Transmigrating to the 70’s: The Military Wife As A Farmer

Chapter 1

Chapter 1 wedge

Chapter 1 Wedge

Han Yao has a space, which is formed from a bowl.

The bowl was dug out when she was living in the country with her parents when she was a child, and once when she was digging a vegetable cellar at home.

The bowl is turquoise, oval, only the size of a Japanese melon, and looks ordinary in appearance. It is no different from the bowls seen in the temple. My parents thought it was worthless and didn’t take it too seriously. Er, put it in the cabinet and forgot it in a blink of an eye.

Later, after the death of his parents, Han Yao went back to the countryside to take care of the funeral. While sorting out their belongings, he found it at the bottom of his mother’s box and remembered that there is still such a thing in the house.

Seeing this thing, Han Yao thought that the appraising treasure program is currently popular on TV. This thing was dug up again. I don’t know what year and which dynasty it was. So he brought this bowl to Beijing for a trip. Show things to experts.

As a result, after the experts saw this bowl, they were a little confused. They had been in the antique shop for decades, and they had seen hundreds of millions of antiques, but they had never seen the material of this bowl.

This bowl is neither metal nor jade, nor is it porcelain, nor glass or plastic. The strange material has never been seen by even knowledgeable experts.

Because they didn’t recognize it, experts were not easy to define it, and finally had to guess that it might be made of some unknown synthetic material.

Hearing this explanation, Han Yao had to take the bowl back in disappointment.

Since she doesn’t even recognize the experts, she has no collection value for this item. After returning home, Han Yao casually put the bowl next to the computer desk and used it as a flowerpot to raise a cactus (it is said It can prevent radiation next to the computer).

Later, once, her hand was accidentally punctured by a cactus thorn, and the blood beads on her hand accidentally got onto this’flower pot’, and as a result—the’flower pot’ was just under her eyelids. Lost in a trance.

Before Han Yao woke up from the shock, she suddenly had this space in her consciousness!

said it was space, in fact, it was infinitely magnifying the bowl. The bowl, which was the size of a watermelon, has now become as large as an acre, floating in her consciousness like an island.

After the bowl was enlarged infinitely, Han Yao discovered that the surface of the bowl was not smooth. The surface and inside of the bowl were densely engraved with tiny symbols. She didn’t know whether it was Sanskrit or some strange text. She didn’t recognize any of them anyway. .

When he first saw this space, Han Yao was taken aback. He thought he had encountered a ghost, but after he calmed down, he later realized that he had a space.

She has read a lot of space novels, and the space described above is similar to her current one. Her one must be space if she wants to.

In order to verify her guess, she deliberately took a few unwanted things into the space with her mind.

As a result, the things were really collected by her, and after a few days, those things were still there, the same as when they were collected.

What surprised her most is that she also discovered that this space has another peculiar function-that is the preservation function!

For example: She harvested a half-eaten watermelon, but a few days later, the watermelon was still fresh and tender, red and red, white and white, green and green, just like it was just harvested for so many days. It didn’t dry up at all, and it didn’t rot or deteriorate.

It turns out that this baby can not only store things, but also keep things fresh.

After discovering this secret, Han Yaole broke down. She immediately quit her original translation job, sold the old house her mother left for her, took out the deposits she had worked for many years, and sold all the things she could sell. They were all collected in the space and kept, and they put together more than 1.2 million yuan, and prepared to use this space to stock up some unsalable goods, and wait until the price of those unsalable products to rebound. It is definitely a huge profit!

Now in the news, it is often reported that vegetable farmers in a certain place are unsalable, and they can only be pulled back to feed pigs, or the fruit market of fruit farmers in a certain place is saturated, and in the end they can only be dealt with at a price reduction of a few cents, a few cents and a catty. She paid attention to the news and rushed to the scene to purchase large quantities as soon as she found out.

Soon, one hundred thousand catties of Chinese cabbage were added to her space, which cost five cents a catty; she also added fifty thousand catties of watermelon, which cost two cents a catty; and 120,000 catties of apples cost 40 cents. It’s collected in a pound.

I also stocked 50,000 catties of orange meat, which is the peeled orange without the skin.

Because a household goods factory produces orange peel pillows, only orange peels are needed, not orange flesh, and the peeled orange flesh will deteriorate if it is not sold as soon as possible, so the orange flesh is reduced in price.

On weekdays, the oranges in the supermarket cost four or five yuan a catty, but the orange meat is only 30 cents a catty, which is a good deal!

She also stored one hundred thousand ears of green rice in the space.

Whether it is boiled or pulverized to make tortilla polenta, the green rice is delicious, and it is deeply loved by the people, especially in the north. When the green rice comes down every year, there are stalls of roasted rice everywhere in the streets and alleys. Three yuan per ear is much more expensive than mature corn.

If you stock up more green rice, and save it for winter, you can sell it at least three yuan per ear, and the price she bought is only 50 cents per ear, which is six times the profit, which is definitely a bargain.

