Traveler In the World

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Strangers Who Meet

On the streets of Central City, Yi Dao people wearing weird coats and trousers made of black and white fabrics, with shirts and vests also made of black and white fabrics inside, wandered aimlessly on the streets.

Kim Bradley gave him a mission to find and kill members of an anti-establishment organization lurking in Central City.

For this task, Yi Daoren did not reject it, or he did not feel the need to reject it, at least his instinct did not ask him to reject this task.

Only one thing is very difficult, that is, he does not know who is a member of the anti-system organization!

Of course, in this regard, Russ, who is clearly the President of Améstellis, Kim Bradley, has already helped him deal with it, and has deployed a few soldiers to help him find members of the anti-establishment organization.

And he just needs to be the executioner when someone finds it.

At the same time, he also has a new identity to the outside world… National Alchemist, Alchemist of Vientiane, Pride Yi!

“The name of Vientiane…” Ignoring the strange stares of people on the street, who were clearly wearing a suit, but spliced two colors together, Yi Daoren raised his left hand.

There was nothing on his left hand. It was white and slender. It was just a pair of very ordinary human palms. At best, it looked better.

But Yi Daoren knew that his left hand was not ordinary, or that it was just the palm of his left hand, and on his left arm, which was covered by clothes, there was a powerful formation of tattoos that could create everything in the world!

But after he repaired the scars on his body, those tattoos became very inconspicuous. They just turned into red marks that appeared when he accidentally scratched.

“It seems that the original owner of my body is an amazing guy! He holds everything in his hands…” His eyes turned to his right hand again, and the corner of Yi Daoren’s mouth twitched: “And the right hand that can destroy everything… Is this to make yourself a **** who plays with everything in the world?”

“Mr. Pride!” Suddenly, a voice came from behind, interrupting Yi Daoren’s conjecture about his original self.

Turning around, Yi Daoren saw two soldiers assigned to him by Kim Bradley running over panting.

Raising his brows slightly, Yi Daoren said lightly, “If I remember correctly, I said that I prefer others to call me Yi, right?”

“Sorry, Mr. Pride.” One of the soldiers saluted and said, “Because we are on a mission now, His Excellency the President wants us to call you by your name to cultivate our tacit understanding…”

“What kind of tacit understanding will you and I have?” His eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a terrifyingly sharp light, and Daoist Yi said lightly, “The next time you call me by my surname, my name is not something you can call me.”

The soldier wanted to refute, but another soldier immediately grabbed him and smiled at Yi Daoren: “We are clear, Mr. Yi.”

After nodding with satisfaction at the sensible soldier, Yi Dao said, “So what’s the matter with you coming to me? Did you find a member of an anti-establishment organization?”

The acquainted soldier nodded and said seriously: “Yes! Two days ago, members of the anti-establishment organization created riots on Third Avenue and the Hotel Saint-Tral, and robbed Maas at the Central Hospital who betrayed the honor of the soldier. After that, Xiuzi disappeared. But just now, members of another team discovered some strange places and are confirming that it is said that it may be the stronghold of the anti-establishment organization that once lurked in the central city…”

The Hotel Saint-Tral is, of course, the place where Yixiao set fire to rescue Maas Huez’s wife and daughter.

As a hotel that receives many dignitaries, there are problems there, no less than the problems caused by a few people from Yidao on the Third Avenue!

After all, the Hotel Saint-Tral can be regarded as one of the landmark buildings in the central city!

Moreover, Saint-Tral is the real name of the central city!

The reason why the world calls Central City is Central City and not Saint-Tral is because Central City is located in the center of Amestellis, and everyone gets used to it when they shout. Later, Saint-Tral became more and more popular. forget.

However, in official documents, especially foreign documents, the Central City will still add the suffix of Saint-Tral… Central City-Saint-Tral.

In this way, it is natural to see the speciality of the Hotel Santa Clara for Amestris. In addition, it is located near the Central Command. The actions of the people who should laugh are equivalent to terror on the earth. Members of the organization bombed a building comparable to the Statue of Liberty and the like next to the Pentagon in the United States!

