Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 8: Aftermath

"The flowers are blooming beautifully, don't you think so, Tilma?"

"Indeed so, Princess."

The figure of Claudia could be seen gazing down on the flower beds beneath the balcony of her room. Her Crimson red hair flowing with the wind as she rested her chin in her hand, clearly lost in her thoughts.

[To think that he was the butler of that detestable woman..]

"... How vexing.."

"Pardon, my lady?"

The thoughts of the Princess unconsciously leaked out from her mind, confusing her maid that was currently preparing tea.

It had been two days since her little skirmish with the fiancé of her brother, lady Juliette, came to an end. And yet she still couldn't get rid of the weird feeling that was swirling inside her heart. The lack of sleep caused by the said feeling had been taking it's toll on her, as shown by the dark circles over her eyes.

[... they're probably spending time with one another today. Happily chatting while he caters to her every need..]


The mere thought of it was enough to send a sharp stinging pain to her chest. This was the first time she had felt this. In fact, numerous new feelings had been surfacing from her ever since the day she met that man, it was as if he was drawing out all the locked up things she had in her heart.

She couldn't deny the fact that she was infatuated with Larc. After all, this was the first time she had met someone who wouldn't hesitate to risk their own life to help others, someone who was kind and compassionate, far from the usual people that only act if it benefits them. This man does things not because of what it can gain him, but because of what's right. This man made her feel.. safe, like he would never let any harm come near her.

Had he been a noble, Claudia had no doubt in her mind that she would've pushed for an engagement. Even if he was a son to a baron, or even to a lowly knight, she was quite sure that she could've persuaded her father, as long as he was a noble. But alas, things don't always go the way we want them. Not only was he a servant, he was a servant to that very detestable woman, the young lady of house Carmine, Juliette.

"Aaargh! this is so frustrating!"

"My lady?!"

Not being able to contain herself anymore, Princess Claudia shouted out her true feelings, greatly startling Tilma.

"Why did she have to meet him first before I did?!"

"My lady, I don't understand what's going on!"

"Aaaagh! I hate this!"

"My ladyyy, What is going on?!"

"I mean, I'm sure that if I had met him first, he would've been far happier than today!"

"My lady I don't know what is going on?!"

The act of the princess shouting out her true feelings, while her maid frantically looked around trying to find an answer, was a sight to behold.

The two continued this kind of exchange for a while, before a knock on the door broke the silly atmosphere in the room.

Hearing this, Claudia quickly fixed her disheveled hair and clothes, while Tilma hurriedly came to the door to welcome the visitor.

"May I enter?"

"Ah! Please wait a moment!"

As soon as Tilma opened the door, the figure of a beautiful woman, probably in her early twenties, could be seen entering the room. Her distinctively crimson red hair flowed as she walked towards Claudia.

"My, my. What a peculiar sight this is, little sister."

Camilla, the first princess, as well as the future Duchess of House Carmine, said so as she smiled mischievously at Claudia.

"O-onee-sama! What are you doing here? I thought you will be heading for the Carmine territories today?"

"Ahh, I was gonna do that, but it seems that I won't be able to do so~"

The first princess made a show of enticement as she hummed and looked at Claudia with her brow raised.

"W-what do you mean, Onee-sama?"

Claudia asked as her sister sat herself down on a chair across her and partook in the sweet Tilma prepared.

Brushing her crimson red hair aside, Camilla looked at her sister while she cupped her chin and acted nonchalantly.

"Jorgé told me that he will be spending time with his sister for the duration of the summer. It seems like Juliette will be celebrating her debut back in her hometown."

Hearing her sister mention the name of Juliette, the third princess started to greatly frown. With her ever souring mood, Claudia rested her chin on her hand and gazed out the window.

"I don't see how this has anything to do with me, Onee-sama."

"Ahh, but it does, little sister. You see, you forget that, that black haired man is Juliette's personal butler"


The sudden realization that hit Claudia sent an electric shock through her body that caused her to jolt up from her seat. She slammed her hands on the table with such vigour, Camilla thought it would break.

"Onee-sama! You mean to say that Larc will come with them?!"

