Traveler In the World

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Failed Night Battle

The moon is bright, the stars are bright, but the night they make up is very quiet and unusual.

Ishbal is a desert area, it will be very hot during the day, but at night, the sand that cannot retain the heat will make Ishbal freezing to the bone.

But this is nothing to the changer who has been in Ishbar for a year. Besides, the red gem in his hand also made him feel no coldness.

It’s not that the red gem has a warm heat that can make Yi Dao people resist the cold, but Yi Dao people feel that after holding it, he has a burning feeling from the bottom of his heart, which makes him ignore Ishbal’s night. cold.

The Sage’s Stone is the name of that red gem!

After holding the Sage’s Stone, Yi Daoren truly realized the power of the national alchemist, even more powerful!

With the ability to activate alchemy without refining materials, Yi Daoist suddenly felt that he could go anywhere in the world.

Of course, he also knew that this was just an illusion that he suddenly gained greater power.

“Once I lose it, I will become a second-rate alchemist that no one looks down on…” The open palms clung together, holding the Sage’s Stone tightly in their palms, Yi Daoren looked into the distance The building illuminated by the moonlight turned cold and indifferent, as if it was the Ishbal night wind blowing beside him, giving people a feeling of indifference.

“Kaza, kaza…” Small footsteps sounded behind Yi Daoren, and then, Zorph J. Kimberly walked out of the moonlight with an elegant and reserved smile, slowly Come slowly to Yi Daoren.

“Are you ready?”

“Of course.” Looking at the Ishbar people looming in the distance in the moonlight, like a wild beast, the Yidao person lowered his head and folded his hands, praying in a low voice full of piety: “I hope your faith can be redeemed with you!”

When the Yidao people were praying devoutly, Zorf J. Kimberly did not do anything, just quietly watched the Yidao people pray, and after the Yidao people finished praying, he said lightly: “Every time I see you praying, I There is a feeling of seeing a saint. But unfortunately, you are not a saint, but a butcher.”

“Really?” The sage’s stone was inlaid into the groove of the special alchemy glove, and a smile appeared on Yi Daoren’s face, but it was different from Zolf J. Kimberly’s elegant and reserved, Yi Daoren was more accommodating. Be a little more sexual: “My position determines that I am a butcher, so why should I resist?”

Seeing the smile on Yi Daoren’s face, Zorff J. Kimberly’s eyes flickered for a while, and after thinking for a while, he asked, “You don’t seem to resist killing people at all.”

A strange light flashed in Daoist Yi’s eyes, and he said lightly, “As long as you don’t like it, it’s fine, why should you resist?”

“Don’t you expect redemption?” A look of surprise appeared on Zolf J. Kimberly’s face.

“Redemption?” It wasn’t just Zolf J. Kimberly that had a look of surprise on his face, but Yi Daoren’s face also showed a look of surprise after Zorf J. Kimberly asked his question. , but more speechless and ridiculous: “Do I need redemption? Why do you think I would expect redemption?”

“Don’t need redemption?” Zolf J. Kimberly raised his eyebrows.

After blinking a few times, Yi Daoren turned his head to look at the building in the distance, and said with a smile: “If you see from my prayer that I desire redemption, then I can only say that you are wrong. I don’t need redemption. , I can carry all my decisions!”

“Even to be a human butcher here?”

“Even if it’s an endless slaughter that doesn’t make sense here!” Looking at the building in the distance, Yi Daoren said softly, “I don’t want to die, I want to live!”

As long as the changer who has been sent to the battlefield of Ishbar dares to escape privately, he must be punished by the military. At that time, there was no way to use the false identity of a national alchemist to protect the Yi Dao person, and he could only end up being shot as a deserter!

“Just to live?” The surprise in Zorff J. Kimberly’s eyes turned into an unspeakable light.

With a hook on the corner of his mouth, Yi Daoren smiled and said, “You can understand that. Because people who don’t even have life have no future to speak of.”

“That’s true.” The complexity in his eyes gradually disappeared, leaving only a gleam of interest, Zorff J. Kimberly laughed like a night owl, and said, “What do you expect in the future? what about?”

“Of course it’s a life full of bright sunshine.” After responding as a matter of course, Yi Daoren walked towards the Ishbal people station in the distance, as if he had no interest in chatting with Zorf J. Kimberly. .

“The sun is shining…” After repeating the adjective in a low voice, Zorph J. Kimberly looked at the back of Yi Dao Ren who was walking away, and said in a low voice, “I know that the Sage’s Stone is After what, will your world still have bright sunshine?”