But these changers didn’t really care, they just found out a little while chatting with Kim Bradley at Central Command.

What he needs to focus on is the current task.

Just after listening to the words of the sensible soldier, Yi Daoren’s face was not as happy as the sensible soldier said that he had discovered the stronghold of the members of the anti-establishment organization. On the contrary, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and there was an unpleasant expression on his face. Expression: “It is said? Maybe? I want a positive answer!”

After speaking, Yi Daoren turned around and left. .

Just when he turned to leave, he glanced at a man in a white suit coat and a gentleman’s hat passing by across the road.

The corner of the man’s mouth was hooked with a meaningful chuckle, just because the gentleman’s hat was lowered so he couldn’t see his face clearly.

But for some reason, Yi Daoren suddenly felt that the person was very familiar!

After Yi Daoren walked a little farther, the two soldiers whose faces were ugly because of his performance chatted.

“Who is it! Really!” The soldier who originally called Yi Daoren clenched his hands and said with an unbearable expression: “I want a definite answer? Who does he think he is? The state alchemist is just one of the army Dog! How dare you be so arrogant…”

“Okay, don’t say this, it’s not good for others to hear.” Pushing his colleague, the sensible soldier said lightly: “Since you know that he is a dog of the army, why do you care about him? And he also His Excellency the President has something to do with us, if we are caught, we will suffer.”

“What does he have to do with the President? Didn’t the President tell us to follow him just to monitor him?” The soldier who initially called out Yi Daoren scoffed at the words of the sensible soldier, but he didn’t say anything else.

“Let them check first on the second team. If we can find anything, we will notify him. If not, then we will continue to follow him from a distance. This way we will not feel uncomfortable.”

“That’s the only way… What about people?!”

The two soldiers who were patronizing the chat discovered that during the time they were chatting for two sentences, Yi Daoren disappeared!

They have lost people!

Just as the two soldiers were eagerly looking for Yi Dao Ren, Yi Dao Ren was in front of an alley looking at a graffiti in the corner of the wall, not high or low, thinking.

Suddenly, he raised his brows and looked to the side.

There, the man in the white suit coat he had met on the road walked out slowly and took off the gentleman’s hat on his head.

The long black hair was tied into a ponytail, but it was strange that there were two small strands hanging down in front of him, but on the whole it was clean and refreshing. The long and narrow eyes were slightly squinted with a dangerous charm, and the corners of the mouth held an equally dangerous smile.

Dangerous man!

When he saw this man, the first feeling in Yi Dao’s heart was danger, and then he felt that the man in front of him was very familiar!

“Don’t remember me? Prayers, Yi!”

“Prayer?” The man’s words made Yi Daoren frown slightly: “Who are you?”

“Have you forgotten me? Could it be that you have been brainwashed? I don’t think you are someone who will be brainwashed…” The narrow and long eyes narrowed even more, and at the same time revealed a blade-like light: ” Zolf J. Kimberly! My old partner, I’ll be sad if you forget me!”

That’s right, the man in the white suit coat is Zolf J. Kimberly!

“Zolf J. Kimberly… Kimberly…is a familiar name…” After bowing his head and thinking for a while, the corners of Yi Daoren’s mouth twitched, and Zorff J. Kimberly appeared. Similar dangerous smile: “By the way, I’ve seen this name in the list of anti-establishment organizations… Are you here to die?”

“Hahahaha… It seems that you are no longer a prayer…” After laughing happily, Zolf J. Kimberly’s face suddenly turned cold, and a dangerous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Turned into a hideous: “Originally, the purpose of our stay in the central city was to find you and rescue you. But since you are no longer the original prayer, then you don’t need to exist!”

Before he finished speaking, Zorff J. Kimberly’s hands were folded together, and the palms were aimed at the ground.

In an instant, the bright blue refining reaction turned into a wildly dancing electric snake, swiftly running along the ground towards Yi Daoist… “Boom!”

