Traveler In the World

Chapter 188

Chapter 188: Contract


Seeing that Yi Daoren had no self-awareness of his bad attitude, Tohsaka Rin unabashedly surrendered to Yi Daoren with contempt… Anyway, Yi Daoren couldn’t see it, and she was not worried that her expression would be seen by Yi Daoren. Lewen Mobile Network


Although the Yi Daoist couldn’t see it, the puppet could see Tohsaka Rin’s expression, and immediately let out a funny smile.

“It seems that you have done something very rude.” Hearing the puppet’s strange smile, Yi Daoren immediately knew that he was being treated badly… It was the happiest part of the puppet to see him being hated by others. thing.

Tohsaka Rin froze after listening to the words of Daoist Yi, then restrained the contempt in his eyes and sat up straight.

“Okay, since it has been determined that we want to form an alliance, then there will always be a way to protect it, right?” Although Yi Daoren couldn’t see it, he also knew from the sudden silence that the atmosphere must be a little awkward and stiff, so he smiled: “Ordinary people still have contracts, so magicians should have more perfect things, right?”

It is not necessary for Yi Daoren to need such things as contracts. For him, in this ridiculous game called the Holy Grail War, whether or not to abide by the agreement with Tohsaka Rin and the others is just a matter of a thought. Ideas that can be changed.

However, for the new knowledge of magic that he has never been exposed to before, Yi Daoren still feels that he needs to contact it…especially the content of contracts.

In any legend, a contract involving a mysterious contract will have a very strong binding force, and Yi Daoren also knows that the command spell on the back of his hand is part of the contract, but he has never been able to analyze the structure of the command spell. Now if he can borrow and Tohsaka Rin If he obtained the knowledge of the Analysis Command Spell by forming an alliance contract, he naturally would not give up this opportunity.

Although he rejects Shinto, who hates magicians and magicians, he does not reject any knowledge!

For him, any knowledge is the most precious wealth in the world!

“Contract? Indeed, if you want to form an alliance, signing a contract is the safest way!” Tohsaka Rin, who was reminded by Yi Dao Ren, immediately clapped his palm, and then looked at Yi Dao Ren: “I didn’t expect you to make this suggestion, It seems that you really intend to form an alliance with us in good faith.”

Yi Daoren smiled and did not reply.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll go back and prepare an alliance contract… You really don’t have an alliance contract? This shouldn’t be such a rare thing for a magician of your level, right?” Tohsaka Rin Yishuangmei Staring at Yi Daoren: “Are you a magician specializing in that discipline?”

“I am an alchemist and an alchemist.” Yi Daoren said his true profession with a smile.

“Alchemy? The clock tower or the giant’s cellar?” In Tohsaka Rin’s cognition, alchemy can be said to be related to traditional Chinese mysteries, while alchemy is more of a Western magic category, corresponding to The organization within the Magic Association should be the Clock Tower and the Giant’s Crypt Atlas.

However, Yi Dao Ren reported a term she was not familiar with at all: “Ameisteris.”

“Ameisteris? Where is that?” Tohsaka Rin looked at Yi Dao Ren curiously, but Yi Dao Ren did not answer her meaning, just shook his head with a chuckle.

“It’s fine if you don’t talk about it.” A little unhappy, with a very indifferent pouting, Tohsaka Rin looked at Emiya Shirou: “Where did you learn magic from? I remember that the magician of Fuyuki needs to cooperate with each other. The Church of the Holy Church and our Tohsaka family remarked.”

The Tohsaka family manages the spiritual veins of Fuyuki City, and when a magician conducts magic research, the power of the spiritual veins is always consumed, so it is not surprising that a magician living in Fuyuki City should make notes at the Tohsaka family.

“Well, my magic was taught by my father.”

“Is it a family magic?” Looking up and down Shirou Emiya, Tohsaka Rin sighed: “Looking at your strength is not very good, you know that your father should not be a great magician, it doesn’t matter if you have any remarks. But since you know that you are a magician, you must remember to go to my house to make a note… Remember to bring money, you must have a lot of money to live in such a big house, right?”

