Traveler In the World

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Follow With Pain

Wrapped in a yellow turban and wearing a yellow trench coat that was the same color as the land of Ishbal, the Yidao people were crawling on a sand dune, carefully watching the Ishbal people marching in the distance.

Two days ago, after hearing the news that the Lockbells were kidnapped by the Ishbars from Maas Huez, Yi Daoren canceled the recuperation vacation he had applied for without thinking much, and went to the front again.

“Good man…” Looking at the Ishbar people who were walking with difficulty, remembering the strange eyes and admiring words of Maas Huez after he canceled the vacation without hesitation, Yi Daoren laughed in a low voice.

Yi Dao people are not good people.

If the people who can accept the slaughter are good people, are there still bad people in the world? Yi Dao people still have this self-knowledge. But he also doesn’t feel like a bad person.

This is not because the Yidao people thought that it was right for them to slaughter the Ishbal people, or that they felt that they were forced to do something against their will by the military forces of Amestris.

Yidao people only believe in results.

Now that you’ve already started, what else is there to go against your will? People have already been killed and they say they go against their hearts, that’s just hypocrisy!

If you really feel that it goes against your heart, you feel that your conscience is unbearable, and you don’t want to slaughter the Ishbal people, then go to hell! If you die, you won’t go against your heart, right?

Yi Daoren just wants to live, no matter right or wrong, if it can help him live, he will do it.

But to live, one must live according to his will!

“What are you talking about as a good person? Even if you repay your kindness, it’s not worth it, but you simply don’t want people you know to die indifferently. In the final analysis, I’m just a person who lives for myself. The Rockbells and the others are the ones I know. If you die, I will feel uncomfortable in my heart.”

Glancing at the special alchemy glove on his hand, and feeling the sage’s stone embedded in the glove, Yi Daoren’s eyes began to be as calm as stagnant water.

The Sage’s Stone is what he went to the front line to ask for in the laboratory, the one he held before.

Originally, the people in the laboratory didn’t want to give it to him, but it happened that Zorf J. Kimberly was there at that time and said that he needed someone to help him find the hidden Ishbal people, and just like that, the Sage Stone came back again. In the hands of Yi Dao people.

“I owe him another favor! His favor is not good… Do you want to find a way to get rid of it?”

Zolf J. Kimberly’s favor is the last thing a change person wants to owe, because Zorff J. Kimberly is too dangerous. It’s just that he didn’t expect that he would owe it twice in just over half a month! And everyone’s love is so important!

Before he could figure out the answer in his mind, Yi Daoren got up and followed after seeing the Ishbal team walking away.

On the other side, Zorf J. Kimberly stood quietly on the rare or intact desert building, looking at the nervous Ishbal people below, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The red gem spit out from his mouth and landed in the center of his folded hands that were engraved in a formation…

“Boom!” A huge explosion sounded through the Ishbal people’s station with the sudden explosion at the feet of the Ishbal people!

“Well, what a wonderful voice…” Zorff J. Kimberly’s voice seemed to be Shen Yin, and the cruel smile on his face became even brighter. He likes the sound of explosions, the kind of textured collision that can make his blood boil.

“what happened?!”

“Why did the explosion happen?”


“Who are you?”

“He’s the alchemist!”

“Red Lotus Alchemist!”

The loud explosion attracted the Ishbal people to come over. After seeing Zorf J. Kimberly’s face, Qi Qi’s complexion changed greatly.

Zorph J. Kimberly, the alchemist of the red lotus, is one of the two alchemists most resented by the Ishbal people, the other is the same as Zolf J. Kimberly. The changer of the stone of the master!

“The weather is really nice today!” Sighing that the weather was fine, Zolf J. Kimberly pressed his hands together tightly, as if he was thanking an unknown god.

However, this is not actually the case.

“Beep, beep…”

The ominous red reaction began to permeate from the feet of Zorph J. Kimberly, and spread towards the Ishbal people who came over!


“Do not!”

“Boom!” The smoke rising into the sky, the deafening explosion sound, the Ishbar people, all destroyed!

“Tsk! It’s disgusting…” Putting the Sage’s Stone in his mouth, Zorff J. Kimberly frowned and wiped off the blood splashed on his face by the fragments of the human body that flew over from the explosion, and then took off his face. The blue Armestris uniform was also splattered with blood.

