
119 l Rising Stones

Azlyn had been the last to hop in the chocobo caravan as she delivered a journal from Minfillia’s father over to Urianger for his research on the primals. She could see the Antecedent’s relieved face as she finally joined them. 

“He took the journal?” 

She nodded. “Yes, he will take good care of your father’s journal. Urianger impressed upon me that he understood with great gravity how much your father’s journal meant to you.” 

Minfillia appeared to be at a loss of words—Azlyn could understand, as she felt the same sense of loss when her own parents were involved. She let the conversation drift into silence. 

Tataru adjusted her makeshift cloak over her head. “Shall we be on the way?” 

Ozwin sat up front with N’thuzu Tia who held the reins, his posture relaxed. “The chocobos are warming up lassie, ease yourself.” He called back. 

“Sorry, first time running a caravan.” The Miqo’te replied, staring at the reins. Ozwin grabbed one of the reins and shook it. The chocobos khewed, jumping into a trot down the path. 

Kida pulled out her harpsichord, plucking away at the instrument. The sound of her music filled the space of their travel. 

Tataru sighed, leaning back against the wooden bench. “Well now that we’re on the way—it shouldn’t take much time to get to Seventh Heaven and the Rising Stones!” 

Minfillia couldn’t help but to chuckle. “With six Warriors of Light as our entourage, I feel like we may have overdone ourselves on the protection.”

Ozwin hollered from up front. “The others are already waiting for us, so you’ll soon have eight of us.” 

Mjnt crossed her legs as she peered over the seat to the desert landscape that would be their background as they traveled. “A bit overkill when one thinks about it.” 

Azlyn nodded, “Well it never hurts to be safer than sorry.” She felt a jolt of pain run through her right arm. She gave a slight grimace looking down to the appendage. “Koroko, you wouldn’t happen to have one of those tonics, would you?” 

The black mage of their group looked up from her seat. “Yes, I do.” She pulled out her bag of vials and started to run through her supply. “not there, not that one—oh, here it is.” She produced the red liquid in the cylindrical vial. 

Minfillia leaned over, being in between the two and passed the substance over to Azlyn. “Are you sure you’re alright?” 

Azlyn popped the cork, slamming the substance back. While it wasn’t an immediate effect, she knew it would help alleviate the pain after a certain point. She returned the empty vial after a moment, and nodded. “Yes, I’ll be alright.” 

Mjnt eyed her from the side. “We’ve been fairly busy since this morning—from the moogle king to our new friend.” 

The Antecedent frowned. “If you require anything else, do ask. The Scions will do everything in their power to help.” 

“That’s alright, I’ll be fine after sometime.” 

The mid afternoon soon turned evening—the ride to Mor Dhona had been uneventful comparatively to their early morning. Kida’s music kept them entertained, the tones and inflection of the sounds changed depending on the requests she got from the group. 

N’thuzu Tia brought the caravan around one of the roundabouts, circling the Aetheryte in the plaza. The camp had been bustling with activity from the adventurers and grizzled men and women making a name for themselves. 

Tataru stretched from the long ride. “It’s great to finally arrive!” 

N’thuzu Tia slowed the chocobos down, under Ozwin’s guidance they had a relatively smooth ride. Mjnt stood up first, hopping off the back of the caravan before offering an arm out to the Antecedent and Tataru. 

Minfillia nodded her thanks, while Tataru accepted the arm. Koroko Koko followed after, leaving Azlyn the last to hop out. 

“You were right—there was an aetheryte right on the doorstep.” The Antecedent chuckled as she gazed at the growing community. She could see the blue aspected crystals in the distance. “It is quite the community.” 

Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia joined them. “Well with the Castrum north of here out of commission for a spell, more and more adventurers are coming out of the woodworks. What a great day to be alive as a growing adventurer.” The Midlander nudged N’thuzu Tia. 

N’thuzu Tia pointed up to the large bar sign that read: Seventh Heaven. “Is this the place we’re supposed to meet in?” 

Minfillia nodded, walking over to the bar. “The Rising Stones can be found inside. It’s everyone’s first time here—so let’s take a tour.” 

