Trap Online

The ‘Grand’ Escape

Since the Drow was gone, I took my time and got on my feet. It took a little, but I got up. I moved over to the fabric covering the cave entrance. I peeked outside, and it was the same moss that illuminated the cave ever so slightly. My eyes had adjusted long ago to the poor illumination of the cave system. I saw a fire pit that was out with charcoal and half-burnt wood clearly dosed in water. I looked the other way and could see some footprints in the soft soil covering the floor of the cave. I turned back into the alcove I was in and four one of the rows weight stone and used that to cut the bindings. It took a few minutes, but I worked fast as I could. I cut my hand a couple of times but made it out.

After I was free, my smile was big, and I started out of the cave. I went in the opposite direction of the footprints. I was naked and alone in a cave system. I followed along the cave walls in a labyrinth I had no idea where I started or was in. I was quick for me and made breaks. I couldn't keep up a fast pace with my stamina.

I wondered for who knows how long. I just kept taking another path. I finally found something. It was an alcove in the side with a campfire and one of those bedroll things I was with that Drow on. I wandered inside. I received a message as I looked around.


You have found an empty camp. Would you like to log out?



I smiled and hit the Y. I collapsed onto the bedroll, and I was logged out.

Standing up was weird, but it didn't take me long to get used to it. My stomach growled, and my mind was numb, though. I got out of my room, and Victoria was waiting. "Oh, good, you got out around the same time as me. Let's sit down and order some food and talk while we wait." I nodded, and we ordered something from a nice restaurant that was nearby.

We sat down, and I just blurted out what had happened to me. Victoria has always been a great friend to me, and I trust her. Her eyes were wide, and she was shocked. It didn't take me long to get through what happened in about eight hours of game time. She stopped being shocked and started to think. She put her elbow on her leg, leaning forward showing me her breasts while her head sat on her hand. She was thinking hard, and I could see the wheels spinning in her head.

"Well, First you encountered some of the first glitches in the system. You are not supposed to be able to become the species Succubus. We made a hardcore game; some will want to use other methods to manipulate. This is like a hardcore Dungeons and Dragons; anything can happen if you put your mind to it. The programs are working all day overtime. Can these things be done? This was years of programming and more to reach this stage, and I take pride in the first VRMMORPG. I used many things and would have sold my soul to the devil to make this game if need be.

"You have let us call it Rape since you were a succubus; all creatures react to that species differently than most. Succubi, like in lore, are creatures of sex; they harvest semen and sexual energy. They are temptresses Rick to play them, and how we programmed them to be played are illusionists and temptresses. They use their sexuality and body to make others do their bidding. You chose that race, and you do not have to follow those lines strictly; you will shoot yourself in the foot if you don't.

"Plus, you picked hardcore mode. This is a trap that I think most would realize, and I didn't think you wouldn't realize it, Rick. Think without knowledge of the World, and you just end up in a random place. I don't think you thought too hard on it, or you wouldn't have done it. Ten stat points are not really worth it really either. I should have forced you to play some DnD or at least some video games. I was more worried about your mental health, though.

"That reminds me, Rick, how are you feeling. You seem motivated or different today. I think even if you got raped, you are actually looking better, not worse from yesterday. You actively came out to see me and talked. You are actively listening to me and not just staring into the void. You are actually engaging with me, not looking like a dumbass doing nothing. This is good progress, not bad. You can't delete characters in this game, Rick, at least not in the first few months. We were making an interactive world for the first time and needed to slow character creation. So we stopped deleting and remaking characters. It gives us time to put people into the World and test their reactions.

"Grand adventure Online is still Beta. You cannot release this game anything but Beta. It's the World's first VRMMORPG; we need to fix glitches and shit like this. We are testing the waters the way no one ever has in the internet Era ever has before. We have literally made Rape legal, Murder, Pillaging. Fuck name a crime, Rick. This is all legal in the game; it is why we have put in the terms and services that we do not hold ourselves accountable for what others or NPCs do to you in-game. There will be traumatizing stuff, Rick. I hope you continue it and enjoy it. If you hate your succubus Character in a month or so, just change out to something new. Nothing is stopping you from doing that. But for your health, I think you need to keep playing."

"Well, that was a rant," I state to break the ice in this conversation as I was just ranted at. "I will continue playing since the game has sparked my interest, but I do not want to get fucked in the ass again, Victoria; it was weird and made me feel weird. I logged off in some alcove stuck in some underground complex."

"You must be in the Drow tunnels; they are an all Female species that are Hermaphidites or Futanari. They are a species based on the strong and subspecies of elves. They are good in dark magic or warriors. They are either intelligent or more on the stupid but powerful side. The Drow have a cutthroat system of government where everyone is betraying each other. Their warriors tend to be more simple, though, and work on protecting the walls of their cities. Usually, the Drow warriors will remain dumb until tier two. Now, none of this spreads out, Rick. When people hit Tier two, they can upgrade their race, and the stats worths are increased. You can also select a new secondary and primary stat. There is a lot more to this, but this is important that even if they are dumb, they might not be dumb forever. With how you said you built your stats, that will be handy for your kind of overpowered in the lower levels right now. In fact, that Drow Warrior was probably drawn to you by Charisma alone.

"Succubus release a scent just like the male version Incubus release based of Charisma. It attracts the opposite gender to them. This allows it to be easier to attract others and take advantage of them. Be careful, though; this works on animals too. You really need a protector, Rick; if you don't, I can picture you being raped not by just a Drow but some mutant monster. That will be scarring Rick, so please consider that. The succubus was supposed to be for promiscuous women, and I will talk to the developers about the fact that the randomizer can go through gender bias roles since you are not supposed to do that.

"Last but not least, Rick, you don't disappear in the World when you log out. Your body is still there, and that NPC Drow can find you. I hope it doesn't, but you need to know this, Rick, and you don't sound like you are in a safe location, just a place that allows it. Now a lot of what I just told you is a secret, and I don't want you to leak it, Rick, you know what I am talking about.

"Victoria, I get it. I will keep it to myself. Thanks for letting me know," I hear a Knock on the door, "There is the food; I will go grab it. When I get back, let's talk about what you did today in-game." I walk away as I see her smile at me.

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