
110 l Phoenix

He soared high up, as his body morphed and formed the shape of a giant blue-flamed bird. The giant wings, the beautiful tail feathers that exploded out—Azlyn shook her head. She’d read about these deities in lores and older storybooks—but never did she imagine seeing one in real life.

“A… Phoenix?!”

Alisaie couldn’t believe it either. “But—I thought—He has become a primal!?”

Alphinaud turned to his sister, grabbing her by the arm. The Phoenix circled overhead before screeching loudly at them. Blue cinders started to rain down. “Tis difficult I know, but you must accept it: that entity is no phantom or imposter—it is our beloved grandsire!”

Alisaie raised a hand to her chest, taking a moment to consider. Then she turned to look at the group. Her eyes filled with determination. “Please. For his sake and for ours—you must defeat our grandfather!”

That statement felt like a punch in the gut to Azlyn. She gave the twins a long look, before nodding her head. She drew out her grimoire, summoning her Ifrit-Egi to her side, and looked to Ozwin. He had been transfixed by the Phoenix that started to flutter down to them—screeching.

“Fuck—that was Louisoix?”

Azlyn hated the idea just as anyone else did, but they needed to destroy the primal. “I don’t wish to believe it either—but think about it—how else would he know so much about the pair of us?”

Mjnt yelled over to them. “Pull back, he’s swooping down!”

N’thuzu Tia charged forward, bringing up his axe to block the talons that tried to cleave the white-haired Au Ra. They held Phoenix at the front while Alisaie and Alphinaud pulled to the back of the group. As Phoenix blasted N’thuzu Tia with blue crimson flames, cleaving him heavily upon the upper shoulder. Ozwin jumped in front of the Miqo’te then, readying his shield to cover him as Roll quickcasted her strongest healing spell at her disposal. 

Azlyn commanded her Ifrit-Egi to attack, seeing the primal essence claw seamlessly upon one of the wings.

Kida yelled from the back. “We got company!” She yelled, seeing small birds that looked similar to Phoenix starting to emerge from the scattered aetheric feathers it dropped.

“Keep them away from Phoenix! Pull them away and keep them far apart!” Azlyn shouted over the hectic chaos of the fight. She couldn’t see Koroko Koko nor Richiro Wichiro. she could barely see Mjnt in the distance where she lanced the smaller bird into a burst of flames. 

Alisaie and Alphinaud had taken care of the small bird on their end, working together to smite it with their carbuncles. 

Seeing the first wave of small birds had not rendered them to ashes, the Phoenix bird screeched before changing his tactics. Four circles of black fire emerged from beneath the platform, bursting outward in tiny explosions.  

They continuously continued to burn off of the other, bursting and rising in large black trails. It wasn’t long before Phoenix unleashed a series of white fire’s in feathers to rain down—and Azlyn noted when one of the feathers landed upon one of the black fires, it extinguished them. She also noted that when one landed upon Kida, the Xaela had been terribly burned that Richiro had to esuna her and quickcast a healing spell to help her. 


Roll quickly casted a nocturnal aspected Helios to the whole group. “We need to do something about the black fire!”

“That white fire hurts though!” Kida shouted right back, notching an arrow laced in poison.

The primal had been targeting them with the white feathers. 

“If you have white feathers going to you, run to the black flames! Trust me! Roll, Richiro be ready for healing afterward!” Azlyn shouted out in the chaos. She didn’t know if they heard her analysis—but had to hope for the best. 

She noted that Mjnt had started to run toward the black flames, a trail of white feathers tailing her as she ran. She leapt over the flames to avoid the black fires below, and the trail of white flamed feathers started to douse over the flames of black fire. 

The dragoon continued her run over to the next black flames, letting the white trail of flames to circle around and extinguish the remaining black flames that Phoenix released. Phoenix screeched once more, bursting into blazing flames and cleaving N’thuzu Tia in the process. He collapsed to a knee, wincing in pain as the fires started to burn his furs. Ozwin jumped in to take the next cleaving attacks, parrying with his shield and covering the Miqo’te. 

“A BIT OF HELP!” Ozwin hollered to Roll. 

The Au Ra snapped her attention to the two up front, and held her globe aloft. “Essential Dignity! Benefic!” 

Four minutes of the same attack patterns continued—with the small birds re-emerging from the disgarded feathers, the release of the black and white flames, the timing to swap between the two vanguards as Phoenix unleashed one Revelation upon another at them. 

