Traveler In the World

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Evil And Neutral

“Why are you so excited? Wouldn’t it be better to sit down and say something?”

Seeing Ai’s explosive killing intent, as if Lei Gong was furious, Yi Daoren’s expression also became indifferent, a killing intent similar to Ai’s killing intent, but a more twisted and crazy killing intent shot out from his eyes, making him Everyone’s faces became more serious and nervous!

Moreover, this crowd also includes Bai Jue!

Bai Jue has been in contact with Yi Daoren for a long time, so he still has some understanding of Yi Daoren’s killing intent. Δ┡E『Δ』Fiction WwㄟW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

For ordinary people, killing intent is a very general concept. Even if they feel it, they will only have a sense of fear that their lives are threatened. However, for ninjas, sensing killing intent can not only avoid possible killing intent, but also Identify the identity of the person who released the killing intent… The killing intent will bring the releaser’s personal color!

Bai Jue has experienced Yi Daoren’s killing intent, so he is very clear that Yi Daoren’s killing intent is extremely explosive, but it definitely doesn’t have the crazy twisted feeling now!

“Have you been affected by the power of the Heretic God?” Unconsciously, Bai Jue’s eyes flashed with concern as he looked at Yi Daoren.

In fact, not only outsiders, but Yi Daoren himself felt something was wrong when he released his killing intent.

When feeling angry at Ai’s provocation, Yi Daoren felt that a kind of will full of pure evil and distortion was passed down through the connection between the evil **** and him, and his killing intent instantly brought that feeling. !

“It is necessary to break the connection with the evil god’s refining as soon as possible. Although I use the earth’s crustal energy to push the evil god’s refining formation, but since the evil **** can master the power of the dragon’s veins, it should not be difficult for it to touch the earth’s crustal energy! ”

With this thought in mind, Yi Daoren instantly suppressed his killing intent, stared at the crowd with his scarlet eyes that had opened the Sharinyan, and said, “I am now dispelling the evil spirits, I hope you don’t interfere with me.”

While Yi Dao Ren was talking, the red beam of light caused by neutralization became even more dazzling, and spread to each other at the same time.

Although this situation is normal for Yi Daoists, it is just a process of refining nodes to form refining arrays, but it is different for others.

“Remove the training? I think you are strengthening the training!” Ai began to fill with electric light, like a **** in charge of thunder and lightning.

“Believe it or not.” Yi Daoren, who felt that he was in crisis, didn’t have the heart to continue the practice of procrastinating time with everyone he had envisaged before. He stood up from his chair and walked to the evil god’s formation. “I will disarm the evil **** in the shortest possible time, but it will take some time after all. If you disturb me during this period, you will be responsible for the consequences.”

“You are really arrogant, you dare to say such a thing under such circumstances.” Ai stared at Yi Daoren for a moment, then approached Yi Daoren step by step: “If I touch you now, what will you do?”

As he spoke, there were more and more electric lights on Ai’s body, and the sound of sizzling became louder and louder, like countless birds chirping in unison.

“If I survive, I will blow up the village of Yunyin. If I die, the natural disaster will destroy the planet… Although it is more likely that I will blow up the village of Yunyin!” Without replying, Yi Daoren said something that made Ai clench his hands and wanted to kill Yi Daoren directly.


“Lord Raikage, don’t be angry, let’s talk about it first.” Appearing in front of Ai, Hiruzen Sarutobi stopped Ai who wanted to move on, then looked at Yi Daoren, and said solemnly: “Master Yi , I wonder if you can give us a guarantee that you are now dispelling the evil **** and refining it?”

“Believe it or not, I want to promise…I gave you a promise, do you dare to believe it?”

Gradually, Daoist Yi oozes pea-sized perspiration all over his body, pressing his loose robe tightly to his body, revealing a seductive figure that is no less than Terumi Mei’s, and at the same time his face becomes extremely pale. The red lines from the forehead to the cheeks became even redder, giving people a weak and bewitching feeling, looking like the enchanting girl who seduces the world!

At the same time, he presides over two kinds of large-scale training, the evil spirit training and the neutralization training, and calculates the process of their neutralization. It is also necessary to prevent the evil spirit’s power from invading his will. In addition, the people behind him are staring at him. As you can imagine.

