Travel through the 90s with the system, dig your own grave first at the beginning

Chapter 38 I’m more afraid of your death than you are

Gu Zishu watched several people finish their conversation and cleared his throat, "Ahem, have you guys thought about it?"

Since the other party misunderstood him as a god, Gu Zishu did not intend to explain for the time being for his own safety.

And with this relationship, I will have more helpers if I want to do anything here in the future.

"We don't have any request, we just want the beast god's blessing to help our tribe survive this drought safely." Several people discussed it and sent a representative to speak.

They often said this when the tribe watched the great witch pray for blessings, and this should be true.

Gu Zishu refined the central idea, which was to make things easier during droughts. This was a bit difficult.

"Ding, trigger the hidden mission, help the Great River Tribe survive the drought, prevent the Great River Tribe from disappearing, reward the friendship of the Great River Tribe, the Panda Explorer, and increase the opportunity to experience the game once a day."

Before Gu Zishu could figure out what to do, a task appeared directly in the system.


With such a generous reward, this magic stick should be rewarded even if he doesn't deserve it.

"Ji Liang, didn't you agree that it's not suitable to contact us in advance? Why did you issue the task just after contacting us?" Gu Zi looked calm on paper, but in his heart he was asking the system frantically.

Who knows how big the Dahe Tribe is? If it’s less, it’s okay to get some water. If there’s more, what will you do? If you haven’t started business yet, do you have to be a water carrier?

"I didn't expect the system program settings to reach this point." Ji Liang said deeply. "I'm more afraid of your death than you are."

Gu Zishu rolled his eyes, should I thank you for your concern?

"Well, you go back first. I will convey this news to the Beast God." Gu Zishu said seriously.

"Yes, sir." When several people heard Gu Zishu say this, their grins reached behind their ears. They grabbed the bamboo sticks and turned around and ran away, not even wanting the big fat sheep.

"What are they laughing at?" Gu Zishu was a little confused, so he just said to convey it.

"Maybe they are more straight-minded and don't think too much. The message conveyed to them is that it is done."


It seems that even if this is not possible, it will be possible.

Gu Zishu didn't have time to think too much, Ji Liang reminded the time. There were still 10 minutes left, and if he didn't rush back, it would be too late.


"Wait a minute Hongdou." Before starting, Gu Zishu reined in the reins.

He walked to the sheep, put the things directly into his backpack, and then rode his horse towards the place where the medicine was boiled.

I can smell the strong smell of Chinese medicine from a distance.

Hongdou snorted and slowed down, unwilling to move forward.

Gu Zishu had no choice but to dismount and walk.

He didn't feel anything when the horse was galloping, but this time when his feet touched the ground, Gu Zishu almost lost his balance.

Thigh pain, waist pain.

It feels like something like that...

Like 500 leaps of frog, Gu Zishu, who was single since birth, could only think of this.

Holding on to his waist and spreading his legs, he walked slowly towards the place where the medicine was boiled.

"Jiliang, what should I do if I go to class in the afternoon? I'm like this and I can't even run when changing classrooms." Gu Zishu wailed in pain.

When he clicked on the light screen, he saw that his speed had dropped again.

"Host, don't worry. This is not a problem. Tomorrow will be the worst time." Ji Liang said calmly.


Is it so expensive to learn to ride a horse?

"It is recommended to improve your physical fitness so that you won't have such a situation when riding horses in the future."

"Okay, I'll remember it this time." Gu Zishu nodded.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Zishu put the boiled medicine pot into his backpack so that he could continue cooking it tomorrow and still be in the same state as today.

In the afternoon, everyone got up from their nap and went to class.

"Gu Zishu, are you feeling uncomfortable?" Ge Yinglan looked at Gu Zishu and felt that his walking was a little twisted, not as smooth as usual.

"It's nothing. Maybe I walked too much yesterday afternoon and my legs hurt a little today." Gu Zishu found an excuse.

His face remained calm while he bared his teeth. His legs were scratched and he couldn't wrap them up in this weather. When his pants were rubbed, the feeling was extremely sour.

"Oh, it's fine." Ge Yinglan nodded and stopped asking.

The afternoon class was not as Gu Zishu expected, the classroom was not far away.

After dinner in the evening, Gu Zishu didn't go anywhere and went straight back to the dormitory to lie down.

The roommates all went to the library to work hard, but Gu Zishu was quiet in the dormitory.

I turned on the light screen and looked through my backpack. The sheep occupied one backpack, and the other backpacks were filled again.

It looked like the two little ants had crawled onto the grassland and picked up a lot of grass roots. Gu Zishu put them in a bag and put them in his backpack, saving them for tomorrow to boil some medicine and light a fire.

Opening the next backpack, it was dark. Gu Zishu took some and twisted it with his hands, "Is this coal?"

I took a look at the name, and it turned out to be the spirit of earth.

Is earth essence coal?

Gu Zishu was a little unsure and planned to try it tomorrow.

Stuff it into your pocket and backpack and move on to the next one.

Stones in the cave! !

Are they stalactites? Gu Zishu was a little curious. When he opened it, his eyes flashed and he realized that the stones in the cave were clearly neat natural amethysts.

At first glance, you can tell it is the harvest of the Sparrow Explorer.

I took out a piece and looked at it. It shone with a faint purple light under the light, which was mysterious and beautiful.

Gu Zishu hugged the crystal and rubbed it hard, making a fortune.

These things allowed her to treat the next backpack with a pile of bones calmly.

Clean out your backpack and throw away the unnecessary things when you enter the original plane tomorrow.

Gu Zishu checked the mission.

The task of obtaining 300 exploration points through manual exploration has been completed, and the reward is 5 points of physical strength.

As for where the reward was, Gu Zishu couldn't find it after searching for a while.

"Jiliang, where is my reward?"

"Rewards have been distributed, and the host can adjust and increase speed and strength on its own."

Gu Zishu opened his personal information and saw a plus sign behind speed and strength.

With a slight click, the speed increased by 1.

Gu Zishu made some allocations, and the speed increased by 2 and the strength increased by 3 points.

Watch as the strength becomes 8 and the speed becomes 10.

Gu Zishu frowned and said, "Jiliang, this reward seems a bit useless. It will drop when I'm not motivated. What's the use of adding this."

"Host, don't worry, the reward will not be lost."

"If it can still be like this, then I'll be relieved." After working hard for the past few days, it was finally not in vain.

Returning to the task interface, there are now two tasks. One is a long-term task to reduce the density of the bamboo forest, and the other is to help the Dahe tribe survive the drought. Neither of them is easy.

It was still fun to spend money. Gu Zishu opened the system mall and decisively spent money to buy a backpack.

Seeing that there were more than 150 exploration points left, I felt very energetic.

Today's opportunity has been used up, Gu Zishu decisively devoted his energy to studying.

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