
100 l The Praetorium

“Excellent work you guys!” Wedge cheered them as they walked abroad the Enterprise Both Biggs and Wedge were present, waving to them.

Biggs smirked. “Saw the fireworks from all the way over here. Nice touch with the airship.”

Kida grinned widely, holding up her thumb.

The engineer gazed out to the Praetorium in the distance. “If we succeed in developing the Ultima Weapon, it will deal a crippling blow to the Empire’s hopes of conquest. After that the XIVth Legion would not dare to move against us—barring the discovery of further Allagan doomsday devices, that is.”

Roll turned her attention to her cousin. “Did the Allagans have a lot of doomsday devices?”

Azlyn nodded. “Surprisingly yes. Let’s hope they weren’t buried together under Ala Mhigo.”

“So you’re telling me that the Allagan Empire had world-ending devices, and we’re just learning this now?” Kida crossed her arms. “I blame Sharlayan for this. They only teach what they want us to know.”

The Au Ra chuckled to her friend. “I only know about some of them thanks to the incessant ramblings of our mutual companion. Needless to say—he’s a nerd for the Third Astral Era.”

“Anyroad.” Ozwin rolled his eyes, “Before this turns into a thrilling discussion about old relic weapons I’d never wish to see in my lifetime, when can we lift off?”

Cid nodded over to Biggs who started up the Enterprise. “If you’re all prepared, we can leave this moment.”

“Let’s go!” Richiro pumped a fist into the air.

Koroko Koko muffled a giggle. “You’re way too enthusiastic Master Richiro.”

“It’s the adrenaline.” The healer admitted. “I’m afraid once that is gone, I’m going to start shaking from nerves.”

Mjnt crossed her arms. “Scared?”

“Absolutely terrified.” Richiro tapped his grimoire, and from the gem a yellow and green fairy emerged. Eos floated up to sit on his shoulder, patting his cheek in a way of comfort. “But we’re together—that’s all that matters, right?”

N’thuzu Tia nodded. “You kept your cool in there Richiro, better than most people.”

“It’s a good thing we’re not like ‘most people’.” Mjnt quoted.

Cid chuckled, drawing everyone’s attention with a sturdy clap of his hands. “Let’s lift off and be on our way. Gaius and his plaything await!”

They rallied together, as the eight of them and Cid’s engineers hopped into activity. The ship pulled away from the makeshift dock the plant had made for them—and flew straight toward the looming Garlean infrastructure. The lights from inside illuminated the windows of the top floors in yellows, reds, and blues upon their approach.

Given their trajectory straight into enemy base, they all thought they’d be met with resistance. With all the airships firing upon them during their time in the Castra, they assumed a fireflight was in their immediate future.

To their surprise and worry, it wound up being a quiet flight.

Wedge pulled the airship onto one of the side entrances, away from the searchlights. As the ramp of the Enterprise lightly touched down, the eight of them jumped off.

“So here we are.” Cid shortly joined their group, waving his two engineers to fly off. “The Ultima Weapon will almost certainly be housed in the depths of the complex.” The Enterprise flew away from the site, seemingly back to their headquarters to wait for extraction details. Cid punched his fist into his expecting hand. “This is it everyone!”

Azlyn stepped up, leading the group to the large open bulkhead that led within the facility. There were winding ramps that went higher up, but there also were groups of imperial soldiers protecting the elevator shaft.

“I think we need to go there.” She pointed to the five guards.

Koroko Koko raised her staff high. “Leave the grunts to me.”

“You’re going to burn them alive.” Ozwin stated with mild horror.

“Just because I wreak destruction doesn’t mean I always wreak destruction.” Koroko smiled deviously. “I was just planning to put them asleep.”

“Yeah Ozzie, she was just planning to put them to sleep.” Kida teased.

The Midlander Hyur rolled his green eyes. “Fine—do whatever.”

Koroko made her way around the circular chamber, already prepping the spell to temporary put them into a sleep. A giant purple orb grew over her staff before she released it upon the enemies. Before they had time to pull their weapons, the magic dispersed over them—dropping them down several at a time.

Mjnt and N’thuzu Tia ran forward with ropes in their hands.