“What if I say I believe it?”

After hearing this, Yi Daoren shifted his gaze from Evil God Liancheng to Sarutobi Hizan for a moment, then withdrew his gaze and said, “If you really believe it, I can guarantee it.”

Yi Dao Ren is not someone who doesn’t know good or bad. He has always been tough and stubborn, which will not do him any good. If he shows his weakness properly so that those behind him will not interfere with him when he is leading the training, then he will naturally show weakness. .

Moreover, if you really want to say that it is not a sign of weakness, he was originally trying to dispel the evil god, but he just stated a fact.

“Since Lord Yi can guarantee, then let’s wait for Lord Yi for a while.” Sarutobi Hiizhan, who was guaranteed by Yi Daoren, nodded, and then gave Ai a wink, motioning him to wait with himself.

With his brows furrowed, Ai glared at Yi Daoren coldly, then walked aside with Hiruzen Sarutobi.

When he got to the side, Ai immediately stared at Hiruzen Sarutobi and asked in a deep voice, “Why?”

Sarutobi Hiizhan took out his pipe, smoking a cigarette while looking at Yi Dao Ren Dao, who presided over the training not far away: “He said just now that if he dies, then this planet will be destroyed by natural disasters.”

“Do you really believe this nonsense?”

“If it’s him, it should be impossible to do that kind of natural disaster, but what if it’s the evil god?” He spit out a big smoke ring, and then spit out a small smoke ring at the edge of the big smoke ring, blowing it away , Hiruzen Sarutobi stared sharply at Yi Daoren’s feet, and said coldly: “If he pushes too hard, he may break the evil god’s seal and let the evil **** return to the world! Yi Dao Ren is just a human being, It can be done to keep minor disasters in the coastal countries, so have you thought about the consequences after the evil **** in the name of God breaks the seal?”

Ai fell silent.

“Does God really exist?” Terumi Mei walked to the two of them.

“When a force is strong enough, it can be called a god…”

The Yi Daoist didn’t know what the people in the three major Ninja villages were talking about, and he had no interest or thought to understand what they were talking about. The evil spirits are refined and the neutralization is refined.

The consequence of doing this is that he completely ignores the potential dangers behind it, but it also gives him a deeper grasp of the evil **** and neutralization, and at the same time, it is more closely combined with the two.

In this case, Yi Daoren found that the black sage stone that the evil **** was refining already contained a powerful evil intention that made him tremble. Spiritual will is injected, and there is a considerable chance of being polluted. Most people are afraid that they will become puppets who only know the concept of ‘evil’ in an instant!

“Because it’s pure, so powerful?” The corners of his mouth twitched, and when Yi Daoren was completely connected to the forging nodes of neutralization, he suddenly put his hands together and pressed on the common node of the evil **** and neutralization. .


An earthquake shook the mountain, and the beams of light formed by the evil **** and neutralization began to flash a black lightning-like reaction.

It’s impossible to describe how weird that weird feeling is, but as long as you watch those black lightning-like reactions, everyone’s heart seems to be pinched by their hands, and a red-hot iron rod seems to be inserted into their heads.

At the same time, Yi Daoren’s complexion suddenly became extremely ugly. If he was pale before, but still had a bit of human color, then there is no human color on his face at this moment, but the red lines have become more and more. The red, a dazzling red!

“Is this really dispelling the Heretic God?” Frowning tightly, Ai looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi and said loudly, “It’s too late to stop him now!”

“This is indeed to remove the evil god, but there seems to be some accident.” Bai Jue suddenly walked up to them, looked at them with a serious expression and said: “Originally, in Mr. Yi’s plan, the evil **** only needs to be in harmony Start it together with Refinement, then the Heretic God Refinement will be slowly neutralized by Neutralization Refinement, and then he won’t have to suffer the backlash from the Heretic God Refinement. But now…”

Seeing Bai Jue suddenly stop, Ai glared and said angrily, “But what? Don’t hesitate, just say it!”

“As you all know, Mr. Yi is not using his own meat, but only a useful meat, so he may not be able to withstand the pressure of two kinds of refining now!”

