looking around, Claudia and I finally had our fill. We decided to head back to the counter and just wait for the clerk to return. All of a sudden, a very peculiar middle aged man emerged from the back of the store.

Though shorter than myself, the man's body was stout and muscular. He had short orange hair decorated with neat ornaments, while his also orange beard was tied to a braid. His hands and arms seemed burly and rough, indicating that they've seen their fair share of hard labour, while his clothes resembled a typical attire a common blacksmith would use, which was very strange considering that this was a craftsmith's shop.

What's most conspicuous about this man however, was his distinct pointed ears.

Longer than a human's but shorter than an elf's.

"A dwarf?" I unconsciously muttered while looking at him.


In response, the man glared at me and slammed his hand on the counter, flusttering the princess who suddenly hid behind my back.

"Ye got a problem wi' that, laddy? First time seein' a dwarf?" He sneered at me threateningly while raising his eyebrow. "Or is it that yer tryin' na make fun of me, eh?"

"N-no, nothing of the sorts, sir. I was just surprised that----"

Suddenly, the dwarf turned around and bellowed.

"Ye hear that, lass? The lad's callin' me "sir" now! Guahahaha! I guess yer gonna half ta call me sir as well, keep up wit' ta appearance of this place guahahah!"

I could've sworn I heard a faint voice saying "Over your dead body, old man." But I decided to pay it no mind.

The man suddenly jumped over the counter with surprising speed and grabbed me by the shoulders. Because I was taller than him, I was forced to bend over a little to match his height. He then put his arms around my neck and ruffled my hair.

The man's surprisingly strong and agile.

"Heya, I was just messin' wit ya, laddy. Stop bein' so stiff, gahahaha!"

And surprisingly annoying too. It seems that another troublesome character has popped up.

Straightening himself up, the man dusted his apron off and extended his hand.

"The name's Gilm, as ye've mentioned, I'm a dwarf. The lord of this ere's territory found me a couple o' years back and gave me this very shop. Been workin' ere ever since."

I couldn't help but think that lord Jorgé had an array of peculiar people amongst his ranks. There was sir Lennox, a Ferahimian, miss Danari, a dark elf. And now, this dwarf right here.

Dwarves are the mountain dwelling sub species of elves, though when I say mountain dwelling, I mean it as literally dwelling inside the mountains. These dwarves also weren't nearly as short as the ones I've read and watched back in one of my past lives.

From what I've learned, Dwarves are relatively the same height as an average human, though they are more stocky. In contrast, most elves, save for the wood elves, were generally taller and thinner than humans.

The Elven race itself is a largely varied race with many sub species. For example lord Jorgé's aide, Danari, is a dark elf, typically distinguishable due to their conspicuously darker skin and longer ears. There are also the wood elves who are much more agile, but have smaller and thinner frames. Then there are the high elves who are the tallest and most proficient in magic among the other elven races. And finally the dwarves who specialise in mining and smithing.

Unfortunately, due to the war between the Elven country, Wisteria and the holy kingdom Vanahan, the dwarves of the Siltvan mountain ranges, which was the closest to the fighting, were displaced and scattered around the continent.

Though quite frankly, this is the first time I've seen one from the Elven race this far from their home. Well, miss Danari's also here, but she's been with lord Jorgé for a long time.

Reaching out to this dwarf's extended hand, I offered a firm handshake and introduced myself.

"A pleasure to meet you, sir Gilm. This one is called Larc, with me today is miss Claudia." I said as I stepped aside to show the princess who was timidly hiding behind me.

"A- a pleasure to m-meet you, sir Gilm!" She stammered.

To be honest, the princess was incredibly cute, ah but now's not the time for that!

The dwarf then drew close and examined the princess while cupping his chin.

"Mhmm.." He groaned while observing princess Claudia who was currently frantically looking around, from top to bottom.


He then groaned again as he turned his attention towards me and did the same.

I almost complained about it, but the fire I saw when I looked into his eyes stopped me on my tracks. I unconsciously just stood there while this man or rather, dwarf named Gilm examined my body.



His sudden burst and snapping of his finger flustered both the princess and I as we jerked back. The man then, with serious eyes, looked at us.

"Tall, strong figure! Good lookin' face, Lustrous black hair, a dignified aura!" He exclaimed as he pointed at me.

Then he pointed towards the girl behind me.

"Gorgeous almost surreal face, beautiful porcelain like skin, hair kissed by the flames, sensual work o' art body, wide hips good fer birthin'." He continued while the princess and I were taken aback by his sudden compliments.

Then, with a glint in his eyes, raised both of his hands and declared. "The two ye will make strong and beautiful babies together! Gahahahahaha!"







"Bbb-bb-bbabieeess?!" Exclaimed the currently beet red from head to toes princess beside me.

This damned guy is spouting off nonsense, if anyone were to hear this, my head might just very well roll to the ground.

"Yeah! I think the two of ye hav' very good genes. I'm excited ta see just what yer babies'll look like, Gahahaha!"

"Bb-but-- ww-we're not even married yet!"

"Listen, geezer. The two of us aren't together"

"Bb-babies ww-without mmm-marriage! T-the scandal!"

"Hooh? Is 'at so? Laddy, I'm tellin' ye, that lass in front of ye, she's the best ye'll find."

"Ww-what would my friends think?? Ww-what'll mother and father say??"

"Listen, I--"

"If you don't take her, I'm tellin'ye, she's gon' get stolen from ye."

