Traveler In the World

Chapter 449

Chapter 459: Temptation Of Power

Sitting in the cockpit of the eVa that can be said to have been long gone, feeling the **** smell and rich oxygen contained in the sticky L.c.L, Ikari Shinji was disgusted and nauseous, but also had an unspeakable excitement!

Having tasted the taste of power, who can easily give it up?

It is true that Shinji Ikari hates the feeling of driving an eVa body and an apostle to fight for his life, but in the same way, when driving an eVa body, that powerful feeling like a god, that kind of feeling that other humans can be regarded as ants, It also made him yearn and enjoy it very much!

It’s just that enjoying this powerful feeling will cost you your life…

Shaking his head vigorously, Shinji Ikari glanced at the data projected in front of him, and then activated the combat channel communication: “No problem with the self-check of No. 1 aircraft, and can fight at any time!”

“There is no problem with the self-check of No. 0 machine, waiting for the attack.”

“The second machine has completed the self-check, no problem, waiting for the attack!”

“The No. 8 machine has completed the self-check, there is no problem at all, you can attack at any time!”

“Unit 6, wait for the sortie.”

The eVa qualified people reported the situation of the aircraft they were driving one by one, and declared that they were ready to attack at any time!

“Now that you are all ready, let’s meet your enemies… Unlike before, there were only a few apostles than you, or only the same number as you. This time, the number of apostles will be more than double yours. Ikari Gendo’s voice was inserted into the combat channel, and calmly and calmly spoke out the despair that the qualified people were about to face: “This is the last time the apostles have attacked, the last time in every sense.”

Those who are qualified have nothing to say.

Indeed, just as Ikarigendo said, this amount of apostle shock should only be the last apostle shock, and it can be said that the apostles should have already swarmed out.

If they can withstand this apostle shock, then they no longer need to worry about the apostle shock. So call it the last time, no problem at all.

In the same way, if the impact of the apostles is not resisted, human beings should not exist, so there is absolutely no problem in calling this the last time!

If there is no one, there will be no next time!

“That’s really exciting.”

After a period of silence, the voice from Unit 6 reached everyone’s ears through the combat channel.

The driver of Unit 6 was none other than the fifth qualified person who had cooperated with Shinji Ikari and the others for the first time, Kaoru Nagisa.

“Kaoru Nagisa, this is your first time driving an eVa to participate in actual combat. I hope you can learn more from Makibo and Rei. Their combat skills are very superb.” Misato Katsuragi’s voice was also connected to the combat channel.

“I won’t say it without Shinji, why not me?” Asuka frowned instantly.

“Although your skills are good, compared to beginners, it is not very valuable for learning. Although Nagisa Kaoru has already played against you and simulated apostles in a simulated environment, in terms of actual combat, he is still a beginner. So There is no need to learn your combat style. Makiba and Rei’s relatively orthodox combat style is what he needs most.” Katsuragi Misato explained in a calm tone. She doesn’t want to let Asuka play a small temper at this time… Although Asuka should not play a small temper at this time, but the necessary caution is still necessary.

As for why he didn’t learn Ikari Shinji’s combat methods… It is undeniable that the first aircraft driven by Ikari Shinji has always been the trump card on the Japanese side, but the instability is too great, and there is absolutely no possibility and necessity to learn.

After listening to Katsuragi Misato’s explanation, Asuka seemed to have something in her mouth, but she did not continue to argue, and seemed to agree with Katsuragi Misato’s explanation.

“Since Katsuragi Sansa said so, then I will study hard… Ayanami, Makiba, please give me more advice.”


“Leave it to me, and I will definitely tell you what fighting is called!”

“Then, let’s attack.” After the crowd finished speaking, Ikariyuantang said solemnly, “The apostles have arrived… the final dance has begun.”

“A dance party… After this battle, let’s have a big party, nya? Isn’t Kaoru good at playing the piano? Me and Rei can dance… The little princess seems to be able to dance too, right?”

“Are you looking down on me? Dancing is a skill a lady must know. As the selected person, how could I not dance?”

“Oh? That’s really exciting… Shinji-kun, do you think so too, nya?”

“Eh? Ah!” Ikari Shinji, who didn’t expect to be shot while lying down, responded somewhat bewildered. But all that was exchanged for was Ayanami’s “Humph!”.

However, in their chat, the eVa body they were driving drilled out of the preparation room and came to the ground to meet the final apostle’s impact.

The scenery of the earth is still…except there are no human beings!

All human beings have entered the underground shelter under the guidance of neRV and the Japanese government. Now there is no other living life on the earth except plants and animals. Perhaps only man-made things such as buildings can prove that humans have existed on this planet.

The breeze blowing brought some animal chirping, quiet and quiet…

“Is this a world without humans?” Looking around the quiet world, Ikari Shinji twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a look that wasn’t just a smile or something else: “Maybe this is not bad.”

“Are you an idiot?” Asuka’s voice came over, revealing a strong dissatisfaction: “What’s so good about this? You…”

“Okay, okay, stop arguing at this time… Maybe Shinji just likes this quiet environment.” Nagisa Kaoru interrupted Asuka like a peacemaker: “The radar shows that the apostle is approaching, we are still together. Let’s talk about the apostles.”

“It shows on the radar? Isn’t that already invaded by the apostles? Now the radar shows that there are apostles everywhere! Where did you see the apostles coming?”

“Although the radar shows that there are apostles everywhere, it seems that human beings are also counted as a member of the apostles, resulting in apostles everywhere, but human beings and apostles are still different on the radar… You have paid attention to the apostles displayed on the radar. Are the colors different?”

“There are apostles with darker colors approaching us… Are they the real apostles?” Mahibo’s words did not carry her unique fetishism, and became serious and calm: “Indeed, even if human beings can be judged as apostles , it can’t reach the power of the real apostles. The radar also has the function of checking the power of the apostles, so it can still distinguish the apostles and humans!”

“Well done, Zhu Xun, you have done a good job as soon as you come!”

“Where, Sanzuo Katsuragi praised him. However, I believe it’s not just me, the combat command should have noticed it.”

“The command is adjusting the data, and in a minute it will be able to separate the humans and the apostles on the radar.”

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