As expected of someone who has been with Yi Dao Ren for a long time, Bai Jue accurately stated the dilemma Yi Dao Ren is facing now.

Although the activation of the formation formation mainly relies on the power of spiritual will, it seems that it has nothing to do with the flesh, but the carrier of the spiritual will, that is, the flesh, has a considerable relationship with the wielding of the spiritual will!

The Yi Daoist’s own meat meat and the ninja meat meat used before are all meat meat that has been strengthened by dragon veins, and their ability to withstand pressure is unimaginable for ordinary people.

However, the meat scorpion currently in use is different, and it is only a trial work as the ultimate goal.

Although it has been opened very well in the hands of Yi Daoist, the strength is still incomparable to the original meat and ninja meat, so when maintaining the two kinds of refining, Yi Daoren feels that he is overwhelmed and insufficient, unable to Fully use your own mental will power!

“It’s hard to ride a tiger… I don’t have a special feeling when I maintain it. I didn’t feel too tired even after trying several trainings at the same time, but at this moment, this kind of training that neutralizes each other makes it difficult for me to even grasp it. do it.”

He couldn’t even pull out a wry smile on his face, Yi Daoren could only laugh a few times in his heart, and then put all his energy on the two kinds of refining… If he couldn’t do it, he had to do it, he didn’t want to It would be too embarrassing for him to suffer from a loss in his own strength!

“Bai Jue, those clones of yours will be used by me, and I will compensate you later!” Without looking back, he shouted loudly, and Yi Daoren didn’t wait for Bai Jue to answer, he let out a long sigh and stared wide. He opened his eyes and shouted: “Ninja, Shadow Clone Technique!”

In an instant, a few white mists exploded around Yi Daoren, and then a few black shadows flew out, disappearing under the beam of light made by the evil **** and tempered by neutralization.

After a while, several smelting nodes of neutralization and smelting exploded a more dazzling smelting reaction, and the evil spirits smelting also seemed to be stimulated, a little higher, so that the people in the three major ninja villages on one side had big expressions. Change.

“What’s going on?” Ai glared at Bai Jue.

Bai Jue said with an ugly expression: “He uses my avatar as a carrier of spiritual will to better wield and refine it.”

His avatars are all avatars specially transformed by Yi Daoren. They can be turned into technological weapons in critical moments. It can be said that they are his most powerful output methods. After all, he himself does not have many powerful attack ninjutsu.

But at this moment, those clones have become the carriers of Yi Dao people’s spiritual will and lost their souls!

However, even if he wanted to refuse this situation, he couldn’t do it. When he was transformed by the Yidao people, those clones were branded with the Yidao people. As long as the Yidao people were willing, they could bring their own will to those clones. .

Of course, although they lost their souls, it did not mean that those souls had already been dissipated by the Yidao people, but were squeezed into the kunai prepared in advance to temporarily store their souls.

After all, Yi Dao and Bai Jue are just a cooperative relationship. Although the cooperation between each other is not completely equal, Yi Dao people will not do that kind of slaughter.

It’s not a question of offending or not, but it’s not necessary… He doesn’t like needless killings, it will remind him of some unhappy things, such as being a butcher in the Ishbar annihilation war.

Killing must bring him any benefits, otherwise, the living are better than the dead!

“Then, after he does this, can he dispel the evil **** and become it?” Terumi Mei asked immediately after Bai Jue answered Ai’s question.

“How could I know? Alchemy is a secret technique unique to Yi Dao people. Although he has also taught it to some people now, he has not taught it to me.” Shaking his head, Bai Jue smiled bitterly: “What we can do now The only thing is to wait, wait for Yi Daoren to handle the current situation himself.”


When Ai raised his brows and was about to say something, Hiruzen Sarutobi suddenly said, “Look, are those black lightnings decreasing?”

Everyone heard the words and saw that the black lightning was slowly disappearing. At the same time, the dark red beam of light made by the evil **** was slowly becoming clear!

“Success!” A smile appeared on Bai Jue’s face.

He knew that the current situation was what Yi Dao and the people he had envisaged to achieve through neutralization.

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