They were sweating, as the broiling heat from the fires started to increase the temperature. Tactics were changed once more, as Phoenix flew out of combat with Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia. The blue-flamed bird soared through the field, catching sight of Azlyn. The Primal’s eyes alit with aether, as it passed a Brand of Purgatory upon the unsuspecting summoner. 

Azlyn commanded her summon to go after the bird, as she ran to the outside ring of the main bridge. She felt a strange hum around her, as if the aether were ready to explode given the right trigger. 

Roll ran over to her, unbeknownst to what the summoner had been feeling. “You alri—” The two of them were caught in an aetheric explosion of blue fires. Azlyn started to swat the fires out on her robes while Roll healed them both. 

“What the hell? Why does it feel like I’m bursting with aether.” Roll spoke, drawing a card from her deck. She pulled the balance card. “Balance.” 

Azlyn looked up to the bird soaring up above them, the giant wings of embers flapping and dropping a ring of blue flames near Alisaie and Alphinaud. The twins darted out of the range just in time, as a circle of blue flames emerged. 

“Balance—this involves going back and forth. It’s going to suck though.” Azlyn gritted, before shaking her head. “Prepare to heal, if we get close to one another, we’re going to cause a massive explosion like before. We have to expend the energy and distribute it between us... I think.” 

Roll scoffed, casting an aspected benefic upon herself and Azlyn. The stars expanded. “Alright together again.” 

They approached one another, causing another massive explosion to go off.

Kida widened her eyes at the second explosion between them. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING!?” 

“Trying not to die!” Azlyn yelled back, as they expended the aether charged between them. “If you feel like you’re charged with energy, pair up and heal quickly! Stay away from the front where Ozwin and Thuzu are!” 

Koroko Koko started to run by them, but didn’t stay long as a ball of red fire had been chasing her. She was trying not to get hit. They avoided the giant orb of fire that chased behind her, getting a bad feeling about anyone hitting it.

Mjnt looked to the blue flames, and hopped into the flames herself. She hoped what she had planned would do the same thing that the white flamed feathers extinguished the black flames. “Koroko! Run toward me!” 

The caster started to sprint toward the blue circle of flames on the ground. They watched as Koroko wasn’t affected by the blue flames, and the red ball of fire disintegrated into nothing.

More small birds emerged around the main bridge, as they all had to focus their attention to the birds so that they weren’t overwhelmed by the death and rebirth of the birds. Phoenix screeched, soaring to the height of the main bridge and began channeling and focusing all of the aether to it’s form. 

Ozwin and Thuzu realized that their attacks weren’t doing damage to the primal bird while it had casted up the shield of flames upon himself. Thus they divided their focus to attack the small birds. 

After three minutes, when they thought the birds had finally stopped resurrecting from the fallen feathers, they drew to the center of the main bridge, where Phoenix emerged from it’s barrrier—and unleashed a heavy dose of flames. 

Richiro and Roll casted waves of healing spells—as the stars encompassed to protect them, Eos wrapping them in her warm embrace— and watched as the primal changed tactics for the fourth time. Blasting them with fire hadn’t worked, using the aether to make them into aetheric bombs didn’t work, the arching Flames of Purgatory that he charged had done little to nothing against them. 

“Haven’t seen you more than twice this entire fight.” Azlyn looked to Koroko Koko who wiped the sweat that run down her chin. 

The caster chuckled darkly. “I’ve been busy blasting the Primal with fire, ice, and lightning.” 

Mjnt readied her lance. “If we’re going to win, we’re going to have to hit it all at once. Just like we did against the Ultima Weapon.” 

N’thuzu Tia swung his axe outward. “Together then, encompass the Primal and use all that you have.” 

Azlyn commanded her Ifrit-Egi to soak in as much aether as it could—to unleash Inferno the same time as everyone else attacked. With the command in place, she then started to charge her own aether to bring about a strong spell of arcanist energy from her book. She hoped with the amount of energy they gathered and released at the same time—it would deal enough damage to stop the flaming bird. 


The ten of them released their attacks—the melee attackers charged in, the casters burst out their largest arsenal available, the ranged members of their group fired arrows upon arrows from above. 

They watched as Phoenix shuddered under the massive surge of attacks, but not before unleashing a heavy fiery explosion that hit all of them. They were all knocked back, brought to their knees at the unbridled fury of this Primal. 

