Traveler In the World

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Successive Troubles

“Thank you for your help today!”

“Where is it! Captain Yi is the one who helped us a lot!”

“The rest, let’s continue tomorrow.”

“Okay, then see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Amesteris, Central City Third Research Institute.

After saying goodbye to my colleagues, I went with a few academic alchemists to study the subject until late at night, picking a path closer to my home.

It has been more than two months since Ishbar’s annihilation war ended, and most of the national alchemists have returned to their positions, as have Yi Dao people.

Although he is not a national alchemist, he was challenged by President Amestris and the actual controller Kim Bradley. He was not transferred to other places like ordinary non-commissioned captains. The author Kim Bradley came to Chuo City, the capital of the country of Amestris, and became a member of the Third Research Institute of Chuo City’s Graduate Body Refinement.

There are three major restrictions in the national alchemy law, one of which is that human body alchemy is not allowed.

Humans are composed of three elements: flesh, soul, and spirit. Spirit connects flesh and soul.

Among them, meat glutinous rice is the easiest to make. After all, meat glutinous rice is just a pile of organic and inorganic substances, and materials can be found anywhere.

But it doesn’t mean that you can make a human being after you have made a meat gluten… An alchemist is not a god, even if you find all the materials needed to make a meat gluten, you can’t create a soul!

Therefore, the human body will inevitably fail, and the result of failure is that the alchemist is seriously injured or even killed.

The alchemist is a precious asset of Amestris, and because of the serious injury or death in pointless matters, the leadership of the country of Amestris does not want to see it. Regulation.

The human body training failed because it involved the realm of the soul that people cannot touch, but the biological training is different.

The so-called bio-refinement is to legally license biological-related refinement for the purpose of regenerating the injured part of the body, which is different from the medical practice called bio-refinement.

That is to say, the purpose of body training is to restore human flesh without involving the realm of the soul. It can be regarded as incomplete, but it can be refined for the human body that can be mastered by human beings.

Yi Daoren officially entered the Third Research Institute because of this… His body needs treatment, and biological training may restore his body, does he still need to choose?

However, according to Yi Daoren’s original alchemy, that is, the alchemy of ashes, it was originally impossible to enter an academic research institute such as the Third Research Institute, which specializes in body refining.

The alchemy of ashes is an alchemy that was researched for fighting and killing people. It is of no benefit to the research of biological refining, which is specifically for the purpose of healing.

But Yi Dao Ren not only has the alchemy of ashes, he also obtained the alchemy research book of alchemy on the battlefield of Ishbar!

Although Yi Daoren has not yet fully learned the alchemy technique, he is now able to perceive the dragon veins of himself and the things around him. Very helpful.

Therefore, after several experiments, I learned about the abilities of Yi Dao people, and after the annihilation of Ishbar, many researchers quit research because they could not adapt to their research behavior on the battlefield. Yi Daoren stayed and became one of the researchers.

“Prayers are easy!”

Walking on the path, thinking about the research of biological refining and how to further perceive the dragon veins of nature and truly master alchemy, Yi Daoren suddenly heard a voice that seemed to be heard somewhere, and called out that he was in A name that almost no one mentioned after leaving Ishbal.

Turning his head to look, Yi Daoren saw a tall man in a trench coat and a hood looking at him. After seeing him look over, he lifted the hood on his head.

“The Frozen Alchemist?”

Frozen alchemist Aizac McDougal is one of several powerful national alchemists who are second only to Yi Dao and Zorf J. Kimberly in the battlefield of Ishbar. The strength of the alchemist Roy Mustang is comparable, or even stronger!

“Why?” Yi Daoren frowned.

He is not familiar with Aizac McDougal, or one of the people who ridiculed and rejected him at the beginning was Aizac McDougal. Although not many times, the relationship between the two is more negative.

And he also heard that Aizac McDougal handed over his qualifications as a national alchemist after the annihilation of Ishbar, and has since disappeared. He didn’t know why he came to him at this moment.

After staring at Yi Daoren for a while, Aizac McDougal said in a flat and serious tone after Yi Daoren’s eyes became sharp: “Do you know what happened in this country? Participated in the prayer of the experiment. , the Alchemist of Ashes.”

With his brows furrowed, Yi Daoren thought for a while, then said lightly, “If I said I didn’t know, what would you do?”

After a moment of silence, Aizac McDougal raised his hands, revealing a simple and violent shape, depicting the metal bracers formed into a formation, and said solemnly: “Don’t force me! Your name of ashes is just borrowed from the ominous I got it from the stone, and it has nothing to do with my frozen name!”