The sage’s stone is made by living people!

And to make a sage’s stone, the number of people needed is not one or two!

Slowly lurking behind a dozing night watchman, Yi Daoren nodded to Zorff J. Kimberly who was in the same situation in the distance by the moonlight, and suddenly rushed to the night watch with his hands lightly closed. Beside him, cover his mouth.

“Hmm!” The red light flashed, and the night watchman only had time to let out a very slight groan before his eyes widened.

Confusion and pain, as well as the drowsiness that was too late to go away, this is the message revealed by those wide eyes.

After helping the night watchman to fall down slowly, so that he did not make any unnecessary noise, Yi Daoren pulled his hand back from the night watchman’s mouth.

Immediately, a smell of burnt meat spewed out of the night watchman’s mouth.

The night watchman died, the cause of death was the high-heat ash caused by the alchemy of ashes without any cost. When Yi Daoren covered the night watchman’s mouth, it poured into his body from his throat, and his internal organs were roasted in an instant. , thus ending life!

On the other hand, Zolf J. Kimberly also took care of the Night’s Watch he was in charge of. It’s just different from the way Yi Daoren solved it with alchemy, he used a dagger to cut off the night watchman’s neck.

There is no way to do this. Zorf J. Kimberly’s Alchemy of the Red Lotus is good at creating explosions. The movement caused by that is too great. If they use alchemy to solve the same problem as the Yi Dao people, then they will still It was discovered without infiltrating.

At that time, they could only attack by force.

Both Zolf J. Kimberly and the Yidao people know that although they have the Stone of Sages, they are also mortals. Once they face too many enemies, alchemy can’t help them!

Although the Sage’s Stone will save them the equivalent exchange of materials, and it will also make their alchemy more powerful, but there is a premise…they can use alchemy!

To perform alchemy, in addition to preparing materials of equivalent exchange in advance, you also need mental power as an introduction!

At the same time of starting the construction of alchemy power, the alchemist needs to use his own will to pull the power of the earth’s crust and the power of volcanic eruptions into the alchemy formation. This will is spiritual power.

The sage’s stone cannot omit the consumption of mental power when performing alchemy.

This limitation is best understood by Yi Dao people. The gap between him and the national alchemist, in addition to knowledge, is also the main point of spiritual power.

The spiritual power of Yidao people is at most half that of national alchemists!

This is still the result of the improvement due to various stimuli after entering the battlefield. If it was replaced a year ago, it may be about one-third.

Raising his hand and making a tactical gesture, he signaled Zorph J. Kimberly to arrange the Alchemy of the Red Lotus, and when he was about to take down the Ishbal resident at one time, Yi Daoren suddenly found a person approaching his position. Walking slowly, he couldn’t help but change his gesture quickly, indicating that Zorf J. Kimberly took cover and waited for him to kill this person first.

“Fortunately, I came here. If I go to Kimberley’s side and smell the blood, something will definitely happen.” I secretly rejoiced that when I used alchemy to kill, Yi Daoren would fall to the ground in the night vigil The corpse was leaning against the wall, and after pretending to be asleep, he also carefully hid behind the wall.

After the visitor approached, he saw the dead body of the night watchman leaning against the wall, and he could not help but shout without wrinkling: “Larry, why are you sleeping… and the smell of barbecue! You don’t know now How dangerous is it? You dare to roast meat…”

The visitor said a few words, and when he saw that the body of the night watchman did not respond, he felt something was wrong.

After looking at the night watchman carefully, the visitor suddenly found that the night watchman’s chest did not rise and fall!


“Beep, beep!”

In the sound of wind and the sound of electricity leaking from the clothes when the clothes were moving rapidly, a pair of red ominous electric lights suddenly protruded from the wall and reached the head of the person who came!

When he saw the red electric light, he knew what it meant… That was the reaction of the alchemist who had been killing his clan recently when he performed alchemy!

It’s too late to dodge, but you don’t need to dodge either. The person here is not an ordinary person, but a devout monk who believes in the God of Ishbar and constantly tempers himself for the God of Ishbar!


As fast as the desert scorpion stings its tail, its heart-shaped legs suddenly kicked out, and after directly kicking the attacker away, the monk did not care to pursue, but covered his face and cried in pain.

“Uh ah~”

Pain and hoarse screams spread endlessly in the dark night, instantly making the Ishbar resident like a sleeping wild beast come alive!

“Damn it!” Both the Yidao people and Zorf J. Kimberly scolded secretly, especially the Yidao people.

