
123 l The Mother of Exiles

After drinking the potion to change her back, Azlyn had put on some clothes that her cousin brought for her. Kida rocked on the chair, chuckling to them. “All’s well that ends well!” 

Azlyn shrugged, adjusting the collar of her robes. She cleared her throat, trying to speak. “Ah—ah—Being a cat—makes speaking afterwards a bit—difficult.” 

“You’ll be happy to know that the fraud was caught, and is paying for his crime in the alchemist’s guild. The Guildmaster is working him to the bone.” Roll cracked her knuckles. Her cousin had a dark expression. “He’s the one who crafted the antidote. Gave it to me for free.” 

Kida slapped her knee. “He won’t be doing that anymore, that’s for sure. So, Azlyn—what happened when you were a cat?” 

Azlyn rubbed her throat, massaging the muscles. The red ribbon she received from Nanamo had been wrapped around her neck still. “Traveled a bit. But I think we should go up to help Alphinaud. Those domans... they looked like they needed help.” 

Roll nodded. “Then we shall talk enroute to Ul’dah. You can tell us what happened, and we can get some more information from them about Doma.” She led the three of them out of the storeroom, and they went upstairs to the upper landing. Urianger waited for them to emerge, and he gazed to them equally. 

“Fate shines bright on ones who bringeth hope to all—glad am I to see thee back to thy regular form.” 

Azlyn rubbed the back of her neck. “I only wish what happened doesn’t turn into some horrifying tale in some book.”

Kida whistled. 

“Kida...” Azlyn groaned. “I’m begging you all, please keep this to yourselves. The last thing I need is for people to say the Bloody Princess of the Sea has the power to transform into a bloody cat.” 

“Fine—my lips are sealed.” She ran her fingers over her lips, zipping them closed and locking them at the end. Kida threw away the make believe key which gave Azlyn cause for relief. 

Alphinaud entered the building, he had his arms crossed, his foot tapping impatiently. “You’re late. I have a chocobo caravan ready to go to Ul’dah. The Domans are just waiting on us to join them. As you all are aware, the rest of the nations on the eastern continent is ruled by the Garlean Empire. Given our visitor’s unannounced arrival, as well as the state of their ship, I suspect they did not leave their homeland under the best circumstances.” 

He shook his head, gesturing for them to follow him out of the Waking Sands. He pointed to the obvious signs of duress on the sails, masts, and hull of the ship. “Needless to say, I should be very interested to hear their tale and more importantly, what they know of the current affairs in the Empire. Such information could prove most useful.”

“I wonder if the situation has changed beyond the border.” Roll murmured, crossing her arms in a long thoughtful way. She tilted her head to the side. “While information would be good for us here in Eorzea, I wonder if taking advantage of that would be… impolite.”

Azlyn agreed with her cousin, but the thought of knowing also seemed just as important. “It’s a matter of morals or etiquette?”

“Psssh, just ask. If they’re in such a pickle as they claim, they’ll probably just tell us everything anyway.” Kida shrugged. Her tone was nonchalant.

“We would be fools not to pursue the opportunity Azlyn, don’t you think? Propriety and etiquette aside, it would be in all our interests to learn more. And are you not curious of the current state of your homeland?”

The Auri frowned, glancing to one another. The only one not worried about it seemed to be Kida.

“I’d be lying if I wasn’t curious.” Azlyn admitted, shaking her head. “But let’s be polite as possible. The last thing we want to do is insult them with our pestering.”

“I concur.” Roll nodded.

With that rule in place, Alphinaud moved them along, walking down the white stone steps to the courtyard of Vesper Bay. Their direction went toward Horizon, by the gates where a chocobo caravan awaited. Inside the carriage, they could see the visitors from the eastern continent anxiously awaiting.

“I apologize for the wait.” Alphinaud hopped onboard, finding an open spot near the left. “however we are ready to make for Ul’dah.”

The woman in purple nodded. “I do not recognize this person.” She pointed to Azlyn. “Is she a part of this envoy?”