Heaving heavy breaths, and drained of their energy—they watched as Phoenix lifted up into the air—and then dropped to the ground. The aether surrounding the blue fires dissipated and went into the ground. Phoenix disappeared into a poof of aether, leaving naught but a trace of his presence. 

They could hear the internment hulk beneath them roar to life as more aether charged into the system. 

“Is...Is it over?” Kida asked, heaving heavily. 

No one celebrated, not even the twins as their two healers let out their waves of healing. 

Azlyn picked herself off the ground to walk over to the twins, offering them both her hands. “You two alright?” 

Alphinaud nodded, accepting her hand. “Fighting Primals is not for the weak hearted.” 

Alisaie took her other hand, pulling herself up. “It’s done...” 

The three turned to the main bridge, as the rest of their group surrounded them. 

“Everyone alive?” Ozwin asked. “Raise your hand if you require another round of healing.” 

Aside from the minor scrapes, burns, and bruises from falling down—they were fine. 

Alisaie looked down at the ground, dismayed and saddened. Her tone echoed hollowly in the area. “Grandfather is truly gone this time. But better it end this way than the alternative...” 

Azlyn looked to the terminal computer with a worried glance. “I should... shut the internment hulk down.” She slowly approached the terminal, opening up the device’s pages to begin the process. She was almost done in her work when a giant ball of aetheric fire blossomed above her. 

“I am yet here, Alisaie. My dear, sweet granddaughter.” 

The Au Ra paused in her work, a bit horrified as the blue flames descended down next to her. She winced, waiting in anticipation for the pain that would come—only nothing came. She glimpsed her eyes open to see Louisoix materialize next to her, his expression held a kind gaze. 

She saw him reach a hand out to her—and ruffled her bangs softly. She widened her eyes in shock, but didn’t move from under his touch. It was warm. Soothing. It was something that she hadn’t experienced since she was but a young child. 

The others behind her watched in miffed horror and astonishment as well. 

“Grandfather?” Alisaie asked, unsure in her question as to why he still was present. 

Louisoix pulled his hand away from the Au Ra, a warm smile greeted her when she looked up to the older Elezen. “I must thank you Azlyn. Without the valor of you and your friends, I might never have broken free of Bahamut’s control.” 

Ozwin stepped forward, eyes wide. “Archon...Louisoix?” 

The man smiled over to him. “And to you—it is good to see you my friend.” 

The midlander Hyur held back a scoffing laugh. “Gods be damned.” 

The Archon nodded to them all. “These last few moments are mine to live as the man I once was.” 

Alisaie choked back her sobs. She called over to her Grandfather in this unbelievable moment of closure. “This is all that I wanted. Yet now that it is happening, I find myself struggling to believe it—is it truly you?” 

Louisoix slowly nodded, his beard clipped his neck as he smiled. The quiet moment between them continued, before the young Scion smiled back to him. 

Alphinaud stepped forth, he had a dark look upon his face as he deflated. “Grandfather, pray forgive me my insolence.” He lowered his head, his white bangs covering his face from view. “It was not my intention to demean you.” 

The older man seemed confused by his grandson’s approach. “Forgive you? I am proud of you, child. You were wise enough to deduce the manner of creature I had become.” The boy lifted his head up, to nod appreciatively to him. “Alphinaud, Alisaie—if any here should beg forgiveness, it is I.” 

The man offered them his genuine apologize, then turned to the rest of the group behind the twins. “Forgive me Warriors of Light.” 

Kida brushed it off and raised her arms over her head. “Eh, we didn’t die. Just another day in our lives.” She smirked. 

Mjnt smiled, standing tall. “It is understandable, but thank you for the sentiment.” 

Roll looked up to the Archon, silently nodding. 

Alisaie looked behind her, happy to see that everyone was not too concerned. “Grandsire,” She decided to bring up the last point of topic. “I must ask—will you not tell us what befell during the Calamity?” 

Loisioux nodded once more. He solemnly lifted his head as he closed his eyes. “Yes. Yes of course. You all have come far to hear this truth.” Louisoix gazed behind them to Bahamut who still slowly regenerated due to the internment hulks. Azlyn looked up to the Archon wondering what happened that morning—the morning that changed everyone’s lives.

“Let us begin the tale at the Battle of Carteneau, where clashed the forces of the Garlean Empire and the Eorzean Alliance. Twas there in the sky above the surging armies that the elder primal Bahamut broke free of the red moon, Dalamud. In an effort to contain this avatar of destruction, I called upon the Twelve to aid me in the creation of a prison of aether but Bahamut would no be caged by such feeble bars—too vast was his might; too fierce his rage.”