“We should quickly tie them up and throw their weapons down the shaft.” N’thuzu Tia suggested. Together the eight took care of the sleeping soldiers, quietly making sure not to re-wake them in their moment of tying them up. Roll gathered the weapons, helping toss them down into the depths below.

Cid operated the elevator shaft. “I got access to the anti-aircraft chamber. It should get us closer.”

One task down, they were brought up several floors to a quiet hall. There were more soldiers present—and an explosion that rocked the hull of the building. They covered themselves as bits of metal and shrapnel flew in—sending the imperial soldiers in a frenzy.

“Fuckin’ Eorzeans! Bomb ‘em right back!”

“Look over there!” An imperial signifier caught sight of the nine stepping off the lift. “Enemies have breached sector 3-26. Don’t let them pass!”

With the bombings outside and the chaotic influx of activity, they couldn’t easily put these combatants to sleep. They all jumped into action, pulling out their choice of weapon to fight off the threat. Even with a vanguard, the enemies posed no threat to their combined strength.

Cid pointed to one of the centurions. “Check his lapel. He might have a keycard for this bulkhead.”

Ozwin knelt, shuffling his hands over the breastplate of the dead man before retrieving an ID card. “Like this?”


Ozwin tossed the card over to the engineer who scanned it into the reader. The panel went green, before the doors shuddered open. They ran past the first bulkhead where they had found another wall blown in from the outside. Some fires were going on the side.

“There’s an outside ramp that will lead us to another area.” Cid called, advocating for them to run outside.

This time the airships were present, firing down upon them and friendlies alike. They scattered, pushing past the outside paths to let the airships above do the work for them. Explosions after explosions, the screams of terror and of people being flung off the sides. By the time they reached the end of the path, an airship fired into the wall—exposing the inside.

“This way!” Roll gestured, waving them to the new area of cover.

Cid ran apace with the group. “This is the magitek armor bay. We’re getting close.”

Ozwin wiped the sweat from his forehead. “Down the ramp—the fires are going to overtake this area if we don’t keep moving.”

They followed the ramp, moving to another shaft that led down to the floor before. Cid pointed to one of the protected rooms with the soldiers below. “That’s the command chamber. We should get into there!”

Kida brought out her arrows, sniping the enemies from the top. The other casters soon joined in the assault, getting rid of the enemies at a safe distance away. Their melee fighters had dealt with the enemies on the current level—before they started to take the lift down. Cid ran over to another body—a Centurion figure—patting him down for a keycard.

“There it is.”

Roll stepped over to the magitek reader, where Cid tossed her the card to scan. The Au Ra grinned, swiping the card. The panel blinked green for entry, and they ran inside. Azlyn skidded to a halt when she recognized a familiar armored man looking up to the screens. His motif, the red, black, and hints of gold were prominent in his attire.

The unusual gunblade upon his back faced them.

“Gaius!” Cid called out, stopping next to the white haired Auri.

At the mention of his name, the man turned his heada fraction over his shoulder. “Ah, Cid, my boy—You are late.”

The rest of their party members fell in a sweeping circle behind, their eyes glued upon the legatus.

Gaius van Baelsar suddenly turned to Cid, addressing him fully. “There is something I always meant to tell you, yet the time never seemed right. It concerns your father.”

Cid faltered, making everyone unsure how to act. They silently watched the interaction between the two, wondering what was going on. “—What of him?”

“In the winter of his years, Midas came to abhor his part in Meteor. He told me that he wanted nothing more than to wash his hands of the whole sordid business.”

Cid lifted his arm, as he interjected angrily. “But he did not wash his hands of it. He helmed the project until the day it killed him!”

Azlyn looked to Cid with concern. She had an idea that his father was a part of the project—but didn’t know the full extent of it. She wondered how much anguish Cid went through during Carteneau when Dalamud came crashing down.

“Come now Cid, you must know that he did not have the luxury of choice. By the time he realized his error, it was too late. Meteor had him completely in its thrall. Shortly before his—transformation, mayhap sensing that something was amiss, your father confided to me all the regrets of his life. Most of them concerned you.”

Kida whispered to Mjnt, “What a charming father.”

“Shh.” The Viera shushed her.

