Traveler In the World

Chapter 43

Chapter 43: Storm Prototype

In the intense anticipation of all those who aspire to become national alchemists, the national alchemist assessment has begun.

In a café in front of Central Command, Charlie and von Hohenheim were sitting by the window.

“It’s so nostalgic… Forty years ago, I was looking forward to becoming a national alchemist like them. In that way, fame, fortune, wealth, everything will be obtained. But now it seems… hehe!” As he said, the corner of Charlie’s mouth A disdainful and cold smile appeared: “Hohenheim, as you said, your children are only twelve and eleven years old now, right? Could they become state alchemists?”

“I don’t know…” With a helpless wry smile and disappointment on his face, von Hohenheim said, “I know everything about their level and how they have been through these years!”

“Your father is really derelict!” Charlie curled his lips unnaturally, and then said: “But I heard from Major Hughes that they have been approved by the president, as long as the written test and mental identification can’t be done this time. Question, then it should be no surprise to become a national alchemist. Or, if they are really the target of the president. There are no surprises! I didn’t expect that we were still a step behind in the end, not before he entered Arrive before the exam.”

“Even if they arrive before they enter the examination room, we can’t stop him from participating in the national alchemist’s examination. It’s not too late. It’s just Yi Daoren…” Shaking his head slightly, von Hohenheim said: “I didn’t expect him to be It was taken.”

With a long sigh, Charlie said, “Who would have thought that they would be so anxious? We rushed over when the Taoist officially became a national alchemist, but we didn’t want them to move so fast. Now we can only wait for your two. The children are out. They are the last people to come into contact with Daoists, and maybe they will know something… What’s the matter?”

While talking, Charlie suddenly saw that von Hohenheim had been staring in one direction, with a surprised and excited look on his face.

Turning his head to look, Charlie saw a person wearing armor that had long been reduced to an ornament passing by the cafe. After seeing them, he also stopped and looked at von Hohenheim in a daze.

“That… This seems to be your child, Alphonse, right?” Charlie suddenly remembered, isn’t the shape of Alphonse Elric in the information an armor?

“It’s all gone!”

Charlie could hear the crunching sound of the teeth clenched together in von Hohenheim’s mouth when he said this!

As if coming back to his senses, Alphonse Elric rushed into the cafe and came to von Hohenheim: “Dad…Dad…is that you?”

“Although I really want to say that you’ve grown up, but you look like this, I really can’t say it… I’m sorry…” Getting up, von Hohenheim looked at Alphonse Elric’s helmet, the faint representative being locked by the soul The red light of the soul locked on the helmet into a formation, barely pulled the corner of his mouth, but he couldn’t draw the arc, and he couldn’t even make a wry smile.

Clenching his hands and making the steel armor make a harsh “crunch” sound, Alphonse Elric said with a trembling voice: “Where have you all gone? Do you know that mother is dead? Do you know? I know that my brother and I are trying to resurrect my mother…”

“Human body refining? I shouldn’t have kept the human body refining materials at home.” With a long sigh, von Hohenheim winked at Charlie and said to Alphonse Elric: “Now first Go to the hotel where I am staying. There are some things that are not suitable to talk about here.”

“Why? Are you afraid that others will know?” Looking deeply at von Hohenheim, Alphonse Elric found that there was no fear in von Hohenheim’s eyes, only a complex emotion mixed with prayer and sorrow : “Where? If it’s too far, if my brother’s assessment is over, I won’t be able to pick him up.”

Charlie interjected: “It’s not very far, the Hilton Hotel, it’s on Third Street.”

After thinking for a moment, Alphonse Elric continued to look at von Hohenheim, then nodded slightly and said, “Okay.”

When the national alchemist assessment was in full swing, when Alphonse Elric and von Hohenheim and their sons met, Yi Daoren was standing in front of a row of biochemical cultivation warehouses with frowning, watching the thin and thin people in the cultivation warehouses. , but the human figure that made him feel like the most filthy and disgusting thing in the world, and the self that he was a little unrecognizable in the photo of the nurturing kura.

On the cultivation warehouse, his face was a little thin, and there was a messy beard around his mouth, which was caused by his lack of time to clean up these days.

A pair of eyes squinted slightly, indifferent, cold, like the eyes of a dead person, without any anger, plus the half-long hair that was combed into a large back without time to deal with it…

“It’s only 30 years old, but he looks older than 40 years old…” After grinning slightly, Yi Daoren turned around and walked towards the office.

The humanoids in the biological warehouse he observed before were the true face of the undead army, but those humanoids are not complete undead army.

They are now just a pile of rotten flesh, empty pale and thin bodies, but lacking the soul that drives them, twisted, crazy souls… Sage’s Stone!

If a creature wants to act, it must have three elements: flesh, soul and spirit. The soul is the guide, the flesh is the prop, and the spirit is the link that transmits the guiding information of the soul to the flesh as the prop.

Although Yidao people don’t want to admit it, it is undeniable that the undead army is already a kind of creature.

Artificial, twisted, creatures that can act autonomously as long as they are injected into the soul!

“The slaughter of the Ishbal people to refine the stone of sages is for these things… hehe!”

The cold and slightly hoarse laughter made the laboratory, which was already lined with biological warehouses and debugged the undead army, even more eerie and terrifying.

When he came to the office, Yi Daoren didn’t say hello to other researchers, he just walked to his seat and sat down, recording the information he had observed.

But he didn’t want to say hello to other people, they wanted to communicate with him, the Alchemist of Destruction who was suddenly transferred here.

“Researcher Yi, I heard that you are an alchemist? It’s been a few days since you were transferred here. What do you think about this place? Do you have any suggestions for our research?” The researcher with the appearance of the people came to the Yi Dao people’s table with a cup of coffee.