The six of them walked into the lively bar, they could see a wide array of drinks and a curving bar. A bard was playing in the corner of the space on a small stage. There were several adventurers chatting by the bar rail, enjoying a few tankards amongst friends. 

Azlyn stared up and around at the space. It was a cozy spot. 

Tataru beamed to them as they walked toward a door in the bar. “I think you all are going to like our new home! Well, what are we waiting for?” 

The inside of the Rising Stones had been large in size. There were planters that lined the pathway leading straight to a room down the center, and several round tables on red carpeted areas that designated a spot to sit and eat. On the right hand side of the room had been a large bar set up where F’lhaminn had been busy cleaning boxes of utensils and cookware. 

In the far corner they could see Roll and Richiro setting up a few provisions, and Kida decided to split up from them to assist. They waved over to them before continuing their tour. There was a small room for storage on the other side of the wall of the kitchen, it looked to be a open area—where several of the remaining Scions gathered to speak to each other. 

On the left hand side was a door that led into a large room with beds and bookshelves teeming with volumes of works. Azlyn’s eyes brightened at the sight, and wondered if she’d get time to peruse the titles. 

Minfillia beckoned them to follow her out into the main commons and straight down the hall to the only room they hadn’t explored. When they opened the door, they could see a large oaken table in the back center of the room. In a way, it mimicked the Solar back in Waking Sands. 

By the time their group entered the new Solar, the other Scions and the remaining members of their group followed them in. 

Minfillia walked around the table, running a hand over to wood. “Well it certainly is spacious.” They all looked to the room, the fireplace and sitting arrangements adorned in the room. Another table and plenty of chairs on the other side. 

Kida ran over to plop down on the couch. “Couch is Kida approved!” She bounced up and down a few times before Yda joined her. Papalymo walked over to them shaking his head to their antics. 

Azlyn stared up to the wall, the back centerpiece of the room which held the late Archon’s staff. Apparently it had been teleported over during their trek on the caravan. 

“Today marks a new beginning for the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, for today we declare our independence!” 

Alphinaud nodded confidently, turning to the rest of the group. He gestured with his arm to the side. “We shall henceforth be beholden to no nation, but serve all of our Eorzea’s people, proudly and openly. But this does not mean we will server our ties to the Eorzean Alliance. On the contrary, the Antecedent and I shall endeavor to strengthen them. Rest assured, however, that we shall not permit political considerations to influence our decisions.”

Richiro Wichiro leaned over to Roll, “This is all exciting!” 


Minfillia regarded the pair warmly, “Our identity remains unchanged, as does our cause. We are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn, and our single purpose is to safeguard the future of Eorzea.”

The Scions nodded, agreeing to Minfillia’s rallying words. The only one who displayed her exuberance aloud had been Kida who cheered from the couch. “For Eorzea!” 

Azlyn chuckled, smiling widely to their large group. She never imagined getting to this point—as she always assumed she’d be traveling alone. Now she couldn’t think of being alone. Her friends, both new and old, were an integral part of her life more than ever. 

The Scions looked to Kida, before chanting back the same rallying call. “For Eorzea!” 

Everyone started to break off into smaller groups—Thancred and Alphinaud starting speaking with one another, before catching Roll and Richiro Wichiro. Together the four left the Solar. Y’shtola went over to Mjnt and Koroko Koko who spoke in hushed voices before leaving next. Kida hopped up from the couch, pulling Yda up to go sprint out the room, where Papalymo chased after them. 

Ozwin and N’thuzu Tia looked to Azlyn. “You doing alright?” 

Azlyn smiled to the males. “Yeah, all good!” She gripped her wrist and squeezed it. She couldn’t feel any pain. “What are your plans for the rest of the evening?” 

N’thuzu Tia crossed his arms. “I’m probably going to sleep. It’s been a long day.” 

“Yeah—the couch at the house is calling my name.” Ozwin yawned. “Good work, see ya Minfillia.” 

The Antecedent waved to them. “Be safe in your travels, and may the light of the Crystal keep you safe.” 