“Early on in your career, he realized that while you had a talent for devising armaments, it would never fulfill you. Long before you knew your own mind, he saw that you would be far happier using your knowledge for peaceful purposes, and the thought touched him. He was a changed man for it, though he could not let it show.”

Cid took a step back, horror etched upon his expression. “You blew holes in this place just so you could say this to me!? What is it that you want, Gaius?!”

Azlyn had to wonder. Why was Gaius so fond of Cid—maybe it had a lot to deal with the worth of a man versus anything. Her question seemed to answer itself when Gaius replied calmly.

“I want you at my side, Cid. Take up your father’s mantle—become the Empire’s lead engineer. It is your destiny.”

Cid raised his arms to the side, not accepting but refuting him. “My father had a change of heart—you said so yourself. Besides, I have long known my destiny, and I assure you—it lies not with the Empire.”

“A pity.” Gaius seemed to accept the loss; however he turned his attention to the Au Ra to his right side. “And what of you, Azlyn Ahz’el? Will you not consider making common cause with me?”

Seeing the discussion between Gaius and Cid, she hadn’t expected such a forthright question to be directed to her.

“You’ve done some research on me.” Azlyn narrowed her eyes.

Gaius seemed to scoff at her response. “A simple task. A daughter to a scholar and a doman warrior. Born in Doma but given an opportunity the family fled to Sharlayan. There you lived out your youth until the Battle of Carteneau. Your parents—N’ahzel and Liliana succumbed to the fall of Dalamud. That seemed to be the turning point in your life—foregoing a seat in the Students of Baldesion to travel abroad to foreign soil instead.”

Azlyn clenched her fist. “And why do you think I would wish to help you? Having an astute knowledge of my past would give you reasons why I would refuse you outright.”

He answered seamlessly. “With your powers joined to mine, we might do much for this realm. Together, we could bring order to Eorzea, and usher in a lasting peace.” Gaius paused, before he pointed to her. “Did you not say that you would do what you could for the people? That you would help those who needed it? To give people hope. Do you wish the fate of your parents upon other children’s parents? This is but a means to an end. An end where Eorzea will find peace at last.”

She bit her cheek, wondering why he was using her own words against her. Of course, she wanted to help—she didn’t want people to suffer anymore. She didn’t want them to experience the pain of losing loved ones—or die in a senseless battle. But she remembered her friends—her cousin standing by her.

She couldn’t fall for this man’s rhetoric. She defiantly glared to him. “No thank you.”

Ozwin huffed in response. “Did you really have to think about that?”

“No.” She replied. “However, I’m trying to see both sides of the coin. What you’ve said doesn’t appeal to me Gaius. Nor will it ever. I will find my own way doing what I can to help.”

Gaius chuckled darkly. “No? And I can expect no better than this?” He reached into a side pocket, pulling out a communication device. He placed a button before turning his back to them. “So be it. It was your strength that made me proffer my hand in friendship, and it is your strength that makes me proffer now my blade. Save as an ally, you are too dangerous to be let to remain.”

A bulkhead to the side opened, revealing a large Magitek Colossus hefting a blue energized sword over its shoulder. It hobbled in, drawing all their attention.

Gaius tapped a few commands into an elevator panel, before calling to Cid. “Run, Cid—or stay. It makes no matter. You cannot escape the past.” The elevator activated after the last button was pressed, and he lowered out of sight.

Cid grunted. “Gaius wait! –Damnit all!” The engineer turned around to see the party begin their take down of the magitek device. Azlyn stood protectively in front of him calling forth Titan-Egi. The primal hovered in front of the pair.

“He’s quite the charismatic talker.” Azlyn redirected to Cid. She wasn’t too concerned seeing as everyone else had been slamming the magitek that arrived with enough lethal force to destroy it in a matter of minutes. “He’s astute.”

“Gaius is someone with both cunning and intelligence.” Cid offered back.

“If only he wasn’t on Garlemald’s side—he was right about several things. If that is a legatus—I am fearful to meet the man that would be considered his boss.”

Another explosion rocked the room, as Mjnt power bombed into the giant attacking them. Her dragon flames roared upon impact, setting the magitek on fire. For good measure Koroko Koko started to bash on the thing with her large blocks of ice—well until it stopped moving.

