Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 4: The Prince’s Debut

In my room inside the royal palace, I was currently sprawled atop of my bed. Tilma was at the side quietly preparing tea and sweets.

Two weeks had passed since my little excursion outside the palace, but I still couldn't help but think about the events that had transpired.

[Just who was that man?]

Since that meeting, I had spent my free time looking through the royal records for any clues or signs as to whose noble house that man belonged to, but I came out empty handed. No matter how much I looked or asked around, I couldn't find any house that had his very conspicuous black hair.

"My lady"

Tlma's call pulled me from my deep thought.

"Ah, yes? What is it, Tilma?"

I looked at her as I sat myself up on the side of bed. Having been too immersed in my thoughts, I hadn't notice that she had finished setting up the table.

"Your tea is ready, my lady. Please drink it now, as we have a long day ahead of us."

"Ahh, yes, you're right, Tilma. Thank you"

I slowly walked towards the table and sat down. The royal palace was currently overtaken by festive mood. With elder brother's birthday being so near and his engagement with the daughter of house Carmine having been finalized, everyone was overly excited.

"I haven't had the chance to meet with the daughter of House Carmine. I believe she wasn't too keen on attending tea parties nor balls? and that she would spend her time just around their estate. What does she look like?"

I turned to Tilma as I drank my tea. She looked at me then cupped her chin as she thought.

"Mhmm.. if my memories serve me correctly, my lady. Lady Juliette is a year older than you, she has the trademark silver blonde hair and blue eyes of house Carmine. It also seems that she's quite the beauty, earning her the nickname rose of house Carmine."

It was strange that I hadn't met her even once. From what I've heard from the tea parties I attended, that person was an eccentric. Young girls would often gossip about how lady Juliette would regularly decline invites and would instead choose to spend time with her family's servants.

[If she is to be my sister in law, I think it would only be right for me to properly get to know her.]

As I sat there pondering about inconsequential things, Tilma suddenly spoke up.

"But my lady, I believe that you're more beautiful and more intelligent than her! Frankly speaking, I believe that you are the better over all lady!"

Tilma being panicky as she tried to reassure me that I was prettier was pretty amusing to watch.

"Oh Tilma, that wasn't what I was thinking about"

I gave her a wry smile as I answered. In response, Tilma only looked more worried.

"But you have been daydreaming an awful lot more lately, My lady. Are you sure you're okay?"

I was taken back by my maid's frank remark.

I put down my tea cup and took a biscuit from the neatly designed porcelain bowl and put it my mouth.

"Have I really? I hadn't noticed. I'm fine though, Tilma. No need to worry about me, it's just that I have a lot of things going through my mind right now."

Having finished my biscuit, I tried explaining myself to Tilma.

".. Is it the black haired man?"

That was the truth, the identity of the young man had been bugging me so much lately, and it's starting to take it's toll on me.

[Haa, I want to meet him.]


[Wait, no!]

Realizing my thoughts, I could feel my ears turning red and my heartbeat getting faster.

[Why do I even want to meet that man again?!]

I thought to myself as I tried to disperse my thoughts. But despite my efforts, I vividly recalled the figure of that man. His black hair, his almond eyes, his compassionate yet steadfast demeanor, His back that felt as though it was the safest place in the world.


My heartbeat raises at the mere thought of him. Just what is this feeling?

[I'll have to meet him again to figure it out.] I concluded.

Attempting to pull myself together, I slap both of my cheeks.

The sound slap reverberated throughout the room, it seems that the force I used was a little stronger than I had intended. I could clearly feel the stinging pain as my cheeks turned red.

"My lady?!? What happened?!"

Tilma rushed to me in a panic, Ccearly flustered by my sudden outburst.

Massaging my cheeks, I reassured her.

"I'm fine, Tilma. I just wanted to wake myself up."

"My lady your cheeks are red! What are we gonna do if that persist until later!"

"Oh you worry too much, Tilma. I can just cover it up with make up you know?"

I made a wry smile as I tried to reassure my half crying hand maiden. Her figure as she desperately tried to look for something to ease the pain on my cheeks was too amusing.


"I'm glad you decided to join us today, Juliette"

Duke Carmine was currently enjoying tea with his wife in the gardens of the Carmine estate.