Kida smirked, nudging the girl to introduce herself.

“My name is Azlyn—we’ve met… sort of. I was… transformed… as a cat…” She mumbled awkwardly.

There were a few murmurs from the Domans beside her, which made Azlyn uncomfortably silent. She sat next to Alphinaud, where he flawlessly started to explain. “A bit of trouble from the Ul’dahn merchants. They bought a magical potion that would change ones look—and unbeknownst to them, our warrior had been transformed into a cat.” He was grinning ear to ear, his blue eyes alit.

Roll was the last to sit, close to the entry. “It was our mistake. We were looking for something to help her with the pain she has.”

“Yeah, she’s got these cracks in her—” Kida jumped right into it, however Azlyn loudly cleared her throat.

“I would like to know more about the issues that you all have been experiencing. If I remember correctly, you said that you traveled all the way from Doma. That’s quite the journey on such a vessel as yours.” She looked directly to the woman cloaked. “You do not have to fear here, we are all friends, and wish to help.”

“Pray forgive me for observing, but—your choice of attire seems like to evoke feelings of mistrust.” Alphinaud pointed out to her.

“Man are wont to fear the unfamiliar. We know this from experience.” The woman glanced between them, nodding once. “We wished only to spare the people of Ul’dah unnecessary disquiet—however it appears my fears were unwarranted.”

She reached up to her head wrap, slowly revealing her face to them. She was a beautiful Au Ra. She was one of the Raen clan, with porcelain white skin, white scales, and the most intense purple eyes. She had long black hair, pulled back into a high ponytail. Her horns were similar to Roll’s, curving backward. “I am Yugiri—it does reassure me seeing Auri this far from the mainland. I had wondered if we would be persecuted for being a different race.”

Alphinaud nodded in reassurance to her, “You do have shared common grounds, after all Roll and Azlyn both came from Doma long ago.”

Azlyn slowly turned to him, her eyes blinking. “Just saying whatever’s on your mind?”

“You are from Doma?” The one who introduced herself as Yugiri perked, staring to the three of them.

“I’m from the Azim Steppe in Othard.” Kida smirked. “I was raised in a proud Xaela campground, where we lived as nomads. The rolling hills of grassy knolls are one of my favorite sights to remember.”

Roll quipped onto her statement. “Our parents escaped before the Garlean’s pushed in their assault—we managed to escape into Isari, and purchase a boat ride to Kugane. After that we were separated. I went to Eorzea with my mother.”

“And I was raised in Sharlayan with my mother and father. I don’t remember much of what happened, I believe I was only one or two at the time.” Azlyn sighed, wondering if this would be necessary to open a channel of communication. They were currently speaking and given their postures had relaxed some.

“I don’t really remember it either.” Roll leaned back on the bench, thinking to herself. “I just remember hating the hot, dry temperature in Thanalan.”

“It is true the weather is different than in Othard.” Yugiri peered over the side of the wooden cart to the path. They were rolling into Horizon, moving into the plaza area. “There is more moisture in the air comparatively to here.”

A resolute quiet lull occurred in their talks, as they quietly rolled through town. Azlyn fiddled with her satchel, feeling the stares from their overseas compatriots.

“So Alphi!” Kida hunched forward; her elbows squared upon her knees. She grinned to the teen who flushed at her nickname. “Were you able to get a meeting with the sultanate?”

The Sharlayan coughed to clear his throat. “First I’ll have you head to the Quicksand, from there I should be able to pull some more strings to grant us an audience at the very least.”

Yugiri smiled sadly, placing her hands in her lap. “If we can procure an audience, it would be extremely helpful. I am most grateful for your assistance in this matter—if we had come alone, I am sure we would have been declined.”

“Our sultana is a nice lady—you’ll like her, I’m sure.” Kida put both her hands behind her head, whistling.

“Alphinaud, is there a reason for our presence?” Azlyn quirked her head, wondering why they were even with them in the first place.