Azlyn could see in her minds eye the far distance shore—the bright blue of the Twelve’s circle in the sky. Even from the Isle of Val she could remember the aether convergence and sudden release of aetheric energies when the summoning had failed.

“Little choice remained to me.” Louisoix explained, turning to look at Ozwin. “I used the last of my strength to entrust our hope unto the future, and prepared to meet my end.”

The Midlander Hyur grimaced, his own face clouded by a memory long ago that no one remembered.

Azlyn watched the Archon, seeing him reminiscence. A light started to glow from within her, as Azlyn looked down in surprise and shock. Archon Louisoix chuckled at her sight of alarm. “Do not fear it—embrace it. It will show you all that happened that morning.”

The Au Ra hesitantly reached up, feeling the light blossom outward to encompass them all. She could feel herself floating, before she heard the others nearby. It was like her experience when Cid’s memory returned to him on the Enterprise—as they all—Alisaie and Alphinaud included—watched the scene unfurl.

It was almost picturesque—where the manifestation of aether fell like light sprinkles of snow. The bright blue illumination surrounded Louisoix. He stood alone in a vast aetheric plain—where gigantic, pure aetheric crystals shaped like jagged spears descended.

They watched as Louisoix clenched his hand into a fist, staring down at the accumulation of aether around him. How it bent to his will. And he grew in determination, festering that power and controlling it within his bounds.

The scene shifted, causing Azlyn to lose her breath—the sight of Dalamud crashing upon Carteneau—the large meteor descending upon them. Louisoix closed his eyes, as the enormous moon looked ready to impact.

Ozwin looked down to the field, pointing to the small blips that winked out from existence. All she could see where discarded weapons—battered shields, swords, an axe that had been pierced into the ground—Everything happened at once. In a magnificent case of agility and power, Louisoix sailed up from the cliff to comet himself straight into Dalamud.

All they could do was watch—seeing him collide and burst it upward with a magic circle incantation. Bahamut within raged, blasting him with several large meteors—one after the other—they watched as Lousioix had been crushed to the ground. Audible breaths from the siblings, and the hitching of breath from a few of the group—they watched in pure horrified fascination.

And as if time had slowed—they all witnessed the aether implode at the point of which Louisoix fell—and pushed back against the power of Bahamut. Louisoix had broken the boundaries of his mortal flesh—they could see the aether chipping away at his mortal form as he pushed the meteor away from Carteneau. An insane feat. A marvelous strength. A pallid horror.

Azlyn remembered this from back home—how the meteor had exploded in the sky into thousands and thousands of pieces—the debris scattering all around. She remembered the hopeless feeling of who could survive something like that—and bit her lip.

Yet their attention had been taken upward—not to the chaos of the disintegrating meteor upon Eorzea—but high up in the sky. Bahamut had been forced out of Dalamud and a blue piercing light had pierced into the core of his body. They could see that Bahamut struggled to fly, but as the blue aether started to eat away at his own flesh, they knew the fight had been over.

She could see Louisoix floating in the blue aether, his aetherial form floating amongst the other accumulated energies that had smite down the elder primal before he could render Eorzea into ash and dust. They silently watched—as Louisoix faded into nothing and Bahamut exploded. The debris of Dalamud and Bahamut burst forth—spreading all over Carteneau and Eorzea—and finally brokered an understanding of what truly happened that faithful day—the Battle of Carteneau—and how Archon Louisoix became a primal himself to save the land he believed in.

They witnessed the aftermath of Dalamud’s fall. And even though the scene had been a painful one to take in—the beautiful droppings of manifested aether—the aether that brandished Louisoix the strength to take down Bahamut—rained down upon Eorzea’s soil. It was a breathtaking and wondrous moment—as if the first fall of snow on the first day of winter.

Azlyn felt the light dim, bringing them back to the internment hulk of the main bridge. She reached up to grasp her face, cupping her lower jaw as emotion tried to overcome her. She turned away, facing the computer and the Ancient Allagan letters.

Louisoix brought them back together, jarring them from their out of body experience. “As you have no doubt surmised, I did not perish. When the cage built from the essences of the Twelve were destroyed, the sky was filled with a colossal cloud of aether. This drifting aether responded to the prayers of those fighting below—and to my own desperate wish that the dying realm be saved—by infusing me with the power of a primal.”

