Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Sides Story: The Void of A Soul

Just a quick heads up, this chapter is about the Prince, so if you don't want to read about him, you can just skip this part.

The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the tall luxurious celling of a high end hotel room.. or at least, that's what I thought. My head was still a bit fuzzy and my mind was blank, like, literally blank.

I looked to the sides of the bed I was laying in and saw the most extravagant furniture I have ever seen in my entire life. There were tables with intricate designs, expensive tea cups and plates, there was even a big ass armour displayed on the side. It got me thinking like I was in a damn play or something.

I sat up to try and get a better idea of my surroundings and to assess myself, check for any injuries and such. Strangely enough, I was fine, the back pain I had was gone, as well as the the weird clicking sound I had on my shoulder whenever I moved it.

Looking at my arms, I realized that they were far smaller than I remember, it was like they were that of a child's.


[..wait.. who am I?]

I looked at my hands again and started to think about my identity. Just who the hell was I? I couldn't remember.

[Mhmmm.. I gotta think!] I thought to myself. [Let's see, my name is--"

"?! Gaaah!!"

Just as I was recalling my name, my head started fucking splitting. Like, seriously. It felt like it was being pried open by a god damn orc, or ogre, or something.


[Wait.. Orc? Ogre? The fuck are those?!] Strangely though, I remember Orcs and Ogres being both fiction, and real at the same time.


"Gr! Guaah!"

Suddenly, dozens of information started flooding into my mind, causing even more pain than before. I held my head as I suddenly stood up and stumbled around the room, knocking down multiple things and furniture in the process.

"Aaaagh!! It hurts!!" I screamed as I continued grasping my hair.

The pain continued to assault me until I collapsed on the ground, mouth foaming and all.

Then it hit me, I finally remembered.

"Haah.. haah.. haah"

Slowly getting up, I crawled towards the nearest mirror and started clawing my way up. The pain in my head was still there, but it was slowly dissipating.

I looked on to the luxurious mirror, and to my surprise,

"... Red"

What met my eyes as I got up was the red eyes of a red haired handsome boy, dressed in very expensive clothing.


I stumbled back down and knocked the mirror over in surprise, breaking it in the process.

"The fuck is that?! That ain't me!! Wait, is it?!"

That was someone else, that wasn't me, and yet, it was me, I was that boy. These thoughts kept swirling in my mind as I scratched my head in confusion.

"Okay, okay, calm down. Let me assess the situation."

I sat back down on the bed and held my head with both hands, trying to arrange the dozens of information making their way into my mind.

My name is Jimmy Grant, born in Cleveland Ohio, USA. I moved out when I was 18, got a job as a crewman for a ship for hire, got married to a broad I knocked up, stayed there for almost 5 years, and then..


It was all coming back to me, my life, my work, my identity, everything.

"...That kid!" I unconsciously spat out as I came to a realization.

It was a simple job, we were hired by a Japanese university professor to take him and his students to a newly discovered ruin in the Arctic. The pay was good and the Job itself was easy, so there was no point in rejecting it.

The trip itself became very boring very fast. You see, there were no hot chicks on that class, I had thought that if there were any woman I could flirt with, it would be fun, but they were all a bunch of stuck up, nerdy dorks.

As we travelled that icy wasteland I came to notice this particular brat. I don't know, there was something about his gloomy, dreary, lifeless attitude that greatly annoyed me, like, this kid was at the height of his life, and he's wasting it away and feeling bad about himself? Fucking hell. If I could, I would switch places with him so badly.

And then, on a particularly slow day, I came across him on the deck, playing his stupid game, and I was livid.

[This fucking brat, wasting away his life playing stupid games] I thought at the time.

So I figured, why not get this guy? [Let's prank him!] I thought to myself.

So I did what any normal man would do, I snuck up on him, silently creeping closer and closer from the back, and then jumped at him and gave him a light shove for added effect.

It was meant to be a joke, he would get scared, drop his game, maybe piss himself, you know, just for shits and giggles.

But this kid, this fucking kid, gets so startled, he slips and falls over the edge into the fucking water.

And you know, we were in the Arctic, I knew that shit was cold, so I didn't jump after him. What I did was call for help from the guys, and tried to yell instructions at this him.

So we stopped the ship, dropped a lifeboat, find him in the waters and pulled him back. I pulled my back trying to save this kid, and you know what he did? He fucking dies, just as we were dragging him into the ship.

The captain was furious, like so mad his head was steaming up. He called out to us one by one to interrogate us, including the university people.

He had us all lined up neatly as he walked passed and questioned us. Suddenly, this new guy, I don't know his name, I called him dicky, he comes up to the captain, yes? And rats he me out! The little fucker!

He points at me and tells them that he saw me push the brat over the edge. But that was a lie, I didn't push him. Sure, I shoved him a little bit, but he fell not because of that, he fell because he slipped.

