Transmigration as a Female Supporting Role Who Attempted Suicide

Chapter 18: The Joy of a Hero

Chapter 18

The fish in the pan was fried golden brown on both sides. Ji Nian added some garlic and ginger shreds, and the aroma came out instantly.

Shen Shuyao sniffed and even the cameraman following her was drooling. The director suddenly felt a little hungry when he saw this shot.

At this moment, Zhou Sheng and the others had all gathered at the kitchen door. Wu Hai exclaimed in surprise, "Wow, that smells so good!"

With a smile on her face, Liang Jie walked in and patted Ji Nian on the shoulder. "Not bad, little Nian! I was a bit worried just now, but I didn't expect your cooking skills to surpass brother Sheng's!"

Zhou Sheng pretended to look unhappy. "Oh really, you don't appreciate my cooking anymore after eating hers?"

Ji Nian was a little embarrassed. She just stir-fried a simple dish but it was enough to attract a crowd. "I'm almost done cooking, you guys can start scooping out the rice first."

Wu Hai was already starving. He loudly said, "Let me do that!"

As a shy big boy, Shen Yang silently followed Wu Hai to help pass him the bowls.

"Well, Sheng and I will go take our seats at the table first and wait for you guys." Liang Jie winked playfully.

With a smile at the corner of her lips, Shen Shuyao nodded and said, "Okay, you two go ahead and rest first. Nian and I will bring the dishes out later." Ji Nian was sweating profusely in the kitchen. It was summer after all, and she had just taken a shower but her body was already feeling sticky again. Luckily the room had air conditioning so she could sleep more comfortably at night.

Seeing sweat dripping down the woman's fair cheeks, Shen Shuyao silently took out a pack of tissue from her pocket and went over to help wipe her sweat.

Ji Nian was surprised. Seeing the female lead earnestly helping her wipe off sweat, she couldn't help but admire her thoughtfulness befitting of a female lead.

"Is it too hot? There's a small electric fan in the room. Let me get it for you to blow some air?" Shen Shuyao gently asked.

Ji Nian smiled and shook her head. "No need to trouble yourself. Are you feeling hot too? Why not go back to the room with the aircon first, I'll get the food ready soon."

Shen Shuyao's forehead was also sweating a little. She shook her head. "I'm not hot, I'll wait here with you."

At this moment, Ji Nian suddenly felt the joy of being the male lead. Which woman wouldn't fall for this one?

When the last dish was brought to the table, everyone exclaimed in surprise. Despite just three vegetable dishes and a soup, after slaving away the whole afternoon on empty stomachs, the tempting aroma was enough to stir up their appetite.

The camera gave a nice close up shot of the dishes on the table. Not only do they smell great, the presentation was wonderful too.

As Ji Nian took her seat, she noticed admiration in Liang Jie's eyes and felt a little embarrassed. "Everyone try them and tell me what you think."

"I haven't even tasted them yet but I already know they must be delicious," Wu Hai was salivating, his chopsticks just short of reaching out.

There was a look of pleasant surprise in Shen Yang's eyes. He didn't expect this woman with an aura of elegance to have such a fun personality, and even her cooking aroused his appetite.

"Shuyao helped out a lot too, passing me the garlic, ginger, adding firewood..." Ji Nian said with upturned eyes and brows. She made a mental note to keep praising the female lead to rake in good feelings.

Shen Shuyao's face turned red as she modestly said, "I just helped out a little."

Zhou Sheng guffawed. This episode of Love Life should turn out well, having a guest who could cook. He could finally escape his exile from the kitchen and properly enjoy a meal.

After happily finishing their meal, it was already 8pm. Liang Jie volunteered to wash the dishes while Shen Yang cleaned up the table.

Everyone sat under a big tree in the yard to enjoy the night breeze. It was scorching hot in the day but the countryside nights were rather cooling, accompanied by the chirping of insects.

If not for the cameras surrounding them for filming, Ji Nian would have found this scene especially heartwarming...

Beside them, Zhou Sheng was tuning his guitar. Whenever he had spare time he liked strumming on it, discussing music softly with Shen Yang.

Shen Shuyao looked up and noticed some fireflies, immediately crying out in pleasant surprise, "Look!"

Liang Jie looked up to find the tree surrounded by many glowing fireflies. "I occasionally see one or two, didn't expect to see so many tonight!"

Wu Hai sat fanning himself lazily like an old man, sighing, "Although technology is advanced now, it definitely damaged the environment. Only in places like this can you find fireflies. Would you city folks ever see them?"

Ji Nian nodded in agreement. When she was young living in the countryside, the skies were full of stars. She couldn't remember since when, but the stars have become so scarce.

Zhou Sheng strummed his guitar. "What a nice scenery. Shall we liven things up with a song?"

"Good idea, Sheng sing us a fitting song!" Wu Hai laughed.

"Hahaha, I don't have any fitting songs. I haven't released an album in years," Zhou Sheng joked, but the bitterness in his eyes was apparent.

He was once an extremely popular rock star in his youth. But as times changed and he produced no new songs, he gradually faded out of sight.

Now, Love Life was his only job, occasionally scoring some minor roles. Music seemed to be slipping further and further away from him.

Noticing his mood, Liang Jie quickly changed the subject. "Shen Yang, you're a singer too. Let us hear one of your songs."

The shy Shen Yang was taken by surprise. He smiled awkwardly, "My newest song isn't very fitting for this occasion."

Wu Hai had a sly look as he mysteriously laughed. "Have you guys forgotten someone?"

"Forgotten who?" Shen Shuyao curiously asked from the side, where she had been quietly listening all along.

"Little Nian! Wasn't your house purchase trending on hot search recently? Come, sing us something to liven up the atmosphere!" Wu Hai guffawed loudly.

Liang Jie's eyes lit up as she chuckled, "I almost forgot there's another singer among us."

Ji Nian was a little embarrassed by the spotlight on her. She scratched her head, "Well, there's a nursery rhyme quite fitting for this."

"Nursery rhyme?" Zhou Sheng looked puzzled. "Which one?"

"Sheng, could I borrow your guitar for a bit?" Ji Nian reached out her hand smilingly. "I'll sing a couple lines for everyone to guess."

Zhou Sheng passed her the guitar. Ji Nian strummed a few chords and thought for a bit before slowly playing out a nice prelude.

Beside her, Shen Shuyao listened intently with utmost focus. Zhou Sheng listened too, racking his brains trying to guess what nursery rhyme this could be. Why did it sound unfamiliar?

As a singer, Shen Yang had a sharp sense for music. Hearing this melody, his eyes lit up in recognition.

Liang Jie blinked in confusion and whispered, "Is this a nursery rhyme? I don't think I've heard it before."

Zhou Sheng shook his head indicating he couldn't recognize the song either. Gazing at the woman seriously strumming the guitar, he admired her delicate side profile visible to them.

Her temperament was truly unique - cold and unapproachable when silent, but surprisingly silly and whimsical when she speaks.

And now seeing her focused on playing guitar, he found himself unable to look away.

The director was very excited to capture this close up shot of the new guest Nian. He could tell she would make the show more interesting.

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