He reached out a hand, patting Azlyn’s shoulder with a crisp tap. She turned slightly, biting back the raw emotion to cry. “I became the immortal Phoenix, ancient symbol of rebirth. Rising into the sky, I struck Bahamut with all my newfound strength. The blow shattered his earthly form, and a shower of aether rained down upon the land. Thus began the rejuvenation of Eorzea.” He smiled to the Au Ra, he turned back to the rest of the group. “Believing the deed done, I relinquished my hold on that staggering energy, desirous that it should be returned to the realm without delay. But I had not reckoned on Bahamut’s tenacious will. Even as he teetered upon the cusp of oblivion, the dragon reached out to claim me. Alas, within my fast fading form, enough remained of the Phoenix’s energy to offer Bahamut a hold, and he dragged me along in his wake.”

Alphinaud stepped forward, his voice devoid of emotion as if it all started to click together. “And thus began your existence as the elder primal’s thrall.”

Roll crossed her arms. “Interesting to note how Bahamut, as an Elder Primal could have thrall over a primal, though new Phoenix was. But the connection had been severed after we beat Phoenix.”

Kida clenched her fists together, before nodding. “Okay—okay—this is starting to add up.”

Alisaie raised a hand to her own chin, thinking aloud. “I cannot help but wonder at his will to survive. Though he was all but obliterated, Bahamut found a way to seize the power you surrendered. That would explain why part of his physical form survived to be entombed underground.”

“‘Twould also explain why Eorzea was so terribly warped.” Alphinaud concluded. “Even as the land sought to restore itself, the returning flow of aether was cut off.”

Louisoix nodded to both of his grandchildren. “Ahh, very good. When his grip on existence was once again secured, Bahamut did not cease his feast until he had consumed every last mote of aether that yet floated in the air.”

Richiro perked up from behind Alisaie. “And yet he was not fully restored! All that aether! All that energy!”

Koroko Koko nodded, crossing her own arms. “It’s unthinkable, but after witnessing it with my own eyes—I daresay I have to agree.”

“You must remember that by this time, much of the freed aether had already returned to the land.” He explained to the pair. “That which remained was not sufficient to reconstruct so massive a form in its entirety. But there did not need to be—not for a being sustained by the marvels of Allagan technology. As long as some piece of Bahamut persists, the coils will seek it out and continue their regenerative task.”

Azlyn looked back to the computer, wanting to shut down that internment hulk then and there—but something told her to wait. She paused, before seeing Louisoix begin to speak about the fragments. “The fragments of Dalamud appear motionless from the surface, but deep beneath the ground they had been searching—tunneling through rock and soil towards their escaped prisoner.”

Kida raised both of her hands up in shock. “It’s like Dalamud is alive!”

Azlyn nodded. “In a way—it is. It functions on its own—albeit in a strange non-humanoid sense. I suppose one would have to look at the pure definition of what “living” dictates—but yeah.” She sighed.

Louisoix frowned. “And, as you have observed for yourselves, they found his heart.” He gave a long pause, before turning to Ozwin. He regarded him with warm regard, and nodded. “Warriors of Light—heed me. You all must put a stop to Bahamut’s regeneration. Whether it be for man or for dragonkind, the question of justice is irrelevant. The elder primal will naught but a smoldering wasteland for both his children and ours.”

He then turned to look down to Azlyn, who in return gazed up to him. Louisoix gave her his sentiments. “I beg you to defend Eorzea, and guide its people to the future they yet struggle to find. Use this here,” He tapped his chest to signify his heart to her. “To lead you.”

Azlyn nodded her head fervently, surprised by his sudden request. She thought back to the moment where she had argued with him when he was enthralled—and realized he had used her own words—her own passioned pleas to guide her. “I—I will.” 

Kida pumped her arm. She had a wicked grin on her face. “Fasho! And we’ll do it together!”

Koroko Koko chuckled into her hands. “Hmmm hmm hmmmm. Let us protect this land we call home.”

Mjnt nodded.

The others agreed too, rallying between each other to perk the others up. After all the fighting within each subsect of coils—they had started to wonder how much further—and longer this would last. Given the ferocity of the Primal Phoenix, they felt a bit out of their league.

Ozwin spoke up, looking to Azlyn this time. “Alright, you heard the man. Turn it off. One down, one more to go!”