After the two soldiers who were looking for Yi Daoren on the street heard the loud explosion, they looked towards the direction of the explosion.

Looking at each other, one of them said, “Over there!”

“Undeclared war, this is not what a gentleman should do.” He lowered his head and looked at his coat, which was torn at one corner, Yi Daoren’s voice turned into a polar cold wind: “It seems that I need to teach you this anti The thieves of the system organization need some etiquette!”

Just now, Zorph J. Kimberly suddenly used the alchemy of red lotus to create a powerful explosion at the feet of Yi Daoren.

However, how can a Taoist who can create, refine and destroy things become so simple?

Before the explosives made by the alchemy of the red lotus hadn’t really exploded, Yi Daoren took a step back, and at the same time used his left hand to create a solid iron wall to stop him!

However, when he moved, the loose coat fluttered and a corner was cut off by the iron wall he made.

And this phenomenon made Yi Daoren very annoyed… His clothes were made by himself using two suits given to him by Kim Bradley, which were very in line with his aesthetics at the moment, but he couldn’t wear them now. Broke in half a day…

“You like explosions, don’t you? Then repent of what you’ve done in the sound of explosions, Major Kimberly!” The bright blue reaction turned into a dazzling light and roamed the earth. In an instant, all kinds of firearms and cannons were like Bamboo shoots sprung up from the ground, aiming at Zolf J. Kimberly, whose complexion changed drastically!

“Da da da… Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The sound of gunfire and artillery came one after another, reminding the surrounding alleys of the chaos in the central city two days ago because of the explosion in the previous moment, and worrying about whether members of the anti-establishment organization attacked here, the citizens of the central city immediately held their heads and screamed and fled. !

“Damn it! That group of terrorists attacked here…”

“What about the soldiers? What are the taxes we paid for?”

“help me!”


Chaos brings more chaos. People who are fleeing push and shove each other, and some people fall and get trampled. No one cares about what happens to others. The selfishness of human nature is on full display!

In this case, the two soldiers who were trying to squeeze out of the rioting crowd and stalking Yi Dao people in the alley were unlucky.

They couldn’t get close to the alley at all. Every time they were pushed away from the target before they took a few steps, they dispersed soon after!

“Damn it!” With his teeth clenched, a soldier suddenly pulled out his pistol and pulled the trigger to the sky!

“Bang!” The crisp and loud gunshots stopped the rioting crowd instantly.

“Don’t be so panic… um… ah…” After the crowd quieted the soldiers were trying to maintain order. But before he could finish his sentence, a sharp ice spear emerged from his chest. Under the sunlight, it reflected a scorching light along with the blood!



“The soldier was killed!”


After the silence brought by the shock, there were more messy screams and shoving!

In the crowd, the pure white suits and coats had been stained with dust and turned black, and some places were stained with scarlet blood. Zolf J. Kimberly chuckled to the man who was supporting him and said: “You’re still really cruel, Frozen Alchemist!”

The Alchemist of Frozen, of course, is Aizac McDougal!

“Shut up!” After glaring at Zorf J. Kimberly, Aizac McDougal said coldly, “Didn’t I ask you to contact Prayer Yi? How did you get into a fight with him? There’s such a big commotion?!”

“He is no longer a prayer!”

Zorph J. Kimberly’s answer made Izak McDougal stunned for a moment.

“Looking at the situation, he seems to have been brainwashed by those people, and he doesn’t recognize who I am at all!” After speaking, Zorff J. Kimberly frowned for a while before saying: “It doesn’t seem right to say brainwashing! His face The scars on the top and hands are gone, and there are some differences in the face, as if it had been remodeled!”

“Synthetic beasts? Forged from the body? Or, from the human body?”

“I don’t know.” After shaking his head, Zorff J. Kimberly suddenly laughed again: “But, to be honest, I really admire his progress… Although he is not the original him now, But what he used was his original ability! In just one or two years, he has caught up with me, even surpassed me!”

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