“Since you already know so much, why are you still asking me?” His eyes became cold and sharp in an instant, and Yi Daoren also raised his hands and put them on his chest, in a posture that could fold as quickly as possible.

Put your hands together, you will form a circle, and then connect with the natural crustal volcanic energy to form a big circle. After the energy is drawn into the formation, the alchemist can start the alchemy… Yi Daoren’s alchemy of ashes makes the formation, engraved on his glove.

The special alchemy gloves obtained during the annihilation of Ishbar were not abandoned by him like other alchemists, but were always with him!

“Are you still carrying that pair of murder props?” Seeing the special alchemy sleeve, Aizac McDugal’s eyes immediately turned cold.

“Since you know it’s a prop, why do you think it’s only used to kill people?”

Facing the answer from Yi Daoren, Aizac McDugal sneered disdainfully, “Besides killing people, what else do you use it for? Save people…”

Halfway through speaking, Aizac McDougal suddenly stopped.

He remembered that Yi Daoren really used those gloves to save people, and he went to the battlefield to save people from serious injuries!

“It’s a pity that they were executed in the end…” Thinking of the Lockbells, Aizac McDougal, who did not know that there was some transaction between Yi Dao and Roy Mustang, sighed softly.

On the Ishbar battlefield, although the Rockbell couple’s way of treating the Ishbar people was criticized, they also saved many soldiers and national alchemists of the Amestris country, so there are still a lot of people. Appreciate them and have pity on what happened to them.

Putting his hand down, Aizac McDougal thought for a while, then said seriously: “Give you a chance and tell me what their purpose is! You should know your strength, and you have lost the so-called After the Sage’s Stone, you and I are incomparable!”

Yi Daoren curled his lips somewhat unnaturally.

Although what Aizac McDougal said was right, how could it sound so harsh!


“Don’t think I know how much. I’m just their experimental product, a soldier used to test the Sage’s Stone.” Some helpless shrugs, Yi Daoren smiled bitterly: “I really want to say who will know some of their purposes. , in addition to those researchers, the biggest possibility is…”

“Red Lotus Alchemist?” After interrupting Yi Daoren, Aizac McDugal turned his head and left after thinking for a while, “I hope what you said is true… I’ll let you go this time. , for the sake of your willingness to sacrifice your life to save Dr. Rockbell.”

After quietly watching Aizac McDougal’s figure disappear into the night, Yi Daoren smacked his mouth: “What on earth did this guy come to find me for?”

After looking at the specially made alchemy gloves with wear marks on his hands, he put down his hands and turned around to go home.

“Ah~ help!”

However, before taking a few steps, Yi Daoren heard an incomparably piercing scream piercing the night sky.

“What happened today?” Raising his brows, Yi Daoren looked at the alley not far away, blinked a few times, and walked over slowly.

“Hoho…hoho…” The woman with a beautiful face and a graceful figure was running in the alley. She was in a panic, or was deliberately guided by someone who was chasing her, and the woman ran into a dead end.

“Why…” Looking at the solid walls in front and on both sides, the woman’s eyes widened, her eyes full of despair and helplessness.

“Pa-ta… pa-ta…” The distant and slight, but loud footsteps approached gradually in the silent night.

The woman hurriedly turned around, looked in the direction where the footsteps came from, and at the same time slowly backed away until… leaning against the wall!

There is no going back!

The woman who had this thought in her heart felt that the tiredness of running for a long time suddenly concentrated on her attractive legs, making them unable to bear her weight, and knelt on the ground all of a sudden.

“Patta…patta…” The footsteps became louder and louder, and at the same time, a tall black figure wrapped in a robe slowly walked out in the night.

“Hey hey hey… Can’t you finally run? It’s very dangerous to walk alone at night at such a late hour!” The moon hung behind the tall figure, and the light leaked did not shine on the tall figure’s face, making him The woman couldn’t see his true appearance, and the woman knelt on the ground, making her tall figure even taller, as if she was a **** in charge of human destiny.

But unfortunately, that **** is not a **** of blessing, but a **** of death, a **** of death who is about to take her life away!

“Don’t come here…don’t come here…ah! Help!” The woman screamed helplessly for help, and at the same time kept kicking her feet and trying to step back.

It’s a pity that it’s just a futile effort. With a solid wall blocking it, how could she step back any further?

“Hey hey hey…Little beauty, it’s so late, who else will save you?” The tall figure slowly walked towards the panic-stricken woman. Like a sharp knife for slaughtering livestock in a slaughterhouse!

“Come on, let Barry cut you into pieces…”

“To chop up such a beautiful little girl into pieces? That would be too wasteful! How did you get this idea? Betrayed by a woman?”