The girl jumped at the command. “Right!” She reached out to fumble with the keys, typing frantically. As she focused upon the final shutdown codes for that internment hulk, Louisoix gestured to his grandchildren. As his form started to brighten as the aether grew around him, an aetherial teleport appeared on the ground, at the upper left-hand corner of the main bridge. The Archon nodded before walking up to his grandchildren. 

“This portal will take you to the final internment hulk.” Louisoix answered. The hulk’s energy started to die down—as the second to last coil ceased in the operation to regenerate Bahamut. Only one hulk remained, and that portal would lead straight to it. “Tis time for the tale of Bahamut and his part in the Calamity to come to an end.”

Alisaie and Alphinaud seemed to understand what this meant, as the pair took in his words. They all took them in.

“Alphinaud. Alisaie. Pray come closer.” The older Elezen called to them. The group watched as the two youngest went toward him, stopping a hair short of his reach. Their grandfather looked to them with love in his eyes, and a hope of his own to inspire them forth. “Your hopes and dreams must no longer be an extension of mine. You must needs find your own reason to fight for this realm—your own meaning in this sea of chaos.” He gave each of them a look of peaceful somber. “Will you do that for me?”

Alphinaud proudly straightened. “Of course, Grandfather. I have already made it my mission to see this newborn Eorzea survive and flourish.”

With his newfound goal, Louisoix nodded to his grandsire. He turned to Alisaie, who had yet to look up to him. Her face had been downward, as if conflicted in emotions threatening to broil over.

“Alisaie.” Louisoix called to her. “While I was yet in thrall to Bahamut, you spoke of my faith in man’s strength. Know that your words reached me, imprisoned though my soul still was. So forceful was your conviction, I wonder if that belief has not become your own. Perhaps, after all your anger and sorrow was spent, you found something greater within you.”

Alisaie did not say a word. She briefly clenched her fists together as she stood next to her grandsire.

Azlyn took this opportunity to join her friends, moving to them to stand beside Ozwin and Roll. N’thuzu Tia patted her on the back as she smiled to them. They wanted to give their family the time they needed to have closure. The Midlander Hyur clenched both his fists to his side, it seemed to her that he was unable to ask what he wanted to the man now that he was in front of him. 

When Alisaie had yet to give a response, Louisoix merely smiled warmly—and looked up to Azlyn and her friends. Ozwin stiffened under Lousioix’s gaze as he spoke to them. “See this fight to its culmination. Tis also your strength in which I have faith.”

Ozwin bit his lip. Nodding his head.

Azlyn looked to him, before nudging her elbow into his arm. “Together, right?”

“Yeah—together.” He clapped her on the back. Roll rubbed her shoulder to hers on the opposite side, while Kida jumped behind Ozwin to his back. The Midlander Hyur wasn’t expecting to give the Xaela a piggy back ride as she hooted up to the sky. “Down goes Bahamut! Drop the bass!”

Mjnt chuckled. “As long as Ozwin doesn’t drop you first.”

“Very tempted to do it!” He called out, as they laughed.

Lousioix nodded to their comraderie. Alisaie’s lip quivered, a silent tear dropped from her face to the ground. She mumbled soft enough for her grandfather to hear. “Thank you—for everything. Pray take your rest, Grandfather. You deserve it.” She lifted her face up at last, as her eyes brimmed with tears and she gave the best smile she could possibly give.

The man knelt to his knee, lifting his arms to pull his grandchildren into a hug. The two were taken into his shoulders as he held onto them strongly. He spoke aloud with purpose and intent. “There are records of an art that allowed one to summon the power of a primal from the essence of its demise.” He pulled them in closer. His eyes turned to Azlyn, spying the book that she had, as well as the books the twins held in their holsters. “And though I am no true primal, all that I have left, I give to you.” 

The siblings nodded to him.

“Alphinaud, Alisaie. My darling grandchildren. May light’s blessings ever keep and protect you.” The man pulled back from his hug, looking to them one more time. When he received the warm looks of his grandchildren, did he stand up—and his form had been overtaken by an influx of aether—disappearing from view.

They watched in silence—seeing the Archon’s essence leave once and for all. Azlyn closed her eyes, feeling a stray tear drop from her lashes, before wiping it away with her sleeve. She would cry after this was all said and done. Bahamut had to be stopped.

Alisaie reached up to the escaping aether, catching one in her hand and feeling the warmth of its power. After a moment the scion with the red ribbon turned to them, and nodded. “Come Warriors of Light—Our task remains undone!”

