Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack

Chapter 195: I missed you

Chapter 195: I missed you


As the razor-sharp wind pressure of extreme power came at him, Blaize simply stretched his hand. And the next moment, Mihawk's sword slash suddenly came to a sudden halt.

With a slight push of his hand, the wind blade turned and shot toward Mihawk with more intensity.

Facing his own attack, Mihawk remained unfazed and effortlessly destroyed the wind projectile with a swing of his sword.

'Devil fruit?' Though no reaction was evident on his face, internally, Mihawk was surprised as he doesn't know what Blaize did.

"Hawkeyes Mihawk, the 'World's Strongest Swordsman'. Let's find out whether you are worthy of that title." Uttering the words, Blaize's figure flickered and disappeared from the spot.

Even before Mihawk could react, a tremendous pressure descended from nowhere and pressed him down. It was as if someone has put a mountain over his head.

At the same time, Blaize appeared before Mihawk and balled his fist; dark-grey energy surged and covered his fist. Reeling his arm back, he punched bursting with power. 'Gravity Punch!'

Facing such an overwhelming attack, Mihawk called forth every ounce of strength hidden in his body and swung his sword coating them with Haki.


As Blaize's punch collided with the Mihawk's sword, a loud boom resounded. The clouds above swirled and rumbled with thunder, illuminating the sky with purple streaks.

Their clash created ripples of energy and lightning bolts that blustered in all directions.

Unable to bear the full extent of the punch, Mihawk was pushed back. Then, out of nowhere, the pressure pressing him disappeared.

The next moment, he felt very light as if he can float with a thought. The change in gravitational force around him disrupted his rhythm and made him fall prey to Blaize's blow.


The overbearing punch banged him to the ground. The entire ground beneath Mihawk succumbed and broke itself apart, waking the dust and debris.


A sword swing cleared the flying clouds and debris but Blaize's figure was nowhere to be seen.

"Hawk-eyes, I'm leaving as I am not in the mood to fight. But, the next time we meet, I won't show any mercy." Blaize's words sounded in Mihawk's ears.

'He's strong!' The sheer amount of destructive force left even him in awe. Shaking his head, Mihawk turned and walked away from the town.

Some distance away,

Blaize sat in the white cloud as it shuttled through the air at a medium pace. If he stayed, his battle with Mihawk won't end anytime soon.

In the short clash, both of them didn't use their full power as there were people present on the Island. Any more power would have killed everyone.


Next day, Amazon Lily

After traveling for a long time, Blaize finally arrived at the Island of Women.

Seeing the island in the distance, his heart throbbed a little without his knowing. He still feels sorry for disappearing without informing Hancock just after confirming his love for her.

'I hope she's okay!' Musing, Blaize spotted Hancock with his Observation Haki.

She looked even more beautiful than he last saw her. She exuded charm and grace, adorned in a Golden-yellowish dress that's illustrated with the emblem of Kuija, and wore a pair of golden earrings.

With a thought, he teleported behind her. But, after noticing her saddened face, Blaize couldn't take another step. Seeing Hancock in this state made his heartache.

Feeling a presence behind her, Hancock turned and was met with the figure of a man that she longed to meet. Before she could respond, she felt a pull and the next moment, she was already in his embrace.

"It's been a while, Hancock! I missed you!"

Hearing the words and feeling the familiar warmth, tears flowed from Hancock's eyes as she knew it was really Blaize. He came back!

"As a Pirate Empress and Warlord of the sea, you shouldn't cry." Blaize gently wiped her tears and lifted her chin.

Looking at Blaize's face, Hancock couldn't find any change even though it's been five years. It was as if the flow of time didn't affect Blaize in any way.

"I thought you died and won't come back forever," Hancock spoke as tears welled up in her eyes once again.

"Silly girl! I'm sorry. I won't leave you again." Saying this, Blaize kissed her lips and embraced her tightly.


Marine Headquarters,

Sengoku ended the call with the intelligent division and looked at the report on the table. It was about the battle between Blaize and Hawkeyes Mihawk.

As Blaize guessed, his bout with Mihawk attracted the attention of some people. It can't be avoided as there were people present on the island.

Moreover, Mihawk isn't some unknown person. He's someone who carries the title of 'World's Strongest Swordsman', so their battle was bound to attract some attention.

Sengoku knew how strong Mihawk is, it was also why he found it unbelievable someone overpowered him. And that someone is an unknown person.

'Who is he?' Sengoku wondered and spoke, "Kuzan, I want you to investigate this person.

I don't care whether he's a pirate or whatnot, I can't let some dangerous man run free without knowing his intention."

"Arara, why do I always get assigned such bothersome tasks." Kuzan left the Fleet Admiral's office carrying the poster of in disguise Blaize's face.


Next day,

Blaize sat at a dining table along with Hancock, her sisters, and Elder Nyon. Marigold, Sandersonia, and Elder Nyon gave Hancock a weird stare.

Unlike yesterday, Hancock had a ruddy complexion while her eyes overflowed with love. Elder Nyon guessed something must have happened between those two.

"Why did you disappear and where did you go?" Elder Nyon asked.

"I can't say where I went, but my disappearance is due to the World Government trying to get rid of me," Blaize replied wolfing a huge chunk of meat.

Hearing the answer, Elder Nyon sighed. It was as she expected. The World Government can't allow someone like Blaize to get any more powerful.

"What are you going to do next?" Elder Nyon asked.

"Well...I need to make some preparations then I will join the Marines again. To take down World Government, I need the power of Marines."

"It won't be easy!" Elder Nyon said.


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