Traveler In the World

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Fresh Meat?

Under the warm and bright white fluorescent light, Yi Daoren carefully drew a formation on the ground.

It has been two days since he and Orochimaru said they would transplant ninja cells.

But Yi Daoren have not transplanted ninja cells containing special substances.

This is because he suddenly changed his mind after everyone else left the lab!

Of course, this change of mind doesn’t mean that he doesn’t transplant ninja cells anymore, Yi Daoren still wants to transplant ninja cells, because he needs Chakra’s power too much to improve his strength. However, the carrier of the transplanted cells is not his current body, but the body he has forged from a human body that does not involve the soul!

He plans to play the game of changing houses once, and let his soul change houses once!

Although this idea is a temporary initiative of Yi Daoren, it is not all temporary. It can even be said that this idea can be extended to when he was still in Amestris, which was obtained by the Elric brothers. an idea!

However, the Yi Daoist at that time just thought about it, and later forgot about it because of various things.

After all, his situation at that time was too dangerous, and the soul and the new flesh might not be completely compatible. If the rejection was serious, it might end up the same as when Alphonse Elric’s body was refined. Before he had time to take a look at the world, he died in embarrassment.

But the Yi Daoist at this moment is different.

During the period of Amestris, because of the plan of the Undead Legion, I came into contact with the mystery between the soul and the flesh. During the time when Pride Yi completed himself, he deeply understood the connection between the soul and the flesh. In the three years since the world of ninjas, I have read the contents of the ninjutsu left by Orochimaru about the soul and Orochimaru’s research on the soul. After a few years of harvesting, the Yidao people have been able to create meat that will not reject their own souls. !

In this case, when Yi Dao Ren had a flash of inspiration, he naturally had the idea of transferring the soul carrier, and at the same time, he also put this idea into practice.

The formation formation he was drawing at the moment was the formation formation used to transfer the soul.

Transferring the soul sounds very high, but it is not so difficult for a person who has various experiences in Amestris and has also obtained the research of ninjutsu on the soul of Orochimaru.

“I have to admit that Orochimaru is a genius. Those studies on the soul are for the research he has developed in the future, and even the reincarnation that has been developed now! But I also want to thank him for so much research on the soul. The materials have allowed me to precipitate my own understanding of the soul…”

Mumbling to himself, Yi Daoren finally finished painting and forming a formation.

Standing up, he carefully checked the formation formation, and after making sure that he did not draw anything wrong, Yi Daoren looked towards the cultivation warehouse, which was about to be the new body of the new carrier of his soul.

The new body is actually not new.

It was cultivated by Yi Daoren with a part of his body, but he added ninja cells at the beginning of cultivation.

“I hope you won’t let me down. For you, I took off all my legs…hehehe…for the experiment, I actually saw off my own leg. I really became a scientific lunatic!” Slow Walking slowly to the cultivation warehouse, Yi Daoren let out a weird laugh and touched his left leg at the same time.

However, that touch, Yi Daoist only touched a metal stick!

His left foot has been used as the material for the new meatball in front of him!

After Chi Chi looked at the new body in the cultivation warehouse for a while, Yi Daoren frowned, raised his hand and touched the center of his eyebrows.

Where, there is a Ouroboros symbol, which he obtained when Pride Yi completed himself, and it also means that he has completed the symbol of his original sin!

“Next, this is the question… Two years later, I still haven’t found out the impact of this sign on me, and I haven’t found out why I can understand and speak different world languages… Maybe, also Why do I suddenly want to change my body! Although that ability is very convenient, it is not under my control after all!”

After observing the cultivation of the new flesh, Yi Daoren found that the new flesh had been cultivated almost, so he sat down on the chair beside him and rested.

In order to improvise, he did not blink for a moment for the past two days, constantly adjusting the match between the new flesh and his soul to ensure that his soul would not be repelled by the new flesh, so he needed to take a sufficient rest, so that he could use the most The perfect posture to carry out the refining of soul transfer.

I don’t know how long it took, but Yi Daoren, who was resting on the chair and fell asleep, suddenly opened his eyes: “I actually fell asleep…”

With a wry smile, Yi Daoren got up and came to the cultivation warehouse. After observing it again, he opened the cultivation warehouse, moved out the new meat and placed it on the left of the center of the tempering formation, and then placed himself in the new body. Lie down on the right side.

