Traveler In the World

Chapter 68

Chapter 68: The Combat Meeting Is Over

In an inconspicuous building not far from CENTCOM, Izak McDougal was watching the movement of CENTCOM through a telescope hidden in the wall, while Zorf J. King Bully, on the other hand, was looking at the map at the table.

The map shows the streets and buildings around the Central Command. At the same time, there are circles drawn in red handwriting to form an array. The circles are surrounded by triangles, and in the middle are the figures of the sun and the moon. ·J. Kimberly’s Alchemy Array of Crimson Lotus!

A circle wraps a triangle. In the traditional sense, it is the first or second step in creating the world, and the sun and the moon represent the stars!

There are many legends about the creation of the world. God created the world and nature created the world.

But in the natural creation, there is a creation that is most accepted by alchemists who call themselves scientists… The Big Bang Theory!

The Big Bang universe theory is temporarily the most recognized theory by alchemists about the formation of the universe.

According to research, the universe is expanding all the time. And if the universe is expanding all the time, then yesterday’s universe should be smaller and denser than today’s universe, so some scholars believe that in the early days of the universe, it may be a very dense state. At that time, the density of matter was very high, completely different from the starry world we see today.

Following this clue to study the evolution history of physical properties in the universe is called Big Bang cosmology by scholars!

Zolf J. Kimberly’s Alchemy of the Red Lotus is actually an evolution of this theory.

The triangle within the circle defines the range, and the stars within the range shrink infinitely, and finally the big bang universe that creates the world is formed due to pressure!

Of course, the big bang that created the universe, Zorph J. Kimberly, is less than half, not even the ‘father’ who is hiding in the depths of the Central Command!

At most, Zolf J. Kimberly borrowed the alchemy array evolved from the Big Bang cosmology to extract easily explosive substances in the material world to form the alchemy of red lotus.

At this moment, Zorph J. Kimberly’s formation nodes are being portrayed one by one around the Central Command by Alex Louis Armstrong. Dugar’s Frozen Alchemy forms a complete Red Lotus Alchemy, completely blowing up the Central Command!

After seeing Raster and Gratoni in the binoculars, and even Pride Yi and Envi entering CENTCOM through the gates of CENTCOM, Aizac McDougal turned around and would look at the map’s Zorf. J. Kimberly said: “Kimberly, don’t look at your formation. The Hormon Cruises went in from the main entrance generously, I’m afraid they are going to make a big move!”

“It’s all this time, and there’s nothing surprising about their big moves.” Turning his gaze from the map to Izak McDougal, Zorph J. Kim said: “Armstrong Major has not arranged the formation formation yet?”

“How could that be so fast? It needs to be secretive and precise. Even if I go to set it up, it will take a few days.” Aizac McDugal curled his lips. He knew that Zorf J. Kimberly didn’t really want to complete the task of blowing up the Central Command as soon as possible, but more, he wanted to enjoy the thrill of the explosion!

Sure enough, Zolf J. Kimberly’s next sentence confirmed his guess.

“Blow up the most symbolic buildings in Amestris, ah~ this kind of anticipation is driving me crazy!” Pointing his finger on the map, Zolf J. Kimberly issued a similar groan general sound.

Although in normal times, he will make himself appear personable, because that is more in line with his aesthetics. But when he remembered that he was about to blow up the Central Command himself, the morbid neurotic impulse in his bones made him completely forget his aesthetics… No, wrong!

Explosion is his aesthetic!

The powerful sound and light effects are his aesthetics!

“Don’t go crazy!” Aizac McDougal twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally.

For Zorff J. Kimberly’s dangerous aesthetic, he couldn’t get used to it, and he didn’t want to.

Shaking his head, Zorff J. Kimberly said with a wry smile: “For those who don’t know how to appreciate it, there’s really nothing to say.”

“I don’t think anyone would appreciate your perverted aesthetic,” Azak McDougal said in defense.

Without saying anything, Zorph J. Kimberly just shrugged, then came to Aizac McDougal’s side, and aimed one eye at the telescope.


“What’s the matter?” Seeing Zorff J. Kimberly aiming his eyes at the telescope, he was startled, and Aizac McDougal asked quickly.

He knew that when he looked away from the telescope, he should have missed something.

Zorph J. Kimberly said: “Pride Yi and Raster are out. It looks like they are going somewhere… I really want to talk to Prayer Yi again, why is he like this? !”

“Breaking into the Central Command alone, that kind of reckless and mindless approach, what’s so strange about him being like this?”

“But Prayer Yi is a bit reckless, but he is not a brainless person. On the contrary, his head is much easier to use than most people, especially for survival.” Moving his head away from the telescope, Zorph J. Kimberly looked at Aizac McDougal: “Mike Dugal, are you going to meet him again with me?”

Aizac McDougal was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked: “Go to Pride Yi? Why? He is no longer a Prayer Yi Daoist, even if you have a good personal relationship with him, you don’t need to see him. Did he cause unnecessary trouble for nothing? Could it be that you forgot that you almost died at his hands a few days ago!”

“But after thinking about it for the past few days, I found out that the Prayer changed Daoren, maybe not dead!” Zolf J. Kimberly said something that shocked Aizac McDougal.

With a look of disbelief, Izak McDougal glared at Zorph J. Kimberly and said, “How is that possible?! If he hadn’t died, how could he have killed you that day? If it wasn’t that day. I, you’re probably dead! And didn’t you say he was transformed?!”