Camilla, being satisfied by her sister's flustered reaction, grinned mischievously as she leaned forward and did a whispering gesture.

"Why, of course, little sister. He is, after all, hers"


Claudia gritted her teeth at her sister's teasing. It was an undeniable fact that Larc was the personal butler of Juliette, so it was only natural that he would accompany her wherever she went, but despite knowing this, Claudia still could not rest easy.

She sat down the chair once more and looked down dejectedly.

[.. There's nothing I can do, is there..]

Correctly guessing her sister's dilemma, Camilla's grin grew even larger. She flicked her hair and went to the side of Claudia.

Kneeling beside her sister, Camilla brought her face close to her ear and whispered.

"Why the long face, little sister?"

Claudia, not having the strength nor the mood to entertain her sister's teasing, continued to look down while clenching her fists.

Seeing this, Camilla made a wry smile,

[Perhaps I teased her too much. Well, she is quite cute when she's troubled.]


[What am I gonna do with this cute sister of mine]

Ever since she was a child, Camilla had always found it amusing whenever people around her were troubled. Often times, she would even deliberately find someone's weakness and use it to torment them, to a small degree of course.

But it all changed when she met Jorgé, the young heir of House Carmine.

Unlike the people around her, Jorgé never showed any weakness, or rather, it would be better to say that he didn't do anything that could count as a weakness. He never lied, never made any blunder, nothing. But the most troublesome thing about him that greatly vexed Camilla, was his ability to see through people, but that's a story for another time.

Closing her lips near her sister's ear once more, Camilla whispered the answer to Claudia's troubles.


Hearing her sister's proposal, Claudia suddenly stood up and looked at her sister with upturned eyes,

"Onee-sama! Are you serious?!"

Camilla, seeing her sister's flustered reaction, once again grinned.

[Haaah, I missed this. Although I wish I could do this to Jorgé. But I guess Claudia will have to do for now.]

"Indeed so, little sister. Or do you have something better to do?"

"N-No! I don't! Really, Onee-sama!"

[pffft.. cute]

Having had her fill of Claudia's troubles, Camilla then stood up and sat back on her chair. She took a sip of the tea prepared by Tilma and lightly glanced at Claudia once more.

Claudia hurriedly closed the distance between them and held her hands, much to the surprise of Camilla.

"O-Onee-sama! When will we depa-- mmhff!"

"Oh hush now, little sister. You wouldn't want to be left behind, right?"

Before Claudia could even finish her sentence, Camilla quickly, and forcefully stuffed her mouth with the sweets prepared.

Understanding her sister's motives, Claudia began nodding as she struggled to swallow the biscuits, while Tilma, still at the side of the door, tilted her head in confusion to the two sister's exchange.


Two people currently sat inside the King's personal library.

An hour had passed since Willhelm sent a summons to his son and heir, Claude. And yet, when the prince got here, the king showed no interest in him at all, instead choosing to pay attention to the reports in his desk.

Not even looking at him, the king only ever offered him a seat and no more.

Although this greatly irritated Claude, he had spent the last hour and a half obediently sitting there, mouth closed.

Even as his patience grew thin, he didn't protest, or more likely, he couldn't protest.

The sheer might and weight of the King's magical aura was still fresh in Claude's mind. It felt as though he was being cornered by a pack of wolves, while thousands of knives stabbed him from every direction. Having felt this aura directly made him desperately gasp for air as he slowly lost consciousness.

And yet, that impudent servant managed to stay awake despite being subjected to the same level of aura as him. A matter of which greatly frustrated the Prince.

[..that damned servant, making me look bad like that.]

He clenched his fists into a ball as he gritted his teeth when he remembered the face of that man.

"Haaah, how truly troublesome."

The nonchalant comment of the King broke the heavy silence that was surrounding the room.

Rubbing his forehead while looking over documents and reports strewn across his table, Willhelm finally looked at the boy across him. Although, glared would be a more fitting term as to what the King sent to Claude's direction.

"Do you have any idea, what could've happened because of your actions back then?" Asked the King as he leaned forward to face the prince.

In response to the King's question, the prince only looked down once more.