“That would be the emperor.” Cid replied, moving to the elevator to call it back up. He keyed in several commands before there was a loud gear shift. The platform that Gaius left upon returned to the command chamber. “Knowing Gaius, he is headed to the Ultima Weapon. If we find him, so too will we find our quarry.”

Kida ran over to Azlyn’s side, giving her chin a light tap. “You okay Azzie? He didn’t shake you, did he?”

She looked back to her friends who gave her varied looks.

“No—I’m fine. Never better, actually.” Azlyn smirked, punching a hand into her own palm. “Let’s destroy the Ultima Weapon and save Eorzea!”

Ozwin walked over to the platform, waiting for the rest of them to join him. “Then let’s go.”

The eight followed his lead, while Cid stayed in the chamber. The engineer started to input several commands into the panel as he spoke to them. “With these instruments, we can monitor every nook and cranny in the castrum. I think it’s time we divided our forces.”

Richiro said, “Are you going to be okay by yourself? Want company?”

The engineer shook his head. “I’ll be fine. Pray, go on and give chase. I’ll track your movements from here and guide you through the complex. We’ll stay in contact via the linkpearl. Be careful, alright?”

N’thuzu Tia smiled. “We’re counting on you Cid.”

Each of them gave him a wave—except for Ozwin who grunted.

Cid pressed the last command upon the panel, letting the elevator lift take them down into the Central Hall. Now down to a party of eight, they raced through the complex fighting off the imperials that stood in their way. On their way through, they found a cemented bulkhead that prevented them further access below.

“Cid, we ran into a blockade.” Roll explained to the man about the device that glued down the door.

“You’ll need proper firepower to blast through that. Try and find another path to the armor bay.”

Kida tapped her linkpearl. “Dynamite won’t crack it?”

“No. You need something stronger than that.” Cid replied.

They traveled down another bulkhead—where they found an open door, an elevator shaft, and several keycards that weren’t programmed into the system yet.

“Cid.” Azlyn examined the keycards. “We found some keycards and a computer down here.”

“That out to be the identification key reader. All of you will need to complete pilot registration before you can activate an armor.”

Kida hopped in excitement, “SWEET! We can really wreck things now!”

There was a momentary pause before Cid hummed back into their linkpearl. “Well, well, would you look at this! I’ve found just the unit for you, Azlyn.”

The girl tapped her linkpearl live. “Should I be concerned?”

“No, but let me know when you’re the one registering. I have just the thing for you.”

Everyone started to register as a pilot into the computer, when it was Azlyn’s turn—Richiro piped into his linkpearl. “Chief, she’s up now!”

“I’ll send the identification data to the terminal…there. You can use that to activate her.”

“Her?” Azlyn asked curiously, finishing the scan. “Now I’m really confused.”

Mjnt sauntered to the back elevator. “No use worrying about it—let’s just see.”

They all went up several flights, entering a large hangar filled with magitek reapers. They were each given a code—or hanger placement for assignment. As they searched for their assigned armor to ride, Azlyn immediately noticed the gear shaped paint on one of the magitek reapers.


Everyone turned to hear Azlyn’s shock of admission once she saw the reaper jump to life at her call. The panels lit up, her engine started to whirr—all without her jumping into the cockpit.

“She’s here!?” Kida clapped her cheeks in shock.

“Heh.” Roll hopped up into one of the spares. “This will be fun. Never piloted this type of thing before.”

All of them looked to the healer with worry. “Oh, she didn’t get the training like everyone else.”

“Oh no.” Richiro gasped.

Maggie scanned the bay, it stopped to recognize each face of the party before falling upon Azlyn. It beeped in acknowledgement to her. Azlyn smiled. “Welcome back to you too Maggie.”

Cid chimed in through the linkpearl. “Ah, there she is.”

“Maggie’s here—I’m surprised.” Azlyn reached up to pat the magitek on the front.

“They must have shipped her here from Centri. Considering all she’s been through, it’s a wonder she’s still operational. Tough old girl!”

Kida smirked. “Just like her driver!”