Looking at the ground lying on the ground, there are few complete Ishbal corpses. After Zorf J. Kimberly waited, seeing that no other Ishbal people came, he jumped off the desert building, Going to go deep.

But when he passed by an Ishbal corpse who had lost both legs, the Ishbal corpse suddenly came to life, and embraced Zorf J. Kimberly with open arms!

“go to hell!”

On the chest of the ferocious Ishbal, there is a grenade that has been pulled out!

But there was no panic on Zolf J. Kimberly’s face. On the contrary, there was a hint of praise on his face.

“Beep, beep…”

The red refining reaction flashed, and the grenade that was about to explode didn’t move at all.

“This…” The Ishbal man, who had broken his legs, was stunned at the grenade that should have exploded but didn’t.

In terms of understanding of items that can be exploded, who else can compare to Zolf J. Kimberly, the alchemist of the red lotus? Wanting to make a grenade a dud is just a modification of Zolf J. Kimberly’s mind.

“Respectable will!” The Ishbal man who had broken his legs was stunned, but Zorf J. Kimberly was not stunned. After kicking away the distracted Ishbal man, he picked up the fallen Grenade at your feet: “Then use it for your glory.”

After the red reaction flashed indistinctly, the grenade was thrown in front of the Ishbal people.


Dangerous and sharp eyes circled, and after discovering that there were no Ishbal people still alive, Zorf J. Kimberly pouted and continued to walk forward.

In the depths of the desert where Zorf J. Kimberly was heading, an old man dressed as an Ishbal earth **** monk looked at the listless Ishbal people in front of him and sighed.

“Master!” A hoarse and difficult voice filled with hatred came, and then a young warrior monk with a twisted and scalded face, who couldn’t see his original appearance at all, came over.

Hearing the voice of the young warrior monk, the old monk sighed again: “Your heart is about to be occupied by hatred.”

“If I don’t hate it, then what emotions should I hold?” The young monk clasped his hands tightly and made a crunching voice: “Amistrian… alchemist… of the ashes Alchemist!”

The young warrior monk was the one who stabbed and injured Yi Dao Ren that night. The twisted burn on his face was the result of Yi Dao Ren’s alchemy of ashes!

The old monk was speechless for a while, just continued to sigh.

After a while, when the young monk relaxed a little, the old monk said seriously: “I’m not saying that you shouldn’t hate, the situation we are facing now, you must hate! You must be angry! However, you can’t let hatred and anger Occupy your heart!”

“I see, Master.” The young warrior monk heard the words, the hatred in his eyes loosened a little, but it was still strong.

“It’s good to know. You go and call your brother, we are about to leave here. A few days ago, some clansmen found the soldiers of the Amestris people nearby, and they may have found us here.” For this kind of performance of the young monks, the old monks can only plan to follow the instructions in the future, so that the young monks do not go down the wrong path.

The young warrior monk nodded, gave a salute, then turned and left to find his brother.

Watching the young monk leave, the old monk thought about it, and wanted to greet his clan to leave the place, but he didn’t want to catch a glimpse of a group of people approaching.

Looking at the monk guiding the crowd not far away, Zorff J. Kimberly narrowed his eyes: “This is a big fish…”

In Ishbar, the presence of buildings does not mean that there are people, but the presence of monks must mean that there are people, and there are quite a few people!

All Ishbal people are believers of the God of Ishbal, and they are a **** nation. Therefore, the monks who practice the wisdom of the God of Ishbal are equivalent to the head of a large family.

When the parents are there, the children are naturally there!

After feeling his physical condition, Zorf J. Kimberly found that he was a little tired after walking in the desert for a long time, and the Ishbal people were receiving foreigners, and the guards and vigilance must be much stricter. …

“Just let me rest for two hours. Those people behind should be following soon. At that time, you should also celebrate the reunion with your clan…”

Zorph J. Kimberly, who wriggled his tongue and stuck out the Sage’s Stone, had an evil and cruel smile on his face.

He seemed to have seen two hours later, under the bombardment of his red lotus alchemy, the group of Ishbal people who were celebrating their meeting with their clansmen and pouring bitter water to each other screamed in pain!

On the other side that Zorf J. Kimberley didn’t notice, not far from the group of Ishbar refugees who had been accepted, Yi Dao people were lying pale in the darkness of the sand dunes.

