Traveler In the World

Chapter 90

Chapter 90: Girl’S Body

In the clean and spacious underground laboratory, Yi Daoren and Orochimaru stood in front of a half-old boy with orange hair.

Looking at the half-old boy with orange hair, he looked at himself and Orochimaru with some trepidation, and seemed very scared. Yi Daoren raised his eyebrows: “Did you use this to study the curse mark through this child?”

“That’s right. He was born with the ability to absorb natural energy. I just created the curse mark after researching the principle of his absorption of natural energy.” After a little explanation, Orochimaru looked at the half-old child and said, “Chongwu , this is Yi Daoren, in the future, you will cooperate with him to conduct some experiments.”

“Yes!” The half-eldest child who was called Chongwu by Orochimaru nodded, and then said to Yi Daoren, “Please take care of Mr. Yi Daoren in the future.”

“Just call me Yi.” He waved his hand casually. After thinking about it for a while, Yi Daoren said lightly, “Next, I need some of your saliva and blood to assist me in my research, okay?”

“Saliva and blood?” Blinking, Chongwu put his finger in his mouth and bit it, then stretched it out in front of Yi Daoren.

The corners of his mouth twitched. Yi Daoren looked at the **** fingers that had been bitten through the cortex in front of him, and sighed: “Not right away. I still need to prepare some equipment.”

After speaking, Yi Daoren touched Chong Wu’s hand with his left hand with a tempered reaction, and the wound healed instantly.

Walking to the experimental bench with various props placed on the side, Yi Daoren took a look and sighed again: “I know… different world views, how can the research equipment be the same.”

After negotiating with Orochimaru to share the laboratory of Orochimaru and helping Orochimaru to conduct experiments, Yi Daoren was taken to this underground secret laboratory by Orochimaru.

Just after coming to the laboratory, Yi Daoren suddenly remembered one thing… The world is different, so will the way of doing experiments also be different?

The result is obvious, just looking at it just now, Yi Daoren has hardly seen any experimental equipment that he can use and knows how to use!

“Am I going to learn from the basics? I don’t remember the structure of the equipment for studying genes…” Pressing the Jingming acupoint on the bridge of his nose, Yi Daoren rubbed a few times and looked at Zheng Zheng with a slight frown. Looking at his Orochimaru, he smiled bitterly: “It’s a little troublesome, maybe I need to learn it from scratch.”

“Didn’t you say you’re a scientist?” Orochimaru’s brows furrowed even deeper.

Yi Daoren said that he was a scientist. Orochimaru didn’t believe it right away, but confirmed it on the way he brought Yi Daoren here.

After confirmation, it turns out that Yi Daoren has a good understanding of the structure and genes of the human body. Although the theory is somewhat different from his cognition, it can be seen that he is a good scientist, which makes Yi Daoren originally planned to let Yi Daoren Orochimaru, who was fighting, had the idea of letting Yi Daoren cooperate with him to conduct research together.

But now, what Yi Daoren said made Orochimaru wonder if Yi Daoren was a person with high eyes and low hands.

Da She Wan’s doubts, Yi Dao Ren naturally saw some, and explained: “Science is a system based on testable explanations and orderly knowledge that predicts the form and organization of objective things. It is an exploration and research perception. The general term for the knowledge system of the laws of change in the universe. But science is summed up by people after all, and there are not all testable things and absolute objectivity. Based on this, the content I learned did not include the unscientific Chakra… No I don’t understand the functions and principles of many experimental equipment here, and the most important thing is that I don’t understand your words! Simply put, the basic systems are different, so I have to learn from scratch a bit!”

“How long do you think you need to study?”

“It’s hard to describe the words, but there is a language foundation. The words are only accumulated, and the longest will not exceed three months. It should not take long for experimental research. Because the human body structure is similar, or even exactly the same, so although the basic content has The difference, but it shouldn’t be too different, as long as it corresponds to what I have learned. As for the application of these equipment, after you explain it, I will also correspond to the equipment I used before. ”

After listening to Yi Daoren’s explanation, Orochimaru nodded slightly and said: “Yes. I will stay in Yinin Village for a month. During this month, you can ask me any questions you have. You can find a way to solve the words yourself. .”