Azlyn gave a small chuckle. “Alright, we all are equipped with armors—we should be able to blast through the bulkhead, right?”

Cid answered. “Correct. There’s an external walkway that will take you back there.”

Ozwin pointed to an open cavity in the fortress which could fit a reaper easily. “Nothing says ‘blow my fortress up’ like reapers in the night sky.”

Mjnt chuckled to his joke. “It’s almost romantic.”

Koroko Koko moved her reaper forward. “Almost.”

“Follow the path til you come upon a way down to the lower level!” Were Cid’s last words to them before they started to make their way down. Given the mechanics of the armor, they had plenty of opportunities to fire and shoot them at their unsuspecting enemies.

The soldiers saw the eight of them approaching, before they were blown away by the might of their reapers. They cut through the forces with ease, and finally arrived back on the lower level. The cemented bulkhead remained in the way.

Each one fired at the bulkhead—and after the fifth canon blast the cement and door both blew inward revealing a path down to a large elevator. Given the size, they could see that only four reapers would be able to fit.

“Who wants to forfeit their toy?” Ozwin replied, hopping out from the reaper. “We all can’t fit.”

“I shall.” Mjnt hopped down.

Kida shook her head. “NUH UH—NO, I am not giving up my baby just yet.”

Azlyn chuckled.

Roll hopped out from the reaper, a wry grin on her face. “It was fun while it lasted.”

N’thuzu Tia was the last one to hop down, letting the two Lalafellins to keep their seats. “Alright, lead the way armors. You still have to mow through the enemies if we come across any.”

Kida whistled in excitement. “Blowing up shit—blowing up shit—I love blowing up shit that doesn’t belong to me!”

Ozwin rolled his eyes. “Come on—we don’t have all night.”

The four reapers took point while the four on foot chased behind them at a relatively safe distance. When Roll signaled for the elevator to go down, they all were brought into what seemed to be a research level. There were tons of magitek armors where both Koroko Koko and Kida both lost their reapers in a fight with the claw arms. Azlyn and Richiro kept distance from the arms—firing their canons and blasting the joints enough to still their movements.

Just when they thought they were clear to proceed, another arm came bursting through the wall, destroying Richiro’s reaper in the process. The Lalafell leapt to the safety of their group while Azlyn dealt with the remaining arm.

By the time they reached the end of the research lab, they found a cemented blast door that wouldn’t break down—after the eighth shot from Maggie, Ozwin buzzed Cid for assistance.

“Cid, we ran into a problem.”

“What happened?”

Roll examined the bulkhead, touching the surface. “It appears to be an alloy version of cement.”

There was a long pregnant pause of the line before Cid returned. “Ah. That bulkhead is comprised of a special alloy. Extremely tough. Ordinary fire won’t leave a mark, I’m afraid.”

Azlyn leaned both of her arms on the steering wheel. “What now?”

Cid offered some advice. “You’ll need to divert all power to the magitek cannon, as I did so memorably once before.”

Kida gasped in horror. “BUT THAT WOULD HURT MAGGIE!”

“Yes—as you all recall—the armor’s core is like to expire from the strain. But there’s no help for it if we want to press on.”

The only one unaffected by the situation was Ozwin, who shrugged.

Azlyn gingerly rubbed her hand over the steering wheel, before frowning. “Maggie, will you be okay? If not—we can—”

Before she could finish, Maggie shuttered. The armor leaned back, activating a charging position for the cannon.

“…Thank you Maggie.” Azlyn patted the reaper softly.

Cid’s voice buzzed in her ear, oblivious to what they all witnessed Maggie volunteer herself to do. “Now, listen well. Press—the control—engage ancillary—then fire away. Don’t mind the warning lights.”

Azlyn started the sequence, feeling the armor start to collect all the energy into the cannon. Everyone stepped behind her, as she fired. The accumulated energy from within burst out all at once deteriorating the alloy shell that adhered to the bulkhead.

When the smoke and dust settled, they found the pathway clear—and the bulkhead opened.

The others cheered behind her, while Maggie started to power off. It started to spark off, bits of static rolled off the machine and wires started to fray. Azlyn rubbed the metal side with appreciation. “Thank you, Maggie, get a good, long rest.”