“Insurance!” He explained, postulating with his index finger. “If our guests are not themselves imperial agents—”

“The Dawn Father strike us down if we are.” Yugiri spoke resolutely.

“it seems fair to assume that they may be being pursued by some. And if not, who better than our warriors of light to have on hand in the event of an unforeseen diplomatic incident?”

Roll sighed, shaking her head. “This was not how I pictured my day would turn out—but here we are.”

Azlyn agreed, joining her cousin’s grumbles. “I wouldn’t have taken the potion if I knew it would change me into a cat. Promise.”

“Richiro said not to take it,” Kida chuckled.

“You pushed the goblet in front of me, don’t you try and blame me for this.”

“We all have equal blame to pay.” Roll shook her head, “but that merchant is paying for it. Heh.”

Alphinaud smiled over to them. “I do so enjoy your sparkling repartee. Satisfied?”

The three nodded, looking over to the Doman visitors. They probably had another hour before reaching Ul’dah, so they jumped right into the heart of their dilemma.

“Few indeed are your allies in Ul’dah, yet you will need some if you wish to endear yourselves to the wealthy and powerful.” Alphinaud crossed one leg over the other, gathering his hands together. He domineered some of the conversation on the way. “Will you share your story with us, and tell us what it is that you seek from the sultanate?”

Azlyn smiled over to the woman, nodding.

“We have traveled some several thousand malms across the sea, from the nation of Doma, in hopes that we might find sanctuary in these lands.”

“Sanctuary, Lady Yugiri?”

“Aye. Lying within Othard, Doma was under the dominion of the Garlean Empire, as I am sure you are already aware.” She gazed over to the three Auri sitting beside him. “When the war of succession broke out in Garlemald, we espied an opportunity to free ourselves from the yoke of imperial oppression, and took up arms.”

“Oooooooo, another rebellion!?” Kida’s pink eyes sparkled.

“Only to be crushed.” Yugiri’s voice palled at the memory, which deflated all the members sitting on the bench. “And so I gathered what few Domans escaped the reckoning, and guided them hither to your shores.”

Azlyn frowned, her hands clenched upon the front hem of her shirt. “I am sorry to hear this had occurred.” She didn’t know what else to say other than her empathy.

Alphinaud blinked rapidly. “A war of succession? Then the emperor…”

“Dead!?” Kida shouted, only for Roll to sigh.

“He was getting up there in age, wasn’t he? No one is immortal.”

Kida scoffed, while Azlyn nervously chuckled.

“Well, humanoid ones anyways.” She corrected, shaking her head.

“Forgive me Lady Yugiri, you mentioned that Doma was under imperial rule, did you not?” Azlyn jumped right into the heart of the matter. Something about her earlier words struck her odd, and it had been this statement. It sounded like it was a past tense, which would be odd considering that Doma had been under imperial rule for as long as she had been alive.

Yugiri nodded, her two attendants with her frowned as well. “Doma is gone.”

Azlyn felt a heavy chill run down her spine. The hot weather of Thanalan couldn’t stop the goosebumps that arose on her skin.

“What?!” Kida gasped.

“Razed to the ground as an example to the other provinces.” Yugiri explained, her face weary.

“Twelve have mercy.” Alphinaud looked over them, his eyes widened at this shocking revelation. The rest of them were processing this. “And your people?”

Azlyn wondered how many injured and wounded there were—given the amount of destruction this empire could cause. If they could bring about an Ultima Weapon and try to reactivate Dalamud to raze Eorzea—it’d be a piece of cake for them to burn a province to the ground. She squeezed her hands closed, biting her cheek.

Yugiri explained succinctly. “On a ship anchored further away from Vesper Bay—flying borrowed colors. Many were complicit in the rebellion or are kin to those who were. They will not come ashore until I send word that it is safe to do so. That is why I seek an audience with your rulers.”

“The lords of Ul’dah are not wont to entertain foreign refugees without suitable encouragement.” Alphinaud sighed as he tapped his chin in thought. He seemed to be thinking how best to approach the Syndicate and Royalists. 