Juliette had finally come out after two weeks of holing up inside her room. It was just in time for her to get ready for the Prince's birthday.

"I'm glad to be here, Papa, Mama. I apologize for my sudden absence, it was unbecoming of me."

"No, no. It's nothing to worry, about. We understand that you're upset"

Lady Julia assured her daughter as she gestured to the seat beside her.

"I'm sorry that we decided on that engagement on our own. But I want you to know that your father and I only want what's best for you. Please try and get to know prince Claude first, will you do that for me?"

"Yes, Mama. I know now that my actions were not only uncalled for, but also disrespectful to the crown."

Juliette smiled as she answered her mother. Far from the usual smile Juliette shows, this one was akin to a mask devoid of actual emotions. 

Julia wanted to point it out, but instead chose not to. She was just elated that her daughter was now once again with them. The Duchess then looked at her son standing behind Juliette.

"Thank you, Jorgé. Please join us in our tea"

Seeing his mother offer a seat to him with a strained smile, Jorgé only shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Mother. But I have some other business I must attend to today, and after that I shall head back to the territory. I pray that you can overlook it this time."

Jorgé bowed as he apologized to his parents. He really did wanted to join them today, but he had other other plans to set his scheme in motion, as well as his fiancé, the first princess Camilla. She had caught wind of his visit to the capital and demanded that he spend time with her.

In response to this, the Duke only nodded as he raised his hand.

"Umu, no need to apologize, Jorgé. Please give my regards to her highness Camilla."

"By your will, lord Father. Then, Mother, Juliette, I'll be taking my leave now."

Jorgé once again bowed as he walked towards the inside of the manor.

Seeing her son exit the garden, lady Julia once again turned to her daughter.

"Juliette, are you really sure you're okay now? We can send a message to his majesty that you can't attend the Prince's debut, if you're still not feeling well you know?"

She was genuinely concerned for her daughter's well being. Juliette had holed her self up in her room for two weeks, barely eating anything, so it was only natural that she would be in a bad state.

But contrary to their expectations, Juliette looked fine. Her beautiful silver blonde hair that she got from her father had regained it's dazzling luster, her skin that had turned pale had once again regained it's normal complexion. Frankly speaking, she looked the same way she looked before.

In response to this Juliette once again showed her smile, her smile that her parents had already seen through.

"I'm really fine, Mama. I'm looking forward to meeting with his Highness"

Hearing his daughter's answer, Duke Carmine only looked at her with sadness in his eyes.

"Juliette.." He called out to her in a timid voice,

"Yes, Papa?"


He had something he wanted to say, but thinking about the circumstances, he chose not to.

"Just, don't push yourself too much, okay? And try to get along with his Highness."

".. Yes Papa, by your will."

Juliette answered with a smile devoid of any joy. In response to this, the Duke only clutched his hands and looked down.

[I'm sorry, Juliette. But there's really nothing I can do. I know just how much you love that boy, but I can't think of any way for the two of you to have a future, I think that it's better to just forget about him now and move on, for your sake.]

The Duke thought to himself. Unbeknownst to him, his two children had already started a scheme of their own.


The day of the Prince's debut, Juliette was currently sitting across her vanity table. Her handmaiden, Milin, quietly hummed as she combed her hair.

"My lady, you look very beautiful tonight. I'm sure that everyone at the venue would certainly agree so."

"Oh stop it, Milin. I am not at all happy with this."

In response to her gleeful attitude, the young lady showed an indifferent attitude. Milin looked at her with a sad expression before speaking.

"Apologies, my lady. I'm just happy that you're finally giving the prince a chanc--"

"I'm not giving anyone anything."

Before Milin could finish her words, Juliette firmly rebuked her with a low tone. Seeing this for the first time sent shivers down Milin's spine. This was different from the usual tantrums that the young lady occasionally threw.

"Make no mistake, Milin. I'm only going through with this because of Jorgé-nii. I just have to endure until then. But the Prince mean nothing to me."

The cold words of lady Juliette sent Milin to a panic.

"My lady! Please do not speak of such things! If anyone were to hear you!"