Ozwin saluted, and activated a teleport. N’thuzu Tia shortly followed, disappearing in two distinct pops. Azlyn turned to the remaining member in the Solar. 

“A moment of your time, Azlyn—I would speak of Elidibus—”

The doors to the Solar opened with haste, as Azlyn snapped her head over her shoulder to see Urianger hastily walking to them. 

“Urianger?” Azlyn quirked her head. “I thought you were remaining at the Waking Sands?” 

He frowned to her questions. “Tis true, however I bringeth a troubling dilemma. The matter which bringeth me will admit no delay, and I chooseth not to relay over communications from afar.” He stopped, seeing Azlyn intently staring to him. 

Minfillia quirked her head, before Urianger walked to her side to whisper to her privately. 

Minfillia seemed taken back. “No one?”

Urianger nodded. 

“How odd. Allow me to try.” Minfillia reached her hand to her linkpearl, and she waited for someone to respond. 

Worriedly Azlyn bounced between the two, her eyes darting. What did Urianger tell her? She waited for several long moments before Minfillia lowered her arm. 

“...No response.” 

“What happened?” Azlyn asked, only for the Elezen to shake his head. 

“Tis nothing that thee should worry about Azlyn.”

Minfillia smiled back, nodding her head to the worried Au Ra. “Yes, Urianger is correct. You don’t need to worry.” She directed her attention to the back wall with a frown. “Surely they would not ignore us?”

Urianger stared to the Antecedent. “They have never yet, My lady. I fear we must assume the worst.” 

The Au Ra awkwardly stepped back as she could tell the both of them were trying to speak without saying too much. She excused herself to the side wall to fiddle with the fire. She threw in a new log and watched it slowly burn. 

Minfillia and Urianger spoke in hushed voices, and while Azlyn would have liked to eavesdrop but she thought better than that. At last the Antecedent heavily sighed before saying aloud to Urianger.

“Contact their agents in the field at once. If aught has befallen them, they may know of it.” Minfillia commanded. The Elezen bookkeeper nodded. “Though the thought of it pains me—until such time as we have evidence to the contrary, we can but assume the worst. Accordingly, we must needs seek another source of information on Elidibus.” 

Urianger bowed to them both. “Tis possible that others in the homeland are possessed of such knowledge. Be fairly warned, however—”

“They’re not like to reveal it.” She sighed, thinking to herself. “Do what you must.” Minfillia said anyway. 

Urianger bowed at the waist, and turned on his heel to walk out from the room. He paused momentarily to Azlyn. It seemed as if he wanted to say something to her, but instead opted to activate his teleport to leave. 

Quizzically Azlyn raised her eyebrow. “You sure everything is alright Minfillia?” 

The Antecedent leaned back on the front end of her desk, crossing her arms over her chest. “Yet another unforeseen and unwelcome development.” She frowned. “What could be next, I wonder? A visit from a crimson-clad Ascian, perhaps? Or ocher? Or puce?” She darkly laughed, shaking her head.

Azlyn wondered whether everything was alright or not, given the sour mood the Antecedent was in. She couldn’t tell if she was angry, upset, or a mixture of both. It was a toss up at this rate. “All we can do is take things one day at a time—I suppose.”

“For a time.” Minfillia answered with a shake her head. “I thought we had gained the upper hand. But as you’ve wisely stated, it seems we have no choice but to take things in stride.” She cupped her chin in one of her hands, thinking back. “When you shattered the Crystal of Darkness and cast out Lahabrea, I dared to hope that we had found a way to rid ourselves of the Ascian menace.”

“You’re worried about Elidibus’ claim; and that Lahabrea will strike at us once more given time?” Azlyn felt a similar notion to this, as Lahabrea seemed the type to persistently pursue his quarry.

“Of that I have no doubt.” Minfillia lowered her hand from her face to hover over her chest. She gave Azlyn a determined gaze. “There must be a way to destroy them utterly—a way to spare this world their unholy machinations. I dare not consider the alternative.”

Azlyn perked, given the Antecedent’s worry. “I could do some research—there has to be something written somewhere about the Ascians.” She pondered to herself. “Although I couldn’t fathom where to start. There’s an entire realm filled with literature—it’d be like finding a needle in a haystack.”