“What has happened is nothing more than a tragedy. Given the state of things, how are you doing on resources?” Azlyn inquired, thinking of the worn-down vessel anchored in Vesper Bay.

“Our supplies run low, and we have young ones in urgent need of care.” In the distance, the large bustling city-state of Ul’dah could be seen. The large gates welcomed many inside, but also housed many white tents along the outside walls. There were a few malms worth of refugees just struggling to get by.

“I see tents outside the city walls.” Yugiri observed, before turning to them once more. “We are not the first to seek asylum, nor will we be the last.”

Roll bobbed her head in agreement, “Unfortunately Ul’dah has been in this position for some time. Many have come seeking a chance to gain coin, and some have thoroughly suffered for it.”

“It’s not just here, but in the other City-States too.” Azlyn remembered Baderon telling her about more Auri arriving in town after hearing rumors of the Bloody Princess. She wondered if they were refugees who escaped or just decided to travel before everything crashed.

“Be that as it may, Ul’dah is no friend to Garlemald. Your tale would stir the hearts of many men and women here.” Alphinaud concluded to them, nodding his head. “The sultana and the Syndicate will not be so easily swayed—but I shall see that you are granted an opportunity to plead your case.”

“I thank you for your generosity Master Alphinaud. We will remember the kindnesses we have been given.” Yugiri formally bowed from her bench, and her attendants joined her.

Azlyn waved her hands back and forth, “Please rise, this is nothing. Really.”

Alphinaud nodded. “Well, far be it from me to boast, but I do have the ear of certain influential individuals.”

Kida laughed, shaking her head. “Man, that was totally a boast.”

The rest of their caravan ride went smoothly on, until they were dropped off at the gates where Alphinaud parted ways with them. “It seems I have urgent business with the Flame General.” He winked over to the trio. “I leave our guests in your capable hands.”

Kida waved to him as he ran down the bustling paved road to the Immortal Flames post.

Meanwhile Azlyn directed them to walk toward the Adventurers Hall known as the Quicksand. “You must be thirsty and famished. Let’s stop by the Quicksand and order something.”

Yugiri looked ready to refuse, but Roll smiled to her. “You can’t lead anyone if you’re not taking care of your needs. Please, it’s on us.”

Kida produced a bag from her side. “Trust us, we can cover.”

“I am in your debt.” She formally spoke to them; a small smile graced her lips. “This is Ul’dah? The buildings are massive in size.”

“Many trades and craftsmen reside in Ul’dah.” Roll walked up a set of stairs that would lead into the bar. “And so many workshops and buildings were designed with this concept in mind. Ul’dah is known for its saying: We can turn even sand to gold.”

Kida ran ahead of them, grabbing one of the doors to pull it open. “I can smell the roasted pig already. I’ll grab us a table.”

They all found a table in a tucked away corner in the lower landing. Many waitresses were running around taking orders for food and drink. When they placed their orders, there was another shift of silence. Yugiri had been looking around the establishment, seeing the heavy traffic of people that came and gone.

It had been when their food arrived when Yugiri asked them. She seemed loathsome to ask, but desperation was apparent. “Though it shames me to beg for more when you have already offered us much, desperation compels me—would you three spare any provisions—anything at all—it would go a long way to lessen the suffering of my people.”

Roll lowered her silverware, thinking to herself. “I might… have some stuff. Are you looking for things like clothing, materials to build, weapons, food—or just an assortment of things?”

Kida stuck her fork in the meat of her dish, letting it stand on its own. “I have plenty of ore—not sure if any of you have many armorers or blacksmiths—but I can donate a few crates. They’re just taking up space in my apartment.”

Azlyn sheepishly looked away, before she caught eyes with Momodi at the counter. An idea occurred to her that she didn’t think of yet. “I… I don’t have much, but if you can stay with Roll and Kida… I think I can come up with something too.” She rose from her chair, her meal completely forgotten. “Please enjoy your meal!” She retreated, running away as Kida shouted behind her.

“I’ll get your food to-go!”