“I am indeed an alchemist, but most of them are self-taught, and there are some differences from a real alchemist. As for my views on this place…” He raised his eyes like a dead man and stared at the researcher. For a moment, when the researcher’s hand holding the coffee began to tremble, he showed a smile that should be bright, but matched with his deadly eyes, and said with a smile: “Too bad! This place is more like religion. The **** described by the personnel is still like hell!”

“Ahaha…hehe…is that so?” After a reluctant smile, the researcher slowly backed away and walked to his place.

A bit of disdain pouted, Yi Daoren was about to focus his attention again, when recording the observation results, a familiar voice came: “Researcher Yi, I have something to trouble you.”

“Team Pace? How did you come here?” Turning to look at Bruce Pace, Yi Daoren raised his brows: “Is synthetic beast no longer worth researching?”

Opening his mouth, a golden tooth radiated a dazzling metallic luster under the light. Bruce Pace smiled and said, “I have given the task of the synthetic beast team to the director of the Third Research Institute. Genetic research plus synthesis Animal research, as well as biological refining, are now the tasks of the Third Research Institute.”

“Really?” Nodding slightly, Yi Daoren said again, “So what is the matter with Team Leader Pace looking for me?”

“I’m no longer the team leader, and now I’m one of the advisors of the Undead Legion’s plan.” Slowly coming to Yi Dao Ren, Bruce Pace stared deeply at Yi Dao Ren for a moment, and said: “The anti-system organization people are here. The Central City is over, your Excellency the President wants you to deal with it.”

“Me?” With a frown, Yi Daoren raised his pen and said, “Am I not a researcher of the Undead Legion’s plan now? Why do I have to deal with those things?”

“Who knows? There must be a reason for the President to do this.” After pushing the problem to Kim Bradley very irresponsibly, Bruce Pace lowered his head again and leaned into the ear of Yi Daoist. : “I heard that the anti-system personnel who came to Central City this time are your acquaintances…Charlie, yes, that person is called Charlie, the real Alchemist of Ashes!”

“Crack!” The pen, which would not break even when stepped on by foot, was suddenly cut off by Yi Daoren with one hand!

Looking at Bruce Pace coldly, Yi Daoren’s deadly eyes flashed with icy anger: “How could that old man join the anti-establishment organization? Although he has escaped the responsibility of the national alchemist, he is still A man who was very fond of Amesteris…”

“This question is up to your disciple to ask. The president’s meaning is to hope that you will change the alchemist of Ashes to righteousness and break away from the anti-establishment organization.” Patting Yi Daoren on the shoulder, Bruce Pace stood up straight, He smiled with his hands behind his back: “I hope you won’t disappoint the president and choose the ruined Researcher Yi.”

After a moment of silence, Yi Daoren threw the broken pen into the trash can, got up and said, “Where should I go to find him?”

“Let’s go to Third Avenue first, our people have already been arranged there.”

Central City Third Avenue, Hilton Hotel.

After leading Alphonse Elric to the room he had reserved, von Hohenheim was about to ask Alphonse Elric how they had been all these years when Charlie on the side spoke first.

“Although it’s a bit rude, can I ask you a question first?” Intervening between von Hohenheim and Alphonse Elric, Charlie looked at Alphonse Elric earnestly: “Alphonse, you know Where did the Yidao people go?”

“Captain Yi?” He glanced at von Hohenheim, and after seeing that von Hohenheim did not make a special statement, Alphonse Elric said: “I don’t know, he only said that he was transferred to a secret place to work.”

“Did he not mention anything else?” Charlie continued to ask.

“No, he didn’t say anything.” Alphonse Elric felt a little unpleasant.

Anyone who is suddenly pulled by someone to ask about another person will feel unpleasant.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.” As if seeing Alphonse Elric’s unhappiness, Charlie took a few steps back, sighed, and said, “My name is Charlie, and I used to be called the Alchemist of Ashes. You have contact with Taoist people, so you should know who I am, right?”

“Charlie, Alchemist of Ashes?! Are you Captain Yi’s teacher?” Alphonse Elric looked at Charlie in disbelief.

Patting Alphonse Elric on the shoulder, von Hohenheim said: “Mr. Charlie didn’t lie, he is indeed the teacher of Yidao people. By the way, the current Yidao people are very dangerous, so We just came to Central City.”

“Captain Yi is in danger? He just became a national alchemist, what’s the danger?” Alphonse Elric felt that he was completely confused.

“Charlie gritted his teeth: It is because he has become a national alchemist that he is even more dangerous!”

Alphonse Elric was stunned for a moment, and when he was about to ask the reason, a dark shadow suddenly fell from the ceiling.

“Hurry up and leave here! The people from the Central Military Department are gathering here!” The old and energetic voice was the old Hu of Xinguo: “I have asked my disciple to pick up the other kid, and now we must leave!”

In the national alchemist examination room, he successfully passed the written test, spiritual appraisal and alchemy application. Edward Elric, who only needs to meet Kim Bradley again, happily ran out of the Central Command and was preparing to share it with his younger brother. When the good news came, I suddenly found that Alphonse Elric was not waiting for him at the agreed place, so he scratched his head: “Where did that guy go? Didn’t we say we’ll celebrate together after the exam?”

“Is it Lord Edward Elric?” Suddenly, a young man’s voice came.

Turning to look, Edward Elric saw a very serious and serious young man in a suit looking at him not far away, holding the suitcase he gave to his brother Alphonse Elric in his hand.

“My name is Yao Rong. I’m here to invite you. Your brother has already passed by.”

Frowning came to Yao Rong, Edward Elric looked at Yao Rong for a while, then snatched the suitcase and looked at it slightly. After realizing that the alchemy he had set up had not been damaged, he said lightly, “Let’s lead the way.”

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