“Leave that research to us—there is more pressing work that you and your friends must needs be done. There are forces at work we do not understand, and I discern them all around. In disturbances too great and too numerous to be dismissed as mere coincidence. Doubtless the Paragons are involved, but how and to what end is far from clear.”

She thought back to all the requests they were bombarded with recently, and many of the strange ongoings throughout Eorzea as a whole.

“I know not what will come, but I do know that we will rise and meet it as one.” Minfillia interrupted the minor monologue that started to queue in Azlyn’s head.

“Oh—right, together!” The Au Ra smiled, “In the meantime, I think I have some loose ends I will need to address. You reminded me of them.”

The Antecedent chuckled, “Ah—your face is a picture of resolve, Bloody Princess.” She teased.

“And I’m out!” Azlyn turned on the ball of her foot to pivot straight for the door. She could hear Minfillia laughing behind her.

“Forgive me, I know that you will be ever ready when the time comes. With luck, however, that will not be for a while yet. Pray return to your private affairs with my blessing. Should anything arise, you will be informed.”

Azlyn reached the door, holding the handle in her hand. She looked over her shoulder to see the bemused expression on her face. “If there’s anything, and I mean anything you need help with—you say the word Minfillia. Whatever it is, you know that right?”

She nodded, raising a hand to wave. “I do. Be safe in your travels.”

Azlyn left the Solar, deciding the look around the rooms of the Rising Stones to get familiar with the space. She could see Kida playing her harpsichord with Yda and Papalymo watching, Roll and Richiro were setting some of the supplies away in a few of the large cabinets with Thancred and Alphinaud—Koroko Koko and Mjnt were in discussions with Y’shtola and Tataru.

She decided to check in with her cousin first. “You guys doing alright over here?”

She could see Thancred sitting atop a tiered chair, as he propped a crowbar into the top of one of the large wooden crates.  “I’ve got some kitchen wares, dry foods, things F’lhaminn will store in the storeroom closet.” He then tossed down to Roll the crowbar he had. “If you don’t mind could you take a crack at the other unopened boxes to see what’s inside?”

Alphinaud had been leafing through the ledgers. “Should be ingredients for F’lhaminn.” He flipped through four of the six pages. “I see we have quite the stock of tea.”

“Probably my bad.” Azlyn chuckled as she could foresee Tataru having a ton of the leaves for her sake. “I do enjoy a cup of tea.” She walked to one of the remaining two needing opened, as she cousin approached.

Roll handed her a crowbar and she wedged the metal in between the crease of the wooden top and the side. One good solid yank and she was able to break up one crate’s top.

“Fresh veggies, fresh plants, looks like some packages of seed packages.”

“F’lhaminn wanted to start a vegetable and herb garden out back, so those should get sent to the back.” Roll explained as she was handed the items. Richiro brought over a large flatbed cart to transport all the outdoorsy garden stuff.

“I’ll take it out back! One of the girls said she was prepping the soil!” The Lalafellin healer offered with a huge grin on his face. “It’d be fun to help plant them!”

“You like to garden?” Azlyn asked him.

Richiro nodded. “We have a garden back home, which my siblings tend to while our parents are working. We grow our own food! Mom always said that growing and making your own food is better in the long run!”

“Yeah, it’s probably the healthier and more sustainable route.” Thancred started handing off items, the smaller ones first to the teen. “Less junk food and more nutrients—and teaches an invaluable lesson about food preservation and cost efficiency.”

“Agreed.” Roll added, “Food is expensive.”

Azlyn understood that—having been constantly on the move for five years—her money took a hit whenever she budgeted for food. Or attempted to, at any rate. She missed her parents garden back home—it held all her favorites. “We got something started at the house, right Roll?”

The Au Ra bobbed her head, “Yeah, Kida and I gathered a bunch of seeds and starting sets from the Twelveswood. Not sure how well they’ll thrive in the desert, but we’ll find out.” She shrugged.

Alphinaud chuckled, checking off most of the inventory being distributed. For the most part it was putting everything away that was the longest part. “If you ever require a few tomes on plant ecosystems and how to transfer and grow them safely in different biome districts, I’ll gladly loan you mine.”