She shook her head, taking the steps up to the upper landing and walking over to Momodi. “Well I’ll be—Azlyn, what can I do for you today?” She spied a wall of jobs in the back, and one happened to be a white cat drawing with purple and red eyes. She just wanted to rip that poster off the wall.

“Don’t suppose you could take down the posters of the missing cat?”

The Lalafellin proprietress laughed at her request. “Why would I do that?! The sultana herself requested this cat to be found—she is the precious royal feline—from what I’ve been told.”

“I…see…” Azlyn nervously rubbed her neck, feeling the red ribbon still tied to her. “I guess I’ll take care of that later—Momodi, can I have a bit of assistance? There’s a ship full of hurt Domans that arrived in Vesper Bay. Lady Yugiri, she’s the lovely lady sitting with Roll and Kida. They’re running low on provisions and some young ones require aide, is there anything you can think of where I can procure them some stuff?”

“Hells, course I’ll help you Azlyn! You couldn’t have picked a better day, with all these merchants in town bringing in all sorts of cats resembling this one here. And we had a bit of call ins for parties and reservations.” Momodi tapped the poster which made Azlyn cringe. “A wealthy merchant an’ his entourage were due to have a banquet here on the morrow, see, but just sent word they can’t come, meanin’ I’ve got a boatload of foodstuffs an’ no one to feed. Best of all, they paid for the lot in advance! Hah Hah!”

Azlyn blinked three times, understanding now why Momodi seemed inclined to help her. It was already paid for, and the unlucky bastards would reap what they sowed for paying in advance. “Momodi, that’d be great—but is that really alright?”

The proprietress clicked her tongue, waving a hand to dismiss her concern. She started to pen two letters and sealed them into envelopes. She passed it over to her. “Go an’ call on Fridurth an’ Katherine at the Sapphire Avenue Exchange. Tell ‘em I said to ship the little prince’s order to the Wakin’ Sands. Oh, an’ if they argue, just show ‘em those letters. That should set ‘em straight.” She giggled deviously, before hopping down from the counter.

With the two merchants to find, the Au Ra with white hair dashed out of the Quicksand and down the streets of Ul’dah. She found herself in Pearl lane and continued upward until she hit the markets. From there the Sapphire Avenue began. She walked down an aisle of shops, finding Fridurth selling all types of provisions.

“Momodi sent me to speak with you about the little prince’s order.” Azlyn introduced herself, nodding her head to him. “She is requesting you send the shipment over to the Waking Sands for the Domans anchored at the harbor.”

“She’s in the business of feedin’ refugees, now? I ain’t normally one to question Mistress Momodi’s judgment, but that doesn’t seem wise to me.”

Azlyn passed him the letter Momodi gave her. He stopped his pandering, opening the letter to read the contents. He sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll not speak for the children, but if you ask me, any man what can’t earn a crust deserves to go hungry.”

She shrugged. “Do you know where I can find Katherine?”

Fridurth pointed down the avenue a few booths down. “Katherine will be over yonder. Good luck with her.”


She went through her entire dialogue that explained why the shipment needed to be sent over to the Waking Sands instead to Katherine. The woman shook her head wondering why the request had been made in the first place. “My. That’s a rather odd request. Mayhap you misheard her instructions?”

Azlyn just passed her the letter she received from Momodi. As Katherine opened the letter, she gleaned the writing before sighing.

“You know, you shouldn’t encourage them like this. They’ll start to expect it, you mark my words!”

She narrowed her eyes, wondering if it would be worth it to argue humanitarian issues in the middle of a busy intersection. With her tasks done, she returned to the Quicksand where she went straight to the counter Momodi had cleaned.

“They didn’t give you trouble, did they?”

“Not really.” Azlyn smiled, leaning to her. “Can I make another request to remove the poster of the cat again?”

Momodi lifted her cloth, before smacking her forehead with it. “Nope. The original poster who requested it can do that. Now go an’ tell Lady Yugiri it’s all in hand.”