Azlyn hopped out of the pilot’s seat, joining her friends at the newly opened bulkhead. Cid called them once more.

“You’re a natural at this. All right, the way’s clear, but it’s just you and your own two feet now—be careful.”

Ozwin popped onto the line. “Cid you sound like a mother hen worrying like that.”

Mjnt chuckled. “Come, let us continue.”

“You should be getting to the Laboratorium Primum down the hall.” The link pearl call then ended, where Cid didn’t have much else to say.

Azlyn walked over to Ozwin, smacking his arm before trodding down the metal walkway. The Hyur winced at the smack.

Together they made their way to a large open area—where another stood with arms crossed, waiting for them. A man in red armor. Azlyn could have sworn she’d seen him before—but where…? Her mind flipped to a snippet of a vision in the past—one that involved the sylphs—and the abuse some suffered due to his men.

She narrowed her eyes.

“You have been leaving a fine mess in your wake.” The imperial spoke confidently to them. He let them all enter his space before he relaxed in stance.

The linkpearl buzzed once more.

“What’s wrong? Is someone there?”

Azlyn had been ready with her response, but the man was quicker. A green transmitter went live as he activated the device. It amplified their frequency making the linkpearl call useless for privacy.

“Garlond, old friend.” The man spoke dangerously low. “How it warms the heart to hear your voice again after all these years.”

Cid didn’t have an immediate response—but eventually gave one. “—Nero? Is that you?”

“Yes, it tis I—Nero tol Scaeva. You sound well. It would seem this savage land agrees with you.”

Azlyn narrowed her eyes at this man’s open condescension.

“The highest ranking tribunis of the XIVth—it was you all this time?”

Nero scoffed, easily ignoring the eight adventurers in front of him. “Tell me, Garlond. How long do you intend to keep all the glory for yourself?”

This question seemed to take everyone by surprise, even Cid. “Uh—what? You’ve lost me.”

The one in red armor explained more thoroughly. “Don’t play the fool with me. Ever since the Academy, I have been condemned to live in your shadow.” He shook his head. “By all objective measure, I was the more talented of the two of us, yet that fact counted for naught beside your privileged birth. You were admired as the young prodigy simply because your father was the great Midas nan Garlond!”

Richiro Wichiro leaned over to Roll. “He sounds a bit delusional.”


Nero spoke louder. “When you defected, I felt sure my star would finally rise—But by disappearing, you acquired the status of a legend—your reputed genius gaining credence merely by dint of your absence! Instead of cursing you for a traitor, the people actually came to think of you more fondly! To this day, you are still the young prodigy of magitek!”

The man raved his arms upward to the sky, as he angrily protested to Cid over the frequency. “I, meanwhile, have ever been made to feel second-rate—I, who have continued to serve our nation faithfully. Wherever I fail to excel—why, it is only to be expected! Yet when I exceed all reasonable expectations, people proclaim I walk in the footsteps of the great Cid nan bloody Garlond!”

Kida didn’t conceal her opinion, speaking directing to Ozwin. “Wow. This guy sounds like a piece of work.”

Nero snapped his head over to her, who in return, gave him a shrug.

Cid didn’t hear what had been said, as he sounded truly sorry about the transgressions given to him. “Nero I—I don’t know what to say.”

The man in red armor heavily sighed, choosing to ignore Kida. “It matters not a whit what I achieve. Your existence has rendered mine worthless. Even Lord van Baelsar saw fit to offer you a place at his side—and this in spite of your betrayal! Did he extend any such offer to me—the man who has remained loyal to him for all these years? Why, no. He did not.” Nero lifted his head up to look at the ceiling. “Long have I endured this injustice—but no more.” The man lifted the transmitter relaying the feed on his wrist just below his helmet. He spoke with chillingly low tones. “Lord van Baelsar is in the midst of activating the fully powered Ultima Weapon. It is my magnum opus—the creation that will win me the recognition I am due. I will not let anyone interfere.”

Azlyn needed to stop him. “Actually you didn’t create the Ultima Weapon. The Allagans did in the Third Astral Era—okay nevermind you don’t care.” She realized when Ozwin shook his head.

“Jeez, why don’t you tell him the entire history lesson on it too.”