When mentioning money, Tohsaka Rin’s eyes seemed to flash a gleam.

She can’t help it. Her family’s magic is too expensive. Whether it is research or use, it is always made with money. If you don’t know how to seize the opportunity to make money, I am afraid that her family will soon lose in Fuyuki. The status of the town will also lose the opportunity to go further in the magic way!

This world is very cruel, all kinds of cruelty!

Unconsciously, Tohsaka Rin turned his attention to Yi Daoren again, and found that the style of Yi Daoren’s clothes was a bit old-fashioned, but it was not tacky at all. The goods, can not help but even more light in the eyes.

“Can alchemists really make gold?”

“I don’t know if the alchemist on your side can do it, but for me, it’s just the most basic content.” He stretched out his finger and tapped on the table in front of him.

In an instant, the bright blue refining reaction jumped, and after s and a directly dragged their m back, the table turned into a gold color that made people feel a little tacky, but it couldn’t give birth to disgust!

Stepping forward to touch it, A said in surprise, “This is true!”

“Changing the structure of matter is a basic technique that all alchemists must master, but to turn a wooden table like mine into the texture of gold, they need to surpass the level of national alchemists… Of course, with the current In terms of class, it should be the top part of the royal alchemists.” Yi Daoren explained while touching his chin.

Tohsaka Rin, who also touched the table after a, murmured a little absently: “It can really be made into gold… Maybe I should consider learning alchemy, gem magic is too expensive…”

“Want to learn alchemy? I’ll teach you! But there are conditions…” The Yi Daoist who heard Tohsaka Rin’s muttering twitched the corners of his mouth: “I’m very interested in magic, can you provide information? As the manager of Fuyuki Town, there should be no shortage of magic knowledge in your family, right?”

“Exchanging magic knowledge for alchemy?” Tohsaka Rin was silent for a moment, then stared at Yi Dao Ren seriously: “How far can you teach me?”

“As long as you can learn, I can teach you everything I know.” Yi Daoren smiled and said something that made Tohsaka Rin and A and S stunned.

From their previous performance, the three of them knew very well that what Yi Daoren knew was definitely not ordinary, but now Yi Daoren actually said that he could teach them all, which is absolutely unbelievable in the magician’s world!

The more people know about magic, the weaker the effect!

Therefore, even the teachers and apprentices with the deepest feelings may hide their hands, not to mention that Yi Daoren and Tohsaka Rin only met for the first time.

But before they could regain their senses, Yi Daoren turned around and said to Emiya Shirou: “If you want to learn, you can exchange your magic knowledge with me, and I will not hold any reservations about you. .”

“Me?” Emiya Shirou looked at Yi Daoren in surprise.

“My alchemy is science, and science has never been a game for one person. If you want to learn my alchemy alone, it’s just a fool’s dream. Even a genius like Junmarou, it was only after I established the research institute. There was a real qualitative change, before that, he just followed the path of me and Orochimaru and kept imitating.” Yi Daoren smiled as he explained the nature of his alchemy.

“Is alchemy a science?” Tohsaka Rin looked at Yi Daoren doubtfully: “Isn’t alchemy dealing with frogs and insects, and hoping to become a magician who can become an almighty gemstone sage’s stone? Why is it related to science again?”

“I don’t know what an alchemist in this world is like. As for your pursuit of refining the Sage’s Stone, that’s somewhat consistent. It’s just…” He took out a small bottle of red liquid from his pocket and put it on the table , Yi Daoren smiled and said: “I have made the stone of sages many times, but I never think it is omnipotent, including the Holy Grail, the target of this Holy Grail War game, I also don’t think it is omnipotent. If you want to get it, you have to pay, this is the iron rule of an alchemist… an equivalent exchange!”

“You are an alchemist who can become a sage’s stone!” Tohsaka Rin first looked at Yi Daoren in shock, and then slammed his hands on the table with anger on his face: “Even if it’s a trick There must also be a limit! The Stone of the Sage has been proven to be just an imaginary, an imagination that cannot become a reality!”