Rubbing her head, she did as told—mostly worried the Proprietress would pull out a duster and smack her if she persisted. She’d just have to come clean to the sultana… and dreaded it. She returned the table seeing her group had already finished their meals. Azlyn sat down, starting to nibble on the finger foods on her plate.

“Momodi has sent a shipment of food over to the Waking Sands for your people Lady Yugiri—I hope this helps you all.”

Kida gave her a thumbs up, whistling. “How’d you manage that one?”

“Luck I think.” Azlyn popped another fried bit into her mouth to chew.

“I—I dared not hope for such magnanimity, much less expect it! Roll and Kida have already requested your associates to deliver their materials over to our ship as well.” Lady Yugiri looked over her shoulder to the proprietress. She smiled warmly. “And Mistress Momodi is generous indeed, I shall be sure to thank her most humbly.”

Azlyn waved her hand back and forth. “It’s the least we can do, right?” 

Roll smiled softly to her, nodding. “It’s just collecting dust in my workshop, and it’s going to a good cause. If any of them are willing to learn how to make or craft, I’d be happy to run workshops too.” 

Kida excitedly bobbed her head. “Ooooo! I can run a workshop on how to gather and mine!” 

“Let’s get them through the first hurdle.” Azlyn said, thinking of the audience Alphinaud would secure. She didn’t know how everything would pan out, but she wasn’t going to raise her hopes. Her cousin seemed to agree with her sentiment, tapping her finger on the table. 

Alphinaud approached their table, smiling to them as he waved in greeting. 

“Alphinaud, how’d it go?” Azlyn smiled up to him, she hoped he had some good news to share given his tenacity for diplomacy. 

“Lady Yugiri, I briefed the Flame General on your situation. I think you will be pleased with his reply.” 

Yugiri’s eyes widened as she connected the implication. “We have been granted an audience?” 

Alphinaud nodded. “Before the sultana and the Syndicate both. We should head to the Royal Promenade at once.” He gestured to their finished meal. “It is good that you’ve fed our guests.” 

Kida patted her own chest, “Of course! We also made sure to send them provisions to get them started.” 

“How very generous of you!” Alphinaud blinked thinking of how much they possibly gave over to them. “but not surprising given your disposition.” 

Yugiri formally bowed to them, and replied solemnly. “You all have done much for us. I swear we shall return the favor.” Her eyes held a determined glance, one that held promise and resolution. 

The Sharlayan shook his head, gesturing for them to follow him out of the Quicksand. As they walked out of the establishment, he spoke to them eloquently. “Naught is owed, Lady Yugiri, for naught has been given. This small favor, you fairly won with your words. And it is your words that you must win the favor of the Syndicate.” 

“And you’ve given us an opportunity to make space in our living abodes, so no worries!” Kida jumped in to explain their own contributions. “The real battle begins, and that’s the Syndicate!” 

Roll remained silent, keeping to the back of the group. Azlyn joined her, keeping the Domans in the center of their group. Kida and Alphinaud held the frontline. They moved into the interior of Ul’dah—taking the Steps of Nald upward. 

“I shall choose my words with care.” Yugiri considered, and looked to the approaching red carpet. 

“Are we all going to be attending this meeting?” Roll perked up, calling to Alphinaud. The young boy looked over his shoulder, nodding. 

“Your presences may serve as a reminder to the Syndicate of the true meaning of philanthropy—and that nothing to unpalatable will be required of them, assuming the Domans are willing to earn their keep.” They were passing the roundabout, following the carpet down to the audience chamber. Standing at the end of the hall had been the knight, Bartholomew and the Flame General Raubahn. “Ah, there’s the Flame General now.” He waved in greeting upon their approach. 

The grizzled General of the Immortal Flames crossed his arms over his chest as he eyed each of them. There was a momentary pause where his eyes lingered upon Azlyn before he smirked. He nodded, speaking gruffly. “A pleasure as always. The others are already inside. Let’s not keep them waiting.” Raubahn turned on his heel, and led them to the door. 

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