They all looked to Nero as he snapped the communicator off.

“Nero, what are you—!?” Cid’s voice cut off as the man in red armor glared to them. A magical field of energy disrupted the call, stopping the signal from going through. They all dropped their hands from their linkpearls as he spoke to them.

“Ever since I first set foot in this benighted land, I have watched you—every move you have made, every step you have taken.”

Kida’s jaw dropped in disgust. “Stalker much!?”

Azlyn grimaced, thinking back to all the times she felt someone had been watching her. She supposed she now knew the reason.

“You have felled eikons, a feat made possible by the Echo, a peculiar power which shields you from their corrupting influence. It is of little wonder that my Lord has taken an interest in you. As have I, if truth be told. It is my desire to harness your power for use in the Ultima Weapon.”

Azlyn brought out her grimoire, as her Titan-Egi joined her side. “I’d rather not. Thank you.”

Koroko Koko stepped forward, she raised her staff up. “Leader, we must have a chat about your stalkers. It’s really too much.”

Mjnt swung out her spear. “It’s not her fault she has a lot of admirers.”

Ozwin unsheathed his sword. “I’m totally blaming it on her.”

“He’s Cid’s stalker first.” Azlyn snapped back to him.

Nero laughed, throwing his hand up into the air—and a large red magitek hammer dropped from above. He let it fall with a loud thud, the red and gold motif hammer / axe combination appeared to be quite heavy. He reached forward, lifting it up with ease and swung it over his head.

“Should I succeed, Lord van Baelsar will surely take notice! Beside this, Garlond’s achievements will be as child’s play!”

Roll plucked a tarot card from her deck, before sending the energy of the card out to supplement N’thuzu Tia. The Warrior pumped his shoulders drawing his axe. “You’ll have to go through us first.”

Nero chuckled. “Come then, adventurers—and when I’m through with them, I will have you yield to me the secrets of your powers!”

The melee fighters jumped into action, while the casters stayed to the outside. She commanded her Titan-Egi to help out the melee members with that hammer of his—but there was only so much it could do given the space. They were a few seconds from encompassing him before he snapped a device in his hand. “I have taken the liberty of preparing an electrifying stage for you.”

Azlyn, Richiro, Koroko, Roll, and Kida were the first to experience the painful jolts as electricity zapped out from the wall and ground. They jumped out of the outer ring, hopping up to the middle of the arena. It appeared the electricity had a certain distance it could travel, but it was still painful to experience.

Kida’s hair had stuck out in odd angles. As if she had rubbed a balloon on her hair. “That’s smarts!”

Koroko shook the effects, beginning her cast once more.

Azlyn could still feel the surge of power in her arm, painfully aware of the stinging sensation. She sent out several ruin spells in response.

The melee fighters didn’t really know what had occurred to the rest of the party, only noticing the slight purplish-blue sparks from the sides. Nero had been good at keeping the three of them back using his hammer—he knocked Ozwin away. N’thuzu Tia jumped in to fill the space, while Mjnt came in with a well-timed jump.

After a spell, Nero jumped away—activating another of his tricks. “Meet one of my creations—you might find it a handful!”

Azlyn ignored his quips, slinging spells one after the other, only for a metallic hand to wrap her into its metal claws. She struggled under the pressure. “Gah!?”

Kida turned her attention to her and shouted. “HEY! Get your ugly ass hand off her!”

Another hand appeared, only this one floated over to Richiro. Instead of capturing him, it sent him flying into the electrical field.

Mjnt decided it would be better to deal with the magitek death claw—and leapt over to pierce the free hand moving around the space. It had knocked Roll to the side as she had attempted to free her cousin.

“Need some help?” Koroko Koko chanted before a loud fiery burst collided into both Azlyn and the claw.

With the ends of her hair slightly burning, Azlyn was stuck in the hands’ clutches. But a bit charred now. “OW!”

“Oops. Sorry.” The mage apologized.

“I will lay Garlond law, but first I must break you!” He pressed another button, and the hand started to squeeze upon her.

“Owowowowow!” She winced, feeling herself get squeezed tighter.