"Ww-we'll just have to elope then! I-I wonder how many babies we'll have?! Kyaaah!"

Amidst the teasing of the dwarf and the Princess' delusions, I could only rub my forehead as the two kept rambling on.

[Why do I keep on attracting weirdos like this?]

I couldn't help but complain as I held my head and sighed in exasperation.


After a while, the princess and the dwarf finally calmed down. Though still beet red, Claudia fixed herself and apologized to both Larc and Gilm for showing such an embarrassing side of her, that's in her own words of course.

The dwarf on the other hand was adamant on telling Larc to take Claudia for himself before someone else snatches her away. Only after Larc explained that Claudia was a daughter of the royal family did Gilm finally gave up.

"To think I uttered such obesenities towards yer highness! I humbly' apologize."

"Ahh, please pay it no mind! I did not particularly hate it.. rather.."

The princess trailed off once again.

"Ah but ye sure surprised me there, lad!"

The dwarf then continued as he faced Larc and put his hands on his waist.

"When the lass there told me that ye were referred here by the lord, I thought for sure ye would be a noble."

Larc had used Jorgé's name and insignia, with his permission of course, to comission a personal and high priority work from the shop.

"To think that yer the personal butler of lady Juliette, and yer even wit' the third princess! Ye sure like to play wit' fire, eh laddy? Gahahaha!"

"Save me the teasing, sir Gilm." Larc answered in exasperation. "Is the order finished?"

"Ahh! That reminds me!"

As if to say "eureka!" Gilm suddenly drew close to Larc with almost shining eyes.

"The design ye sent me, just whered' ye learn of that??"


[... Oh no..] Larc silently thought to himself as the dwarf pressed him.

"I've never' seen anythin' like that! So simple yet so innovative! No doubt evry' lass would want one! Gahahaha!"

"I-I'm confused, what is sir Gilm talking about, sir Larc?"

Now even the princess was curious.

"Oh, would ye like to see it, lassy? I'll show ye--"

Just as Gilm was about to open the box, Larc suddenly and forcefully slammed his hand on top of it. He then sent a sharp look at the dwarf before speaking.

"This is supposed to be a gift for lady Juliette." He said in a low cold voice. "I think it's only fair that she'd be the first to look at it, don't you think so?"

"Hoohh?? I like that look in yer eyes there, laddy. Alright alright, I apologize."

"It's good if you understand, I also apologize for my sudden outburst."

Larc then turned towards the princess before speaking.

"Your highness, I apologize for showing such an unsightly side of me."

"Ahh, there's no need to apologize, sir Larc! I shouldn't have pried on lady Juliette's gift, the fault is with me!"

[That sure surprised me! I had no idea he was capable of showing such fierce emotions! Truth be told, my heart's fluttering right now.]

She quietly thought to herself as she held her hands near her chest.

"Thank you for understanding, your highness. Then, if that's all--"

"Ah, wait laddy!"

Just as Larc was about to take the box and walk away, the orange haired dwarf suddenly called out to him. In reality, Larc wanted nothing to do with the man, but because he was close to the lord, he had no choice but to respect him.

"Is something the matter?" He reluctantly answered.

"It's just that, I hav' a proposition for ye, if yer interested that is?"

In truth, Larc was indeed interested. But after looking at the girl beside him, and then outside the shop, he decided that he should first honour his words before anything else.

He turned around and offered a slight bow.

"I am interested, but I'm currently escorting her highness princess Claudia." He said so with conviction. "I would like you to understand that I made plans with her, and I intend to see them through."

"Hoohh, I see. Then, I'll get in touch with ye  some other time laddy."

"I'm looking forward to it, now then, miss Claudia."

In response to suddenly getting her name called, the princess unconsciously flinched.

"Eh? Ah! Yes?"

"Apologies for interrupting our trip, shall we resume?"


[Kyaaah! Sir Larc called my name again! I love this serious Larc as well!]

Holding herself back from grinning ear to ear, the princess clutched the hem of her dress and meekly nodded.

"S-sure!." She stammered as she faced the dwarf.

"I-it was nice meeting you, sir Gilm! Your works are truly exquisite. I shall return here and browse your inventory some other time!."

"None match yer beauty though, yer highness. Please feel free to do so." Answered the grinning dwarf who then suddenly closed in on Claudia's ear.

"Good luck, lass. This ere's a tough nut te crack. Though I still think the two of ye're a good match, gueheheh"

Hearing this caused Claudia to once again turn beet red from head to toe.


She stood there dumbfounded, steam seemingly coming out of her ears.

[This geezer.] Larc silently complained inside his head.

"Now then, once again, thank you for this wonderful work, I'm looking forward to your proposition."

"Likewise, laddy."

With that, Larc and the dazed princess exited the shop.

The dwarven Smith Gilm was left standing near the door, gazing at the two who's backs were slowly shrinking into the distance. He crossed his arms and stroked his beard that was tied in a braid.

"Hmm.. lord Jorgé was right, that lad sure is special, he even took notice of that sword, this kid's got n' eye fer quality." He muttered to himself as he looked at the sword propped up on the corner.

"And that princess too. Their genes compliment each other so well, I'm actually quite scared to think what their offspring might become."

He then looked up to the ceilings and scratched his head before returning to his workshop.

"Just what are ye plannin' lord Jorgé." He quietly whispered as he slowly dissapeared into the back of the shop.

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