Azlyn grinned, “Look at you being a green thumb.” She teased.

“I daresay it’s in the family, Archon Louisoix also had a bit of a green thumb himself.”

“Thancred, on the otherhand, is the exact opposite of a green thumb.” Alphinaud chimed in after the male. “He practically killed my grandsire’s patch of herbs.”

“That was not completely all my fault.” The man defended, before explaining to the Au Ra cousins. “I just watered them, and I’m made to be a criminal who killed the plants. Your mother almost strangled me because of it.”

“Heh.” Roll smirked, “That does sound like Aunt Liliana.”

“Mom loved gardens—back home she’d help the botanists and gardeners quite a bit.” Azlyn smiled warmly. “But Thancred, how much water did you give the plants to kill it?”

Alphinaud mimed with his hand about a gallon jug. “According to the notes my grandsire wrote: I conclude on this day that mayhap it best not to assign Thancred to water the garden, as he oversaturated the herbs with two gallons of water.”

“That’s a flat out lie, I barely put an entire gallon in there.”

“And now I see why the garden was almost killed.” Azlyn deadpanned, looking to her cousin who shook her head. They went back to work, laughing at each other and telling fun stories of things they’d done. By the time they got most of the provisions marked in and set aside, they found an hour had gone by.

Thancred and Alphinaud were called over by Y’shtola—something needing to be counted in the adjacent room. With their new task in mind, the pair left Roll, Richiro, and Azlyn to their growing, mild hunger.

F’lhaminn walked over to their group with a tray of cubed cheese and crackers. “You all are working quite hard. Thank you for your work.”

One by one, they all accepted the snacks eating what they could.

“What are we going to make for dinner?”  Richiro Wichiro popped up, his face smeared with soil and dirt. His hazel eyes were alight with glee as he snacked.

Azlyn hummed, chewing her cube of cheese.

“If we get back to the house, I could use the last of the Eft meat Mjnt brought over from Coerthas. Possibly steaks with mashed sweet potatoes.” Roll tapped her chin as she thought about what else they could do. “I might have some rock salt to make ice cream, but it would require a bit of work and time.”

Kida walked over to them snacking and grabbed her stomach. “My dudes and dudettes, what are we going to do for dinner? Are we buying from the markets ourselves, or what?”

Azlyn smiled up to the Xaela, “We were just discussing that. How do you feel about steak?”

“Fuck yeah! Mjnty! Koko! We’re having steak tonight!”

At their resident bard’s call, the remaining pair of their party walked over. Now that they were all assembled, save for two, they could probably get something planned.

“The last bit of the Eft?” Mjnt had a handful of cheese herself. She ate one cube.

Roll nodded. “If we want dinner right away, I’ll need to head home now. What about Thuzu and Ozwin?”

“Oh, they’re napping I think.” Azlyn remembered they bounced right after making it to the Rising Stones. “They said they were tired so they’re already at the house.”

“Nice. I can wake them to help prepare dinner.” Before anyone could stop the Au Ra, she popped out of view.

“Why do I have the feeling Ozwin is going to blame me for that one?” Azlyn sighed and popped the last cube of cracker in her mouth.

Koroko Koko chuckled into her hand. “Because Master Ozwin enjoys blaming you?”

“I wish he’d blame Richiro instead from time to time.” Azlyn sighed into her hand.

“Hey!” The Lalafellin gasped, “Why should it be my fault?”

“Must it always be mine?” Azlyn answered his question with another question.

Mjnt ruffled the top of her hair. “Let us not tarry long, or else he might blame you both.”

They bid their goodbyes to the Scions for that night, and one by one, they teleported back to their free company house in the Goblet. Together they enjoyed a bustling meal while rambunctiously calling to one another about what they should do the next day.

Azlyn laid her silverware down on the table, thinking back to the strange conversation she witnessed between Urianger and Minfillia—something about the whole thing unsettled her. Although they deemed it not important enough to tell her.

She excused herself from the group, calling it an early night to write the last week’s events.

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