“I know, so let me explain the function and usage of these things first, so that I can have some basic understanding first.”

Accompanied by Orochimaru’s hoarse and low voice explaining and Chonggo’s somewhat frightened audition, Yi Daoren’s research life in the ninja world unfolded a little awkwardly.

A month later, in the underground laboratory, Yi Daoren was wearing a white lab coat, sitting in front of an old-fashioned computer, frowning at the data on it, and revising the notebook he was holding.

That is all the physical data files of Chongwu collected by Yi Daoren this month.

Although I don’t know why the world seems a little backward, the development of electrical appliances is good. Even computers have appeared, but they are still in the era of weapons and weapons similar to the old society, but it is undeniable that the existence of computers has solved many problems for Yi Dao people. His experimentation and learning provided no small help.

“Da da da…” The clogs tapped the floor, making a cool sound.

But Yi Daoren didn’t feel cool at all. On the contrary, this cool voice gave him more of an irritability, especially when the recent experiments had not progressed.

“Still haven’t found the root cause of Chakra’s existence?” Orochimaru’s low and hoarse voice sounded with the sound of getting closer and closer.

“No, it seems that we need to find some materials for experiments.” Focusing on the computer, Yi Daoren put the notebook aside, got up and looked at Orochimaru, and found that in addition to Orochimaru, there were five small child.

The Yi Daoist knew these five children because they were the five future Yinnin people, including Junma Lu!

“Before that, let’s check their bodies.” Orochimaru came to Yi Daoren, picked up Yi Daoren’s notebook and looked at it a few times, then said lightly: “I will leave in the afternoon, if you need anything, you Just tell them, or find Run.”

Run’s full name is Adachi Run. He is the person in charge of Yinin Village at the moment and one of Orochimaru’s diehard loyalists. According to Orochimaru, his strength is probably between Chunin and Shangnin.

Yi Daoren’s basic ninjutsu teaching materials and pipes were also requested from him before.

“You want to leave? Ah~ you seem to have said it, it’s been a month…” In his mind, what Orochimaru said a month ago, Yi Daoren nodded and said: “I know, I will come to the experiment alone. There is nothing wrong with doing it, you can do whatever you want.”

“Be polite to Orochimaru-sama!”

Since Yi Daoren’s words didn’t have any sense of respect, and even seemed a little arrogant, the five children who were abducted by Orochimaru were instantly unhappy.

“It’s about adults, shut up, kid, go and take off your clothes.” He waved his hand casually, ignoring the five kids whose expressions were so ugly after listening to his words, especially those who wanted to eat their own food. Also, Yi Daoren looked at Orochimaru again: “When you come back, remember to help me bring back some human body materials with special bloodlines, that is, with the boundaries of blood. If there are materials from Konoha’s Uchiha family and Hyuga family, better.”

The Yi Dao people who know part of the plot certainly know what position the Uchiha clan’s Sharinyan and the Hyuga clan’s white eyes have in future plots, and they know better that the Uchiha clan, who are still Konoha’s behemoths, may be in the near future. The family was exterminated in 2008, so I want Orochimaru to bring back materials for his research as soon as possible.

“Uchiha and Hinata…I see.” After taking a deep look at Yi Daoren, Orochimaru nodded.

He also has an extraordinary interest in Uchiha and the Hyuga clan, but he still has a lot of things to deal with, so he temporarily put aside the research on the Uchiha clan’s Sharinyan and the Hyuga clan’s white eyes.

After all, the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan are both big clans of Konoha, and they are not worried that they will not find materials.

But since Yi Daoren said so, he also affirmed Yi Daoren’s research ability this month, so he also decided to find a few people from the Uchiha clan and the Hinata clan first according to Yi Daoren’s statement.

He doesn’t have time to study, Yi Daoren has time, this kind of practice is beneficial to him and saves time, why should he refuse?

As for the idea that Yi Daoren did it as soon as he said it, it seemed that he became a subordinate of Yi Daoren, but he had no idea at all.

Compared with the situation, he pays more attention to the results!

As long as Yi Dao Ren can give him a satisfactory result, he doesn’t care whether Yi Dao Ren’s behavior has gone beyond that.

