Traveler In the World

Chapter 360

Chapter 370: Underground Factory

“Why bring in this irrelevant person? DO, Misaka 1117 asked Misaka 1116 and 1115 who were carrying an unknown woman.”

In the basement of a factory in the second school district, which is the most secretive of Academy City, a girl with tactical glasses asked in a lifeless and emotional voice to the two who were also wearing sunglasses and held Saten’s tears in tandem. girl.

“When Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116 were surveying the battlefield in the seventh school district, they met this sneaky woman, and then she was frightened and passed out by Misaka 1116. So she had to be brought back. DO, Misaka 1115 explained the unknown woman At the same time, I hope Misaka 1117 can put Misaka 1115 in front of Misaka 1116.”

The girl with tactical glasses holding Saten Ruiko’s feet spoke with the same emotionless voice as the previous girl with tactical glasses.

From their conversations, it can be seen that they don’t seem to have a name of their own, only a surname plus a code name, and this surname is the same as the surname of Academy City’s fourth superpower, Misaka Mikoto.

“Misaka 1117 is very helpless about the rashness of Misaka 1116 and Misaka 1115. At the same time, Misaka 1117 also ignored Misaka 1115’s request.” After Misaka 1117 finished speaking, he stepped aside and continued: “The maintenance room has been debugged. Now, you can go in for maintenance, and send this unknown woman for treatment by the way. The Master is here now.”

“Misaka 1115 expressed understanding, and at the same time expressed anger at Misaka 1117’s refusal to follow the advice.” After Misaka 1115 finished speaking emotionlessly, he said to Misaka 1116, “Let’s move on.”

“Misaka 1116 expressed his understanding, and at the same time expressed his sadness and happiness for what happened to Misaka 1115… HOHOHO.”

After the strange conversation ended, Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116 moved on and came to a spacious and bright underground space.

The walls of the underground space are all made of silver-gray metal. After the interior is inlaid, the red ones seem to be lamp tubes, and they seem to be the lines of other things, which will not give people the slightest monotonous feeling. It is full of futuristic sci-fi style, but it matches Academy City very well.

It’s just that those red lines can’t be seen too much. If you look at them too much, it will make people feel dizzy, as if they contain some special magic.

Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116, who came to the spacious and bright underground space, did not stop, but went straight to the wall on the left side of the entrance, and said to the wall together: “Misaka 1115 (Misaka 1116) has completed the task and requested to be recovered. ”

Without the slightest sound, the wall without a single gap suddenly cracked into a three-meter-wide entrance.

Inside the entrance, row after row of cultivation warehouses are lined up neatly, extending to the end that is invisible to the naked eye, and in the cultivation warehouse, there are countless people with closed eyes, hugging their knees… Misaka Mikoto !

Beside the entrance, there is a row of computers placed against the wall, and each computer is beating with dazzling wavy lines of various colors.

“You guys are finally back… Who is this person?” A beautiful and cold voice sounded. Then, a girl in a white coat came to Misaka 1115 and the others, looking at Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116 with a strange expression on their faces. Saten Tears.

“Satian Leiko, a first-year student at Sashikawa Middle School.” Before Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116 answered, they remembered a man’s voice.

“Master, do you know her?”

“I can’t say I know each other, but I have impressions of most of the students in Academy City.”

Following the voice, the owner of the voice also walked to the entrance. It was the creator of Academy City, Yi Daoren.

“Why did you bring her here?”

“Misaka 1116 stunned her, so Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116 brought her back, hoping to get treatment from researcher Yoshikawa. DO, Misaka 1115 answered the question of the adored creator seriously.”

“Not only did Misaka 1116 frighten her, but Misaka 1115 frightened this woman she didn’t know. DO, Misaka 1115 is angry that Misaka 1116 put all the blame on Misaka 1115.”

“Eh? Let me treat? I’m not good at medicine!” A person came out, wearing faded old jeans and a long-worn T-shirt, a mature big sister who looked like a twenty-five or six-year-old: “But The Master is also there, so treating her shouldn’t be a problem, right? I remember that the Master has also made great achievements in the medical field, and it seems that he can perform complicated operations without borrowing tools.”

“Compared to giving me treatment, I hope you will send her… people in this situation to the hospital next time.” Yi Daoren shook his head, then pressed his hand on Zuotian Leizi’s forehead for a moment, saying : “It’s just that I was stimulated a lot, and it seemed that I had exercised intensely before the stimulation, which caused the nerves to be too tense. It’s not a big problem, it’s okay to leave it alone.”

“Master said that is not gentleman. Since everything has been delivered, Master should help her treat.” The first girl sternly condemned Yi Daoren’s statement.

“That’s natural, I’ve conditioned her body now.”

“Sosoon?” The girl opened her eyes wide and looked at Yi Daoren in disbelief. Even though she had heard of Yi Daoren’s medical skills, she never thought that Yi Daoren would cure her just by putting his hand on Zuotian Leizi.

“For alchemy, it’s just the foundation of the foundation.” Yi Daoren didn’t care much, just pointed to the reclining chair on the side and said, “Put her there, and I’ll take her back when I go back, you guys first Go and debug your body. Yoshikawa, you can help too.”

“ Fangchuan nodded, and then said with envy: “Alchemy is really convenient! If you can increase your **** and lose weight, even better! ”

“If you can handle the flaws of the Misaka sisters this time, I can give alchemy as a reward.”

“Really?! Then I’m more motivated! Little Misakas! Let’s go!” Yoshikawa excitedly dragged Misaka 1115 and Misaka 1116, who had just put Saten Leiko down, and ran to their breeding warehouse.

“Why would you use such a precious technology as a reward?” the girl who was watching quietly asked strangely.

“Treasure is not precious, that is for different people. For me, there is nothing precious about basic alchemy, and if someone can develop this basic alchemy in a different direction, then It’s a very good thing for me.”

“So, what the Master wants is not Results but Idea?”

“That’s right. Your results can’t bring me any benefit. For me, the results you are satisfied with are just what I have already completed. But the process and idea of your results are mine. I really want to know…a person’s head is not as thoughtful as the heads of multiple people.” Yi Daoren smiled and confirmed the girl’s guess, then glanced at the girl again, and said, “By the way, cloth bundle, you don’t Do you find it awkward to have one language sandwiched within another?”


“That’s it… I want to say that languages are magical, and any language has a special meaning. Don’t easily combine different languages into one.”

“Is it not good?”

“It’s not bad, it’s just that some special meanings can’t be expressed because of language differences.”

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