“New student, it’s starting…” He folded his hands on his chest. After Yi Daoren murmured a word, an ambiguous purple tempering reaction emerged on the tempering formation, engulfing Yi Dao and the new body.

The purple refining reaction represents the change in the essence of life, and it is an ambiguity that involves taboos but has not really stepped into taboos!

The soul is the essence of life and the greatest miracle of life!

In Tonin Village’s office, Orochimaru, who was looking at the materials that Junmalu gave him about Yi Daoren’s research, suddenly turned his head and looked in the direction of the laboratory, his eyes were sharp: “Has it finally begun?”

Orochimaru felt a special and powerful energy aura erupting in the direction of the laboratory, but that energy aura was very obscure. If he hadn’t sensed the energy of the earth’s crust, he might not have felt that special and powerful energy aura.

“Dragon Vessel… Jiraiya seems to have visited a place called Loulan Country when he went to the Land of Wind to perform a mission, and there is also a legend of Dragon Vein there…”

“What’s the start?” Because of Orochimaru’s return, he could only hide to the side of reviewing documents, and Jun Adachi raised his head in surprise, and then saw Orochimaru looking in the direction of the laboratory, and immediately understood: “Yes Lord Yi’s experiment?”

Ignoring Jun Adachi, Orochimaru pondered for a moment, put the document in his hand on the table, and disappeared instantly.

Adachi Jun didn’t feel any anger at Orochimaru’s rude behavior, because Orochimaru was the supreme being in the hearts of him, and even all the ninjas in the Ninja Village.

So in the end he just lowered his head and reviewed the document again.

“After the success of Lord Yi’s experiment, his strength will definitely rise to a higher level. In that way, Lord Orochimaru will also be one step closer to his goal…”

At the entrance of the laboratory, Orochimaru saw Junmalu guarding the door, so he stepped forward and said, “Junmalu, is Yi’s experiment over yet?”

Yi Daoren’s laboratory is not far from the Yinin Village office, and it is even closer to Orochimaru, but when he came to the laboratory, he found that the dragon vein aura that had just erupted had disappeared!

Shaking his head, Junma Lu said, “I don’t know, Lord Yi hasn’t come out yet, and I can’t get in either.”

“Is that so…” Nodding, Orochimaru asked again, “Then did you feel a powerful force just now?”

“Yes!” Jun Malu nodded vigorously, and then said with a hint of admiration in his tone: “That should be the power of the dragon veins that Lord Yi said, right? Lord Yi is really powerful, he can actually mobilize such a powerful force, I can’t even elicit the energy of the earth’s crust perfectly now!”

Orochimaru shook his head slightly, then smiled and praised: “You’re already pretty good. After all, it’s not the same power as ninjas. Even me, it can only stimulate the energy of the earth’s crust.”

After receiving the praise from Orochimaru, Junma Lu was immediately excited: “Master Orochimaru, rest assured, I will work hard to cultivate with Master Yi, and strive to connect the dragon veins as soon as possible!”

“Then try hard.” Nodding with a smile, Orochimaru looked at the laboratory again, his eyes narrowed slightly, and at the same time he stuck out his tongue and licked his lips, making him look like he was about to catch prey like a viper.

But after waiting in front of the laboratory door for a long time, Orochimaru still didn’t see any sign of opening the laboratory door, so he couldn’t help but get impatient.

According to the information given to him by Junmalu, although it takes time to transplant ninja cells, it does not take too long. Orochimaru can’t help but wonder if Yi Daoren is refining chakra in the laboratory.

But after thinking about it, he felt that it was impossible, because transplanting ninja cells was only the first step, and the rest of the time was to let the transplanted cells adapt to the new environment, and then divide and spread.

Before that, rashly refining chakra would only confuse the fish and let the ninja cells die before they can divide!

“Did the experiment go wrong?”

Orochimaru doesn’t think that Yi Daoren is a man who is solid and fishy, so the situation in front of him makes him wonder if there is something wrong with Yi Daoren’s experiment.

