Transmigration: Taking A Magical Forest With Me

Chapter 1 - Transmigrated As A Vampire

Chapter 1: Transmigrated As A Vampire

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


A stinging pain all the way into his bones made Wu Chen’s eyes shoot open, but the image before him made him abruptly forget his pain. Without waiting for Wu Chen to regain his senses, a surge of memory rushed into his mind.

He had transmigrated!

It could have just ended there but he had transmigrated into a vampire’s body instead.

Did he have to rely on blood to live from now on?

But this was too hard to digest since he had been human. He couldn’t possibly bite someone.

‘I won’t become the first vampire to die of hunger, would I?”

After he had fully understood his memories, Wu Chen couldn’t resist sighing at his ceiling. What was all this?

He was currently in a place called Dark Blood City, a small metropolis inside Eclipse Empire.

Meanwhile, Eclipse Empire was located within Oden Mainland where vampires gathered. Although there were humans and other races as well, vampires took up eighty percent of the population.

This vampire he replaced was named Soros. He was of the final bloodline, the weakest tribe among the vampires, having no strength and status. The only family member he had was a completely unrelated but beautiful younger sister, Elena, with whom he lived together.

They survived on the inheritance from his foster parents and both siblings studied in Nicholas Institution.

However, Soros was of limited talent. By the age of eighteen, he was still a three-star final bloodline. At this age, if there was no further development, that basically settled his ranking.

While Elena was slightly better in aptitude, achieving a seven-star rank final bloodline when she was younger than Soros, but without influential support, it was difficult to gain achievements.

Even if the siblings had a great relationship before, but when Soros’s foster parents both lost their lives trying to save him from a bounty hunter, he and Elena turned from siblings who kept no secrets from each other to Elena viewing him as an enemy.

However, his now heavily injured state happened from trying to protect Elena.

That afternoon, after classes at Nicholas Institute, Elena was encircled by a group of vampires. Soros wanted to help her escape but he ended up being badly beaten up. This indirectly caused Wu Chen’s transmigration.

Reorganizing his thoughts, Wu Chen calmed his turbulent emotions. He would take things as they came.

Since his previous life was upsetting, he would be a proper vampire this life, try out new things. Although he was a final bloodline, at least he was immortal.

Turning to look at the large crescent moon outside his window, Wu Chen slowly closed his eyes, getting ready to sleep so he could welcome a new sun.

But when Wu Chen opened his eyes again, the situation before his eyes baffled him once more.

The skies were blue and his surroundings were filled with the scent of grass. It relaxed his mind. But the next second, he abruptly sat up.

‘What the… can I still transmigrate in my sleep?

‘And where is this place? Transmigration doesn’t work this way… does it?

‘It just keeps on coming!

‘No. I must be dreaming.’

Immediately, Wu Chen pinched himself hard on the thigh.

The stinging pain made him grit his teeth so hard he almost blacked out.

‘I forgot to control my strength… And I’ve transmigrated again.’

However, he had no idea if he was still human, or something else in this new world. Wu Chen began studying his hands. They were pale and lifeless as if proving to him that he was still a vampire.

Subsequently, he felt frustrated. Staring out at the endless plains, what was he supposed to eat?

Generally speaking, vampires were supposed to suck blood, be it from humans or animals. But in this never-ending grassy field, was a vampire like him supposed to eat grass?

Regaining a chance at life had fortunate. But now, he looks more unfortunate instead.

As a vampire, if he ate grass, wouldn’t he be the laughing stock of the century?

After a brief moment sitting down, Wu Chen decided to get up and walk around, maybe he could find some living creature.

One step, two steps…

Before the third step was taken, Wu Chen was rooted to the spot.

From a tiny hill not too far away, a majestic and angry large cockerel was marching over.

The cockerel was too huge that Wu Chen was dumbstruck.

‘Who owns a one-meter-tall cockerel?

‘This can probably last me for three days. Should I braise it? Or steam it?

‘Why don’t I braise half of it and steam the other half? Let’s roast the chicken wings too!

‘Damn it. I’m a vampire now. Forget braising, I need blood!’

By now, the large cockerel seemed to have noticed Wu Chen as well and raised its head, crowing out, “Cock-a-doodle-doo…”

Despite its large size, the crowing was the same. The rooster fixed its eyes on Wu Chen, its feathers gleaming under the illumination of the sun. It was clearly confident and even ruffled its feathers. If there was a little hen around, the lady must have been charmed by the rooster’s valiant display.

Both man and chicken stared at each other without concealing the cravings in their gazes.

However, in Wu Chen’s perspective, worms should be a chicken’s target. He had never heard of chickens wanting to eat humans yet.

But when the cockerel let out another cry, Wu Chen realized he was wrong. He was the prey this massive rooster was targeting.

Immediately clenching his first, Wu Chen glared threateningly at the cockerel.

‘You’re just a tad larger in size. What of it?’

Although Soros was of a final bloodline, it’s not like he couldn’t handle a chicken. Even if it was a little bigger than usual, it was still just a chicken!

‘I will have chicken blood today!’

As he decided, the cockerel made a move. Flapping its wings, it charged at Wu Chen with full force.

While it couldn’t fly, its lightning speed quickly carried it over to Wu Chen and its sharp beak began pecking at Wu Chen’s head.

Wu Chen swiftly took a step back and then smashed a heavy punch at the cockerel’s head.


The next instant, Wu Chen felt excruciating pain in his fist. Having been pecked by the rooster, a wound immediately appeared on his hand and blood began gushing out.

This situation helped Wu Chen realized that the rooster was not only large.

But he couldn’t possibly let a chicken bully him.

‘So what if you’re huge!

‘So what if you have a sharp beak!

‘I’m taking you down today!’

Immediately, the man and chicken got caught up in a life-threatening heated battle. It looked as if they were ready to go for three hundred rounds of this.

After god knows how long, Wu Chen was heaving huge breaths as he looked at the rooster on the ground, seeming to be on the verge of death. The man smiled a casual grin, finally able to defend his dignity.

While he did win, Wu Chen was covered in injuries all over and his clothes were torn beyond repair. A slight breeze could send chills from his head down to his toes.

Just then, the large cockerel took its last breath and its body began to evaporate into thin air. Once gone, in its place was a ball of dark red light, emitting a sense of blood.

Wu Chen paused, dumbfounded by the fact that his large chicken had flown away.

‘I wanted chicken blood but what is this?

‘Could this be the essence of chicken, chicken essence?’

Bending down to pick up the glowing orb, before he could take a good look at it, the orb suddenly disappeared in his hands.

‘This too?

‘Forget the chicken flying away, now my chicken essence is gone as well.

‘Aren’t there loot drops for monster hunting? What with the disappearing games just because you feel like it?

‘How am I supposed to enjoy my monster hunting now?’

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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