Trapped in a slave girls body

Chapter 2

If only I could. I eyed the wooden part of the broom with malicious intent, imagining myself somehow brandishing this poor weapon of choice and smashing it on the woman sitting across from me. There she sat on her chair, legs folded arrogantly sipping a glass of red wine. Normally I would find this enticing and very much appreciated, yet I hold no love for this woman. Her cool aloof demeanour made me grip the handle tight in anger as the cold breeze sent shivers up my shivers up my spine, as the cold unrelenting night air caress my scantily clad body with no remorse.

I was wearing only an apron. Her choice or clothing not mine, I didn't like the way she said "I would be punished if I don't comply." With such venom and her eyes promising exquisite pain if I dare disobey. So here I find myself brushing away and cleaning her very fancy room, like a good little slave. I might as well be brushing away the last remnants of my manhood as well as my pride because I could feel piercing eyes staring at me from top to bottom, very appreciative of my semi naked form.

As much as I'd rather not face my tormentor, the other option would be face away from her, an option I'd rather not take right now as my as my bottom is pretty much in full view, something this pervert appreciates and very much encourage for sure.

I would give anything to wipe that smug satisfied look on her face.

"Slave!" She called out harshly. The tone in her voice sounding non too please, but still why do I care... I sigh.. I care very much since I'm at her mercy and my state of living is pretty much dependent on her whimsy.

"The room isn't going to clean itself."

I wish it would.

I retorted in my head. I held back a scoff as I don't think the devil herself would take that respond well. Best case scenario she'd kill me and the worst case she'd violate me or torture me, two option I'm not keen on exploring. So I did my best using the brush to clean every nook and cranny making sure my very bare behind isn't pointed directly towards her so she could enjoy it at her leisure.

"Whoops! Looks like I spilled some wine on my neck. Slave come and clean it up for me." She ordered with glee.


I sauntered over hesitantly and cautiously. I have no idea what this evil witch is going to do this time but still a ma-.. sigh who am I kidding, but still I can't accept my designated gender, this frail looking petite lust inducing body; this isn't me. I'm just now trap here. How pathetic trap within the confines of this pitiful form force to face consequences intended for its original owner, yet I'm the one taking the punishment.

"Closer." She ordered impatiently. I hesitated for a moment seeing the smirk and evil intention in her eyes. Her gaze turned hard and impatient as she grab my arm and pulled me roughly. I grunted in surprise, my body not expecting the sudden momentum of going forward. I tripped over my feet and landed right on her bosom. Embarrassed I tried to scramble back with no avail as her steel grip keep me in place, still I panic and tried to get away from her.

"AHHHH!" I screamed as I feel a burning sensation in my arm, a scalding hotness threatening to consume and fry my delicate skin overwhelmed my senses. Then suddenly the pain stop! I look at my owner fearfully, her face cold and impassive; without a hint of care or remorse.


"I think a punishment is in order." She said matter of factly. Like this is what's been decided and I have no power to veto no matter what I say. She lets go of my arm and I inspected the skin expecting it to be charred and bubbling but it was untouched. I scrutinise it in fear and a slight wonder. 

Did I just imagine it?

She wrapped her arms around me. Strong and unbending, her delicate exterior seems to mask the strength and power behind those arms, a fool expecting a frail woman would be surprise at the strength it hides; like metal.

She pulled me forward causing my forehead to touch against hers as she gaze at me maliciously. I tried not too close my eyes or look away, I had hunch that it would make this bizarre situation worse.

She grinned, and my whole body shivered and froze in fear. The cold air still nipped my skin lashing at me with its cold tongue. 

I wish she'd shut the goddamn window

"I know you've been thinking of doing stuff to me. While I maybe not be able to read your thoughts, the slave collar conveys any malicious thought you have against your owner. Since I am your owner..." she trailed, her smile grew wider as she sees the growing fear in my face. My bare legs shaking not from the cold but from the implications of what she just said. If that is indeed the case then I am very much. FUCKED.

"Master..." I whimpered. My bladder threatening to spill as the cold grip of fear envelop my senses. My fight or flight response going haywire as I'm neither doing those, I'm just here frozen like a statue.

"Before I punish you I believe you had a job to do." She gazed at the red fluid staining her porcelain skin.

I looked around the room erratically searching for a cloth, anything.. to somehow complete this job and in the vain hopes of maybe lightening the punishment to come; whatever that might be.

"Use your tongue."

I gasped in shock and look at the demon warily; unsure.

Did I really just hear her say that.

My mouth open in disbelief at her expectant gaze.

"This spilled wine isn't going to go away by itself." 

I bend over slowly, my mouth hovering inches away from her collar bone.

Just do it and get it over with.

I close my eyes shut, willing myself to just.. finally my tongue slithered out of my mouth and softly touched her skin. Slowly I bring myself to lap and suck away the spilled liquid. Each caress of my tongue, the witch would moan and whispered 'more' demandingly as she stroke the back of my head.

God above just end up my pitiful existence.

People suggest some punishment. I want to hear your guys thought on how Freya would punish the little slave.

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