Traveler In the World

Chapter 401

Chapter 411: Diplomatic Corps

Why did you choose to establish a base at the mouth of the Colorado River?

Wouldn’t it be better to build bases in more important cities in the US?

The AIM diffusion force field is closely related to people. Everyone has an AIM diffusion force field, but it cannot be integrated into a super power without super power development. But even so, it’s better to establish a base in a densely populated place than at the mouth of the sea, right?

After all, the purpose of the Yi Dao people to establish their bases is to connect the AIM diffusion force fields around the world into one piece, so as to directly subvert the phase space of various religions covering the earth. The stronger the diffusion force field, the less likely it will be overturned. .

However, under the guidance of Yi Daoren, their final choice was the estuary of the Colorado River, which can be said to be a bit awkward.

The main reason for this is that the Yi Dao people have also integrated the dragon vein application technology of alchemy in the artificial heaven!

Dragon veins, the power flowing in nature, is ethereal and obscure.

But there is one kind of dragon veins that is the easiest to grasp, and that is the dragon veins contained in the flowing waters like rivers!

Water is the source of life, and the dragon veins are closely related to all things such as life. Coupled with the continuous flow of water, the information of all things spreads to the world, which also corresponds to the role of the dragon veins. Therefore, where Jiang He is must be the place where the dragon veins are most easily perceived, and also the most easily exploited place!

The purpose of the Yidao people choosing the mouth of the Colorado River is to use the power of the dragon veins here.

Academy City… or the dragon veins in Japan, he has already integrated it, and with just one opportunity, it can be used as the source of energy supply for the artificial heaven project.

In any case, although human beings account for a very large proportion of the earth, they are still insignificant compared to nature itself. So if you want to subvert the phase space of those traditional religions, after discussing with Aleister, Yi Dao and Aleister think that it is still necessary to be more secure and find a more powerful energy source than the AIM diffusion force field provided by superpowers and humans as a basis.

In the end, they chose the existence of dragon veins. After all, compared with other natural forces, dragon veins and human beings have a very close correspondence. If they are applied well, they can be organically integrated with the AIM diffusion force field. Provide the most powerful support for the AIM diffusion force field to expand globally and form an artificial heaven.

In fact, it was not only the American base that they decided to choose near the river, but other areas as well. Each team dispatched to provide technical support locally will choose to establish a base called the Research Institute near the rivers, lakes and seas. And it is claimed that this is to facilitate the transportation of materials.

Looking at yesterday… More precisely, the stretch of buildings that were just empty spaces before he set off, the eyes of the diplomats dispatched by the US President almost went out.

Although they had heard many magical deeds in Academy City, and some had even visited Academy City, they were still a little confused after seeing that the open space not long ago had become a building complex in a blink of an eye. Dare to believe your eyes!

“I heard that there is a creator among the people who came to the United States this time…Is this the ability of the creator?” A diplomat who looked about fifty years old, but his golden brown hair had been dyed a lot of gray, squirmed his lips and muttered. He murmured: “Create everything according to your own will… God! Is this the future of mankind? Or, are those people in Academy City creating gods?”

Unconsciously, the old diplomat drew a cross on his chest.

Although the United States is also a representative of the scientific side, there are still many people who believe in religion. Old diplomats are no exception.

However, although the old diplomat believes in religion, he has little to do with the mysterious forces. Because he is also a person who believes that science will inevitably replace magic!

In fact, most of the diplomats dispatched to this base this time are like this, and a few are related to the mysterious side, and they will not have any rejection of science.

What’s the matter, the people from Academy City came here with ‘good intentions’, and even Yi Daoren, the leader of Academy City, came here. Americans are not stupid enough to find a hostile element to cause trouble, causing them Even before the benefit was received, it was listed as an unwelcome object.

“Ladies and gentlemen who have come from afar, welcome you to the Institute of Academy City’s American campus.”

While the diplomats were still in shock, the door of the research institute opened, and Yoshikawa Kikyo walked out, smiling in fairly standard English: “I’m Yoshikawa Kikyo, the head of the research institute at this campus.”

“Hello, Director Yoshikawa Kikyo… You seem to be Japanese from the name, right?” The old diplomat was worthy of being an old diplomat.

“Yes, I’m Japanese.” Yoshikawa Kikyo nodded with a smile, then reached out and shook hands with the old diplomat.

“I see… I’m William Philip, one of the leaders of the diplomatic team this After introducing himself, the old diplomat rambled about his relationship with Japan like a kind old man. Impression: “I also like Japanese culture very much. I practiced karate and judo when I was young. Speaking of which, I went to Japan to visit Master Beida Oyama, but it was a pity that I didn’t get to see him because of trivial matters. ”

“That’s really a pity…” Yoshikawa Kikyo stepped aside after smiling and agreed: “Let’s go in and talk, this is not a place to talk. And Ma… Mr. Yi is also waiting for you.”

“Oh? Is the creator easy?” The old diplomat raised his brows and walked directly into the research institute following the guidance of Yoshikawa Kikyo.

To be honest, he was actually a little unhappy. Although Yi is a very famous person and is the leader of Academy City, after all, unlike the national leader, he is only the founder of Academy City. And such a person was waiting for them in the research institute when the diplomats representing the US official came here… Is this the emperor?

Of course, the old diplomat would not show these emotions. He just said when he entered the institute: “Mr. Yi is really busy.”

Although he is a researcher, Yoshikawa Kikyo is not a young man who doesn’t understand the world. After hearing the words of the old diplomat, he immediately knew that the old diplomat had some opinions on Yi Daoren’s rude behavior, so he smiled: “Then There is no way. After all, this research institute has only been established, and it still needs to be reviewed by Mr. Yi. He has not eaten yet.”

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