"What? The words I spoke were true. The Prince is nothing to me, and so does being the future queen. And if by chance Jorgé-nii's plan don't work, I'd rather die than let any man defile me."

Milin broke into a cold sweat. The young lady was quite serious with this, she could clearly feel the dangerous aura that was surrounding Juliette, it was like a shadow of darkness slowly enveloping her.

Fortunately, a knock from the door broke the rising tension in the room.

"My lady, Larc here. Permission to enter?"

At the sound of Larc's voice the dangerous aura that was slowly enveloping the young lady vanished as if never even being there. Her face that was visibly dark suddenly lit up as she brandished a dazzling smile.

"Come in, Larc! I've been waiting for you"

She hurriedly got up and ran to the door, eagerly opening it.

What welcomed her was the figure of a young man in an exquisite suit with a golden dove pin on the left side. His hair that was as black as the night felt as if it was pulling you in. His almond colored eyes looked at Juliette longingly.

"My lady, you look very lovely tonight. Anyone who would say otherwise is a fool in my eyes."

"Uwuu.. Larc, t-thank you.."

Seeing lady Juliette act like her usual flustered self infront of Larc, Milin finally calmed down.

[..thank god lady Juliette is her usual self again.. the atmosphere was turning grim, thank you, Larc.]

She shot a look at Larc as she stood behind lady Juliette. Larc saw this and immediately understood. He offered a slight nod to Tilma as he faced Juliette.

"Umm.. Larc.."

The young lady timidly called Larc.

"W-would you.. accompany me to the party? Please? I want you to stay by my side."

She suddenly held Larc's hand firmly.

The sudden actions of the young lady greatly surprised him. Larc could only smile softly as he held back Juliette's hands and kneeled in front of her, much to the displeasure of Milin.

"Of course, my lady. I'll always be by your side."

Hearing him pledge himself to her again, Juliette's face once again lit up. The smile she wore this time clearly showed her overflowing happiness, she looked down at Larc with moist eyes.

"Then, it's a promise. Okay, Larc?"

"Yes, my lady. I promise."


The Prince's debut was held at the royal palace's court yard, dozens of chairs and tables littered the area, while vibrant flowers lined both sides as far as the eyes could see. Multiple magic stones illuminated the dark night sky, while people of all sorts of rank and statures mingled with each other, especially more so for the young ones. For a young noble who's set to inherit a house, this place was a battleground to form connections with other houses.

Among these houses stood the most prominent of all, the four great houses. House Rossi who governed the southern territories. House Sylvan that served as the naval shield in the east. House Carmine who defends the Kingdom from the Horse lords in the west. And of course, the royal family of house Belmont that ruled the kingdom from the capital.

Today's party was a particularly special event, for not only was the Prince making his societal debut, it was also the venue to formally announce the engagement between him and the only daughter of house Carmine.

"... she's a bit late, isn't she?"

Sitting at the king's table, prince Claude impatiently tapped his finger as his other hand rested on his chin.

Being a member of the royal family, his hair and eyes were a deep shade of crimson red. He wore an extravagant white coat that bore a golden sun, over his silver and blue tunic. He had a black trouser and brown leather boots that perfectly described his status.

"Be patient, little brother. I heard from Jorgé that lady Juliette had been sick for a couple of weeks prior to this."

The one who spoke was his elder sister, and the fiancé of Jorgé, princess Camilla.

"Yeah, I guess it's understandable."

"Onii-sama is just excited to meet with his fiancé, Onee-sama. I can't really fault him with this, for I too am excited to meet with the one they call rose of house Carmine."

Claudia said so as she looked around the venue. She wore a stunning green dress that perfectly complimented her crimson hair, lined with beautiful fur. Her neck and ears were adorned with beautiful jewelry made from the finest rubies in the capital, frankly speaking, she was truly a beauty worthy of being called a royal.

Seeing her sister look around, Camilla gave her a mischievous grin.

"Is it really the lady of house Carmine you're looking for, Claudia? Or the black haired man from the town square?"

Claudia's eyes widened at her sister's whisper, she felt her heart suddenly beat fast and her ears turned a deep shade of red much like their hair.

"Ww-what are you talking about Onee-sama?? A, mm-man??"

