Transmigrated into One Piece world with a Gift Pack

Chapter 218: Madara drinking wine?

Chapter 218: Madara drinking wine?


Madara and Blaize clashed. A friendly exchange! Both fought with their physical skills, employing them to the limit.

As an incredibly skilled Taijutsu user, Madara finds it oppressing to fight Blaize. His opponent is equally or better skilled in a physical brawl with overpowering strength.

And, his opponent fought with ease, as if he could predict the future. Or, maybe he could...

"Is it the Observation Haki?" Madara asked, stopping his attack.

"Yes. With this haki, you can sense the intent of others and predict what someone's going to do, usually seconds prior. Practiced to the extreme, one can see a short period into the future.

"Fascinating!" Madara clenched his fist in excitement and spoke, "Show me the other one...what's it called...yes, Armament Haki."

Blaize smiled and punched the ground, imbuing his arm with Armament Haki. For a second, the entire island shook as if impacted by an earthquake before back noiseless.

Feeling the power under his feet, Madara commented. "Nice Power! It's similar to Tsunade, Hashirama's granddaughter."

"With Armament/Busoshoku Haki, one can form an invisible layer of armor around themself, providing incredible offensive and defensive powers.

In advanced cases, you can display your power without making contact..." speaking, Blaize walked to a nearby boulder and punched.

His fist didn't make contact, but the boulder burst into thousands of tiny fragments. "Only with Armament haki can you hurt Logia devil-fruit users."

"This world is very interesting." Madara closed his eyes, digesting all things of this new world. After a few seconds of silence, he asked:

"So, What do you want me to do?" Madara knew the man before him was not simple.

"After yesterday's battle, the attention of the entire world is on me. It doesn't bother me but what I'm going to do next takes time and I don't want to be disturbed.

A good commotion and the arrival of a dangerous person are all I need to divert the World Government's attention."

"Good!" Madara smirked, understanding what Blaize needed. "Let's find how well the powerhouse of this world can dance."

"With your strength, only a handful of people can fight as your equal. But, be careful not to be besieged from all sides." Blaize forewarned.

He knew him too well. The Summoned Madara is not an 'Impure World: Reincarnation' with infinite chakra. Using Rinnegan and Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, he will be exhausted.

Blaize then gave Madara Den Den Mushi and Eternal Pose. He explained how to use them. "In this world, the most dangerous thing is the Sea. Without Log Pose or sharp Navigator, you may lose your life."

With Eternal Pose in hand, Madara lifted off the ground and took flight with his Rinnegan power.

Seeing Madara's figure disappear from view, Blaize chuckled. "Uchiha Madara in the world of One Piece! Let's see what kind of storm it triggers?"


Next day morning,

'Today was a sunny day when I went to play

down by the sea.

I climbed aboard a pirate ship

and the Captain said to me,

"We're going this way, that way.

Forwards, backwards.

Up and down, up and down."

Over the deep blue sea.

A bottle of rum to fill my tum

And that's the life for me.'

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

Yo-hohoho, Yo-hohoho

An irregular chorus chant reached Madara's ear, making him sick. In the distance, he spotted a ship with a realistic skull-patterned Jolly Roger that had a pair of crossed sabers behind it.

Red claw lines cut diagonally across the skull's left eye socket. If it was anyone else, seeing the Jolly Roger, they would have already started running.

Who wouldn't? It's Red Hair Pirates, one of the Four Emperors of the Sea!!

Of course, Madara doesn't know about this. He flew towards them. 'They're pirates? It's different from what I assumed!'

Madara's been flying for an entire day without seeing any land. He began to doubt the genuineness of the Eternal pose given by Blaize.

After seeing the pirate ship, his body relaxed unconsciously. For a day, he didn't eat or even drink water, he was parched.

Landing on the deck, Madara discovered the amusing people didn't even notice his presence. They were drinking without a care in the world, singing happily, chattering, and quarreling among them.

Glancing at the scorching sun above his head, Madara felt weird. 'What kind of people are they? Drinking from the morning...'

Above everything else, the smell of the ship disgusted him and the way people dressed was also foreign to him.

"Hey there!" A cheerful redhead, one-arm man caught his presence.

Contrary to his thoughts, the redhead waved his arm and shouted, "Everyone, we have a guest." The boisterous crowd quieted.

Just when Madara thought, the fight was on. The redhead continued, laughing wildly. "We are going to party again!"

'What?' Madara blanked for a second.

When he came to his senses, Madara noticed an arm around his shoulder and he was holding a jug full of wine. 'He's fast!'

"Brother, where do you come from? Why are you wearing battle armor? Anyway, since you boarded our ship, you are our guest. By the way, my name is Shanks." Shanks introduced himself.

"Come on! Everyone! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! We are going to party today. It's time to celebrate the arrival of a new guest on our ship!"

Hearing the name, Madara's eyes sharpened. He knows about Yonko from Blaize and if he's not wrong one of them is named Shanks. He asked. "Are you Red-hair Shanks, one of the Yonko?"

"Yes. It's just a title, don't worry about it. Come on, have a drink!" Shanks helped Madara.

Maybe Madara is too thirsty, under Shanks urge he unconsciously began to gulp the wine. If Hashirama witnessed this, his reaction would truly be wonderful to behold.

"Chug! Chug! Chug! That's it" Shanks laughed loudly.

But, Madara who finished the wine was stunned. 'Wait...Why did I drink someone's wine upon request? Am I affected by some kind of illusion? Impossible!'


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