Most importantly, he is also a scientist. It can be seen that Yi Daoren’s way of thinking does not regard him as a subordinate at all, but just found the most scientific and effective method.

However, although Orochimaru knew that Yi Daoren did not regard him as a subordinate, Junma Lu and the others were different, and they all stared at Yi Daoren coldly.

After the conversation with Orochimaru, Yi Daoren looked at the five Xiaoyin Ren again, but found that they all looked at him with stinky faces, and did not take off their clothes according to their instructions, so they frowned and said: “Also What are you doing? Take off your clothes quickly, don’t waste your time!”

He hesitated for a while, but the five members of Xiaoyin Shinobi saw that Orochimaru had nothing special to say, so they started to undress one by one…except Tayuya.

“Taoyuya?” Seeing Duoyuya didn’t take off his clothes, Yi Daoren frowned even tighter, but stared at Duoyuya for a moment, and found that Duoyuya’s face was getting redder and redder, and even tears began to flash in his eyes, Suddenly realized one thing: “By the way, you are a girl… Well, after I examine them, you can examine them individually.”

For men and women, Yi Daoren only differentiates between men and women when they grow up, and he doesn’t care about children at all.

The current Tayu is also just like Junmalu, only seven or eight years old. He is not a young girl, a lo*ic*n, how could he care that Tayu is also a boy or a girl.

But what surprised him was that Tayuya was only seven or eight years old when he became conscious of men and women. He couldn’t help but sigh that children in the ninja world were precocious.

After hearing Yi Daoren’s words, Duoyu couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief, but still whispered indignantly: “Pervert!”

Although Tayuya’s voice was very low, the underground laboratory was extremely silent, so Yi Daoren still heard it.

If it was normal, he would naturally not care much, but now he is very irritable because of the experimental problem. After hearing Tayuya’s words, he raised his brows: “Perverted? I knew your body structure when I first met. A barren dry wood, what’s so beautiful?”

In a word, Duoyu, who was instantly stimulated to have a sense of male and female, also blushed, and after the other Xiaoyin couldn’t help laughing uncontrollably, her eyes glared at Yi Daoren with fire: “You peeped at me. ?!”

“Tsk tsk… Do you still need to peep to understand a person’s structure?” After smacking his lips, Yi Daoren pointed to the experimental table with some bottles and jars on the side, and said, “30 liters of water, 20 kilograms of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of lime, 800 grams of phosphorus, 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of saltpeter, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluorine, 5 grams of iron, 3 grams of silicon, and the small box over there.”

After Yi Daoren finished speaking, Orochimaru suddenly raised his brows, and after looking at Yi Daoren with interest, he said to Duo Yu, who was unhappy around him: “Go and get it. When I’m not here in the future, he calls you, and what you do, you can just listen.”

“Yes!” Since it was Orochimaru who spoke, Duoyu naturally obeyed, so he glared at Yi Daoren and walked to the test bench.

After Duoyu went to get the materials, Orochimaru smiled at Yi Daoren: “Those are the ingredients that make up the human body? What do you want to use them for?”

“Let that ignorant little girl know what her essence is.” A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Yi Daoren took out a piece of chalk from the pocket of his white coat, and drew a refining formation on the ground… …the human body is formed into a formation!

It’s just that in this human body formation formation, the part about the soul has been erased, leaving only the pure human body manufacturing function.

In other words, this human body formation formation can only be made into a rotten flesh that has no soul and has the same structure as the human body!

“Here!” The clear girl’s voice was sullen, and a bunch of bottles and a small box were placed beside Yi Daoren.

“Pull out another piece of your hair and give it to me.”

Glancing at Yi Daoren, Duoyu also picked out one of her hair wrapped in a turban and pulled it out: “Here!”

He took over the hair, then put the bottles and jars of ingredients into the refining array, and finally opened the small box, picked out some appropriate elements and sprinkled them into the refining array, Yi Daoren said lightly: “Look at what you will look like when you grow up. .”

After speaking, the formation formation suddenly exploded with a dazzling bright blue formation reaction, which shocked the five members of Xiaoyinin, and then, their eyes widened one by one!

After a while, Tayuya screamed: “Yeah! Pervert!”

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