Later, she saw Danish oysters overflowing on TV, so she immediately applied for a passport and went to Denmark decisively.

Oysters are the first-class seafood in the country, and big hotels can sell them for several tens of yuan. Most people can’t afford it. But such a delicacy that makes foodies want to eat is even flooded in Denmark, and the locals also I don’t know how to pick it up and eat it. The government department even crushed the oysters directly as feed and fed them to the animals. It was a horrible thing!

After Han Yao came to Denmark, he rented a house with courtyard walls by the sea, hired a large truck and a few workers to pick up and transport oysters for her.

After the oysters are pulled back to the yard where she rented, they cannot be collected directly into the space, because there can be no living things in her space, and the oysters must be killed before they can be collected.

She dried the oysters she had just pulled back in the temporarily rented yard and let them die naturally. Every hour, she went to collect them. At that time, the dead oysters were naturally collected into the space. , And the alive continued to stay in the yard.

She collects them once an hour, repeating the cycle to ensure that the oysters can be collected into the space as soon as they die, so as not to leave them outside for a long time.

After staying in Mactan for half a month, there were a lot of oysters like a hill in her space, which could be about four to five million catties, which cost her hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Actually, the oysters themselves don’t need to spend money. The beach is full of densely packed oysters. You can pick them up and take them. Although the oysters don’t cost money, the workers who pick up the oysters, load the trucks, and help her pull back have to pay. Salary, Denmark is an economically developed country, and the labor force is much more expensive than in developed countries, so most of her money is spent on hiring people.

The money for hiring people plus the money for renting a house, the money for hiring a car, and the money for round-trip airfare, add up to a total of more than 300,000 yuan!

In fact, Han Yao could have stayed here and got a few million catties in the space, but she didn’t do it because she was afraid that she got too much to get the attention of others, in case there was any good thing owed. How can she explain the whereabouts of the missing oysters?

Is it troublesome if the explanation is not clear?

So, to be safe, she only stayed in Denmark for half a month before slipping away quietly.

Although money is good, safety comes first. What’s more, even if there are no Danish oysters, there are other countries that are flooded with species!

For example, German hairy crabs are overwhelming!

Yes, you heard that right, German hairy crabs are overwhelming.

When she first heard the news, Han Yao was still harvesting oysters in Denmark. Upon hearing this news, her first feeling was that she couldn’t believe it.

For Chinese foodies, hairy crabs are definitely a luxury delicacy with a high price tag. They are more expensive than oysters. This kind of good stuff can also be flooded. It’s too illusory!

However, whether she believes it or not, the truth is that, hairy crabs that sell for more than one hundred yuan per catty in China are really flooding in Germany. The Chinese people regard it as a delicacy, but in Germany it is regarded as a scourge. Not only is no one eaten, but the government also spends a lot of manpower and material resources to eliminate it. It is unimaginable!

Han Yao, after confirming the news, immediately flew to Germany. Once he got there, he was like in Denmark, renting a house, hiring a car, and hiring people. He bought hundreds of thousands of catties of hairy crabs!

It’s just that the cost of hairy crabs this time is twice as much as that of oysters, because collecting hairy crabs is more troublesome than collecting oysters. You must first tie these hairy crabs with a leather case to prevent them from crawling around and harassing neighbors. Crabs have tongs, which are easy to be caught by the tongs. Such laborious and risky work is naturally much more expensive than picking oysters.

In the end, about a hundred thousand catties of hairy crabs cost her nearly 600,000 yuan. Although Han Yao was a bit careful, he was relieved when thinking about the price of hairy crabs in China and the high profits. Up.

Half a month later, Han Yao left Germany and went to Thailand.

Thailand is rich in durians, and her favorite golden pillow durian is produced here.

However, although durian is delicious, it is not easy to transport and preserve, so durians that are sold for less than ten yuan a catty in the place of origin can be sold for fifty to sixty yuan a catty after they are shipped to China, Han Yao sees After reaching the profit margin, I went to Thailand to buy 20,000 catties of golden pillow durian.

Actually, she wanted to buy more to stock up, but when she ran out of money, there was only 20,000 to 30,000 yuan left. If she wanted to buy it, she couldn’t afford it, so she had to do it.

Considering that he has been working hard to stock up during this period, Han Yao decided to give himself a vacation and take a good rest.

She carried her last 20,000 to 30,000 yuan and ran to a famous island in Thailand, where she played happily for several days.

Maybe it was a sorrowful sentence in response to the extreme happiness. The trip was smooth and happily. An accident happened the day before she came back. When she went to sea on the island to play, the cruise ship was overturned by wind and waves!

The people on the entire cruise ship were overturned into the sea. Han Yao could not swim. After fluttering in the sea for a few times, he unfortunately sank to the bottom of the sea, and then he lost consciousness…

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(End of this chapter)

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