Nodding, shaking his head again, Zorff J. Kimberly came to a bookshelf on one side, pulled out a thick notebook and said: “I do think he has been transformed, and I am sure he has been transformed. After all, his He has the breath of dragon veins that humans don’t have. However, he also has too many habits of Prayer Yi… The prayer when he moves his heart to kill, and an inexplicable sense of familiarity with me… Prayer Yi, I’m afraid he’s still alive there Possibly in the meat hall occupied by Pride Yi, or the two of them influence each other, or even, Pride Yi, is a **** in one of his plans!”

“Dragon vein breath? You already know alchemy?” After being surprised that Zorph J. Kimberly could actually feel the dragon veins, Aizac McDugar did not wait for Zolf J. Kimberly to answer. , frowned again: “Why are you so optimistic about Prayer Yi? He is just an ordinary person! Even you and I can’t enter the Central Command alone and have a chance to survive!”

“It’s not that I’m optimistic about him, but the facts have given too much evidence…” Opening the notebook in his hand, Zorff J. Kimberly looked at his own notebook and narrowed his eyes slightly, looking narrow and dangerous: “Everyone’s aesthetics are related to their own behavior habits, especially those who have a very strong will. Putting aside the aesthetics of Yi Dao people, Pride Yi’s clothes and behaviors show his own contradictions. here!”

“Just because of this vague thing, do you judge that Prayer Yi is not dead?” Aizac McDugal frowned more and more tightly.

After closing the notebook with a snap, Zorff J. Kimberly put it back on the shelf, and smiled: “So I asked if you would like to come with me to meet Pride Yi, see Let’s see if we can find a clear answer.”

“Although I don’t know why you care about him so much, I can clearly say that I’m not interested! Don’t expect me to accompany you to find him!” After pouting, Aizac McDougal came to the telescope and put the He moved his face closer and continued to observe the situation of the Central Command.

“That’s a pity…” Shrugging his shoulders, Zorff J. Kimberly took a black coat and put it on, then put a black gentleman’s hat on his head: “Then, I’ll go out first.” ,

Normally, Zorf J. Kimberly wears white clothes, but now he can’t wear conspicuous white around Central City, so he changed his outfit to the more common black.

Just wearing white and black can’t hide his demeanor, or in other words, he is a conspicuous person!

“Are you going to find him alone?” Aizac McDougal turned his head in surprise.

“I’ll go to Major Armstrong to see if the formation node he arranged is correct.” After denying Aizac McDougal’s guess on his whereabouts, Zorph J. Kimberly laughed: “Although I would very much like to see Prayer Yi again and watch him struggle for survival and faith, but I also wouldn’t put myself in danger just for a guess.”

“That’s good! I don’t want to wait for the formation to be arranged, but no one will come to blow up the Central Command.” Aizac McDougal breathed a sigh of relief, then waved his hand and said, “I’m going to see Major Armstrong. After confirming it, hurry up and remember to be careful not to expose it.”

“Do you think I’ll be exposed?” Zorff J. Kimberly lowered the black gentleman’s hat a little bit, but it wasn’t very low, and it seemed that it was only for shading, not to cover up his face. At the same time, he also put short furry beards on the top and bottom of his lips. Although he still looks conspicuous, he looks like a mature and stable middle-aged gentleman, which is different from his dangerous feeling!

On the street outside the Central Command, after arranging the location for the soldiers to patrol, Alex Louis Armstrong walked slowly to a cafe by himself.

During patrols, under normal circumstances, even a subordinate officer like Alex Louis Armstrong can’t come to the coffee shop to rest, not to mention that there was a great chaos in the current Central City not long ago.

But Alex Louis Armstrong didn’t come to this cafe to rest, but to do other things.

For example, depicting the nodes of the formation formation!

Zolf J. Kimberly’s large-scale red lotus alchemy formation nodes are not chosen to be portrayed in the alleys without people, but most of them choose to be portrayed in various places with high traffic !

Although Alex Louis Armstrong was very repugnant to this approach, he had to do it.

Because there is no secret place in the central city now!

Those rare alleys are now patrolled by soldiers from the Central Military Department all the time. Even he can’t describe the alchemy node of the red lotus alchemy under that circumstance. UU reading

Therefore, all he can choose are noisy bars, cafes, and even the homes of residents!

Fortunately for Alex Louis Armstrong, there are not many residential houses near the Central Command, but more shops such as bars and cafes.

This allows him to avoid many unnecessary casualties when he arranges the formation nodes of Red Lotus Alchemy!

After all, shops such as bars and cafes have business hours. After the hours, most bars and cafes will close and people will leave. If it is a residential house, I am afraid that when Zorf J. Kimberly uses the alchemy of the red lotus in a large area, it will cause many unnecessary casualties.

Alex Louis Armstrong is a kind person, otherwise he would not have been a deserter when he couldn’t bear the feeling of slaughtering the Ishbar people during the annihilation of Ishbar.

So if he can avoid many unnecessary casualties at this moment, he is still very happy!

“However, some innocent people will die in the end…” With a sigh in his heart, Alex Louis Armstrong was about to tell the people in the cafe that he was here to check if there were any members of anti-establishment organizations. A hand suddenly rested on his shoulder.

“Mr. Armstrong, can I chat with you?”

Turning around, Alex Louis Armstrong’s eyes widened: “You…you…”

“You are very impressed with me, aren’t you? The impression called prayer.”

With black and white stitched costumes, a proud but elegant and reserved smile, and a familiar face with an unfamiliar face, the person standing in front of Alex Louis Armstrong is Pride Yi!

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