However, Orochimaru doesn’t know much about the specific process of transplanting ninja cells by Yi Daoren, nor will he know much.

This is the tacit understanding between him and Yi Daoren.

They are all aware of each other’s scruples about themselves, and naturally they will not rashly destroy those tacit understandings.

What they will give each other are things that confirm that they will not reveal their fundamental secrets.

After thinking about it, Orochimaru turned to look at Junma Lu again: “When Yi comes out, let me know.”

“Yes! Lord Orochimaru…”

“I don’t need him to report, I’m already fine.” The door of the laboratory opened, and Yi Daoren walked out with a smile on his face.

However, although Yi Daoren was full of smiles, Orochimaru and Junmalu did not have the slightest smile on their faces. On the contrary, their expressions were not very good-looking!

Because the Yi Daoist at the moment looks no different from the previous appearance, but he seems to be ten years older, looks like an uncle in his 30s or 40s, and the Ouroboros sign between his eyebrows is gone!

“Master Yi, what’s wrong with you? Did the experiment fail?” Junma Lu asked with concern.

Orochimaru also showed a curious look.

Yi Daoren raised his brows and said with a smile, “The experiment was successful, but it didn’t fail.”

“Then you look like this now…”

“Does it look a little older? That’s just a small matter, the most important thing is that I can refine Chakra!” Yi Daoren smiled, and then, he exuded an energy aura that Orochimaru and Junmalu were very familiar with, That is the breath of Chakra!

“The experiment is perfect. Not only can my body refine chakra, but also in terms of talent, it shouldn’t be worse than yours, Orochimaru.”

Hehe chuckled twice, and Orochimaru said: “Talent just gives you a higher starting point. But, Yi, don’t forget that strength takes time to train! And you can refine chakra now, don’t worry about ninjas Cell necrosis?”

“The ninja cells have spread throughout the body. If it is only refined once, it will die, so am I not dead?” With a smile, Yi Daoren felt the special feeling brought by the circulation of chakra just extracted in the body, and then He raised his hands and made three handprints of Wei, Si, and Yin: “Separation!”

Clone Jutsu is one of the most basic ninja techniques of ninjas. The effect is to separate three phantoms without any entity to confuse the enemy.

This ninjutsu, Yi Daoren has learned from the basic ninjutsu scrolls obtained by Adachi Jun, whether it is the circulation of chakra or the handprint, he knows it by heart, so after refining the chakra at this moment, I can’t wait to try it. .

“Bang!” The smoke exploded, and two humanoids appeared beside Yi Daoren… Let’s say they were humanoids. Although they looked like they had no bones, they seemed to have all the organs that a human being should have.

“Pfft…” Junma Lu accidentally laughed and immediately covered her mouth with her hand.

“It also takes time to turn knowledge into power.” Orochimaru also flashed a smile in his eyes.

“Tsk…” After smacking his lips, Yi Daoren decisively canceled the clone technique, and then said, “I really need some exercise. Orochimaru, do you have any good suggestions?”

“It’s enough to use it often. Ninjutsu is like your alchemy, and there are no shortcuts.”

“That’s true…but is the Xueji limit a shortcut?” With a smile, Yi Daoren turned to Junma Lu and said, “Go and bring the two little girls from the Uchiha clan over here.”

“Yes!” Nodding in agreement, Junmarou ran in the direction of the two little loli who were imprisoning the Uchiha clan.

“Did your experiment go wrong?” After Junma Lu walked a little further, Orochimaru suddenly said, “I don’t think this body is yours!”

“That’s just because of the illusion I gave you after I got the ninja cells… But it’s not wrong to say that it’s an accident. Because the lifespan of this body is only twenty years.”

“Only twenty years? Is the rejection that serious?” Orochimaru’s brows were deeply wrinkled, and doubts appeared in his eyes.

“There is a limit to cell division. How many times do you think those cells can divide in my body?” Yi Daoren smiled and explained.

The cell division limit he mentioned is not just ninja cells, but also his own cells!

This body was made by one of his feet, and after the cells from one foot spread to the whole body, the number of cell divisions is naturally much faster, which also means that the lifespan of this body is much shorter!

“But before that, I should have found a way to prolong my life!”

“I hope you’re not too arrogant.”

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