His injury is not yet healed, and he can’t stand the severe tossing at all. Now, after chasing a wave of Ishbal refugees for a long time, his injury has recurred!

“But it’s okay, it’s not serious…” After resting for a while, the Yi Daoist, who felt a little more comfortable, thought about it, and planned to go around the back of the Ishbal people’s station.

His position is right between the Ishbar people’s garrison and the upcoming Amestris army. If anyone is found passing by, he will definitely be in big trouble in his current situation!

After carefully detouring, stopping and avoiding the Yidao people who might expose his viewpoint, after two hours, he finally reached the sand dune behind the Ishbal people’s station.

The reason why Yi Dao people are so obsessed with this station is that the Rockbell couple may be in this station.

The Rockbells are excellent doctors and have great medical ethics. At the Amestris Medical Center, anyone who was injured would be treated, even the Ishbarians.

However, the Ishbal people they rescued were taken away in the end. As for whether they were executed or became part of the Sage’s Stone in their hands, Yi Daoren didn’t know.

The Ishbar people’s station in front of me is the only remaining station in Ishbar. There should be many wounded. If the Lockbells were not killed after being kidnapped, then there is a high possibility of being in this station!

“Okay, in the evening, I’ll go in and check…” He was just about to take a break when he suddenly heard a quarrel.

“Someone?” Ignoring the pain in his chest and abdomen, Yi Daoren hurried to hide behind a stone.

“Brother! Alchemy is sinful and completely violates the laws of nature! Why are you still so obsessed with it? Have you forgotten the teachings of God?” It was hoarse and difficult, but for some reason, Yi Daoren felt that the voice seemed to him. heard somewhere.

“I haven’t forgotten the teachings of God! But, is alchemy really evil? Although I feel that alchemy is a bit strange, it seems to be lacking something compared with the alchemy of Xingguo, and it has a distorted feeling, but alchemy is indeed Make Amestris stronger! We can also use this power to make our homeland better, what’s the problem?” The voice of the man called brother was much gentler, not much of the roughness of the Isbarians Feel.


“Boom…Boom…” Before anything was disputed, a series of explosions stopped the two voices in the dispute, and also stunned Yi Daoren who was hiding behind the stone.

“The army of Amestris is here?” A gentle voice asked the three present’s doubts.

“Boom…Boom…” The sound of the explosion continued to sound, but it only came from one direction, instead of blooming everywhere like an army, and at the same time as the explosion, there seemed to be a burst of red light…

“It’s an alchemist!” The hoarse voice was full of resentment and hatred: “Brother, I went over first… After watching this scene, do you still think alchemy can help us build a better home?”

The footsteps quickly disappeared, and it was obvious that the owner of the hoarse voice was leaving quickly.


“Come out.”

The sound of the hard object hitting the stone behind him made Yi Daoren tremble, and he rolled away from the stone. The power of the Sage’s Stone, driven by the combination of his hands, made a wall of earth to protect him.

Refining an earth wall is simply modifying the shape of soil, sand and gravel. It is the basic method that all alchemists can use, and it is also one of the symbols of becoming an alchemist.

The voice just now, judged by the feeling that Yi Daoren honed on the battlefield, seems to be similar to the weight of a grenade!

But what surprised Yi Daoren was that there was no explosion, and no other attack!

“Amerstris? No, you are more like a man of rejuvenation. But… your alchemy…”

Dividing the earthen wall a little, Yi Daoren saw an Ishbal man with glasses and a suave body, frowning at him. There is not much hatred in the eyes, more is the general thinking and analysis of scholars.

“Boom…Boom…” The sound of the bombing interrupted the thinking of the Sven Ishbar people.

Turning around to look at the Ishbar station that kept blasting red light and then making a loud explosion, the Sven Ishbar man looked back at Yi Daoren and said solemnly, “Are you a national alchemist?”

His eyes flickered, Yi Daoren wanted to deny it, because his current physical condition is not good, and it is too difficult to fight with people.

Although the Ishbal man in front of him looked gentle, like a scholar, without a trace of danger, Yi Dao Ren still clearly remembered that he revealed in the previous dialogue that he knew alchemy and alchemy. The Taoist has only heard of alchemy!

“Yes.” But in the end, Yi Daoren admitted his identity as an alchemist in his own country.

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