Travel through the 90s with the system, dig your own grave first at the beginning

Chapter 115 The smell of mother is very strong!

"Who is this, sucking the family's money like this, you must be a vampire!" The girl passing by heard Zhao Ling's words and said aggrievedly.

"You don't know, this person is the unlucky Gu Zishu who was replaced." The onlookers immediately pulled over the girl who spoke.


The scene was a little awkward for a while.

The girl felt that she had been deceived. After all, she lived in the same dormitory. Even if she didn't know Gu Zishu, she had heard a few things about Gu Zishu, especially the incident where Gu Zishu's mother found the dormitory a few days ago. That happened under everyone's nose. Everyone at the bottom knew at that time that Gu Zishu's mother was the one who refused to give money.

We all know the cause and effect of this, and we all know that this is what happened. I did something wrong and wanted to win back my daughter's heart, but I am still pretending to show it to them here. I really think that they are college students who are stupid and easy to fool. ah.

"Bah, I've never seen a real mother like you." After the girl said that, she left angrily. It was so embarrassing. Since she was speaking for such a person, if her real mother was like this, she would be angry to death.

"Hey, you can't have a good talk with your mother. After all, it's not easy to raise you like this. You don't have bad parents. Besides, you are in your stepfather's house. Even if the other party wants to help you, he can't do too much. , the gift of childbirth is not the way you treat your own mother." Some people couldn't stand it and looked at Gu Zishu with a serious face and a preaching attitude.


Gu Zishu looked at the girl who came out to speak. She had an upright face and short hair that reached her neck. She was looking at him seriously.

The mom smell is very strong!

"Oh, I wonder what life is like in this classmate's home, and from what perspective does he speak of me?" Gu Zishu said in a gentle tone.

"What kind of life my family leads has nothing to do with your life. I know that there are no bad parents. She gave birth to you and raised you so big. You shouldn't have such an attitude towards her. Your attitude is To my own mother, I think it’s not an exaggeration to think that she is an enemy.

As students in our school, we should not have such qualities.

In my opinion, being filial to parents is the most basic quality of a person. "Zhang Nan said righteously.

"I don't know if this classmate has ever heard of a saying: Don't tell others to be good if they haven't suffered. If you have suffered through me, you may not be able to do good to me.

You don’t understand my affairs, so please don’t express your opinion casually, okay? "Gu Zishu didn't want to be an unqualified person and yell at his classmates.

But facing Zhao Ling, she was still full of hostility.

"Even if your parents do something extreme to you, she is still your mother, and this blood relationship cannot be changed." Zhang Nan continued.

The people around were stunned by this inexplicable confrontation. This was obviously a matter between Gu Zishu and her mother. How could a righteous person speak out?

But when everyone saw the speaker, they knew it was their moral role model, the president of the student union.

Immediately, the people at the scene were divided into two teams. One stood on Gu Zishu's side, and the other felt that Zhang Nan was right.

Zhao Ling saw someone helping her, and her face suddenly became more serious, "I give you this money because my mother is incompetent and can't give you the life you want. Don't worry, I will work hard to pick up the rags and provide you with the money." Living expenses.”

"Look at your mother, she has gone to this level, and you are still picky. Is there any daughter like you?" Zhang Nan heard Zhao Ling say this, and felt even more that she had done the right thing.

This mother who picks up rags also wants her daughter to live a good life. Even if she did something wrong before, she sincerely wants to repent now. There is no one who doesn't make mistakes. Just change it and it will be fine.


"There is no such thing as a daughter. You see how good she is, why don't you be his daughter? See how you praise people so much that they are in heaven and earth, and you like it so much.

Classmate, you must have lacked love since childhood.

Such people like to train you to do housework since childhood and raise you at home in a pampered way.

You were pushed into the river by your adopted daughter and drowned. Your biological mother did not go to see you for the last time, but helped your enemy handle the household registration transfer and happily sent your stepdaughter to school.

By the way, there are also those who don’t let you go to school and ask you to work to earn money to support her.

Just stay locked up with such a person. "Gu Zishu doesn't criticize others easily, unless the person doesn't want to be a human being, so it's not her fault.

"Hey, how can you talk like this? Can Mom recognize her casually? That's your mother, not my mother." Zhang Nan finally no longer had the attitude of an outsider blaming an insider.

"That's my mother. This is between me and her. What are you instructing here? Are you a judge or a dean of students?"

"She's the student body president."


"What's wrong with the student union president? I'm not in charge of you, so please go wherever you want!" Gu Zishu's tone was still calm,

"You, why do we have people like you in our school? You are not afraid of what others say." Zhang Nan didn't believe that someone would not care about his reputation.

"I don't care what others say. I'm already so unlucky anyway. You can say whatever you want. What else can I do? Die again. Anyway, I've already seen the underworld. I'm not afraid of going there again." What does Gu Zishu care about? Anyway, everyone I am so busy studying, how can I have time to pay attention to myself in a few days? Anyway, I am not guilty, who knows who is guilty.

"You, you, you, it doesn't make sense with people like you." Zhang Nan has never seen such an incompetent person. In the past, people would have been ashamed to admit their mistakes when they talked about others. Who is this person? Why? So crazy, "Just wait and regret it."

After saying that, the person left in a hurry.

Gu Zishu glanced at the people who supported Zhang Nan, and suddenly the group of people took a step back.

This girl's eyes are angry and she is not to be trifled with. They are here to go to school, not to cause trouble. This is other people's business. It is none of their business if they quarrel with their own mother.

In an instant, everyone who could walk left, and the only ones left were those who just watched the excitement and did not stand in line.

"Mom, don't fool others by picking up rags. Just look at the dust on your face and see if it's worse than mine." Gu Zishu said, grabbing some dirt from the ground and putting it on his face. With one touch, she suddenly looked more like a rag picker than Zhao Ling.

He happened to be wearing the clothes he had brought from home before. They were not torn. He had to wear looser clothes for the sports meeting today and he had to carry things. Gu Zishu took out the clothes he had not worn for a long time. He had not washed up yet and was not here yet. It's time to change it.

Comparing the clothes that Zhao Ling had worn for several years with the clothes that Zhao Ling had just bought a year ago, plus the fact that her hair was blown away by the wind while riding a bicycle, Gu Zishu suddenly looked more like a rag picker than Zhao Ling.


"I will accept these three dollars. I have cooked for you for so many years and been a nanny for so many times. Giving this is nothing. Since you like to pick up rags, then I respect your profession.

By the way, the hands that pick up rags and don’t have enough to eat are not white, tender and smooth like yours. Look at my hands. At least they have more injuries than this. By the way, you won’t be angry when you talk without enough food. Next time Just pay attention to the details.

I will leave now. If you want to act with me later, I will accompany you at any time. "After Gu Zishu finished speaking, he carried the things directly through the other party and walked upstairs.

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