The cold light in his eyes almost froze the air around him!

However, even though he was scolding, and even felt that there was something wrong with his internal organs after being kicked in the abdomen, Yi Daoren knew that the top priority now was to kill the monk.

Without hesitation, Yi Daoren directly folded his hands together to activate the alchemy of ashes, creating a cloud of ashes with dark red light that floated towards the monk.

After the dark red ashes appeared, the surrounding temperature soared instantly!

That’s because the temperature of the ashes made by alchemy is not much inferior to that of the raging flames. And because of the existence of ashes, the harm to people and creatures is more terrifying than simple flames!

Just now, Daoist Yi planned to cover the monk’s mouth just like he killed the Night’s Watch before, and poured the ashes directly into his body. Not only is the movement small, but it can also cause an instant kill effect. However, he didn’t expect that the person who came was a powerful warrior monk with agile skills. He kicked him away without waiting for his hand to approach, so he could only hurriedly paste the scorching ashes on the monk’s face.

It’s a pity that the monk is really good, not only kicked him away, but also jumped back some distance with the reaction force of the kick to his body when the ashes approached, avoiding most of the ashes, and did not cause the inhalation of ashes. The effect of burning all five inside is just a little bit on the face, which has caused serious burns.

“Bang!” The yellow sand was flying like rain, pouring on the scorching ashes close to the monk, and at the same time completely obscuring Yi Daoren’s sight!

After a while, when the Yi Daoist regained his sight, he saw that the monk was swiftly running towards the Ishbar people who had already survived!

But it turned out that the monk also saw the danger of the ashes made by Yi Daoren, and kicked up the yellow sand on the ground as a shield to stop the ashes, and then retreated decisively!

He bit his teeth fiercely, and the very annoyed Yi Daoren raised his foot and was about to chase after him.

But as soon as he lifted his foot, he felt weak, and his eyes were darkened, and he did not even see the retreat instructions given to him by Zolf J. Kimberly.

Soon after, Zolf J. Kimberly, who frowned, came to Yi Daoren, who was half-kneeling on the ground, and said solemnly, “What’s wrong?”

“The spleen is ruptured, and the liver seems to have suffered a lot of damage… Ishbar’s monks are really strong, and they are tough!” He raised his head and revealed a sheet of golden paper under the moonlight. With a pale and ugly face, Yi Daoren smiled bitterly: “What should I do next?”

“What else can I do?” Turning his head to look at the Ishbar people’s station that was lit up with various lights, Zorf J. Kimberly narrowed his eyes, watched the dynamic, and said solemnly: “Retreat immediately. Can you still go by yourself?”

“It’s a little difficult.”

“Really?” After receiving the answer, Zorff J. Kimberly lifted up Yi Daoren without any hesitation, and said with a smile, “Then owe me a favor, remember to pay me back later!”

“I owe you a favor… that’s better than dying here! I’m sorry to bother you!”

Yi Daoren didn’t want to owe Zolf J. Kimberly a favor, because Zorff J. Kimberly is too dangerous! But does he have a choice now?

The Isbal people stationed there, and the monk who covered his face immediately became noisy after he returned.

“What’s wrong with you? What happened to Larry and the others?” An old monk separated from the crowd and walked in front of the monk. After looking at the injuries on the monk’s face, he frowned: “This kind of injury…. .. have you met an alchemist?”

“Master…” Reluctantly opened his eyelids, the monk tugged at the corner of his burnt mouth and said in pain, “Larry and the others, they are already dead!”

“Get out of the way! Get out of the way!” A young voice sounded from the crowd, and then a young man who was a little thin and did not have the rough feeling of ordinary Ishbal people, more like a weak scholar, squeezed out and saw Wu After the miserable face of the monk, his face changed wildly: “Brother! Are you alright! How can you be like this?”

Taking two steps at a time, the young man ran to Ska’s side to check it out, and said solemnly, “Be patient, I’ll treat you right away!”

After speaking, the young man was about to squat down, but was stopped by the old warrior monk.

“Go to my room first!” After speaking, the old monk pulled the monk and the young man away from the crowd. But before leaving, he did not forget to say loudly: “Everyone, pay attention, an alchemist is coming! Notify the elders!”

After arriving at the old warrior monk’s room, the young man did not wait for the old warrior monk to say hello, he took out a piece of chalk and crouched on the ground to draw a circle, and then connected it with a five-pointed star… !


The bright blue refining reaction quickly spread to the monk’s body, and the monk’s face began to slowly repair!

Alchemy? !

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