Ozwin lunged, smashing his shield straight into Nero’s mask. The crunching of metal contacting metal echoed in the hall that vibrated in electricity. Nero swung his hammer, wanting it to crack into the Hyur’s side, but the Miqo’te Warrior parried the blow with his own weapon. Ozwin dropped his shield before opting to punch Nero.

“Enough with your stupid puns!”

His fist cracked loudly over the plate of his helmet; but it was enough to stagger him. As Ozwin jumped back to shake his bloody knuckles, Nero heavily breathed. “I will—not suffer—to be in another’s shadow!”

N’thuzu Tia charged the imperial, knocking the wind from the imperial’s mouth with a solid kick to the sternum.

Nero slid back, dropping to one knee. He was gasping for air. “This changes—nothing.”

It was in this moment that the whole room went dark. Azlyn felt the hand release her, as she tumbled to the ground. She rolled out the embers on her clothes and hair while they heard Nero laughing. When the power snapped back on, they found that the red armored imperial was gone. The magitek hand that started to come back online was instantly skewered by Mjnt’s spear—preventing it from attacking them. 

“The Ultima Weapon is activated, and it brims with the power of eikons! Nothing can withstand it’s might!”

With his final words disappearing like an echo in a valley, Azlyn felt a hand pull her up from the ground. Roll casted a quick heal over her and helped ease the burn and static wounds.

“I think I can say I don’t like him all that much.”

“As long as you’re okay.” Roll replied to her, and offered a group heal.

“You would think there would be a limit to the nonsense—but I guess not.” Richiro Wichiro pointed out, shaking off the jolts of electricity.

All their linkpearls started to buzz.

“What?” Ozwin answered stoically.

“Are you all alright?” Cid’s voice came through the channel now that Nero’s blocking device was gone.

“Just peachy.” Azlyn answered, achingly rubbing her shoulder. Any longer in that hand, and she probably would have dislocated a joint or two.

“What of Nero?”

Roll replied. “When the blackout occurred, he fled. What was that blackout about Cid?”

“Damn it.” Cid voiced his frustration. “Well, from what I know—in the instant prior to the blackout, the instruments detected a massive power surge from the deepest chamber. Gaius is certain to be there! We have no time to waste!”

N’thuzu Tia pointed to the open bulkhead ahead of them. “I think that’s another room. Come on.”

As they started to move to the new area, Cid relayed all of what he knew outside. “Word arrived from the Alliance a short while ago—it seems the Order of the Twin Adder has completed its blockade of Castrum Centri. What hands they can spare are hastening this way even as we speak, and likewise for the Maelstrom. All that’s left is to destroy the Ultima Weapon!”

When they gathered their surroundings, they could see a descent railing that led further down into the Praetorium. In a way, it was a freight elevator for the bulk size armors to move up and down.

“I should warn you: the chamber which houses the target appears to be saturated in aetheric energies. There’s bound to be heavy interference. But even if we lose contact, you must go on. Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, alright?”

“We shall be on our best behavior!” Kida remarked excitedly. “After we break the place apart—of course.” 

Azlyn pointed to the terminal in the far corner of the elevator. “There—that should control this elevator lift.”

Cid replied following Azlyn’s statement. “Take the lift down, and you should find yourself in the chamber of the Ultima Weapon.”

Roll calmly walked over, entering commands into the panel—and activated the first sequence to start the elevator. When the lift buzzed to life, they spaced out along the platform. 

The engineer continued to speak into their linkpearls as they were brought down the rail system. “Keep your eyes peeled. Gaius could be waiting for you down there. Oh, and don’t even think about dying. You all are too bloody useful!” The link started to buzz from interference. 


“Cid—you’re starting to break up.” Azlyn struggled to make out Cid’s next words. 

“The interference is getting worse—I don’t think the connection will last much—” The line cut off then, as the line went dead from static. Azlyn tapped off the line before looking to each of her party members. 

In her mind she knew they had a party of eight—but why were there nine in their group. Her eyes adjusted as the lift’s lights passed by. It was then that she realized someone had joined their group before they started to elevator. 

She let her hand hover over her grimoire, looking to the armored devil in their midst. “Gaius, I suppose I’m not surprised.” She called out, and everyone snapped their attention to the corner. 

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