Travel through the 90s with the system, dig your own grave first at the beginning

Chapter 74 You can’t ruin the house! "

"Gu Zishu, I heard that the external relations agency has a salary. Why don't you sign up for one? Although the salary is not much, there is basically nothing to do. I am going to sign up for one, or let's go together." Ge Yinglan, as a little expert in intelligence, all She had all the club information in hand, and in order not to embarrass Gu Zishu, she even added herself.

"External Relations Agency?" Gu Zishu thought for a while and decisively refused, even if he was paid. There were club activities in the school that needed a lot of funds, so they contacted the External Relations Agency for sponsorship. He asked people what kind of good work they could do for money, and he went there one by one. If you run out, the salary is not as much as digging a few more bamboo shoots.

"Okay, then I'll go by myself. I really want to exercise myself." Ge Yinglan originally wanted to go with Gu Zishu, but Gu Zishu didn't want to go now, so she was a little tempted.

Joining that club is my hobby. Except for Gu Zishu, who has not joined the club, Jiang Zhi, Qin Lili, and Xie Rongrong, three top students who are determined to join the laboratory and take the postgraduate entrance examination, are preparing to join the student union.

The other two people hooked up with several clubs to prepare for interviews.

In addition to reading, Gu Zishu used the plane system to prepare ingredients for Taoyuanju, and planned to go to Jiangnan City, the hometown in the original owner's memory.

It's been nearly 10 years, and the original owner can't remember where his home is, but Gu Zishu's deepest obsession after accepting this body is to go back and see if his father is okay. Since he used someone else's body, some things still need to be done. of.

So no matter whether she could find her home or not, she would make this trip, or even several times.

Gu Zishu tried his best to recall the contents in his mind these days, recorded them in his notebook, and tried to collect relevant information before going.

There is no Internet these days, so Gu Zishu can only buy a lot of maps, draw a rough range on the map, and pray that the city will not change too much in these years, otherwise even if he has a good strategy, he will be blind when the time comes.

On Wednesday, as soon as get out of class was over, Gu Zishu rushed back to the dormitory to pack his things.

Of course, Gu Zishu was not the only one to do this. It was the first time for most of them to be away from home for such a long time, so let alone the question of what to do when they went back to school after being in school for more than a month.

Anyway, when Gu Zishu went out with a backpack, many people also went out with large and small bags.

"You really don't want to go to the train station with us." Wu Yun asked firmly.

"Bye bye, you go first. I'll wait later. I've booked a ticket for the evening. You don't need to go too early. You can go first and I won't squeeze in with you." Gu Zishu waved his hand and rode his bicycle towards the taxi. Go to the room.

I also took a turn on the road and brought the bamboo weaving tools I had ordered before. Today is Wednesday and I made an appointment with my landlord, Master Lu. Although I will miss a few days of classes after today, I still have to be serious today.

Carrying a large bag of tools, he opened and closed the front room and freed up all the ingredients prepared in the backpack.

Of course, Gu Zishu didn't dig up the 10 bags of bamboo shoots and 8 bags of bamboo fungus himself. In the past few days, Gu Zishu went to the grain and oil store and bought a lot of rice, all of which were exchanged for rice.

Now he and the Dahe Tribe can be considered to have a win-win situation.

Originally, Gu Zishu just wanted to give it a try, but he didn't expect to exchange it for food. The progress of the task was also increasing. It seemed that the system did not force him to use things from the original plane to solve the problems of the Great River Tribe.

In this way, many things would be easier to handle. Gu Zishu was alone and had limited time, so she entrusted the things to the people of the Dahe tribe.

On the day of changing things, I not only taught them how to cook rice, but also took out the Encyclopedia of Materia Medica and pointed out many precious medicinal materials to them, asking them to remember to pick them so that they could exchange things with me later.

In this way, a lot of things for collecting things are handed over, and Gu Zishu can have more time to explore the original plane.

There are currently many places on the map that she wants to go to, but she has been delayed due to many things. Now that she has found a group of helpers, she has freed up time.

The next day, I went to the place where the green stem rice was. There was about an acre of land sparsely growing green stem rice.

Now is the time to mature, and a lot of them have fallen on the ground.

Gu Zishu ignored what was on the ground. He took his pocket and gloves and spent half an hour pulling off the rice ears.

The whole bag was filled with more than half, estimated to weigh 50 kilograms.

Gu Zishu doesn't intend to use this food for food. Once the weather in the primitive plane is known, he may be able to ask the Dahe Tribe to help him grow it. This will not only solve the food problem of the Dahe Tribe, but also allow Bidengmi to grow stronger.

On Wednesday morning, today, Gu Zishu went to the tropical fruit he had been thinking about.

Sure enough, there were a lot of fruits growing there, although they were not as dense as the fruit trees in the orchard I met last time.

But the advantage of this place is that there are many types of fruit trees.

Gu Zishu harvested 15 pineapples and 8 mature jackfruits.

23 durians, half a bag of mangoes. '

There are still many Gu Zishu that are too late to pick, and it will be up in half an hour.

It is also because her speed and strength have increased a lot now, otherwise she would not even think about so many things.

Gu Zishu was very satisfied with the harvest and took out the same three baskets. He found three baskets from Master Lu and put them into the baskets respectively, plus the pears and peaches stored in the backpack.

The basket is filled to the brim.

The whole front room suddenly had the aroma of fruits and the smell of durian.

Gu Zishu took a breath of satisfaction and did not put the durian into the basket for the time being. After all, not everyone can accept the taste.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Gu Zishu opened the door again.

Master Lu didn't know when he would arrive, but Tao Jiabao and the others made a call before they arrived, and they should be here within half an hour.

Pulling up the small bench, Gu Zishu took a durian out of his backpack and ate it.

It’s okay if you don’t smell it, but you’re really greedy when you smell it.

Pulling out the fat meat from Wufang, Gu Zishu took a satisfied bite. The fresh pulp filled every corner of his mouth, and the unique taste and aroma spread in his mouth. It was sweet, soft and waxy, the most delicious thing he had ever tasted in his previous life. Top quality durian tastes even better.

After a few mouthfuls, only a core, not much larger than a peanut kernel, remained.

Gu Zishu swore that the durian tree there would be his little treasure from now on.

After eating two pieces in a row, Gu Zishu was full.

As for the core, of course it was carefully collected. It cannot reproduce in this world. Who knows if a new tree will grow if it is planted back to the original plane.

Gu Zishu was eating happily, and the two old men covering their mouths and noses came closer carefully, "Comrade Gu Zishu, I just rented the house to you, you can't ruin the house!"

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