Alphinaud smirked to his sister, as Ozwin rolled his eyes at the presumptuous title. He didn’t say anything to refute it as they walked to the portal Lousioix gave to them. Ozwin still carried Kida on his back, making for a comical ride for the Xaela, and together they reached out.

They were brought to a different zone—they had a full frontal view of Bahamut as they approached the last internment hulk. Azlyn could see even at their distance—the giant girth and length of the left wing—fully amassed. The other wing had slowly started to mend and weave.

Roll tapped her device curiously. “Huh—the yalms are getting all wonky.”

Kida peered down from Ozwin’s shoulder to her. “What does that mean?”

“It means we’re under ten thousand yalms or more from the surface.” She explained.

Mjnt whistled at the thought. “This is the last one. Azlyn, if you’d be so kind to stop the hulk?”

The Au Ra nodded, looking to the twins. “Hey, Alisaie—Alphinaud—come with me. I’ll tell you two which buttons to push to stop the hulk. Let’s end—let’s end this with a bang.”

Alisaie smiled, nodding to her—while Alphinaud rubbed his arm wondering if he should participate. However his sister had grabbed his hand to slowly walk down the long path to what looked to be the heart.

“Twas a long and arduous road, but at last we reach its end.” Alisaie commented. As the others rallied and cheered them on, the three of them approached the terminal. When she arrived, Azlyn started to open the keyboard of letters. She started to type furious. She then gestured to the twins to come closer.

“This button.” Azlyn pointed.

Alisaie determined to action, reached her hand out, “Farewell Bahamut—I banish you back to the aether!”

Alphinaud reached out his hand, to mimic his sisters—only for a piercing roar to fill the space. As the sound caused the platform to shake, Azlyn watched in horror as Bahamut started to come to life. His eyes glowed an insidious red as he started to summon a large sphere of condensed aether.

“He is not yet whole! I did not think him capable!” Alisaie cried out, as Azlyn stepped in front of the twins. She brought out her book and did the quickest summoning of Titan that she could. The blast of Bahamut’s rage unleashed upon them—as Titan’s shield collapsed and knocked all three of them backward. Azlyn had taken the blow the hardest, sailing backward and skidding on the ground. The terminals erupted into flames. Some of her robes started to catch on fire, as Roll and Kida sprinted over to her. 


“I am the medic.” Roll stated worriedly, and she cast a healing spell over the fallen girl.

The pair of siblings were blown back as well, their clothes torn asunder from the fire and the blast. Alphinaud struggled to get up, pulling himself off the ground to shake the disconcerting pain his body was in. He looked over to the side, seeing his twin not moving on the ground.

“Alisaie…ALISAIE!” He called out.

Richiro Wichiro had felt a hand grab his collar before Ozwin chucked him over to the siblings.

“Go do your job!”

“Right!” The lalafellin ran over to Alisaie, summoning Eos to his side. The fairy danced around Alisaie, breathing a bit of life to the girl. She slowly rose, shaking her head of the pain.

“Gods…” She mumbled, pulling herself up with her arms. “I had thought it finally over.”

“Azlyn! Wake up!” Roll shouted, casting another healing spell.

Azlyn groggily lifted herself, as Kida patted the flames out of her ripped clothes. “That hurt.”


“Yes… ow… that hurts.” Azlyn felt Kida embrace her tightly before she was brought up from behind. Mjnt and Koroko Koko had joined them.

Bahamut started to summon another large spell—the same one that blast the three back previously.

“We’ll not survive another blast!” Alisaie winced, turning her head. She looked to Azlyn struggling to stand up, she was gripping her book, casting another summon to bring out Titan once more. She gave Bahamut a determined glance—even though she was in pain. Mjnt supported her from behind, as Titan emerged.

“No… is this how I honor my promise to Grandfather?” Alisaie shook her head, before an arm reached out to help her off the ground. Ozwin looked to her.

“Come on short stuff—you got this.”

She nodded, grasping his hand and was helped to her feet. Alphinaud joined her, with N’thuzu Tia by his side.

You must needs find your own reason to fight for this realm—your own meaning in this sea of chaos. Will you do that for me?

She remembered the parting words of her Grandfather, and gave her appreciation to the two that helped them up. “I will Grandfather. In fact—I believe I already have.”

Ozwin gave her a bewildered look, wondering what the blazes she was talking about—but shrugged when she pulled out her grimoire from behind her.