Willhelm had thought that Claude realized the possible consequences of his actions and was reflecting.

But reality is often disappointing.

[What negative consequence could've possibly been resulted from me demanding that my fiancé come with me?! I did nothing wrong! I was in the right there!]

In truth, Claude didn't understand the gravity of the situation he was currently facing. His reputation had almost sunk to the dirt because of the actions he made during that time.

Rumors such as Princess Claudia and lady Juliette fighting over a man almost spread like wild fire throughout high society, as well as the Prince being a prick and yelling at his sister and fiancé when they didn't do what he commanded.

Fortunately for them, the excuse Larc had prepared, saying that Lady Juliette was not feeling well, so she asked Princess Claudia to take her to a room to rest, and that Claude was not really yelling at the two ladies, but at the servant because he didn't respond quickly to Juliette, proved to be a useful countermeasure to extinguish the flames of gossip.

Sure, the Duke and the King had to pull a few strings to get it out there, but in the end it still did it's job of quelling the rumours and saving what little honour the prince had left.

"Claude, did you know that Juliette won't be hosting a ball for her debut?"

Hearing his father's words, Claude suddenly stood up,

"What?! Why won't she be hosting a ball?! How dare she disrespect me like this?!"

The King once again sighed deeply as he continued to rub his forehead.

[This boy is too much.]

"Calm yourself, boy. Juliette meant no disrespect."

"What do you mean?!"

"I said calm yourself, boy."


Having been fed up by the Claude's screaming, Willhelm sent a spine chilling glare. Being subjected to this, the prince calmed down and sat back on his chair.

"Between Juliette having been sick for two weeks and you lashing out on your sister, she had chosen to spend her debut in her hometown in the west. Jules sent me a letter to confirm it this morning."

"And you allowed this, father?!"

"Of course I did! This is the least we can do after the unsightly behaviour you showed to her back at the party!"

Willhelm was under the impression that Juliette was sad because of how Claude treated his sister, Claudia, in front of her. So he took it upon himself to make up for his son's actions and allow the young Lady's wish to spend her debut back in her hometown.

"Juliette will be spending her debut in the Carmine territories with her brother, while you will be subjected to private tutoring."


Claude couldn't believe what his father had just said.

Not only was he spending his last summer, before enrolling into the academy, alone and without his fiancé, he was also going to be privately tutored, a thing that ould greatly lower his reputation if it came out.

"You heard me, boy. Viscount Maros Beufort will be coming tomorrow to tutor you in the art of combat, while Baron Beltran will be teaching you etiquette."


"This is final, boy."

Against the domineering presence of the King, Claude could only grit his teeth and agree.

[This is for your own good, Claude. So you can grow into a fine King one day.]

In all honesty, even though the king was strict with his son, he still loved him dearly. He wanted him to be a successor worthy of continuing the long and storied bloodline of House Belmont.

Seeing his own son unable to withstand his pressure, while a servant of Jules was able to, lit the fires of competition in Willhelm's heart.

It was a given that Jorgé was far superior than Claude in every way imaginable, he was an existence that comes along every few hundred years. In that aspect, there was no doubt that he lost to Jules. But when the mere servants of his rival and friend's house become stronger than his son, then that's where he draws the line.

"This is for your own good, Claude."

[So that you may one day grow to be someone worthy of being called as the King of Seraphim.]

"...I understand, father."

[This damned old man, why won't you just die and hand me the crown.]

With contrasting thoughts, the talk between father and son had come to a conclusion.

Claude would spend his summer studying in order to be worthy of the name Belmont. While his fiancé, Juliette, would spend her summer with her brother recuperating back at their hometown in the West, or at least that's what they thought.


Inside the Carmine household, a young, black haired man currently strode forth the halls. His walk was quick and snappy, showing no openings at all, while his bearings carried a dignified and proud aura, akin to that of a lion.

He carried with him two large suitcases, filled with all sorts of dresses and hats. Although they looked quite heavy, the young man paid them no heed as he effortlessly carried them with him.