The king, hearing the commotion, turned to them in curiosity.

"Hoho? What's this? Has a nobleman finally caught your eye, Claudia? Tell me, tell me, who is he?"

Under her father's questioning, Claudia became even more embarrassed.

"Aa-a.. father, bear it no mind! Onee-sama has only lost her mind, Onee-sama shush! Where did you even hear that???"

She tried denying her father's question as she interrogated her sister in a hushed tone. Seeing her like this, the mischievous smile on Camilla's face only grew bigger. She drew near her and whispered,

"Why, from your handmaiden, of course"


She glared at the direction of her handmaiden, only to find her slowly backing away,

[I'll get you later, Tilma!!]

[I'm sorry mistress!! But your sister is very persuasive!]

It seems that they understood each other even without the help of words.

"Oh come on, why won't you tell your father these things. Claudia finally taking a liking to a boy is a joyous occasion, you know?? Maybe we can finally settle your engagement"

Hearing her father's remark, Claudia became even more flustered.

"Being e-engaged to that man?! Ss-such a t-thing!!.. is.. not bad.. I think.."

The last part of her sentence was a mumbled composition of words.

"Please, father. Don't be too hasty, Claudia here doesn't even know who that man was."

"Ohh? A mysterious man? I wonder which house he's fro--"

"Aaaaaaah!! That's enough! It's too embarrassing!!"

Before the king could finish his sentence, Claudia cried out in embarrassment as she ran towards the palace.

"Now look at what you guys have done. Claudia will be sulking now thanks to your teasing of her."

The cold voice of the Queen reprimanded her Husband and daughter.

" Oh, Cecilia dear, I was just overjoyed that she has finally taken a liking to someone, you know?"

"Yes, mother. I too was just overjoyed to learn that my sister will finally know the joy of being in love with a man."

"Oh we both know that's not entirely true, Camilla. You know that you're mask doesn't work on me, and you should know better, dear husband, this is not the place to be teasing your daughter."

In response to her mother seeing through her, Camilla could only smile wryly. While the king, only hung his head down.

"Ahh! This was supposed to be my day, you know?? And yet, the conversation became about my sister and my fiancé is still nowhere to be seen!!--"

"Announcing the arrival of Duke Carmine"

The sound of the horns as well as the bellow of the court announcer cut off the Prince's rantings.

"Finally! Took them long enough"

"Claude, please, don't do anything unbecoming. And Tilma, please go after Claudia"

"Yes, your majesty"

The Queen rebuked Claude as she sent Tilma to go after Claudia.

The royal family looked towards the group that was entering the courtyard. In front of the group was the Ducal couple, Duke Jules and Duchess Julia, followed by the rose of house carmine lady Juliette. Behind her followed her personal servants, a maid and a young man.

Camilla's eyes that was looking for Jorgé suddenly came upon the visage of the young man. Something about him caught her attention.

[Black hair?.. don't tell me..]

Amongst all of the nobles she had greeted today, this young man was the only one with black hair. Realizing this, the mischievous smile of the princess once again returned.

[Hoho, this should be interesting.]


The Ducal family headed straight for the King's table at the far side of the venue.

The first to speak was the Duke himself, lord Jules. He lightly bowed his head as he offered his greeting.

"My King, I offer my sincerest greetings to you and the royal family. I am also here to congratulate his Highness, Prince Claude for his debut, as well as the engagement to my daughter, Juliette.. also, please accept my apologies for coming a little late, Juliette had been sick a couple of weeks before now, so I pray that you be lenient"

The king stood up in an imposing manner, his face stoic and his movements snappy, he closed the distance between him and the Duke.

"You never change, you're still the stuck up goody two shoes you once were back in the academy"

The king said in a low and domineering voice, in response, lord Jules looked up with a wry smile.

"And you're still the same old spoiled brat that always got us into trouble"

The two men looked at each other without wavering, and then..



Loud laughter broke out as the king put his arms around the Duke's shoulders.

"Hahahaha! You're too serious! stop being so stiff Jules! It's like I'm a stranger to you now!"

"My King, even I wish to be more loose with you, but you have to consider our positions"

"Haaah, what troublesome matters, ah but you're right."