“My reason—this reason has been with me this entire time—guiding me—Eorzea’s blade of Light, shearing through the endless shrouds of darkness. I have been shown miraculous feats, time and time again, of which we are all capable. Of which I am capable!”

She thrust out her book, shouting to Bahamut. “You have wreaked enough havoc Bahamut! I will not let your wrathful fires consume all that we know and love!” She snapped her hand out, mimicking Azlyn’s earlier movement to summon a barrier. As Bahamut unleashed his unbridled fury attacks upon them, Azlyn could have spied an aetherial version of Lousioix standing next to Alisaie, giving her strength—granting her protection. Alphinaud pulled out his book, unaware of the phenomenon that happened next to his sister.

“How long I have waited to hear you say that! You have found your resolve at last!” He nodded to N’thuzu Tia before hobbling over to Alisaie, he lifted his grimoire to match her own movements. Together they added their energies together to enhance the barrier against Bahamut’s attack. “Let me join my strength to yours.” He looked to Bahamut beyond the barrier, shouting to him with determination. “In this place, in this moment, our purpose has become one!”

The twin’s grimoire’s lit up, as they lifted out from their hands into the space above them. They all watched as the books spun, and twisted, the aether converging and connecting them together—almost as Alphinaud suggested, the books had indeed become one—just as their resolve had been to save Eorzea. Together the siblings poured their aether into the barrier, with the book between them. “For the future of Eorzea!” They cried out as one.

The barrier had been restored, granting them bonus protection against Bahamut’s rage. It was then a fusion of energy connected, as the core of Bahamut glowed upon the administration of the Twin’s power. As the aether coursed around each of them, they watched as the sibling’s book held the same warm energy as the Primal Phoenix’s.

Alisaie looked to those behind her. As she and her brother held the barrier up, she hollered to them. “This last task is yours, Warriors of Light! You all must destroy Bahamut’s crystal core!”

Ozwin cracked his neck, rubbing out the kink in his one shoulder with his hand. “Aye Aye ma’am!”

N’thuzu Tia nodded, brandishing his axe. The pair walked past the siblings before being teleported as spears of light dancing into Bahamut’s core. Koroko Koko and Richiro Wichiro chased after them, also turning into spears of light—penetrating the core inside. Kida, Roll, Mjnt and Azlyn together walked by.

Azlyn reached out to ruffle Alisaie’s head, and then went over to Alphinaud. “We’ll be back.”

They all felt their bodies lift, as the aether converted them into the same pillars of light that sailed into Bahamut’s core at last.

When they surfaced as themselves as not aetheric beings, they found themselves in an umbral sea of a starry sky. The circular platform was large—one of the largest areas they’d been on in their time in the coils. And floating down from the sky towards them had been the fully reconstructed form of Bahamut—or rather the core’s completed version of himself.

His deafening roar echoed in this space of existence—the core itself—the burning heart of Bahamut that nestled the unfettered hatred and destructive might of the Elder Primal. It was gigantic—larger than even the primals they fought before. The Ultima Weapon had been tall in size—but that seemed to pale in comparison to this manner of beast.

“Let’s make those twins proud.” Ozwin rallied, pulling forth his sword and shield. “And don’t you kick the bucket again Az. You need to see this through to the end.”

Azlyn nodded, as Titan-Egi protectively circled her. It cast a stonewall around her to help assist her in the fight. “You too Oz.”

“Let’s fuckin’ murder ‘im,” Kida roared in excitement, lifting her harpsichord up to play. “alongside a bit of battle music!”

“Who knew I’d be invigorated to cleave and hack an elder god.” N’thuzu Tia’s ear perked at the rapidly played melody in the air. “I never imagined being in this situation.”

“Neither did I.” Mjnt smiled, drawing her lance. “Come—we have countless others waiting for our safe return.”

Richiro brought forth his book, as Eos circled the party granting her blessings. The fairy played between their tendrils of hair or pinched their cheeks affectionately.

“Let us not dawdle!” Koroko Koko surmised, lifting her staff. “The leylines in this plain are simply magnificent! I will surely have good casting here!”

Roll read their fortune, drawing a card from the deck. She showed them the bole card with a small smile. “Well fortune’s favor is a blessing to have. Let’s hope it continues to bless us.”

Azlyn stepped forward, staring up to the Elder god. “Alright—let’s do this. As one!”

“To Fated!” Ozwin roared behind her.

Kida triumphantly played to that.

“To Fated!” They all chorused. Bahamut roared back to them, and prepared its assault against them.

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