“Nothing is impossible. The so-called imaginary is set up to become a reality.” After speaking in a very serious tone, Yi Daoren pressed his left hand on the Sage’s Stone. In an instant, the scarlet red The refining reaction exploded, and a lifelike flower bloomed… No, not lifelike, but a flower that was originally alive blooming in front of everyone!

“This…” Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou stared at the flowers with wide eyes, but a and s had extremely serious expressions, and even looked at the flowers stiffly!

“It’s a blasphemy!”

“You actually use human life to do such a thing!”

a and s attack Yi Daoren together.

“A person’s behavior can only be qualified as a human being. If you abandon human behavior, you will be a talking animal… Kill a few animals as a source of energy, right?”

‘shut up!”

“M, I think we need to reconsider the idea of an alliance with him.”

“Why?” Tohsaka Rin asked strangely, but through the performance of a and s, she already had some conjectures in her heart, some terrifying thoughts that made her feel a chill spreading all over her body!

“Is the material for refining the Sage’s Stone human?” Emiya Shirou said a terrifying guess that Tohsaka Rin felt chills all over his body.

“That’s right, the materials used to make the Sage’s Stone are human beings… Of course, ‘God’ can also make the Sage’s Stone, but the Sage’s Stone is powerful, but also very dangerous.” In the meantime, Yi Daoren lightly touched the puppet’s little feet.

In that little foot, he felt the familiar dragon veins of the Evil God.

“Woo!” The puppet shook his little feet uncomfortably and kicked Yi Daoren’s hand away.

“Then I’m sorry, I really can’t be friends with people who treat humans as animals!” Emiya Shirou stood up, clasped his hands tightly, and said to Yi Dao Ren with a firm tone: “If it’s okay, please leave, now It’s getting late, I’m going to rest!”

S and Tohsaka Rin didn’t expect Shirou Emiya to say such a thing, and they couldn’t help being a little nervous, but they also agreed with Shirou Emiya… They absolutely couldn’t agree with the practice of treating humans as livestock!

As for a, when Emiya Shirou was talking, he projected a black and white dagger on his hands!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

“Hahaha…Very good, I’m more optimistic about you guys.” But what everyone could not expect was that Yi Daoren laughed very happily: “I have always cooperated with the so-called villains, and now I can work with you guys. It’s going to be a lot of fun with this decent character collaboration!”

Indeed, whether in the alchemy world with the likes of Zorff J. Kimberly or in the ninja world with Orochimaru, the collaborators of Yi Dao people cannot be called decent people, and can even be said to be crazy evil By.

This is also very normal. After all, compared to decent characters with many rules, Zolf J. Kimberly and the others will be more flexible. Although they will have their own persistence, they will not be able to do anything other than their own persistence. No matter how important it is, if it can bring benefits, it will come together.

Even the decent Roy Mustang focuses more on profit and practicality than moral behavior.

And people like Shirou Emiya and the others who gave up cooperating with Yi Dao people just because the Yi Dao people said that he had become a sage’s stone, are the Yi Dao people who have never cooperated, and have almost never been in contact with them. UU Reading

He knows very well that there is too much trouble in contact with these people!

It’s just that Yi Daoren doesn’t want to cooperate with villains for the time being because of his eyes… Although decent characters are troublesome, backstabbing is rarely done, but for villains, if there is a chance, don’t be too happy !

Although his own strength is good, Yi Daoren does not guarantee that he will be safe in this world. I will not talk about the two loli and girls in a world similar to truth. It’s something that threatens his existence.

Moreover, he also vaguely felt that a and s are not complete existences, and now a and s in front of him are only a part, just like the partial consciousness of the evil god!

Therefore, although there are no people or SVs that he meets now who are enough to threaten him, he will not take it lightly, feeling that he is invincible in this world.

He will not give himself the chance to regret it!

“I can make it clear on the contract that I won’t do anything dangerous to real people!”

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