As he said so, the king turned to the duchess and her daughter.

"Julia, haha, you seem to grow more beautiful the more times I meet you, as well as you, future daughter in law ahahah"

"You flatter, your majesty."

"Thank you for the praise your majesty."

In response to the King's carefree attitude, the duchess and Juliette did a curtsey and offered their greetings.

"Ohh, don't be shy Juliette, you can call me father you know? You will be my daughter in law someday, hahaha."

Lady Juliette's brows lightly twitched at the king's words. In an effort to avoid her face turning sour, she only smiled and did another bow.

"Lord Jules, I must apologize for my husband's conduct."

The Queen did a curtsey and offered her hand as she apologized to the Duke.

"Ahh, no need to apologize, my Queen. I'm used to his majesty's antics, since we were kids."

In response, the Duke bowed and kissed her ring as a show of respect.

"Uhmm.. father? Is Jorgé not with you today?"

"Oh, Jorgé had already gone back to the territory, did he not tell you that he wasn't going to attend, your higness?"

The Duke tilted his head as he asked the princess. He was under the impression that Jorgé had already told his fiancé that he would not be attending today because he had some urgent matters to attend to back at the territory.

In response, Camilla's face and smile started twitching. It was almost as if you could see the angry marks appearing on her face.

"He did not, father. I think I'll have to scold him properly the next time he visits me."

"U-umu, please do, daughter."

Jules felt a cold shiver down his spine as he answered the Princess's remark.

"Then, without any more delays. Claude! Come here and meet your future wife!"

The King called out to his heir to meet with the young lady of house Carmine.

Prince Claude proudly walked to front of his father. Seeing Juliette again all dressed up after such a long time, his eyes grew large and his heartbeat became faster

[Hooh, so this is my fiancé huh? Not bad, not bad indeed, me not meeting her back then turned out for the better]

"My lady, the night is made brighter by your presence. My name is Claude Von Sera Belmont. It is an honour to be able to meet with you on this fine night. Although I must apologize for not being able to see you back then"

The Prince kneeled down as he offered his hand to the young lady.

Seeing this, lady Juliette did a curtsey as she introduced herself.

"A-a pleasure to meet you, your higness. I am lady Juliette Fou Sera Carmine. I feel like your words are too f-flattering for me."

"Nonsense, my lady. You are truly a beauty to behold"

The prince said so as he held Juliette's hand, while still kneeling and kissed it. In response, Juliette tensed up and became stiff, she felt goosebumps around her entire body.

[How cute, she's become this stiff just from me complimenting her and holding her hand, she quite cute embarrassed though, I think I'll enjoy this one]

[... How vexing. This impudent filth has the nerve to touch me and lay his lips on my hand. But I have to endure! Trust in Jorgé-nii]

Two thoughts that were far too different from each other stayed unsaid. Juliette was having a hard time trying to contain her contempt for the prince.


Having formally started the event, the King dragged along Duke Carmine and the other heads of the great houses to a private room inside the palace to reminiscent on their hay days.

Back on the King's table, the Duchess and the Queen along with the first Princess, were making small talk with each other.

"I have to apologize for the absence of my son, Jorgé during this wonderful event"

"Oh, you don't have to apologize for anything, mother in law. I'll be properly scolding him once we meet again"

"Haha please go easy on him"

"Hmm, I can't promise that, mother."

As the three were talking, Juliette sat side by side the Prince. Every effort of Claude to make small talk had been shot down by Juliette's quick and concise response.

[What the heck is this girl's problem?! Does he not know that I'm the Prince?! She should be happy that she's going to be my wife.]

He wanted to lash out, but because of the Queen and the guests around, he contained himself.


[This filth is persistent, I'll give him that. But I have to endure. For mine and Larc's future.]

She had also wanted to lash out and hurt the prince ever since he touched her, but because of her brother's plan, she desperately tried to steel herself.

Hearing the music start playing, the Prince turned to Juliette once again,

"Oh, I love this song. My lady, would you grace the ground with me and accept a dance?"

Having the Prince offer a dance to her was so annoying to Juliette that she wanted to strangle this Prince. She had planned to make up an excuse to avoid a dance with him, but the Duchess's gaze clearly carried her desire,

"Please dance with his Highness, it would be disrespectful to refuse"

Having discern her mother's intent, lady Juliette reluctantly agreed.