I tried to explain my side to them, I told them that of course, I didn't do anything wrong, I was just playing a prank, a little joke, but the captain wasn't having it. You know what they did? The captain suddenly throws a sucker punch at me, right in the jaw, knocking me out completely.

When I came to I was already in the brig, I was hand cuffed to a fucking chair with my head hurting so fucking bad.

Long story short, we got back to U.S soil, I got tried for homicide, got found guilty, and got sentenced to death by electrocution. Death by zapping, for fucking playing a prank on a fucking kid. Wasn't that a bit too much?

And that was it, the last thing I remember was sitting on that chair, getting my brains fried and then everything turning black.

So now, I wondered why the hell was I in a young boy's body in God knows where, wearing these expensive as shit clothes?

[Maybe this is heaven] I thought to myself.

*Knock knock knock*

Just as I was getting up, I heard a knock on the large door to my side. My head went into panic mode when I thought what they might do to me if they found me here.

"Your Highness? May I enter?" The man on the other side said as he knocked once again.

I stood there frozen, like a deer that got scared by a vehicle's headlight.

Slowly standing up, as to not make any sounds, I went towards the the open balcony to try and find a way to escape. But just as I was doing so,

"Prince Claude? Are you there? We have a long day ahead of us, so if you're awake, could you open this door please?"


"Graaah!! Ughh"

Hearing the name Claude my head was once again subjected to extreme pain as waves of information suddenly started flooding into it.

Memories and knowledge from this guy named Claude suddenly started appearing, blending with my own as if it were already there in the first place, making me feel nauseous.

I grasped at my head once again as I stumbled around in pain, knocking even more items inside the room.

My name was Claude Von Sera Belmont, I was the first born son and heir of the King, Willhelm and the Queen, Cecilia, of the Seraphim Kingdom. I was 7 years old this year and had one older sister, and one younger sister. I was born with a weak constitution so I spent most of my days reading about the Vanosian religion.

These information and memories started reappearing one by one inside my head, greatly startling me.

"My prince!! Are you okay?! What happened!?"

Hearing the commotion and the things breaking inside, the man suddenly barged into the room and went straight towards me.

The old man that came to my aid looked exactly like Alfred Pennyworth, you know, Batman's butler.

He wore a black penguin suit with a tie, or bow, I don't know what it's called, plus white gloves and a mustache. He looked at me with worried eyes as he examined my face.

I believe his name was Fredrik.

"My prince! What happened to this place?! Where you attacked?!" He questioned me with such fervour.

Having my two memories still jumbled inside my head, I decided to play it safe.
"I'm fine, Fredrik. I just slipped, is all."

His face became even more worried, "My Prince! Why are you speaking like that?! Did you hit your head?!" He frantically waved his hands.

Thinking that it was troublesome, I decided to go along with Oldman so he could scram.

"Ah, I'm fine, Fredrik. You don't have to worry about. I'm just a little bit sleepy" I told him in a nonchalant attitude. "Please clean the mess up as I take a nap"

[Whooh, speaking like that is so weird.]

"But, my prin---"

"Just do as I say, Fredrik"

"Ah, yes, my prince. Apologies, I shall clean this place immediately."

[Haah, finally.] I thought to myself as I moved towards my bed.

It seemed that I could draw in the memories and mannerisms of the guy named Claude, as well as mimic his gestures.

My head was still a little bit woozy and my memory was all over the place, so to avoid any slip ups, I wanted to rest for a while.

So I laid there, watching as Fredrik hurriedly called for maid's to clean up the room.


A few days passed since then, and both the memories of Claude and mine have successfully merged with one another. I now know everything the other one knows, perfectly.

Upon looking at Claude's memory, I realized that he had a very weak body. He would get sick easily and his physical characteristics were low, which was a big No No for me. Fortunately, all the ailments he suffered, disappeared, just as his own personality disappeared as well. What was left was the body he originally should have had, if it wasn't for his sickly nature. A great body, that I would use.

This was my body now, my second shot at life. What's more, I highjacked the body of the prince! And, he left his memory intact, so I didn't really need to study much anymore how lucky could I be!

I can spend my days just goofing around with ladies from all over the kingdom!


[..wait, I can build a harem!]

That's right, as I'm the Prince, and the future King I had the duty to spread my blood. So I had the right to build a fucking harem, God damn!

With my looks and stature that should be easy as well, hell I've even laid my hands on some of the maids already, even at this age. So building a harem once I grow older wouldn't really be that hard.

"Haaaaah, how fun" I thought to myself as I laid back on my chair while drinking tea.

This is just right, I'm finally being rewarded for all my hardships in my past life. This time, I get to live the high life, I was the lucky one. People would be envious of me. I will spend my days here in pure bliss!

This time, this time for sure. I won't waste my youth. This time, I'll eat the best food, drink the best wine and fuck the best broads.

This is me now, this is my life.

I am the Prince,
I am, the future King,
I am, Claude.

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