Before the tall figure calling himself Barry finished speaking, a slightly hoarse voice sounded from behind him, telling him to turn around immediately and point the big sword in the direction of the voice.


“Being pointed at by a current criminal who is about to kill… You will make it difficult for me to do this!”

“Beep, come on…”

A bright blue electric light flashed, and then a stone pillar swelled up on the ground, rushing towards Barry as nimble and fast as the legendary dragon and snake!

“Alchemist!” Barry’s eyes flashed, and then he suddenly kicked hard and jumped directly to the wall on one side. While dodging the stone pillar, he jumped in the direction where the attack was launched again!

Looking at Barry who wanted to jump up with the whistling sound of wind, Yi Daoren didn’t panic at all, and folded his hands directly with the corner of his mouth.

“Beep, come on…”

Seeing the emaciated and emaciated figure on Yi Daoren’s face in the bright blue reaction, Barry suddenly panicked in his face, which was reflected in the light of the indefinite reaction. Knowing that he might be in danger, he immediately threw the big knife in his hand towards Yi Daoren, and at the same time turned over and landed on the ground with the reaction force of the big knife.

“Tsk!” Seeing Barry’s resolute throwing of the knife, Yi Daoren smacked his mouth and pressed his responsive hands against the wall beside him…

“Bang!” The swirling knife cut directly into the stone wall that suddenly extended out. Immediately after…

“Boom!” This is the sound of Barry slamming into the stone wall again, smashing the stone wall directly!

After smashing through the stone wall, Barry didn’t stop at all, he just swung left and right after copying the broadsword… Unfortunately, there was no feeling of the broadsword cutting into the flesh that he was familiar with!

What about people?

While doubts appeared in his heart, Barry’s body did not stop at all, and left the place with agility that was not in line with his tall and strong body.

“Boom!” After he left, a stone pillar slammed into the position he was at the moment before!

“Good skill…” Seeing that Barry was sharply dodging his own attack again, Yi Daoren pouted.

With alchemy alone, he is still a little weaker.

“Yeah…I didn’t expect there were people at night…” Looking at Yi Daoren not far away, Barry sighed regretfully: “It seems that woman has no chance…you! How do you have a gun?! Who are you? ”

“Although it’s not my responsibility to catch criminals, I still have to say…you’re under arrest!” Pointing the muzzle of the pistol at Barry, Yi Daoren laughed: “As for my identity…for now, I’m a captain, with Is there a problem with a gun?”

Alchemy is powerful, but isn’t it more convenient to use firearms to kill people?

That was created for the purpose of murder!

And how could Yi Daoren not bring such a convenient tool with him?

The best way to save yourself is to kill the enemy?

Clenching the big knife and gritting his teeth, Barry stared at Yi Daoren for a while, then suddenly threw the big knife at Yi Daoren, and turned his head to escape at the same time.

“Bang bang bang bang!” He fired several shots without hesitation, and then pressed his hands against the wall to form a stone wall to block the big knife, Yi Daoren walked out from the stone wall that was cut in half by the big knife, UU reading watching In the empty alley, after sensing whether there are other creatures’ dragon veins, he pouted: “Did you escape…”

He didn’t even set out to chase, he turned his head to look at the woman who was slumped in front of the wall, Yi Daoren raised his eyebrows, stepped forward and said, “You’re fine…”

Before he got close, Yi Daoren suddenly frowned, and there was an urge to turn around and run away… He felt several, dozens, even hundreds of twisted and mixed breaths on the woman’s body!

Although it is distorted and mixed, people from Yi Dao can perceive that the breath of indistinguishable quantity is the breath of the dragon veins of human beings!

How can there be so many human dragon veins in a person? Even an ogre with a mind-twisted ogre will only have a human dragon vein aura, because the dragon vein aura of a person eaten by an ogre will also dissipate due to the death of the body!

“Thank you… Thank you for saving me…” The moonlight shone on the woman’s face, with tears in her eyes, she was very charming, and her lazy voice was charming and seductive, and at the same time there was a feeling of weakness after fear, which was heart-wrenching. Incomparable.

No doubt, this is a very beautiful and attractive woman… Except for that strange feeling!

Seeing Yi Daoren frowning and his face suddenly turning pale, the woman struggled for a while, got up and came to Yi Daoren, and said nervously, “What’s wrong with you? Are you injured?”

“No…nothing! I just had an old injury…” After a reluctant smile, Yi Daoren waved his hand and said: “Since you are fine, then go home, don’t take the path, a girl’s house, That’s too dangerous.”

“Old injury? Is it serious? Do you want me to help you?” I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Yi Daoren noticed that there seemed to be a light of relief in the woman’s eyes.

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