She stood up and took the hand that the Prince had offered to her, but before moving forward, she drew close to Larc and whispered.

"Wait for my return, Larc..."

Understanding that, Larc made a bow as he looked at Juliette going to the dance floor.

[And apologies for.. letting this filth touch me..]

The last part of Juliette's thoughts she didn't put into words.

Seeing Milin and Larc standing behind them, the Queen gestured to the two to come near her.

"You two must be famished right now, you can go ahead and help yourselves to the food, your mistress and I will go inside the castle for a bit to freshen up."

Hearing the Queen's words, the two servants bowed, the first to speak was Milin.

"Our deepest gratitude, your majesty. I shall take you up on that offer"

"Thank you, your majesty"

Milin and Larc, understanding that refusing the Queen's offer would be disrespectful, accepted the offer and watched as the duchess and the Queen headed towards the castle.

"I'll be going to the pantry, Larc. What will you do?"

Milin turned to Larc after their mistress had left.

Larc looked at her before answering,

"You go on ahead, I think I'll watch lady Juliette's dance for a while."

"..Suit yourself."

Milin walked away as Larc looked on to the figure of Juliette and the Prince dancing. The movements of the two could be said as graceful, and yet stiff at the same time. At first glance, you might think that Juliette was enjoying it, but having known her for years, Larc was sure that she was displeased.

[My lady sure is cute. Although I can't say the same with the Prince. Something about him doesn't sit right with me.]

"..Say, have you recently met with a noblewoman at the town square?"

A curt but beautiful voice pulled him from his thoughts.

"Pardon me, your highness?" Larc tilted his head as he asked. He wasn't really sure why the first Princess would ask this of him, a mere servant of house Carmine.

"I asked if you had recently met with a noblewoman at the town square"

The Princess repeated her question as she leaned forward and rested her chin in her hands.

[Did I? I can't say I remember. The only thing that comes to mind was that hooded merchant's daughter I came across at the square. But I can't really call her a noblewoman can I?]

"Apologies, your highness. But I can't say I have. I'm just a servant of house Carmine, so the chances of me having contact with any noble is little"

"Oh? That's a shame~ " the princess responded with a hum.

[Well, I guess it was the same for me. Back then, Jorgé also didn't remember that we had already met. It's just a shame that my little sister's first love won't bear fruit like mine]

Camilla thought to herself as she watched this young man intently observing her, trying to discern her meaning. Seeing this, she tried to change the topic.

"Well, anyway. Just as mother had said, go help yourself to the food, I'll be going inside for a while as well."

"Appreciated, your highness"

Larc said so as he bowed at the walking back of Princess Camilla.

[I guess there'll be no problems with the young lady at this event, maybe I'll go try the food.] He thought so as he went to the direction of the pantry.


After giving Tilma a hard scolding and locking her up the her room, Claudia was now running back towards the courtyard.

[Jeez that Tilma! Because of her, Camilla Onee-sama will never stop teasing me!]

Because of her handmaiden spilling the beans, the first princess now knew that a young nobleman had caught the eye of Claudia. And given the nature of her sister, it was only natural to expect that she would now be teased non-stop.

She passed by a number of nobles that offered her greetings before returning to the king's table. Upon arrival, she noticed that there were no people there. Confused, she looked around the area. What she saw was the figure of her brother the prince and a young beautiful lady currently making small talk with other young nobles, seemingly just finishing their dance.

[.. silver blonde hair, so that's lady Juliette. Well, she is pretty to look at, I'll give her that. But where are Onee-sama and father?]

She thought to herself as she looked around once more, and then,


[C-can it be?!.. ]


Hey how's it going guys, my name's Tachimee! First and foremost, I apologize for the late release! This had been my longest chapter so far, over 5k+ words, what??? So I had to make a lot of editing. Second, I also apologize for having this long chapter ? I had a lot of fun with the royal family interaction and got a bit carried away, I'll try to make the future chapters more concise! Anyways, that's all for me, hope you enjoy reading this long ass chapter!! Let me know what you think about it! TachimeSan out!

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