Behind the black-haired man followed a beautiful young lady with silver blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes. She walked with dignified strides while her movements and gestures showed an aura of elegance and beauty that far surpassed that of normal people.

Her face, that was as beautiful as a doll showed a radiant smile, so dazzling you might even mistake it for an angel's. She was Juliette Fou Sera Carmine, the young lady of the Ducal House of House Carmine, and the man in front of her was Larc, her personal Butler/Bodyguard.

The two walked a good distance before,

"Hey, hey Larc. You're excited, aren't you?"

The young lady suddenly spoke out while peeking from behind of her servant.

Larc, seeing this, smiled lightly.

"Why of course, my lady. It has been a long time since we came to Carmine, so I'm very much excited."

"Eeeeh? Hmm.. is that so.."

Juliette suddenly pouted as she answered back to her servant.

[... God damnit, she's cute when she's sulking]

"Well, that isn't the only reason why I'm excited, my lady."

Hearing this, Juliette's face suddenly lit up, she quickly walked in front of Larc and faced him while walking backwards.

She made a triumphant smile as she showed a domineering attitude.

"Hooh? Is there another reason as to why my pet is excited?"

Hearing this, Larc made a wry smile. Over the course of many years, he had already gotten used to Juliette calling him her pet.

"Well, there is one, my lady."

"Hoh??" Juliette's face was now full of anticipation. "Tell me, tell me!"

In response, Larc made a mischievous smile as he effortlessly closed the distance between them and whispered,

"Well, I'll get to spend more alone time with you, Juliette."

Hearing this, Juliette's mind exploded with flowers and butterflies as she went beet red from head to toe with embarrassment.

"Aaa-ah, yy-you! Tt-this doesn't make m-me happy at all, yy-you know!"

[Aaaaaaah! I love him! I love him! I'm so happy!]

Trying her best to not fall down on the spot, Juliette frantically denied the smile that was  forming  uncontrollably on her face.

She hurriedly turned around and quickened her pace so as to leave Larc behind. Unfortunately for her, Larc's legs were longer and faster, so he quite easily caught up to her.

"Y-you know.. I really am Happy with this."

Having slightly recovered from Larc's attack, Juliette squeezed out those words from her still smiling face.

Larc lightly chuckled at the words of his charge. He went near her ears and whispered once more.

"You're really cute when you're like that, Juliette. I too am happy with this"

"Aaa-ah.. mhmm! Yy-yes.. I'm happy.."

This time however, Juliette only looked down and stayed silent while slightly trembling. She covered her ever reddening face as she walked side by side Larc.

[Aaaaah! I want him! I want him so bad!] She thought to herself as they continued walking.

[Haah, in the end, I'm still weak to this girl]

Unbeknownst to Juliette, Larc's ears had also turned a bright shade of red, although he would never admit it.


After a while of walking, they finally arrived at the carriage near the gate of the estate. There beside the carriage, stood Juliette's lady in waiting Milin, as well as her mother, Duchess Julia.

"Mama, thank you for granting me this request!" Juliette said so enthusiastically as she hugged her mother, "I really didn't want to hold a ball, thank you so much for convincing papa!"

"Oh, Juliette. Anything for you. Just be careful while you're there, okay? And send your brother my greetings."

"Yes, Mama. I will certainly do so."

Having finished their goodbyes, Juliette boarded the Carriage, followed by Milin, and then the suitcase carrying Larc.

Having made sure that everyone was firmly seated, the coachman started riling up the horses.

"Have fun there, Juliette!"

"I will, Mama! Tell Papa that I'm extremely grateful to him for allowing this selfishness of mine!"

"I will, Be safe Juliette!"

With that, the figure of the carriage bearing the symbol of the dove over a golden rose became smaller and smaller before vanishing completely into the horizon.

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here! 

As you all know, I went on a break to clear my mind and find my motivation, so I'm happy to announce that I'm back!

I wanna thank you guys for patiently waiting for my return! With this, Arc 1 of volume 1 of the story transmigrated into another world is finally over! Although I will be releasing three side story chapters to tie up loose ends before starting the Arc 2 of volume 1. So I hope you guys look forward to that!

TachimeSan, out!

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